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I've never met an Aussie yet that drinks Fosters. I think that must be why it is the number one export beer, noone at home will touch the stuff.

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I've never met an Aussie yet that drinks Fosters. I think that must be why it is the number one export beer, noone at home will touch the stuff.

ole pudgy the soapy does'nt realise that, thats why his post was so lame :o:D

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I wish there was a PC term for my nationality--people from the United States. I don't really wish to be called an American after learning that Amerigo Vaspucci was a Portugese slave trader...true or not, he nor the Spanish were the first to step foot on to those continents. Now whether the Scandanavians did or not, weren't the Japanese and/or Chinese there before Europe?

What would sound better though...I'm a statesman...no that's not equal to woman. I'm a statesperson...no...I give up

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I wish there was a PC term for my nationality--people from the United States. I don't really wish to be called an American after learning that Amerigo Vaspucci was a Portugese slave trader...true or not, he nor the Spanish were the first to step foot on to those continents. Now whether the Scandanavians did or not, weren't the Japanese and/or Chinese there before Europe?

What would sound better though...I'm a statesman...no that's not equal to woman. I'm a statesperson...no...I give up

Ho boy, what's with this banging your head against a wall?

What's wrong with calling yourself an American? Sure, every nation and nationality has its historic black holes but then again some have plenty to be proud of - including Americans.

Nope, there's only one country I'd have problems with - after all, who'd honestly want to be called French !


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... every nation and nationality has its historic black holes ....

Apparently, some Welsh activists want the verb "to Welsh" removed from English dictionaries. It means "to renege on a deal", or "to not repay a debt" which is what the Welsh apparently did a lot, albeit a few hundred years ago, although - strangely - most dictionaries say "origin unknown".....


And then of course, there's the nursery rhyme:

Taffy was a Welshman,

Taffy was a thief.

Taffy came to my house

And stole a leg of beef.

I went to Taffy's house,

Taffy was in bed.

I picked up the leg of beef

And hit him on the head.

But enough of this historical clap-trap :D . The Welsh are no different to anybody else - AND they can sing! :o

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... every nation and nationality has its historic black holes ....

Apparently, some Welsh activists want the verb "to Welsh" removed from English dictionaries. It means "to renege on a deal", or "to not repay a debt" which is what the Welsh apparently did a lot, albeit a few hundred years ago, although - strangely - most dictionaries say "origin unknown".....


And then of course, there's the nursery rhyme:

Taffy was a Welshman,

Taffy was a thief.

Taffy came to my house

And stole a leg of beef.

I went to Taffy's house,

Taffy was in bed.

I picked up the leg of beef

And hit him on the head.

But enough of this historical clap-trap :D . The Welsh are no different to anybody else - AND they can sing! :o

Yes they can sing,but I'm a bit worried about their heros...Barry John and Garath Edwards...They played in the backs! Surely a hero was a forward that did not prisoners.... :D

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... every nation and nationality has its historic black holes ....

Apparently, some Welsh activists want the verb "to Welsh" removed from English dictionaries. It means "to renege on a deal", or "to not repay a debt" which is what the Welsh apparently did a lot, albeit a few hundred years ago, although - strangely - most dictionaries say "origin unknown".....


And then of course, there's the nursery rhyme:

Taffy was a Welshman,

Taffy was a thief.

Taffy came to my house

And stole a leg of beef.

I went to Taffy's house,

Taffy was in bed.

I picked up the leg of beef

And hit him on the head.

But enough of this historical clap-trap :D . The Welsh are no different to anybody else - AND they can sing! :o

Yes they can sing,but I'm a bit worried about their heros...Barry John and Garath Edwards...They played in the backs! Surely a hero was a forward that did not prisoners.... :D

Even the welsh "backs" back then were tougher than the all balck forwards :D

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Forgive me but I didn't read past this bit. Are you trying to suggest that domain ownership will in any way screw their business efforts? You realise its a small matter for them to force you into a rights battle with ICANN? Do you really know how the internet works?


But alas, you are wrong.

