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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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When Tienaman Square in Beijing hosted the big protest (11 years ago?) the Chinese politburo brought in troops from far away provinces to restore order.

Just a quick note to point out that was about 21 years ago (4 June 1989), although it still seems more recent to me.


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Hitler was calling the french (and other nationals) resistants "Terrorists". This word should be reserved to people who want destroy a society not for a crowd of workers just asking for more justice as they are sidelined by the Elite and requesting Elections.

Whi is instilling the terror? Who is taking provocative decision to push the Country toward the Abyss? Who want more blood? Who is the real TERRORIST of the Crowd?

It's not very creative to post the same thing across different topics mate.

To answer your question though... I would say the 65, 248,000 people who are not holding the city hostage. Hey but what do i know. :)

i was a security advisor for 15 years

surely you were.

times do change, new poeple with new ideas replaced you

thats an assumption and only asses make assumptions

for all you know i could have been promoted to a different job but still in the security field but with a different title

maybe i am the one overseeing the new people with new ideas

who knows, you don't for sure...

@ the yellow-bashers. Yep the yellows started the pattern. And the reds are upping the ante. It needs to stop somewhere or we end up with a failed state as per my previous post.

Agreed. There are no saints in Thai politics, but some factions are more civilized than others. Compare Abhisit to these red terror leaders, no contest. Enforce the law!

Supposed photo of the "captured" police. Makes you wonder if the whole exercise wasn't coordinated with the red shirts in advance, complete with dramatic "escape" for PR purposes as well as being able to "disarm" the police and pass the weapons to the reds.

Photo comes from a retweet by the Nation. Speculation is all mine.

Look to me like they are having a wonderful time (to me at least).

Quiz: What is kaki on the outside and red on the inside.


I remember as achild watching the"Keystone Cops" , they seem quite good at their jobs in comparison to Thai Law enforcement . Of course they are pretty good at banging up falangs for having some valium in their pocket but dealing with their own thugs .CLULESS. What a Joke thailand is becoming. friends from outside laugh at the pathetic state of Thailand.


now THIS is a raid... albeit by the mexican mob.

Ive got a really bad taste in my mouth after this whole Bangkok thing, and the majority of TVisa posters demanding firm action.

Looks like you may get what you wished for.

Which means if the reds fail, I have another year of living in town populated by angry redshirt supporters. Cheers 'elite'.

please resume your shopping experience at Siam Paragon.

Look forward to a new election.


Wow, SC Park... That is real luxury. I hear they have those hot water jugs so you can make your own tea and instant noodle. Unlimited shower water too.

@ the yellow-bashers. Yep the yellows started the pattern. And the reds are upping the ante. It needs to stop somewhere or we end up with a failed state as per my previous post.

Agreed. There are no saints in Thai politics, but some factions are more civilized than others. Compare Abhisit to these red terror leaders, no contest. Enforce the law!

Agreed, the Government have to enforce the law and the Reds will have to face the consequence's of their actions. It is the only way to put an end to this farcical situation.

Bring on the clowns, they're already here!

Cheers, Rick

When Tienaman Square in Beijing hosted the big protest (11 years ago?) the Chinese politburo brought in troops from far away provinces to restore order. I'm certainly not in favor of what happened there then, but the concept is interesting: the outside troops had no compassion for the protesters, so were not afraid to do their assignments.

LOL - that's all we need now - a race war to add on to the class war. Some of your haven't had enough blood yet? May be Abhisit can hire the Mossad and bring them over to do his dirty work - Hamas assessination style and all?

At least he treasures his political and civil career enough to understand the dynamics at play here. There is a clear divide within the military and police institutions, and even within the new and old money people. This is not going to be solved with strongarmed enforcement, not by a long shot. The reds have proven that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain, and that is an extremely dangerous thing to face.

Tactical and strategic errors of massive magnitude have been committed by those that want to force AV into stronger tactics, and now that Suthep seems to be on top of things, and not AV, I believe this is only going to get a lot worse, before it gets better.

and yet another Red supporter who just joined T.Visa - dare I say some Red supporters have registered multiple accounts?

But to address your points: No I don't advocate race wars. However, I do think Bangkok needs to cleaned up and Bangkokians and the gov't be allowed to go back to work. It's been said a hundred times already, but it's still true: If Thaksin wasn't paying Reds to protest, (directly to Red leaders, and indirectly to the groundlings) the protest would have never got off the ground.

Oh, get off your hight horse about Red supporters only being new members. I've been here for 6 years and I favor the Reds!

And if Thaksin lost all of his money and Vegas and died tomorrow, the movement would go on with even more compassion and determination.

