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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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As I said in the other closed thread....

Don't any of the security forces own a Helicopter???

Why wasn't the arrest and capture carried out by landing a Helicopter on the Roof???

Why weren't these guys taken out by AIR so as to avoid any confrontation with the crowd?

Why aren't all these incompetent watermelons FIRED immediately???


Ok I'll type slowly.







Only a few at the top want to do the Governments dirty work. Big loss of face again for em!

Fine.. I can accept your answer...

But why doesn't Aphisit just FIRE the whole bunch of Disloyal Traitors?

Enough is enough!!!!!

How can anyone take anything to do with Thailand seriously again? Who would want to come here to visit or do Business??

FIRE their 2-faced asses and get someone with a little bit of Brains and Balls to do the job!!


Hehe...Yeh maybe is time us farangs got a fair shake

After all the law does state that we are only aloowed to do jobs that a thai can't


send in the tourist police


Forget about arresting them, just snipers to take them out at this time. They are bunch of terrorist that will not respect the law. And if any case they are cornered they will flee the country any ways. They care about their own interests more than the countries interests

I've talked to many Thais (women mostly :) who work in the Chidlom and Siam area and they feel just about the same as you do.

It seems their thinking is that the Reds are killing the economy so it's OK to kill the Reds.

That's a bit drastic in my opinion... but people here are losing their patience.

That's a bit drastic.. even if they did manage to snipe the top 10 leaders (which would end all international support for the govt) there are enough supporters that the snipers would likely be overrun and killed..

As I said in the other closed thread....

Don't any of the security forces own a Helicopter???

Why wasn't the arrest and capture carried out by landing a Helicopter on the Roof???

Why weren't these guys taken out by AIR so as to avoid any confrontation with the crowd?

Why aren't all these incompetent watermelons FIRED immediately???


Ok I'll type slowly.







Only a few at the top want to do the Governments dirty work. Big loss of face again for em!

Fine.. I can accept your answer...

But why doesn't Aphisit just FIRE the whole bunch of Disloyal Traitors?

Enough is enough!!!!!

How can anyone take anything to do with Thailand seriously again? Who would want to come here to visit or do Business??

FIRE their 2-faced asses and get someone with a little bit of Brains and Balls to do the job!!


Granted.... but who? The Burmese Junta?

Many in the forces will sit this out as they will want to be part of the next Government (Red, Yellow, Blue) ... Some may even be hedging their bets by making half assed raids on hotels then using the old "ve vere only obeying orders, but we not do it properly boss"

Regarding Business, it has never been much different to this. Not for long periods of time any way. The difference now is that the rural poor are not being pushed over and killed as easily and annonymously as in the past. Back in the early 90's, these clear outs of awkward opponants of the Elite took place whilst the population were treated to military music on all TV channels. Everybody towed the line then.

This is different. The Yellows only fought for the Status Quo against any ideas of modernisation. They did it under the banner of somebody who has always been above this kind of thing, but it did prevent the Police and Army kicking them out the airport.

This is your real grass roots, majority in the provinces outside Bangkok rising up. Three deposed pms in 2 years, a Coup, a judicial coup and a gerrymandering into position of the good looking mark.

To the Bangkok Falangs. Outside of Bangkok, nobody gives a damm in rich people cannot shop in Gaysorn or Siam Paragon or MBK. They can freely shop and move around the entire country and do as they wish. This is well targeted at yellow backers and their lackeys. All the street traders in those areas pay "Insurance" money, which now cannot be collected!!!! This is possible why some in the Forces are showing a bit of resolve to end this.


After a little thought I'm not convinced that they really wanted to arrest them. I think they may have just wanted to prove that these guys were living on the hog. I hear that Arisman is now trying to explain to his red brothers and sisters why he was staying there... He's pretty creative I'm sure he will come up with something.

Isn't it a bit odd that all or most of the Red Shirt / Thaksin supporters are new forum members ??? :)

also you are not to old...and also many for the jellow and so?

Try to separate the leaders from the people...most of them are there for democracy, they really belive that, we want call them terrorist because they are poor and they fight for have a better life?


wat a joke...

last sat army crackdown ended up some soldiers n their weapons/armour carriers being captured by the red protesters ...

today thai special forces arrest operation ended up 3 policemen including 1 commander being arrested themselves n taken hostage... :)


On helicopters: They didn't even use helicpoters last year during the violence around victory monument when they were pusing the Reds out of the area while Molotov cocktails were being thrown at them, buses set on fire and people running down little sois. I was in the area where the action took place and I remember being amazed they used no helicopters at all. This was with hundreds of troops marching south towards Ratchaprasong and no way of knowing where their opponents were hiding, which roads they had run down etc. Just another sign of either unbelievable incompetence or no real desire to actually win.