Not a single non-multinational company has yet won a fight against another equally sized company. The cases you might be ferering to are almost all (apart from Madonna vs a catholic school) Multinational companys vs smaller companys or individuals.

You see people, in the real world, once you become big enough, you are always right.

Off topic too..

You misunderstand - it is not easy to WIN, its easy to get into a rights battle. I can do it tomorrow with a domain name you own, for example. It's something that needs to be changed but it is a fact. :o

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One of the things I like about Thai's is that they are not afraid to speak their mind.


To your face or behind your back? :o

Have no time to wade through the thread at present but will do later. Sorry if the above obvious question has already been posed.

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... every nation and nationality has its historic black holes ....

Apparently, some Welsh activists want the verb "to Welsh" removed from English dictionaries. It means "to renege on a deal", or "to not repay a debt" which is what the Welsh apparently did a lot, albeit a few hundred years ago, although - strangely - most dictionaries say "origin unknown".....


And then of course, there's the nursery rhyme:

Taffy was a Welshman,

Taffy was a thief.

Taffy came to my house

And stole a leg of beef.

I went to Taffy's house,

Taffy was in bed.

I picked up the leg of beef

And hit him on the head.

But enough of this historical clap-trap :D . The Welsh are no different to anybody else - AND they can sing! :D

The orginins of the term 'to Welsh' oddly enough refers to the English. Pre-English conquest of Wales, English law had no validty in the still independent Wales. If an Englishman were to run foul of the authorities, or if he had debts he couldn't pay then he'd cross the border to live among the Welsh - hence the term 'gone Welsh' or 'to Welsh'.

The Taffy was a Welshman rhyme originated around Chester which, in those days, was on the border with Wales. It was common practice for the farming peasentry on both sides of the border to make night raids to rustle cattle from the other side - hence the leg of beef.

But I think we rub along well enough these days (where's that bloody gun).


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..If an Englishman were to run foul of the authorities, or if he had debts he couldn't pay then he'd cross the border to live among the Welsh - hence the term 'gone Welsh' or 'to Welsh'....

Thanks for the clarification! (Bugger, can't use that any more to p1ss off the Welsh :D )

What about "to Jap out"? - means to lose control. I think we can all work out where that one comes from! :D:o

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The situation in the UK is now ridiculous

We have to employ blacks, pakistanis and other such people who are generally rude and lazy. We are not allowed to keep our own culture, practice our own religion in our own schools. Its not allowed to make someone feel as an outsider - for instance saying to an immigrant "I find your behaviour rude, its not the correct way to bahave in this country" is considered very racist. Personally when I live in another country I try to assimilate with the culture as far as possible.

The situation now, we have many muslim communities who generally dispise the English people - the streets arent safe. As an English Brit many rural ethnic areas are out of bounds. You simply wouldnt go there, we are being outnumbered.

######ing Pakistani, arabs, Turkish.

I hope one day to have England free from all those lazy people, because England never in its history went into a country imposing rules as in a colony.

In actual fact, the reason there are so many Pakistanis in the U.K. is because however many years ago, WE were the ones who were too lazy to work in the corner shops etc... So we welcomed them to do the jobs for us, naturally they brought their families and had children and the rest is history.

They came mainly from Kenya first then Uganda. I don't think that we were to lazy to run are corner shops, the Asians just organised it better. The West Indians were brought in for labour reasons.

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The situation in the UK is now ridiculous

We have to employ blacks, pakistanis and other such people who are generally rude and lazy. We are not allowed to keep our own culture, practice our own religion in our own schools. Its not allowed to make someone feel as an outsider - for instance saying to an immigrant "I find your behaviour rude, its not the correct way to bahave in this country" is considered very racist. Personally when I live in another country I try to assimilate with the culture as far as possible.

The situation now, we have many muslim communities who generally dispise the English people - the streets arent safe. As an English Brit many rural ethnic areas are out of bounds. You simply wouldnt go there, we are being outnumbered.

######ing Pakistani, arabs, Turkish.

I hope one day to have England free from all those lazy people, because England never in its history went into a country imposing rules as in a colony.

