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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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good on them.

trying to arrest political leaders just a few hours after offering the next round of political talks, was a bad move from the government. Who is going to take them seriously?

Did I miss something here?I thought the terrorist refused to have a next round of talks already and by the way as another poster already pointed out they all have arrest warrants out long time already.

So what would you suggest?The government makes a rain dance and then ask them again and again and again and...............................................

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If things continue flaming like on this forum...We have to think to the Boundaries between Red and yellow Thailand. As obviouly Bangkok is circled by a red shirt belt, we have to think at the division, like Jerusalem.....

This is what we are heading for. We are westerner Farangs with a supposed good education, instead to use our brain to try bringing back the peace, everybody is excited and send banderillas to the others... We should use our brain for defusing the situation, I know ....the smell of blood and powder are exciting, but the day after....very sad.

The reds have clearly stated that they WILL NOT NEGOTIATE with the government - so CS gas them and transport them back where they came from - only solution

Isn't it a bit odd that all or most of the Red Shirt / Thaksin supporters here are new forum members ??? :)

Just not true. I have only ever posted under this identity, and have consistently supported the red movement (whilst expressing no white-washng of Thaksin). We are used to being insulted, accused of being paid by some wierd PR outfit in Hong Kong (though that slur seems to have died a death!) and now my 6 years of Forum membership is to be erased!

6 years and 437 posts. Pacing yourself or just not much to say? :D jk

By the way do you know the Red member called StevieW from Chiang Mai? On Saturdays and Sundays he put on his Scouse shirt and from what I hear protests rather strongly about his leader too - Rafa.


One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage. Clean replies only please.

Cheers, Rick

One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage. Clean replies only please.

Cheers, Rick

He got if from David Carridine?

good on them

shame on you

another red shirted bleeding heart who thinks lawlessness, murder and bully boy intimidation is acceptable

No shame on you for supporting a system that oppresses the majority so a selected minority can have a comfortable lifestyle.

Breaking this down

supporting a system that oppresses the majority (by this you mean the people who live in Bangkok, who just want the right to do what they need to do)

so a selected minority can have a comfortable lifestyle. ( you must mean the red leaders who atre living in comfort while the farmers sleep o the streets

so now e understand what your saying we all agree with you

One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage. Clean replies only please.

Cheers, Rick

they we having a knot tying contest - it's an old boyscout thing.

More Violence is being proposed on this forum that in the offices of the Thais, on both sides!

Amen - what a shame to see how many ex-pats in this country clearly come from a social environment that probably caused their departure from their civilized countries.

And how little their forget that they owe their freedom and sense of independance to people that fought for their freedom centuries ago, at a time when they were labeled terrorists, revolutionaries and criminals.

But then again, they were probably sleeping through history class as well, just as they are sleeping at the keyboard now as a country tries to free itself from the grips of long lasting oppression.

Exactly what oppression are you talking about?

Are people compelled to sell their votes?

What policies would you have abhisit implement right now?

I have lived here for 12 years, have family in Issan but work in Bangkok and Phuket. Please enlighten me.


"Some 60 former politicians and prominent businessmen must report to CRES for questioning Friday. Warrants for their arrest will be issued if they do not appear.

Panithan Wattanayagorn, Mr Abhisit’s deputy secretary-general, said late Thursday that the ex-politicians and businessmen include Pongsak Raktapongpisal, former deputy transport minister, Songkram Kitlertphairoj, ex-deputy commerce minister and owner of the Imperial Department Store, a UDD base in central Bangkok, and Pol Lt-Gen Chat Kuldilok, a former commander of the Central Police Investigation. "

One more unecessary provocation.... want blood and powder.

This gets more amusing by the minute.

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Dress up in a red shirt and jeans????

Cheers, Rick

These are the people who are claiming that they are going to change everything for the underprivilaged people. Already caught with their hand in the cookie jar - PRICELESS :)

LOL. The funniest thing is that the Red masses seem to have bought the 'dress up' excuse. Unbelievable.

Cheers, Rick

Nah, not really. I'm surprised the Scientology movement hasn't taken off here - there's a fair few thousand possible believers all congregated in one central spot right now.

(Then again, Scientology requires donations rather than gives...)

good on them.

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

free advertising that your hotel is a place that helps people trying to overthrow a government!!!

its not worth any money at all!!

it will make a bad name for the hotel!!!

it is worth negative money!! its bad advertising!!!

anyway,, around the world, no one even cares about the hotel name!! they just read the story.

hopefully the OAG and the constitutional court will rush ahead with their findings and put the dems out of their misery, even I am starting to feel embarrassed for them now :)

Unless our Thai

what right do you have to tell Thais what to do

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Considering that just about everything the Nation reports as analysis is just rumors, I would not put much weight into anything they say. I am sure that most of the reds know quite well that their leaders do not sleep on the streets, certainly not every day.

I still don't even understand the point of it. I suppose everybody thinks that everybody in an organization should be the same? Did Mao sleep in the streets too? Did Stalin? Or Mussolini? Or do the Generals in the military sleep in the barracks with the rank and file? I just think it is so amazingly naive to think that the people expect them to be eating the same food and sharing the same bed with them.

How irrational can you be just because you hate the reds so much? It only makes your rants less credible and comical.

One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage. Clean replies only please.

Cheers, Rick

What was he doing with a rope in his hotel room? What was he doing in a hotel room to begin with? Isn't he supposed to be one of the leaders of the Red Shirts who are sleeping in the hot, filthy streets for what they believe in?