History has given us TERRORISTS who KILL demand $millions$ of dollars, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the deaths of peoples/races of people, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the release from prison of other TERRORISTS.

The Reds have killed nobody except in self-defense and they demand only one truly outrageous thing: that the people of Thailand be able to select their leader NOW via an election.

Hardly terrorists by anybody's definition.


When Tienaman Square in Beijing hosted the big protest (11 years ago?) the Chinese politburo brought in troops from far away provinces to restore order. I'm certainly not in favor of what happened there then, but the concept is interesting: the outside troops had no compassion for the protesters, so were not afraid to do their assignments.

Compare it to Bangkok: The security forces within Bkk are nearly non-functional. Time to bring in troops from outside. If they're local boys from southern provinces, you can bet they have no love for Thaksin and the Reds who support him (and are paid by T).

Suggestion to Abhisit: shut off the power and water to Thaksin's SC Park Hotel which is providing free room and board to Red leaders.

Also, I spoke with a Thai lawyer a few years ago and he claimed there is no Thai law which outlaws 'harboring a fugitive.' That worked for the General who harbored Chalerm's youngest son who was on the run from murdering a cop, and it can work for whomever is harboring the Red leaders during these troubled times. Time to adjust the law perhaps?

the guy wearing the plastic britsh policemans helmet in that video, hilarious :D

Inept from top to bottom, either that or the police had no intention to arrest them and just went through the motions. Maybe the Government should recruit the yellow shirts that post on here, they seem to be the only ones with the vitriol to follow through, although they would probably not be so brave without the anonymity the computer gives them.

being against the anarchy that the red shirts offer, does not a yellow shirt make

in fact i have no idea what a yellow shirt stands for, and i do not need educating, thank you

i am sure there are many on here who would take care of business for the government if the price was right

some are so inflamed by these developments i suspect they would do it for free and maybe a Thai elite card

where is Sifu McInnes when you need him?

i bet his blood is boiling right now, the keys to the yellow Hummer gripped tightly in his hand, waiting for the phone to ring.....

Well I never quoted you are named you, or indeed named any posters, why so defensive? maybe that cap fits...... :)

what cap do you mean? a yellow one?

you still trying to sell that old chestnut?

i have already said i do not know what to be 'yellow' means and do not want it explained to me

i dance to the beat of my own drum and i think the red are bad news

i was brought up to have high morals and strong principles

i think they behave badly and they offend my sensibilities

i have never liked bullies and i think the reds fit into that category

defensive? yes sure

i firmaly believe ones principles are worth defending

i respect your wish to do the same but by you doing so, it means that we have to disagree on this subject

thats life, i do not expect to convert you to my way of thinking



You really calling current Gov't corrupt ....

Can you please edit and add previous few were also corrupt

One was just recently convicted?

Where is that guy now? oh ya .... ran away like a girl

While the reds bake in the heat your leaders sleep in AC comfort

Red shirt pawns are too fried form the heat to realize it...

or they are just too dumb

As I said in the other closed thread....

Don't any of the security forces own a Helicopter???

Why wasn't the arrest and capture carried out by landing a Helicopter on the Roof???

Why weren't these guys taken out by AIR so as to avoid any confrontation with the crowd?

Why aren't all these incompetent watermelons FIRED immediately???


Did you see the list of captured weapons?

One of them was an anti-aircraft gun. Maybe they are afraid of being shot down.

Come on, why would the army bring in anti-aircraft guns to control protesters? Don't tell me the red protesters have F16 fighter jets?

This isn't about opinion tonywebster. Supporting this redshirt movement is supporting terrorists. Or would you prefer to call them freedom fighters?

So now we know that they are all terrorist, what we can do? kill. put in jail 80.000 people? call the isrealian special force? MIB? Capitan kirk?

Ops i forget some milions around Thailand.... we kill all this terrorist?

What we do way2?

I don't have that solution. Wait and watch I guess.

I think the problem has already been alluded to, thailand could have the strictest laws in the world and even then it would not matter as there is nobody to uphold or enforce these laws in a fair, legal and even-handed manner.

We have talked about precedents already, when people atlk about the yellows acts and the fact they are still free. this set a precedent for the reds, but also let us not forget the police and courts have previously set precedents every time a favour has been called in, or an influential person walks away etc.

The law is not taken seriously here and they only have themselves to blame for that. the allowamce of courruption from top to bottom makes people think they are above the laws, pals in the police help the criminal for their cut, even this effort today was half arsed and it would appear not a serious attempt.

My concern is whether the thai people really buy into all this propaganda or whether they can see through the nonsense and games like the rest of us.

