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Overweight Farangs


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Thais do sometimes just say what they think even if it seems very rude to us. I was in an elevator at my apartment building once with an Isaan girl who was doing some work for me. A well dressed Thai female got in and looked at my Isaan friend and said in Thai, "What are you doing here?' Very rude in the West.

Do you think it's possible the well dressed woman had no idea the Isaan women was with you and was just challenging from a security perspective.

Seems to be a lot of ignorrant, rude/obnoxious falang showing their true colors over the past few days, not to forget those who offer up sensible suggestive advice.

Would you question a stranger in the lift in your appartment building.

Neighbourhood watch Pal.

Funny ol world aint it

In the two apartment buildings that I have lived in, I would not have a clue if half the people I saw lived there or were visiting. :o

I'd bet my last satang that the "Thai" was looking down her nose at the "isaan" lass.

OK Lets try and start with a whole new outlook or inlook. Up 2 u

You are a human, and neither Jesus, nor Mohammed, nor Buddha speaks for you. Take courage—you can live without a god.

Do not injure human beings or any animal; make reasonable exceptions.

When you see evil, make sure it is not in a mirror. Sometimes the enemy is us. Emotions are part of life. Feelings are good. Angry and fearful feelings are valid, but be circumspect.

Morality is about how you treat the life that has been given you—before you got asked. Once here, try to do some good and leave us a little better than when you arrived. There is no second chance.

Ideas are good. Some ideas are better than others. The best way to winnow is to seek evidence that supports an idea in a way that can be tested and evaluated. Covet not ancient ideas that contradict new evidence.

Love one another. Love is good, but trying. There is no god nor parent nor partner that loves you all the time, unconditionally. Keep not fantasies in your minds. Accept reality. Even when things look dark, there is lots of love around. Tap into it.

Sex is good. Have fun. Do not hurt another out of selfishness. Do not worry what sex others might have.

Honor thy parents, but remember they put their pants on one leg at a time.

There is great beauty in the world—on this Earth, in music, in the life around us. Take note for it and you shall be richly rewarded.

Ravisher Revisited :D:D

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I'm over-weight. My parents-in-law always tell me I'm fat. My Father-in-law squeezes my fore arms (which actually have no fat on and are nicely muscled - unlike the mid-rift!) and says "fat". I know he des this, and says this, because he is worried for my health. He is much fatter than I, but his health is his concern - my health is important to him, so he voices his concern. No worries. He is right. I would not dream of calling him fat!

My wife is 5 foot dead and weighs about 42KG. I can lifet her up like a child, from the hips. Yet she is always stating that she is fat. We've been marries 7 years; shes still quite thin, eats like a chicken and spends 6 days a week at the gymn or, these days at least, Dojo.

In the UK I joke about my size with my friends and colleauges - it makes them laugh and, as I instigate it, can't hurt my feelings. If a stranger calls me a fatso in the UK, I would take offence - sure - but I doubt I would act on it beyond a suitable reposte/quip.

In LoS, I take it as friendly banter. I usually say something like "not my fault, Thai food is delicious" etc. It makes them laugh and either leads in to a chat, or they walk away smiling. Who's hurt?

Several people above said that it is used in the same way as talking about the weather in the UK would. Conversation starter. Conversations can be redirected.

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Strewth, I didn't need a lesson in Theology or life skills MP5. I just say it as I see it. :D

On a friendly note Ok!

You Know you are too fat when your friends say

Why walk when you can roll.

chuchkok you have a sense of humor I detect there. Hopefully a little light heartedness will assist all of us.

It's the weekend.

My friends say i should get a six pack i ask you y have a six pack when you have have the whole damm keg :o
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my wife after two years of learning english out of the blue called me ' her little spider' i asked why spider her reply ' you have small leg small arm and big body'

i fell on the floor laughing :o

i personally think the thai people do not mean to offend at all [ with some rare exeptions] most of it is meant in humour and it is very funny that's the reason we marry them and i would not change the way they are.

another example i found funny

five years ago a few of us would walk down soi seven or eight and would get 'hello young sexy man' :D lovely thought.

this year i took my 17 year old son to thailand and went to pattaya for 2 days so i had to show him soi seven and eight, this time it went something like

'Hello daddy i like your son' :D i looked at my son and both started to laugh.

