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Thai Government Ready For More Talks With Red Shirts

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Red shirt's democracy = we can protest, but you can't !!


Yellow shirt's democracy = we potested, ruined the tourist industry, took over international airport, had no Police or Army stop us - but red shirt's can't


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Red shirt's democracy = we can protest, but you can't !!


Yellow shirt's democracy = we potested, ruined the tourist industry, took over international airport, had no Police or Army stop us - but red shirt's can't


your boy Thaksin was in charge via his proxy so why did they not stop it?

> Anyone know where I can donate umbrellas and

> towels to our dear friends the red shirts? biggrin.gif

At Ratchaprasong. Any crackdown will happen at night, as it alwasy does; during the day you can safely get there.

I'll qualify that. Just last week I was strolling around Rajaprasong at around 3.00-4.00 AM getting some night air and I felt as safe as houses.

Houses can fall down and crush you, in seconds...

just ask the Chinese.

The countries best interest MUST come first.

Exactly! hold an election and let the people decide!

And they certainly will sometime between 6 months

and/or 1.5 years when it is legally required.

To do so when a street mob demands if is the slippery slope to perpetual mob rule.

and can not be allowed no matter what validity some of their back story reasons might have.

Red shirt's democracy = we can protest, but you can't !!


Yellow shirt's democracy = we potested, ruined the tourist industry, took over international airport, had no Police or Army stop us - but red shirt's can't


your boy Thaksin was in charge via his proxy so why did they not stop it?

they were in the process of being banned - they tend to do that here you know... ban parties because of individuals transgressions - do that in your country do they? democracy is it? becareful you might find the yellow party being banned too! in fact let's BAN them all!!!

Red shirts love Thailand and if elections bring them to power - good things will happen for all in thailand!! :)

You just had me spilling my water of laughter .....

The Reds are just in it for themselves. They got what appeared to be handouts and promises of debt reduction from Thaksin (they still think those handouts to their Pu Yai ban were directly out of T's pockets - ask them, if you don't believe me.)

Have the Reds ever mentioned the Hill Tribers or migrant workers residing in Thailand who are much worse off then themselves? No, of course not. Do the Reds have any suggestions/ideas regarding saving the environment? Not that I've heard of. All their clamoring relates to money: how they can get more of the stuff for themselves and for Thaksin. Democracy is some word they bandy around, but have no idea what it really means.

I agree there's gross inequality and stratification between the haves and the have-nots. However, there are better ways to deal with that - than hiring men with automatic weapons to shoot at security personnel ....or tossing a mixture of pigs blood and tainted human blood on city sidewalks.


Red shirts send survival kit to Abhisit

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A red-shirt supporter showed up at the 11th Infantry Regiment yesterday with some food for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, but this was by no means a gesture of goodwill.

Attached with the noodles, cans of coffee and bottles of water was a message from the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, which read: "Let the prime minister eat so that he can survive at least until he dissolves the House of Representatives and pays for his bad deeds as a murderer."

Chantisa Rojanapimuk, who was accompanied by her boyfriend, said core red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua had assigned this duty to her. She left the food and the message with the guards at the gate.


Lone woman challenges red shirts

by the Nation

An unidentified lone woman turned up behind the Rajprasong rally stage of the red-shirts at 9 am Thursday and criticised the leaders for causing trouble to the public.

Worachai Hemma met her and tried to explain the causes of the red shirts while other protesters started to boo her.

Eventually, red-shirt guards had to escort her out of the area to a spot in front of the President Hotel.

Reporters saw some protesters with sticks in hands running after her.

despite the current murderous reputation of the Army, who seemed to behaved better here and respected another parties right to have an opposing opinion?

come on you red shirt apologists and sympathisers

please rise up as one and have the committment to the red cause to tell me that you think its ok for red shirt protestors to chase a woman down the street with sticks who had the courage to challenge the red shirt leadership and tell them that she thought what they were doing was wrong

doesn't democrasy allow opposing parties to have a differing opinion to yours without suffering penalty for doing so?

please tell me where the democrasy you are supposed to be seeking was when this happened?

or is just a red democrasy you are seeking?

if so i think they call that by another name

so one of the leaders met with her, listened to her, and then escorted her from the area, then some 'nameless' re[orters allegedly saw her chased by people with sticks, who are these reporters, where are the pictures of this stick chasing, or maybe it just never happened.

Red shirt's democracy = we can protest, but you can't !!


Yellow shirt's democracy = we potested, ruined the tourist industry, took over international airport, had no Police or Army stop us - but red shirt's can't


Oh, OK then, the red's leadership can destroy the country, kill people, and blow things of too. Good point.

