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Vip Reds Want To Be New Elite


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As has often been rumoured, we now know the red leaders are staying in nice hotels owned by Thaksin while their 'comrades' tough it out on the streets.

Notice also the VIP signs on the toilets in this picture of the two policeman held at the red leaders stage.


Is this what (supposedly) "the people of Isaan" are fighting for?

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In Thailand, almost everyone wants to become an elite. Who wouldn't?

That may or may not be true, but the point is a week or so ago the reds were campaigning on a 'class war' theme, claiming they wanted to rid Thailand of elitism. My point is that this was obvioulsy false at the time, and now we seem to have some pictorial evidence.

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the difference is from the present one, they would be democratically elected elite.

purpose of a class war, in a socialist tradition, means abolishment of all political classes (the capitalist one, as well as the working one) - so in consequence a classless society, without the need for any leaders. There would be democratically elected representatives delegated to do tasks outlined by the population, but not leaders, in a sense known now, who make decisions above and (often) against the voters

Edited by londonthai
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What are you talking about? Please don't get hysteric and paranoid and try to find issues that are no issues.

In every culture, every country, in every business and also in nature you will find that the leaders, the alpha-animals, the Kings and Queens, the presidents, executives and what not are specially protected and receive special treatment. This is absolutely normal and not one poor Thai person or any other reasonable person will ever question it. It is in all societie's best interest to protect their leaders and make sure that they can function at their very best.

And by the way, the SC Park hotel is a 3-star hotel and you get rooms there for about 1500 Baht per night. I'm not even sure whether they are actually staying there - I understand they were using some rooms as planning offices.

Edited by TallForeigner
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And by the way, the SC Park hotel is a 3-star hotel and you get rooms there for about 1500 Baht per night.

Its still a darn sight better than the pavement down the street.

3 star in Thailand is like 5 star in Europe.

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And by the way, the SC Park hotel is a 3-star hotel and you get rooms there for about 1500 Baht per night.

Its still a darn sight better than the pavement down the street.

3 star in Thailand is like 5 star in Europe.

So What?? What's wrong with these people staying at a 3-star hotel? Which society wants to have their leaders unprotected on the pavement? Your noise here just doesn't make the slightest sense.

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3 star in Thailand is like 5 star in Europe.

This is just utterly ridiculous. Well, I don't blame you because you have obviously never stayed at a 5-star hotel in Europe. Coming from Switzerland and thinking at 5-star hotels like the Dolder or the Baur au lac in Zuerich or the Palace and Suvretta Haus in St. Moritz it is just bizarre if someone wants to claim that a 3-star hotel like the SC Park in Bangkok is on the same level. Next time if you have got no clue of what you are talking about better not write...

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What are you talking about? Please don't get hysteric and paranoid and try to find issues that are no issues.

In every culture, every country, in every business and also in nature you will find that the leaders, the alpha-animals, the Kings and Queens, the presidents, executives and what not are specially protected and receive special treatment. This is absolutely normal and not one poor Thai person or any other reasonable person will ever question it. It is in all societie's best interest to protect their leaders and make sure that they can function at their very best.

That's a perfect statement of the 'elitist' p.o.v the red shirts "say" they're fighting against. Do try to keep up with the plot.

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What are you talking about? Please don't get hysteric and paranoid and try to find issues that are no issues.

In every culture, every country, in every business and also in nature you will find that the leaders, the alpha-animals, the Kings and Queens, the presidents, executives and what not are specially protected and receive special treatment. This is absolutely normal and not one poor Thai person or any other reasonable person will ever question it. It is in all societie's best interest to protect their leaders and make sure that they can function at their very best.

That's a perfect statement of the 'elitist' p.o.v the red shirts "say" they're fighting against. Do try to keep up with the plot.

Wow! You still don't get it, do you?

Every single Red Shirt will agree to protect his or her leaders and allow them the privilege of more comfort. No one of them will question this principle. They are against a ruling elite that in their eyes has taken power illegally and is not representing them and not doing anything for them and is even oppressing them. Those that do something for them and those that are the truly elected leaders in their eyes on the other hand can count on their full loyalty and support and protection and can certainly afford a more comfortable life.

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And by the way, the SC Park hotel is a 3-star hotel and you get rooms there for about 1500 Baht per night.

Its still a darn sight better than the pavement down the street.

3 star in Thailand is like 5 star in Europe.

Crap hotel borderline 2star at best.

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clearly reds just want thier side to be in power; nothing to do with democracy or socialist class strugle.

Amazing people on here still bang on about the government not being democractic; how many times does it need to be explained that in a democracy the group with the most votes forms the government? if the smaller parties returned to peua thai then they could form a government, would they still want an ellection then? dont think so. they are the minority and just cant accept it and now trying to over throw the demorcraticaly legitimate government.