Thailand eh! :

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I am a bit overweight.

I keep getting people I don't even know saying things to me like "you very fat" and other comments I consider pretty rude.

The thing is I dont think I am that fat, my doctor said I am about 7kg overweight which certainly doesnt make me obese. Its not like I sit around eating pork scratchings in  a string vest.

The strange thing is a lot of these people who suddenly fell the need to tell me I am "very fat" are usually middle age women who I would consider to be more overweight than I.

I nearly got in a fight with an old  ladys husband. She starting telling me how fat I was, so I told her "You fat same me, and you very old and ugly" I thought this was a fair come-back. But then I get a VERY dissaproving look from her and then her husband. As a customer in the restaurant I asked him why was he looking at me like that, and did he think saying "you very fat" was a proper way to talk to the customers. Asking if he was the boss (he obviously was) I would like to complain about the womans (his wifes) attitude towards me.

I then got asked to leave immediatley. Having not finished my meal I didnt feel it proper that I should have to pay the bill - which I didnt. This nearly resulted in a fist fight.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of rudeness in Thailand?

"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" :o

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I was at the office the other day, and one of the young Thai ladies (who frequently flirts with me) nearly floored me..

"Why you so fat today?"  I couldn't believe it!  I asked her to repeat herself-- me thinking that it was her poor English and she doesn't understand what she just said.  But again...

"You look very fat.  You get fat?"  Now, I am by no means a fat guy...very tall and thin.  This is the first time in my life to hear something like this.

My Thai engineer friend spoke something quickly to her in Thai.  She then jumped with a change in phrase...

"Why you so smart today?  You look so smart."  Yes, I wore my nice clothes that day, so this confirmed my thoughts that she just chose the wrong English words.

But later when I asked my engineer friend what he said to her, his reply was...

"I told her foreigners consider it very rude to say something like that." :o

Very good example. She honestly didn't realize it would offend.

Actually I think with "You look very fat. You get fat?" she was actually trying to ask "Have you gained some weight lately?" which is a very common question among Thais.

The question "Have you gained/lost weight?" is asked all the time, usually said to show interest in a person's wellbeing. Not said to insult/compliment someone really.

Also consider the fact that here the pig is considered to be cute, you have people buying pigs (stuffed animals, keychains, etc..) for plump friends, who accept the gifts goodnaturedly. Some people even take on the nickname "Moo" for themselves and happily respond when called that.

Edited by siamesekitty
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I was at the office the other day, and one of the young Thai ladies (who frequently flirts with me) nearly floored me..

"Why you so fat today?"  I couldn't believe it!  I asked her to repeat herself-- me thinking that it was her poor English and she doesn't understand what she just said.  But again...

"You look very fat.  You get fat?"  Now, I am by no means a fat guy...very tall and thin.  This is the first time in my life to hear something like this.

My Thai engineer friend spoke something quickly to her in Thai.  She then jumped with a change in phrase...

"Why you so smart today?  You look so smart."  Yes, I wore my nice clothes that day, so this confirmed my thoughts that she just chose the wrong English words.

But later when I asked my engineer friend what he said to her, his reply was...

"I told her foreigners consider it very rude to say something like that." :o

Very good example. She honestly didn't realize it would offend.

Actually I think with "You look very fat. You get fat?" she was actually trying to ask "Have you gained some weight lately?" which is a very common question among Thais.

The question "Have you gained/lost weight?" is asked all the time, usually said to show interest in a person's wellbeing. Not said to insult/compliment someone really.

Also consider the fact that here the pig is considered to be cute, you have people buying pigs (stuffed animals, keychains, etc..) for plump friends, who accept the gifts goodnaturedly. Some people even take on the nickname "Moo" for themselves and happily respond when called that.

good point sk about interperitation...

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Mr. Sarapan wrote:

I have some farang mates who are overweight and when we go out and meet some Thais, be it friends or co-workers they always comment about my mates being fat or fatter than when they last saw them. I think for Thai's, they dont consider this a rude comment or statement...much in the same way that they think asking someones salary is ok.

And he is absolutely right!

I put one some kilo's the last year and when I meet old acquaintances they always comment my gain of weight.