Red shirt's democracy = we can protest, but you can't !!


Yellow shirt's democracy = we potested, ruined the tourist industry, took over international airport, had no Police or Army stop us - but red shirt's can't



Is that the only defense you have left - the yellow shirts' actions?

You only use the actions of Yellow shirts (who you guys are so against) to justify Reds actions. Are you kidding me?


Red shirts send survival kit to Abhisit

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A red-shirt supporter showed up at the 11th Infantry Regiment yesterday with some food for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, but this was by no means a gesture of goodwill.

Attached with the noodles, cans of coffee and bottles of water was a message from the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, which read: "Let the prime minister eat so that he can survive at least until he dissolves the House of Representatives and pays for his bad deeds as a murderer."

Chantisa Rojanapimuk, who was accompanied by her boyfriend, said core red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua had assigned this duty to her. She left the food and the message with the guards at the gate.


Lone woman challenges red shirts

by the Nation

An unidentified lone woman turned up behind the Rajprasong rally stage of the red-shirts at 9 am Thursday and criticised the leaders for causing trouble to the public.

Worachai Hemma met her and tried to explain the causes of the red shirts while other protesters started to boo her.

Eventually, red-shirt guards had to escort her out of the area to a spot in front of the President Hotel.

Reporters saw some protesters with sticks in hands running after her.

despite the current murderous reputation of the Army, who seemed to behaved better here and respected another parties right to have an opposing opinion?

come on you red shirt apologists and sympathisers

please rise up as one and have the committment to the red cause to tell me that you think its ok for red shirt protestors to chase a woman down the street with sticks who had the courage to challenge the red shirt leadership and tell them that she thought what they were doing was wrong

doesn't democrasy allow opposing parties to have a differing opinion to yours without suffering penalty for doing so?

please tell me where the democrasy you are supposed to be seeking was when this happened?

or is just a red democrasy you are seeking?

if so i think they call that by another name

come on, i thought you red supports/sympathisers were vocal and fully committed to the red cause ?

is there really no red shirt that wants to stand up, be counted and say they think its OK for one courageous, unarmed woman who disagreed with the reds idea of democrasy and took that opinion to them, to be chased down the street with sticks ?


1 post deleted. If you give information from a news source, please provide a link so people can check and read the whole story.

Unfortunately we cannot allow qoutes or lining to some news sources. To other news sources you should limit a 3 sentence quote and link to the rest of the story. Also make clear what the source is (which news paper).

Red shirt's democracy = we can protest, but you can't !!


Yellow shirt's democracy = we potested, ruined the tourist industry, took over international airport, had no Police or Army stop us - but red shirt's can't


Oh, OK then, the red's leadership can destroy the country, kill people, and blow things of too. Good point.

no - two wrongs do not make a right - but they set the tone so to speak - if it WAS cracked down then - evenly and fairly - maybe we might not have this problem - but the Policy and Army opened the way for them - no tanks, no APCcs - ask yourself why??? then when you have the obvious answer tell yourself 'now i understand why the reds are so angry and frustrated'


Red shirts send survival kit to Abhisit

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A red-shirt supporter showed up at the 11th Infantry Regiment yesterday with some food for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, but this was by no means a gesture of goodwill.

Attached with the noodles, cans of coffee and bottles of water was a message from the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, which read: "Let the prime minister eat so that he can survive at least until he dissolves the House of Representatives and pays for his bad deeds as a murderer."

Chantisa Rojanapimuk, who was accompanied by her boyfriend, said core red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua had assigned this duty to her. She left the food and the message with the guards at the gate.


Lone woman challenges red shirts

by the Nation

An unidentified lone woman turned up behind the Rajprasong rally stage of the red-shirts at 9 am Thursday and criticised the leaders for causing trouble to the public.

Worachai Hemma met her and tried to explain the causes of the red shirts while other protesters started to boo her.

Eventually, red-shirt guards had to escort her out of the area to a spot in front of the President Hotel.