The country is descending into chaos, with probably it's most capable PM ever at the helm.

I do not agree - Abhisit is part of the root causes that has decended this country into chaos by tacitely endorsing the 2006 coup, by saying that the "2007 constitution is the lesser of two evils" so that he could become PM, and then censoring the media and the web under the almighty excuse of protecting the highest institution. Now he is using all propaganda outlets to put his message out (assuming it is not Suthep running the country, as he is the one doing all the talking now).

This all started when anarchy was endorsed by one political party, and now all political parties think they can do the same thing. While two wrong do not make a right, human nature is far more inclined to the "an eye for an eye" metaphor.

Now, IMO, this is all allowed to happen by the military for the one reason I have always said - chaos and undemocratic protests serves them well, as they use this as an excuse for their position in the country's hierarchy.


And the Razzie Award goes to "Thai Police". Red leaders stay at the hotel because it is air conditioning, eating spagetti, pasta, grill pork..etc, white wine, red whine. Rural people sleep on the street with natural air, eating papaya salad and sticky rice, dringking bottle water. Same standard same air ( according to RED).

What a humiliation for Arisman! What a coward!

Please add the Cops tune:

" Bad boy, bay boy, what your gonna do? What you gonna do when they come for you?"


He looked just as scared as a shirtless guy in the trailer park running from the cops

After a little thought I'm not convinced that they really wanted to arrest them. I think they may have just wanted to prove that these guys were living on the hog. I hear that Arisman is now trying to explain to his red brothers and sisters why he was staying there... He's pretty creative I'm sure he will come up with something.

Let me do it for him...

"Dear Fellow Reds,

You may be asking yourself why are the leaders of the movement staying in nice cool hotels while the rest of you minions are sweltering in Bangkok's pollution.

The answer is not simple. Firstly, we need a private area to meet, and let's face it, with all you folks camped out here not much chance of that.

Secondly, we could have chosen to stay next door to you in one of the 5 star hotels but let's face it, those aren't owned by our paymaster.

Thirdly, by staying far away from you we have actually helped to protect you from this morning's attempted police raid.

Finally, Dissolution of the Government now!"


Arisman and Co."

JK :)

As I said in the other closed thread....

Don't any of the security forces own a Helicopter???

Why wasn't the arrest and capture carried out by landing a Helicopter on the Roof???

Why weren't these guys taken out by AIR so as to avoid any confrontation with the crowd?

Why aren't all these incompetent watermelons FIRED immediately???


Did you see the list of captured weapons?

One of them was an anti-aircraft gun. Maybe they are afraid of being shot down.

Come on, why would the army bring in anti-aircraft guns to control protesters? Don't tell me the red protesters have F16 fighter jets?

I think he meant the protesters were caught with anti-aircraft guns (source please?)


Of course the terrorists will have grenades in their rooms.

Government officials are reporting that the grenades were found in a hastily abandoned pile, to the left the the gun turret of the tank, which itself was left abandonded, next to what looked like a terrorist's bed (pyjamas embroidered with terrorist were found, it was reported), the bed itself being strewn with faxes linking these terrorists with operations in the Bora Bora.


It's a real shame that the authorities can't get anything right. It's amazing how they continue to stuff everything up.

The Reds at the hotel kept themselves well protected with redshirt rank and file on hand at the hotel or on immediate call to help them escape. The police or army which was assigned the mission to arrest backed off rather than charge into the group of redshirts 'rescuing' their leaders. Given the scrambling nature of their escape, it appears the reds' leaders in the hotel were tipped the authorities were coming but only at the last minute. Anyway, if the government were competent, the hotel should have been surrounded and isolated so that any Redshirt leaders trying to escape would be met by police instead of supporters.

This recent use by the government of the word 'terrorist' is a curious one, perhaps intriguing, because the government seems to think it's on to something - Abhisit hasn't ventured from the security of the 11th Infantry facility for several days now. Security at vital sites has again been beefed up. The word from the government lately, along with this blundering effort at the hotel, seems to indicate the government feels compelled to take decisive action and to take it very soon. I get the impression leaders of the government are in a real fear of their lives.

the SC Park Hotel


this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel

telephatique eh.

I (i) tried in vain ,to make a post this morning,but the site was blocked,I (i) had similar words in my mind and fingertips,maybe not only you and me,

keep e'm coming ,

the good ideas,willya??!!

When Tienaman Square in Beijing hosted the big protest (11 years ago?) the Chinese politburo brought in troops from far away provinces to restore order. I'm certainly not in favor of what happened there then, but the concept is interesting: the outside troops had no compassion for the protesters, so were not afraid to do their assignments.