Yes, yes, I am very lazy (kikiat) I answer. I have to do more sports.

My barber illustrated for me the right way to loose weight; doing push-ups leaning against his counter.

If somebody feels insulted by Thai people telling him that he is too fat, or just fat, he probably belongs to a culture in which people always scream "wow, you are looking great!'"( even if you look like shit, which they will tell others when you are aout of hear-sight)

If you prefer that kind of culture, widely found in the USA, it might be better to stay in a country like the USA.

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If somebody feels insulted by Thai people telling him that he is too fat, or just fat, he probably belongs to a culture in which people always scream "wow, you are looking great!'"( even if you look like shit, which they will tell others when you are aout of hear-sight)

If you prefer that kind of culture, widely found in the USA, it might be better to stay in a country like the USA.

I wrote this and then I thought it might be considered as what they call America-bashing or some thing like that. I didn't mean that.

But calling Thai people rude for being themselves is rude in itself. And it shows in some way a lack of understanding of Thai culture. Calling Thai honesty rude can be felt as an offense. Not only by Thai people but also by foreigners who appreciate Thai culture.

If you have too much weight, you have too much weight. So what? You want people (Thai or others) to lie to you?

I have too much weight and I love the honesty of Thai people. I don't want anybody to talk bad about Thai people. They are great! I love them and their culture.

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If somebody feels insulted by Thai people telling him that he is too fat, or just fat, he probably belongs to a culture in which people always scream "wow, you are looking great!'"( even if you look like shit, which they will tell others when you are aout of hear-sight)

If you prefer that kind of culture, widely found in the USA, it might be better to stay in a country like the USA.

I wrote this and then I thought it might be considered as what they call America-bashing or some thing like that. I didn't mean that.

But calling Thai people rude for being themselves is rude in itself. And it shows in some way a lack of understanding of Thai culture. Calling Thai honesty rude can be felt as an offense. Not only by Thai people but also by foreigners who appreciate Thai culture.

If you have too much weight, you have too much weight. So what? You want people (Thai or others) to lie to you?

I have too much weight and I love the honesty of Thai people. I don't want anybody to talk bad about Thai people. They are great! I love them and their culture.

You are completely right limbo. If the op is sooooo insecure about his weight maybe he should try losing some rather than throwing his toys out of the pram :o If you dont like what people are saying about you then you should leave Thailand and go back to the "ohh you look great, even though i am lying through my teeth" culture. You also say that you wont leave because you have a sucessful business, surely you should be more worried about your business rather than something some woman said to you. You have been in the country long enough, you should know this is the Thai way, and if you dont understand the Thai way then maybe you are just ignorant. In which case i am not surprised you get insulted all the time FAT BOY :D

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When Thai people friends or strangers tell me I am pom pui (spelling?) i agree with them and smile while I do.

I know I am fat (130kg) but at 61 I am actually fat and happy, my wife loves me this size and she is now about 49 kg having put on a a kilo every year or 2.

I wouldn't change her but I would really love to lose 15 kg but I tell my wife that it her fault as she is a really good cook. :o

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... I keep getting people I don't even know saying things to me like "you very fat" and other comments I consider pretty rude...
In general I think this would be the exception, not the norm, one of the guys in my motley crew is clinical obese and never have I heard someone comment on his weight.

That aside, just keep a smile on your face when someone feels the need to share and comment on your appearance, it's hard to be really insulting or hostile to someone who's smiling at you, :D

Unless they're openly hostile, the high road and a little humility go a long way, thank them for their concern, send a drink their way and now you've turned them into allies, one more restaurant / bar that your welcome in. :o

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Well all i can say is your successful business must be selling to Farangs because with the attitude to Thais that you seem to have i would be surprised if any of them came near you.

Are you surprised that they dont like you when you say you display arrogance?

It dosent matter what country you are in if you display arrogance like this i am very surprised that you are still in one peice.

This is the last comment i am going to make on this post because i personally think you are a troll and best left to your own devices. I truly wish you the best of luck, with that attitude in Thailand there is only one place you will end up and that is in hospital because you have been battered by a group of Thais

My cousin has nearly 100 kg ( that is thai kid and look like

sumo ring ). When we go in the restarant, people looks at him and smile, he doesnt care for the curiousity , sometimes we heard in the air.....slightly...wow...big one...Aoun jum mum...my cousin just smile.....