In actual fact, the reason there are so many Pakistanis in the U.K. is because however many years ago, WE were the ones who were too lazy to work in the corner shops etc... So we welcomed them to do the jobs for us, naturally they brought their families and had children and the rest is history.

They came mainly from Kenya first then Uganda. I don't think that we were to lazy to run are corner shops, the Asians just organised it better. The West Indians were brought in for labour reasons.

Naaw, the real reason the UK had such an influx of east Asians was to provide an outlet for those Geordie piss-heads to do a good "Saturday Night Paki-Bash"! :o

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Its just a sign, in a bar. Meant to get rid of sleezy arab men of the woman-groping variety. Why do you have to be so deep?

I saw the same sign in a bar in Pattaya (Soi Diana) and in the toilet of the same bar an even funnier sign "By order of the Royal Thai Government - smoking has been declared illegal in this toilet. Offenders will be fines 100,000,000 baht."




Just so you know:

Most Muslims are NOT Arabs. Indonesia, after all, is the world's biggest Muslim country.

A very large number of "Arabs" are NOT Muslim. Palestinians, for example, have a significant Christian element in their population. Those people are ethnically "Arab", but also host some of the world's oldest Christian congregations.

So in your scenario, a Palestinian Christian would be denied service at your noble little bar because he "looked" Arab. Christians, of course, never get drunk and molest women, so this guy should fit right in at your little bar, but he gets tossed out because he's not the right KIND of Christian, hmmm...

Oh, but I guess that's OK with you because the proprietors "mean well".

Oh yeah, "Respecting their belief in Islam" while at the same time accusing them of "molesting women" doesn't seem to fit on the same sign, since the latter implies a complete misunderstanding of the former.

but I think the attitude has a lot to do with the fact that they are not as lax on foriegn residency as we are and they have never let another country populate them.
Ah... this is a classic. I can't count the number of times I've heard some American idiot say the same kind of thing, but when I ask him about his family roots, it turns out he's only a second or third generation descendant of immigrants himself.

Such is often the case with people of this mindset. They are perfectly willing to disparage new immigrants while at the same time lauding the virtues of their own immigrant ancestors. Lucky for him, such opinions are not universally held. Otherwise we'd have to tell all those descendants of Jutes, Normans, Angles, and Saxons to get off that little island they mistakenly call home. Well, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing after all, because then the Scots would have the run of the place and they're a much more sensible group of people :o .

Case in point, here we have a defacto immigrant to Thailand complaining about Britian being too lax with it's immigration policies. So in this guy's mind, it's OK for HIM to be an immigrant, but not for other people. And yes, it's true that Thailand's immigration policies are a nightmare for anyone who REALLY wants to immigrate, but that doesn't stop a whole lot of people from taking advantage of Thailand's very, very, very, very lax enforcement of it's tourist visa and work permit policies. So again, this guy thinks it's perfectly OK for him to take advantage of a favorable system for him here in Thailand, but he disparages those who take advantage of a favorable system FOR THEM back home.

Hypocrisy? Yes. I think so.

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Yeah, nobody likes them.

Sock on head, soldier-hippie dessert gypsies..

I havent been to Israel, I imagine they arent all like that.

As far as I know most police here really hate them, if you got in a fight with one you might get away with it!

QUOTE(The Gentleman Scamp @ 2005-06-01 20:14:32)




I have been told that there is was a good reason for signs like these.Many people from that neck of the woods would treat the ladies like a piece of &lt;deleted&gt;. Ask a few of the old timers in Pattaya, they will tell you the stories.

The first time i came to Thailand, i had just got to the hotel (the landmark) and i was stood at the reception waiting to check in when 3 isralies(spelling) came in barged past me and the people in front of me, then for some reason started verbally abusing the girl behind the counter shouting they wanted a differnt room or some &lt;deleted&gt; like that, anyway that went on for a couple of minutes, nobody seemed to do anything so i said to them what the ###### do you think your doing, shouting at the poor girl isnt going to get anything sorted, they turned round to me and said shut the &lt;deleted&gt; up or we are going to cut you, all this in a five star hotel, so with that the manager came out and very shortly afterwards they were escorted off the premises by the police( hope they got a nice cell with some big boy) not sure what happened after that. Great introduction to Thailand ehh. Since that happened i have noticed on more than one occasion very rude and abusive israleis(spelling) in various locations and i am just waiting for the day that one of them gets a good slap, because what i have seen of them they deserve it.