Reporters saw some protesters with sticks in hands running after her.

despite the current murderous reputation of the Army, who seemed to behaved better here and respected another parties right to have an opposing opinion?

come on you red shirt apologists and sympathisers

please rise up as one and have the committment to the red cause to tell me that you think its ok for red shirt protestors to chase a woman down the street with sticks who had the courage to challenge the red shirt leadership and tell them that she thought what they were doing was wrong

doesn't democrasy allow opposing parties to have a differing opinion to yours without suffering penalty for doing so?

please tell me where the democrasy you are supposed to be seeking was when this happened?

or is just a red democrasy you are seeking?

if so i think they call that by another name

so one of the leaders met with her, listened to her, and then escorted her from the area, then some 'nameless' re[orters allegedly saw her chased by people with sticks, who are these reporters, where are the pictures of this stick chasing, or maybe it just never happened.

ok Tony, its clear the reporters, did their job and reported it as you have said

it was on the international news sites

those same reporters seemed to see somone chase her down the street with sticks and reported that too

looks like balanced reporting to me

you sound like a balanced individual, with a chip on both shoulders

so how do you see it Tony?

is it right she was chased with sticks for speaking out against the reds?

do you support that kind of red democrasy?

they were in the process of being banned - they tend to do that here you know... ban parties because of individuals transgressions - do that in your country do they? democracy is it? becareful you might find the yellow party being banned too! in fact let's BAN them all!!!

For once in Thailand we have corruption within political parties being dealt with decisively and with real consequences. And what happens? People moan that it is too harsh. Give me a break. Political parties in Thailand have for far too long been able to skirt round laws, exploit loop-holes and escape punishment. If heavy-handed laws are what it takes to clean up things then that's fine by me - far better than what we had before under the old constitution that the reds so cherished. I can't think why... oh, yes i can.



''Natthawut Saikuea, leader of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), told a press conference that he believed that in the next four or five days there would be an attempt to charge that UDD protesters are connected with terrorists after the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) had shown video clips on the bloody violence.''

''Top UDD leaders will take responsibility if it is proven that they are connected with the terrorists, said Mr Natthawut''

does anyone else think that Nuttawut is trying to dilute some bad news that he knows is imminent?

why would you insert a 'we are 100% NOT guilty unless you can prove we are guilty' clause ?

maybe a 'MAN IN BLACK' has been captured and turned?

1 post deleted. For legal reasons quoting or linking to the Bangkok Post is not allowed.

is MCOT website OK?

Rule no. 31

31) All members are not allowed to quote news articles or material from Associated Press (AP), bangkokpost.com or phuketwan inside topics on thaivisa.com. Posts containing quotes will be deleted from the forum. Links referring back to the sites are also not allowed and will be deleted.

no - two wrongs do not make a right - but they set the tone so to speak - if it WAS cracked down then - evenly and fairly - maybe we might not have this problem - but the Policy and Army opened the way for them - no tanks, no APCcs - ask yourself why??? then when you have the obvious answer tell yourself 'now i understand why the reds are so angry and frustrated'

Few will disagree that the yellow protests were and have been dealt with badly, and can understand why that would cause anger amongst the reds, but what you support is in turn dealing with the current red protests badly (by that i mean the government giving in to their demands) to somehow even the balance. All it will do is perpetuate the cycle of mob rule so that if and when the reds get their hands on power, the yellows will take to the streets and expect to get the same results of having the government give in to them. If that happens, i wonder if you will support the yellows on the same grounds that you now support the reds. Oh sorry, i forgot - you don't support the reds do you. :)

Red shirt's democracy = we can protest, but you can't !!


Yellow shirt's democracy = we potested, ruined the tourist industry, took over international airport, had no Police or Army stop us - but red shirt's can't


your boy Thaksin was in charge via his proxy so why did they not stop it?

they were in the process of being banned - they tend to do that here you know... ban parties because of individuals transgressions - do that in your country do they? democracy is it? becareful you might find the yellow party being banned too! in fact let's BAN them all!!!

TRT and PPP got banned because their executive comittee members ;

Knew of, condoned, or aided and abetted organized election fraud.

Any other whining about it is spurious crocodile tears.

Thaksin's puppets were NOT the only ones banned either ,

of course this isn't about LITTLE parties....

You don't want your party banned,then encourage them to NOT partake in top down election fraud,

it's really very simple. We know certain individuals will always try for the fix, but the party leaderships

MUST rise above this. Those that do not deserve electoral exile... no excuses.

No need for Charter amendment for this UNLESS election fraud is to be legalized and condoned.

Party rank and file do go on and keep their seats. But the depth of savy political minds is so shallow in this gene pool,

that 200 names removed for 5 years leaves a gapping 'abilities' hole that seemingly only violence can fill.

But it seems, even the best and brightest can't escape the call of graft and fraud in their political lives.

So utterly saddening

Red shirts love Thailand and if elections bring them to power - good things will happen for all in thailand!! :)

You just had me spilling my water of laughter .....

britmaveric's right.

If they ever get the opportunity to govern - then I'm sure they'll do a dam_n sight more for the ordinary people of Thailand than the current elitist and totally self-serving bunch of power megalomaniacs has done so far.