Jautporn can deny he stays at the Hyatt, but Arismon can't even deny he stays in a nice hotel while the people he represents suffer.

What a huge load of Weng!

One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage. Clean replies only please.

Cheers, Rick

Sorry Rick-you nmissed the point entirely. The police brought the rope with them. Silly boy

Wow, SC Park... That is real luxury. I hear they have those hot water jugs so you can make your own tea and instant noodle. Unlimited shower water too.

How normal red shirt sleep (a Democracy Monument bedroom)


How normal red shirt leaders sleep (a SC Park Hotel bedroom)


One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage. Clean replies only please.

Cheers, Rick

In some hotels, you have ropes for fire escape....

What a humiliation for Arisman! What a coward!

Please add the Cops tune:

" Bad boy, bay boy, what your gonna do? What you gonna do when they come for you?"


He looked just as scared as a shirtless guy in the trailer park running from the cops

what do you expect from a man from the south

hopefully the OAG and the constitutional court will rush ahead with their findings and put the dems out of their misery, even I am starting to feel embarrassed for them now :)

Unless our Thai

what right do you have to tell Thais what to do

Its called Freedom of Speech- LOL

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Considering that just about everything the Nation reports as analysis is just rumors, I would not put much weight into anything they say. I am sure that most of the reds know quite well that their leaders do not sleep on the streets, certainly not every day.

I still don't even understand the point of it. I suppose everybody thinks that everybody in an organization should be the same? Did Mao sleep in the streets too? Did Stalin? Or Mussolini? Or do the Generals in the military sleep in the barracks with the rank and file? I just think it is so amazingly naive to think that the people expect them to be eating the same food and sharing the same bed with them.

How irrational can you be just because you hate the reds so much? It only makes your rants less credible and comical.

You just put the Red leadership in some very interesting company.


"yeah, arrest all the staff as well and send them to jail without trial, then nuke the place, and then bring in a law that supporting the reds means life imprisonment where your testicles will be whipped every day, and then kill the fist born from every family just in case they want a democratically elected government and some sort of equality."

Hey Tony its time you stopped drinking that Rice whisky you go at Sat protest

One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage. Clean replies only please.

Cheers, Rick

In some hotels, you have ropes for fire escape....

I have been travelling for many years and I have stayed in hundreds of hotels. Not once have I seen a rope in a hotel room. Maybe i am staying in 'fake' hotels?

Cheers, Rick

What a humiliation for Arisman! What a coward!

Please add the Cops tune:

" Bad boy, bay boy, what your gonna do? What you gonna do when they come for you?"

The show usually ends with the cops arresting the perp, not the other way around.

One thing this video also confirms is that the propaganda about low/dwindling number of Reds continues and the propaganda about how they're all at Ratchaprasong now is completely FALSE. I haven't gone out ANYWHERE in the past week without seeing Red supporters driving or walking by every couple of minutes.

That hotel is nowhere NEAR Ratchaprasong! How did hundreds of supporters instantly show up at the right time? They're just Redshirts who happened to be in the area. They're everywhere!

Not all RED are real RED. Sometime I wear a RED skirt, sometime a RED blouse (my favourate thong also happens to be RED). That does not make me a real RED. Just because I drive a RED Jazz, does that make me a RED too. You see RED driving or walking by every couple of minutes, it could just be one of the many color that they choice to wear.

Believe me, there are not many RED in Thailand. Most people are YELLOW or PINK.

I am somewhat pink (true pink and not like a recent group that wanna hijack that color) and in favor of New Politics which brings back the country to unity.

And there is no question that Suthep and Abhisit have to face their Nuremberg trail for what they have ordered last Saturday.

I have been travelling for many years and I have stayed in hundreds of hotels. Not once have I seen a rope in a hotel room. Maybe i am staying in 'fake' hotels?

Cheers, Rick

Probably. I find the rope to be faster than waiting for the lift.

One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage. Clean replies only please.

Cheers, Rick

I would have hopped it was to hang himself in his room but alas I was wrong!!! We will now have to wait for him to do that when he gets to jail (officers dont forget to give him his rope back)

One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage. Clean replies only please.

Cheers, Rick

What was he doing with a rope in his hotel room? What was he doing in a hotel room to begin with? Isn't he supposed to be one of the leaders of the Red Shirts who are sleeping in the hot, filthy streets for what they believe in?

Jautporn can deny he stays at the Hyatt, but Arismon can't even deny he stays in a nice hotel while the people he represents suffer.

What a huge load of Weng!

Yea not fair because Thaksin is sleeping outside a large shopping mall in down town Dubai :)

Cheers, Rick

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Considering that just about everything the Nation reports as analysis is just rumors, I would not put much weight into anything they say. I am sure that most of the reds know quite well that their leaders do not sleep on the streets, certainly not every day.

I still don't even understand the point of it. I suppose everybody thinks that everybody in an organization should be the same? Did Mao sleep in the streets too? Did Stalin? Or Mussolini? Or do the Generals in the military sleep in the barracks with the rank and file? I just think it is so amazingly naive to think that the people expect them to be eating the same food and sharing the same bed with them.

How irrational can you be just because you hate the reds so much? It only makes your rants less credible and comical.

I think you might want to look for a different contrast class?

Arisman: "Why should I sleep on the street, did Mao, Stalin or Mussolini?"


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