In multy party democracies all over the world parties shift allegences; it doesnt mean an ellection must be called every time, if it did government couldnt function because it happens so often. You vote for a party, they decide what to do, and if you dont like it can vote for some one else next time. People need to accept the system otherwise its bad for everybody.

This violent minority needs to be put down! No western country would accept an armed millitia ponsing around the capital taking policemen hostage. Can try to find a political solution but law and order need to be maintained. Like Northern island in uk, gov might still talk to sien fien, but it dont stop em tracking down the terrorists and breaking heads when marchers get rowdy.

I've been on many labour day marches in london and the police got no qualms about smashing up civillians (many look like they actually enjoy it); seeing bib here running and leaving their weapons and things rather than use em coz there afraid to hurt people is crazy. <deleted>! get stuck in. Peacful protest, i beleive in the right to air your opinions, but within limits; reds are well and truely crossed over any civilised standard of behaviour.

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In Thailand, almost everyone wants to become an elite. Who wouldn't?

Probably a good number of folks everywhere. The issue is that here, they haven't picked up on the PC concept of 'pretending that you dislike the concept while secretly striving for it.'


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The Red Shirt leaders are basically war lords - just like in Mogadishu. They have their own mobile gangs of thugs, they answer to no other law, and they rule by intimidation, mixed with charisma.

Pretty much. As far as ideology to win the hearts and minds of the great unwashed, whatever works at the moment, it's all lies anyway. They are shockingly good propagandists though. That part is clearly Thaksin's influence.

Edited by Jingthing
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in london and the police got no qualms about smashing up civillians (many look like they actually enjoy it); seeing bib here running and leaving their weapons and things rather than use em coz there afraid to hurt people is crazy. <deleted>! get stuck in.

in london and the uk (with the exeption of n ireland) cops don't carry guns at all and can end up at courts and jail if they overstep (like in london last year during anti g8 protests) - using them against huge protests, as we have seen it during black saturday, might mean tens of killed and almost thousand injured.

that's why some soldiers in bangkok preferred to throw down arms than shoot and kill more civilians

Edited by londonthai
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And by the way, the SC Park hotel is a 3-star hotel and you get rooms there for about 1500 Baht per night.

Its still a darn sight better than the pavement down the street.

3 star in Thailand is like 5 star in Europe.

You stand on a stage most of the day giving speeches, then go sleep on the pavement and see if you can keep it up.

The use of a hotel room meant that the speakers could recharge and rest to keep up their activities.

It is no different than command officers getting better accomodations than troops in the field. Did Sir Michael Jackson sleep in a trench when he was in command (no, silly not the dead guy, the UK commander)? Did General Tommy Franks sleep in a crappy tent with no A/C?

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The Red Shirt leaders are basically war lords - just like in Mogadishu. They have their own mobile gangs of thugs, they answer to no other law, and they rule by intimidation, mixed with charisma.

The army leaders are basically war lords - just like in Mogadishu. They have their own mobile gangs of thugs, they answer to no other law except the one they designate, and they rule by intimidation, mixed with bribery.

Is the above statement accurate or an example of inappropriate hyperbole?

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in london and the police got no qualms about smashing up civillians (many look like they actually enjoy it); seeing bib here running and leaving their weapons and things rather than use em coz there afraid to hurt people is crazy. <deleted>! get stuck in.

in london and the uk (with the exeption of n ireland) cops don't carry guns at all - using them against huge protests, as we have seen it during black saturday, might mean tens of killed and almost thousand injured.

that's why some soldiers in bangkok preferred to throw down arms than shoot and kill more civilians

you are london thai? those red police cars you see driving around are police armed with automatic weapons.

Police on demonstration in uk dont carry guns because the protesters dont cary guns either or have grenades and explosives! if they did i'm certain they would be shot as soon as they looked like they would try to use it; perfectly reasonable; they would not turn tail and run. The point i make is even peaceful protester in uk get smacked as soon as they get too close to a police line, but here i see protesters right up on the shields pushing police back, not even use their battons for a month, why not employ sensible crowd control techniques like kettling, watercanon, rubber bullets, actually arrest sum people and lockem up?

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cops in the uk don't carry guns, protests or no protests, and probably never did.

there are however armed units, some 20 of them, which are stationed all over the town or patrolling - they are an exeption.

in bangkok police used already kettling, watercanons, rubber (and life) bullets and today tried arrests

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cops in the uk don't carry guns, protests or no protests, and probably never did.

there are however armed units, some 20 of them, which are stationed all over the town or patrolling - they are an exeption.

so there are normal police and armed police, so whats your point?

in bangkok police used already kettling, watercanons, rubber (and life) bullets and today tried arrests

they only used these things after a whole moth of protest. I dont think any protest has been allowed to continue in uk for more than a couple of days. when guns come out, as in Northern Ireland, they are met by the army; all perfectly reasonable in a democratic western country, so why people cry foul when thailand do the same only alot more cautiously?

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