My personel opinion is that you were either born stupid or you have worked damned hard at convincing others you are. Having lived here for decades , it never ceases to amase me how the farangs think that allowing the lunatics to escapr the asylum and run the country will ever succeed. That is unless you you believe Pol Pot's regime was correct ! Read history, if you can read that is, but compromise never ever achieves permanant results.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who can see the parallels. It may seem like the stuff of novels, but revolutions fail - especially when funded by a billionaire with many corruption charges against him.

The poor are being well and truly used.


''Natthawut Saikuea, leader of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), told a press conference that he believed that in the next four or five days there would be an attempt to charge that UDD protesters are connected with terrorists after the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) had shown video clips on the bloody violence.''

''Top UDD leaders will take responsibility if it is proven that they are connected with the terrorists, said Mr Natthawut''

does anyone else think that Nuttawut is trying to dilute some bad news that he knows is imminent?

why would you insert a 'we are 100% NOT guilty unless you can prove we are guilty' clause ?

maybe a 'MAN IN BLACK' has been captured and turned?

THE NATION: Suthep: Special force rounded alleged terrorists and red-shirt leaders from SC Park Hotel. They will be taken to 11th Infantry Regiment.

THE NATION: Suthep urged protesters to return home and urged relatives to tell protesters to return home for their own safety.

THE NATION: Deputy PM Suthep said govt needs to end terrorism as soon as possible.

THE NATION: he said he had deployed security force to protect all radio/TV stations and will use decisive action to halt any attempts to raid the stations.

There are no reasons for the Red Shirt to compromise. They have found out that this government has no stomach for confrontation, so they are getting bold by hours and days.

I thing is time to move my investments to somewhere else like Cambodia or Vietnam

There is no advantages to invest in Cambo or Vietnam. If you want to be sure yu have to go back to Europe or US, etc. No thirtworld country is economical save. Thins can go wrong anytime. But in "Western Countries" you get a new "enemy", you have to deal with the Tax Office, IRS, etc. They will take evberything away from you.
Anyone know where I can donate umbrellas and

towels to our dear friends the red shirts? :)

Just come to Ratchaprasong, see for yourself, bring your towels and umbrellas and give them to the folks you see around in need. You will be overwhelmed by the friendliness and the warm welcome.

My wife and I happen to live in an apartment right down in the middle of the Ratchaprasong area. Today like yesterday we will go down and we will give some pillows to families with small children and old and sick people in need. We are doing that not because we are red - we are both neutral observers involuntarily living among the Red Shirts but most importantly we are human beings with a heart. What we see are tens of thousands of generally wonderful Thai people down there and many are really in need.

I hope the folk you talk about come out of this unharmed.

they were in the process of being banned - they tend to do that here you know... ban parties because of individuals transgressions - do that in your country do they? democracy is it? becareful you might find the yellow party being banned too! in fact let's BAN them all!!!

For once in Thailand we have corruption within political parties being dealt with decisively and with real consequences. And what happens? People moan that it is too harsh. Give me a break. Political parties in Thailand have for far too long been able to skirt round laws, exploit loop-holes and escape punishment. If heavy-handed laws are what it takes to clean up things then that's fine by me - far better than what we had before under the old constitution that the reds so cherished. I can't think why... oh, yes i can.

I am, clearly, not against cracking down on corruption - wherever it is found - I don't care which colour or hue. I do care that it be done even-handedly. I think if they applied the same rule in ‘farangland’ there would be no parties left!

anyway -what good does it do? they just form new parties or swap - you think that is good?


''Natthawut Saikuea, leader of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), told a press conference that he believed that in the next four or five days there would be an attempt to charge that UDD protesters are connected with terrorists after the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) had shown video clips on the bloody violence.''

''Top UDD leaders will take responsibility if it is proven that they are connected with the terrorists, said Mr Natthawut''

does anyone else think that Nuttawut is trying to dilute some bad news that he knows is imminent?

why would you insert a 'we are 100% NOT guilty unless you can prove we are guilty' clause ?

maybe a 'MAN IN BLACK' has been captured and turned?

THE NATION: Suthep: Special force rounded alleged terrorists and red-shirt leaders from SC Park Hotel. They will be taken to 11th Infantry Regiment.

THE NATION: Suthep urged protesters to return home and urged relatives to tell protesters to return home for their own safety.

THE NATION: Deputy PM Suthep said govt needs to end terrorism as soon as possible.

THE NATION: he said he had deployed security force to protect all radio/TV stations and will use decisive action to halt any attempts to raid the stations.

finally, they got Arisaman

like most bullies he will be crying all the way to his cell now

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