Is it possible that your appearance is the object of the people and you might shine against the people, you disappointed the result, but deep in mind you still want to hear good things from Thais. Give back the answer in funny way, then you get the funny way back too. If you knock them with your agressive way, you will get the same back.

I live in Europe and I am a small thai size ( not Miss Thailand size ), I dont mind if people call me "Small ". Come little half way, maybe you might lived in Thailand little peacefully. If you cant accept or understand asian culture, then it's your complex. Dont be serious, life is hard enough, let's have little positive aspect, life in Thailand would be much easier for you too.

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Yes I think its a literal thing,my gal will see somone very fat and giggle moo uan.

She replies the same.

I guess the really fat is just unusual in Thailand.

That said has anyone noticed how big the thai kids are getting these days?.

Some of those schoolkids are looking very chubby.

Prob the diet of Falang junk food,instead of the healthier diet of old.

I was trying to explaing to my Thai g/f that she had been very rude when calling a female farang friend of mine fat and also saying she was similar to a pig.

My g/f just replied with 'why is it rude she IS fat'.

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Snoophound beat me to the punch re: thai children now getting much chubbier. There are also quite a few adults that are wearing xxxl gear. Are these Thai's also subject to such comments from their own country men/women, or is it just falangs that are spoken to in such a way?

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I am a bit overweight.

I keep getting people I don't even know saying things to me like "you very fat" and other comments I consider pretty rude.

The thing is I dont think I am that fat, my doctor said I am about 7kg overweight which certainly doesnt make me obese. Its not like I sit around eating pork scratchings in  a string vest.

The strange thing is a lot of these people who suddenly fell the need to tell me I am "very fat" are usually middle age women who I would consider to be more overweight than I.

I nearly got in a fight with an old  ladys husband. She starting telling me how fat I was, so I told her "You fat same me, and you very old and ugly" I thought this was a fair come-back. But then I get a VERY dissaproving look from her and then her husband. As a customer in the restaurant I asked him why was he looking at me like that, and did he think saying "you very fat" was a proper way to talk to the customers. Asking if he was the boss (he obviously was) I would like to complain about the womans (his wifes) attitude towards me.

I then got asked to leave immediatley. Having not finished my meal I didnt feel it proper that I should have to pay the bill - which I didnt. This nearly resulted in a fist fight.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of rudeness in Thailand?

Hmmmmm - only 7KG overweight ? Come on - tell the truth.

How much do you weigh ?

How tall are you ?

What's your waist size ?

I'm guessing you are a real fat boy & your doctor is fill of <deleted>.

Also - I'd get the blood pressure checked - getting into fights with the managers wife at a restaurant... does this kind of thing happen to you a lot ???



Did you have something to add to the discussion?

You are implying the locals are calling you fat even though you aren't - I find it a little tough to believe.

7kg overweight would not be evident on anyone taller than a dwarf.

I reckon you missed a zero.

So - in the interests of all those trying to help you - please supply some rough measurements so that we can properly judge just how unfair the locals are being to you.

Perhaps they are just calling it as they see it.

Hah, you are the troll

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I think it is plain to see that everybody, apart from the person that started this thread dosent seem to have a problem with Thais calling people fat. At the end of the day they are only stating the obvious

Much in the same vein as Thais calling us "Farang".

Has no negative connotation.

Indeed boon at the end of the day were not children in a playground saying sticks and stones will break my bones surely the op has better things to worry about than getting in to fights with people that are having some fun stating the obvious and not meaning any harm by their comments.

I don't pick fights

I replied in the same tone , although maybe I shouldnt have pointed her up and down when I called her fat and ugly. Well actually I dont regret upsetting her, she was a real bitch.

I don't ever start fights, never throw the first punch. But actually I am not scared of Thais, being a lot bigger stronger and having the tourist police and some helpful Thai friends to turn to if I get into a nasty situation. I think most of these stories we hear of Falangs getting into fights and ending up in hospital or getting deported are usually the tattoed Pattaya woman-hating types. Probably drunk on the street, smashing bottles, sleeping with someone elses wife etc. These people get beaten up and end up in the nick or in the hospital back at home too.