I think you are all being a bit hard on the police. Its easy to joke about their incompetence but think about what you would do in the situation. You have Red-Shirts all over the place, guarding the hotel room doors and in numbers outside. Some of them may be armed. You can't go in an shoot them so how do you get in to make an arrest? Tear gas? Think of the chaos that would cause. Helicopters? What good would they do? By the time you have got through the door he is going out of the window. I don't see how you can arrest somebody surrounded by thousands of demonstrators without overwhelming numbers of police/army and using force with the potential of another bloody mess and who would that benefit? The Government? The Army or Police? The more chaos there is and bloodshed the more likely it is that the Red Shirts will succeed.

I'm no security expert, but considering the Bangkok Post just ran an article about the (supposedly) amazing Thai Navy SEAL team, why not use them? And as someone else mentioned, the Thai military does have helicopters. Were these BiB traffic cops the only swat team they could find?

Thats all we need now!

Armed patrol boats making their way through the traffic!

Hitler was calling the french (and other nationals) resistants "Terrorists". This word should be reserved to people who want destroy a society not for a crowd of workers just asking for more justice as they are sidelined by the Elite and requesting Elections.

Whi is instilling the terror? Who is taking provocative decision to push the Country toward the Abyss? Who want more blood? Who is the real TERRORIST of the Crowd?

It's not very creative to post the same thing across different topics mate.

To answer your question though... I would say the 65, 248,000 people who are not holding the city hostage. Hey but what do i know. :)

Sorry issue with my Internet connectin. I have deleted the double postings. It was not voluntarily.

Isn't it a bit odd that all or most of the Red Shirt / Thaksin supporters here are new forum members ??? :)

Yes, I noticed that. All except Britmaveric and Rainman are newbies, and Rainman hasn't posted on the News forum for weeks - perhaps wondering how he could be so wrong so often in previous posts.

Mmmmm, I reckon their's probably just more who don't give a F*** either way. Don't assume posters who aren't pro-government are pro-red shirt / Thaksin..........


Wonder who the muppet was that came up with this "ingenious" plan?

Arrest their leaders and than march them through the protesters to the cars and remove them ...... yea :)

At first I was delighted when I heard the news than ...... oh well tit .... apparently whoever planned this never heard anything of helicopters to do a roof-top evacuation of the culprits to a secure location where they can be kept and dealt with.

Please do something to stop this nonsense but do it right and don't supply the terrorists aka the red-shirts with more weapons and hostages

Hitler was calling the french (and other nationals) resistants "Terrorists". This word should be reserved to people who want destroy a society not for a crowd of workers just asking for more justice as they are sidelined by the Elite and requesting Elections.

Whi is instilling the terror? Who is taking provocative decision to push the Country toward the Abyss? Who want more blood? Who is the real TERRORIST of the Crowd?

It's not very creative to post the same thing across different topics mate.

To answer your question though... I would say the 65, 248,000 people who are not holding the city hostage. Hey but what do i know. :)

Sorry issue with my Internet connectin. I have deleted the double postings. It was not voluntarily.

No worries mate. :D

shame on you

another red shirted bleeding heart who thinks lawlessness, murder and bully boy intimidation is acceptable

You either have a short memory, or you were not around when this whole mess started.

The yellow mob that undemocratically installed Abhisit used exactly the same tactics, and preceded the red mob that you see now. This yellow movement started out as a personal vendetta against Thaksin by Sonthi, who founded the PAD as part of his personal business agenda. As you don't seem to recall, Sonthi was Thaksin's best mate, then fell out with him because his debts were no longer forgiven and he was expected to repay them. This is where this whole thing started - Sonthi was thinking about his bank balance and wanteed to start a fight, not giving a dam_n about the country.

The yellow were the ones who usurped Thailand's democracy and started all this mob rule and culture of intimidation. What you see now is what they started.

Oh, get off your hight horse about Red supporters only being new members. I've been here for 6 years and I favor the Reds! And if Thaksin lost all of his money and Vegas and died tomorrow, the movement would go on with even more compassion and determination.

I don't have a high horse, but Bkk cops need high horses and learn how to use them for crowd control. The movement has 'compassion' ?!? Compassion for who/what? I don't think you and I have the same definition of compassion. The Reds enjoy easy money (handed out to attendees) and the adrenaline rush of rioting perhaps, but what does compassion have to do with it?

shame on you

another red shirted bleeding heart who thinks lawlessness, murder and bully boy intimidation is acceptable

You either have a sghort memory, or you were not around when this whole mess started.

The yellow mob that undemocratically installed Abhisit used exactly the same tactics, and preceded the red mob that you see now. This yellow movement started out as a personal vendetta against Thaksin by Sonthi, who founded the PAD as part of his personal business agenda. As you don't seem to recall, Sonthi was Thaksin's best mate, then fell out with him because his debts were no longer forgiven and he was expected to repay them. This is where this whole thing started - Sonthi was thinking about his bank balance and wanteed to start a fight, not giving a dam_n about the country.