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Freedom of speech is one of our human rights, yet government try to restrict this with 'politically correct' terms, you are still implying the same ######ing message, it's just sugar coated. I can't see any positives in pc I think it just drives people to be as un-pc as they can to piss the government off, rightfully so!

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Yeah, nobody likes them.

Sock on head, soldier-hippie dessert gypsies..

I havent been to Israel, I imagine they arent all like that.

As far as I know most police here really hate them, if you got in a fight with one you might get away with it!

It is comforting to know you feel qualified to comment on this matter.

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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Freedom of speech is one of our human rights, yet government try to restrict this with 'politically correct' terms, you are still implying the same ######ing message, it's just sugar coated.  I can't see any positives in pc I think it just drives people to be as un-pc as they can to piss the government off, rightfully so!

Actually it increases the amount of terms of expression you have

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Go to New Zealand

Thanks to Helen Clark ,its the home of middle class PCness.

Gets worse every time I go back.

Agree re the middle easterners,not sure why but they can be very rude and aggressive...if challenged perhaps its the climate.

Freedom of speech is one of our human rights, yet government try to restrict this with 'politically correct' terms, you are still implying the same ######ing message, it's just sugar coated.  I can't see any positives in pc I think it just drives people to be as un-pc as they can to piss the government off, rightfully so!

Actually it increases the amount of terms of expression you have

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Can somebody explain the difference between saying African Black which is allowed on this board and 'African Blackie' which is not, why does the ie carry such meaning? Scouser has pointed this out to me. Does anyone from Liverpool find the term 'Scouser' offensive?-peter

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Can somebody explain the difference between saying African Black which is allowed on this board and 'African Blackie' which is not, why does the ie carry such meaning? Scouser has pointed this out to me. Does anyone from Liverpool find the term 'Scouser' offensive?-peter

No, Liverpudlians don't take offensive to Scouser's, it's just a local identity... As people from Newcastle are Geordies and Londoners are Cockneys. Nothing derogatory intended.

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For a pretty good rundown on how the PC zealots (and the craven management who yield to them) go about making life miserable for the rest of us, you might like to pop in here.


You won't know whether to laugh or cry


Having read some of the stuff on there I'm convinced somebody would find scouser or gordie offensive. Seems there is no limit to this sort of stupidity. Thank god for places like Thailand where clowns can still black up and midgets can still earn a living by being taken the piss out of, not to mention the obligotory katoey figure of fun, funny fat buggers and where the village idiot is always from Issan, shocking :D But when was the last time there was a race riot or any religious conflict in LOS? not counting the islamic madmen extemmists from the south of course-peter

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For a pretty good rundown on how the PC zealots (and the craven management who yield to them) go about making life miserable for the rest of us, you might like to pop in here.


You won't know whether to laugh or cry


Having read some of the stuff on there I'm convinced somebody would find scouser or gordie offensive. Seems there is no limit to this sort of stupidity. Thank god for places like Thailand where clowns can still black up and midgets can still earn a living by being taken the piss out of, not to mention the obligotory katoey figure of fun, funny fat buggers and where the village idiot is always from Issan, shocking :D But when was the last time there was a race riot or any religious conflict in LOS? not counting the islamic madmen extemmists from the south of course-peter

As someone whose father was born as near to the centre of Liverpool as is possible - in Bootle - I can assure you no one who comes from Liverpool would be offended by being called a scouser.

As every Liverpudlian knows, Scouse is a dish of culinary perfection, way beyond the skills of Gordan Blue chefs, only ever really perfected by one's Mum (provided, of course, she also hails from the Cultural Capital of Europe).

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