I got in a fight with some locals in Pai (Mai Hong Song) of all places, this was over a traffic accident which was actually my fault, although the driver (Thai) of the other vehicle was really drunk. He swung a hay-maker at me but missed, so I floored him. All the Thai people around saw what happened, took my side and explained the situation to the police. The police arrested him, I was told to come to the police station in the morning where they were detaining the Thai guy. When I got there he was ordered to pay me 500 Baht.

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Funny the way Thais are so snobby to people from the North East, Cambodia and Laos. They see them as lower class, uneducated, poor, perhaps even dangerous and untrustworthy. They can be pretty rude to these people.

I am on holiday for the second time in Cambodia, as a tourist my perception of Cambodian people is that they are more honest and certainly a lot smarter and open minded than the Thais. This is saying something - Pol Pot murdered all the educated/"higher class" cambodian people (apart from those who fled or were in the Khymer rouge). It seems rather harsh to judge people coming from a country like Cambodia with this kind of history.

Thais do sometimes just say what they think even if it seems very rude to us. I was in an elevator at my apartment building once with an Isaan girl who was doing some work for me. A well dressed Thai female got in and looked at my Isaan friend and said in Thai, "What are you doing here?' Very rude in the West.

Do you think it's possible the well dressed woman had no idea the Isaan women was with you and was just challenging from a security perspective.

Seems to be a lot of ignorrant, rude/obnoxious falang showing their true colors over the past few days, not to forget those who offer up sensible suggestive advice.

Would you question a stranger in the lift in your appartment building.

Neighbourhood watch Pal.

Funny ol world aint it

In the two apartment buildings that I have lived in, I would not have a clue if half the people I saw lived there or were visiting. :o

I'd bet my last satang that the "Thai" was looking down her nose at the "isaan" lass.

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I don't think many of us can honestly claim to understand Thai culture.

If somebody feels insulted by Thai people telling him that he is too fat, or just fat, he probably belongs to a culture in which people always scream "wow, you are looking great!'"( even if you look like shit, which they will tell others when you are aout of hear-sight)

If you prefer that kind of culture, widely found in the USA, it might be better to stay in a country like the USA.

I wrote this and then I thought it might be considered as what they call America-bashing or some thing like that. I didn't mean that.

But calling Thai people rude for being themselves is rude in itself. And it shows in some way a lack of understanding of Thai culture. Calling Thai honesty rude can be felt as an offense. Not only by Thai people but also by foreigners who appreciate Thai culture.

If you have too much weight, you have too much weight. So what? You want people (Thai or others) to lie to you?

I have too much weight and I love the honesty of Thai people. I don't want anybody to talk bad about Thai people. They are great! I love them and their culture.

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Seems you have been living here for too long!

If somebody feels insulted by Thai people telling him that he is too fat, or just fat, he probably belongs to a culture in which people always scream "wow, you are looking great!'"( even if you look like shit, which they will tell others when you are aout of hear-sight)

If you prefer that kind of culture, widely found in the USA, it might be better to stay in a country like the USA.

I wrote this and then I thought it might be considered as what they call America-bashing or some thing like that. I didn't mean that.

But calling Thai people rude for being themselves is rude in itself. And it shows in some way a lack of understanding of Thai culture. Calling Thai honesty rude can be felt as an offense. Not only by Thai people but also by foreigners who appreciate Thai culture.

If you have too much weight, you have too much weight. So what? You want people (Thai or others) to lie to you?

I have too much weight and I love the honesty of Thai people. I don't want anybody to talk bad about Thai people. They are great! I love them and their culture.

You are completely right limbo. If the op is sooooo insecure about his weight maybe he should try losing some rather than throwing his toys out of the pram :o If you dont like what people are saying about you then you should leave Thailand and go back to the "ohh you look great, even though i am lying through my teeth" culture. You also say that you wont leave because you have a sucessful business, surely you should be more worried about your business rather than something some woman said to you. You have been in the country long enough, you should know this is the Thai way, and if you dont understand the Thai way then maybe you are just ignorant. In which case i am not surprised you get insulted all the time FAT BOY :D

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