The yellow were the ones who usurped Thailand's democracy and started all this mob rule and culture of intimidation. What you see now is what they started.

Sondhi was the PAD guy, Sonthi was the military chief that led the coup.


This is so confusing. The protesters break laws, police and/or military are called in to enforce the law, then protesters fight the police and military and reds still blame the government for violence? Once soldiers have come to enforce the law it's pretty simple that you LAY the hel_l down and surrender if you don't want to be hurt. Deadly force is acceptable in a situation like that in every country around the world. If you so much as throw a pillow in anger at an armed soldier, who's fault it is if you're shot really? Jeeez.

In the USA we were robbed of democracy when Bush was put into office, then had to wait EIGHT years to get rid of the idiot who rightfully earned the title "Worst US President in history". Sometimes democracy sucks, you have to wait it out.

If the government can be taken out by an angry mob, won't it just happen again and again? Where exactly is the line between "protester" and "terrorist" drawn?

Maybe we're softies in America, shutting down the streets of a major city is protesting... but once you take over a government office or kidnap people, you'll surely get your head blown off.

I thought the red leaders said "we are not afraid", "we have nothing to fear".

You can sure see the fear in Arisman's eyes as he dangles from that rope. :D

Note to Arisman; lose a few kilos, you could certainly stand to.. .. :)

What a bummer that the Police couldn't catch them. .. :D

Oh well, back to the "dog and pony show"; err I mean the red mob rally; already in progress. … :D

Yes, it is ironic to see that brainless criminal dangling from that rope, in such a junglevine-like way, when him & his bribed followers are trying to reduce this civilised nation to banana republic.

the SC Park Hotel


this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel

Yes, spot on logic.

good on them.

trying to arrest political leaders just a few hours after offering the next round of political talks, was a bad move from the government. Who is going to take them seriously?

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

Just a couple of problems with this post.

Firstly, courts issue arrest warrants not the government, so once the warrants are issued its up to the Police to sort things from there.

Secondly, one could argue that this is crap publicity for the hotel, harbouring futigives is hardly something to be proud of, either which was I can't see this sort of publicity being worth tens of millions of $.

So that just leaves the "good on them" part of your post. Utter rubbish. :)

and yet another Red supporter who just joined T.Visa - dare I say some Red supporters have registered multiple accounts?

But to address your points: No I don't advocate race wars. However, I do think Bangkok needs to cleaned up and Bangkokians and the gov't be allowed to go back to work. It's been said a hundred times already, but it's still true: If Thaksin wasn't paying Reds to protest, (directly to Red leaders, and indirectly to the groundlings) the protest would have never got off the ground.

Haha - I wouldn't be writing here if I wasn't banned by the The Nation.

Nope, I am not a red shirt supporter, but I certainly understand their grievances and their tactics.

The yellows created the precendent, and these people are now playing the same script, cooking the same receipt, singing the same tune. That's the problem, and when many people supported the yellows, they immediately and unknowingly decended this country into lawlessness and chaos for years to come.

This was followed by a government that looked and continues to look in the other direction as the yellow leaders have been running free for two years, no real prosecuton or punishement to speak off, no financial cost. This is also followed by a government that censors what they do not like or agree with, not what is disinformation. If they were really cracking down on disinformation, then ASTV would be gone, The Nation would be gone, and who knows how many Thail language outlets as well. Instead, we have 6 government owned TV stations that have no problem spreading pro-government propaganda, never questioning the status quo.

When will any journalist around here really look beyond the upper layers of the problem and understand what is in the belly of this monster? So many socio-economic problems that even academics do not know where to start - yet all ignored by the power brokers of the country, thinking that the status-quo can be preserved forever. I guess all countries that have gone through these upheavals just never care to learn from the history of others that went through it. So, we just get to repeat all the mistakes, again.

This includes your call for pinning one Thai race against another Thai race in order to serve their masters at the top by restoring "order". Masters that still won't move a finger or care to fix the problems of the country.

You see, disagreeing and loathing this goverment does not mean I am red, or blue, or pink. It simply means I have a mind and I exercise my ability to rationalize things through my own perspective and analysis. By labeling me, you accomplish nothing but make yourself look like a bigot and intolerant person. But then again, what's new.

By the way, don't show your silly insecurities so much by thinking that it is just three or four people posting through the use of many accounts. That's just such a paranoid statement, get a grip. It's the internet, you will never know, just as I will never know if you the one doing that.


So the reds admit they are amoral criminals but the fact that there have been other criminals in the past excuses everything and anything they do. Thus lies anarchy. You really want leaders like this?

hopefully the OAG and the constitutional court will rush ahead with their findings and put the dems out of their misery

check back in 2011 when the case will be decided

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