Compare it to Bangkok: The security forces within Bkk are nearly non-functional. Time to bring in troops from outside. If they're local boys from southern provinces, you can bet they have no love for Thaksin and the Reds who support him (and are paid by T).

Suggestion to Abhisit: shut off the power and water to Thaksin's SC Park Hotel which is providing free room and board to Red leaders.

Also, I spoke with a Thai lawyer a few years ago and he claimed there is no Thai law which outlaws 'harboring a fugitive.' That worked for the General who harbored Chalerm's youngest son who was on the run from murdering a cop, and it can work for whomever is harboring the Red leaders during these troubled times. Time to adjust the law perhaps?

If you look at the Demographics, you will note that they would be

A massively outnumbered by "the boys from the North"


B, split along religious lines between those who perceive themselves and their families to have been oppressed and killed by the Army from Bangkok and Non-Muslims!!!

I had a dream as well..... but thats another story!

good on them.

trying to arrest political leaders just a few hours after offering the next round of political talks, was a bad move from the government. Who is going to take them seriously?

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

the SC Park Hotel

this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel

double post - you are repeating yourself.

surely you should try to find a work as a political and security adviser - you are full of ideas

the double posting was intentional, in fact it was for your benefit, you kept editing and adding to your post after i had first replied to it

so it seemed prudent to add my relevent post to it too

i was a security advisor for 15 years


A basket case like Burma?

With things coming to a boil, it seems clear that there are serious flaws to this form of government. You have a Prime Minister who does not/cannot control the BIB or the MIG, the MIG and the BIG don't listen to the PM, the PM can almost at any time be out of office loooong before his 4 year tenure is up.

Makes me wonder if it is worth staying here? I just might go to another banana republic.

What a mess.

Because no matter how much he tells them, "you are fired", THEY DON'T LISTEN

The system has decreed years ago that the PM does not control the army. That was a certain point of pride apparently for the boys in green. Well, now the boys in brown are basically confirming that the PM doesn't control them either. Just look at the mess they had trying to announce the head policeman.

The system was set up to suit a few so that they could sit in the background and pull strings. Well, now the country reaps the price for their endless meddling in the democratic process. The country is descending into chaos, with probably it's most capable PM ever at the helm.

Not even he can hold it together. Tread carefully everyone, Thailand is only a few steps from descending into becoming a complete basket case.


Indeed Londonthai! Bad move and bad faith. Great publicity for the hotel. Whatever anybody can say about the ADD you cannot take away from them the fact that they are determined, they have valid grievances and they are gutsy. Trying to silence a pacific protest (as it was in the beginning) with censorship shutting down their TV channel showed ideological weakness. Freedom of speech is the battlefield of ideas. Thomas Jefferson.

Alas, some people in the world want to be the owners of the truth.

"Many demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid." Soren Kierkegaard.

It is good that Thais are voicing their ideas and opinions about their government and the needs of the rural impoverished, which accounts for the majority of this country's population. Whatever the outcome, Thailand will emerge a better and renewed country. :)

good on them.

trying to arrest political leaders just a few hours after offering the next round of political talks, was a bad move from the government. Who is going to take them seriously?

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

Forget about arresting them, just snipers to take them out at this time. They are bunch of terrorist that will not respect the law. And if any case they are cornered they will flee the country any ways. They care about their own interests more than the countries interests

I've talked to many Thais (women mostly :) who work in the Chidlom and Siam area and they feel just about the same as you do.

It seems their thinking is that the Reds are killing the economy so it's OK to kill the Reds.

That's a bit drastic in my opinion... but people here are losing their patience.

That's a bit drastic.. even if they did manage to snipe the top 10 leaders (which would end all international support for the govt) there are enough supporters that the snipers would likely be overrun and killed..

If the army managed to snipe the top 10 leaders, equally they can claim it is the work of the 3rd hand, not the army.

Isn't it a bit odd that all or most of the Red Shirt / Thaksin supporters here are new forum members ??? :)

Yes, I noticed that. All except Britmaveric and Rainman are newbies, and Rainman hasn't posted on the News forum for weeks - perhaps wondering how he could be so wrong so often in previous posts.


The reds balled up a bunch of 20b notes and threw them on the floor, the cops were down on all fours picking up the money while the goons escaped through the window.


This isn't about opinion tonywebster. Supporting this redshirt movement is supporting terrorists. Or would you prefer to call them freedom fighters?

So now we know that they are all terrorist, what we can do? kill. put in jail 80.000 people? call the isrealian special force? MIB? Capitan kirk?

Ops i forget some milions around Thailand.... we kill all this terrorist?

What we do way2?

This is a good point. Like them or hate them, one thing that's obvious is that it's not a fringe movement. What to do?

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