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Thai Army Says Planning Operation To Clear Protesters

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This fine, hardworking nation is steering towards becoming a republic and we cannot deny this. If the nation and its people want to move forward and lead ASEAN, the current system must be torn down. The new Thailand will, for the first time, give opportunities to the rural poor (the backbone of the country where profitable international trade begins) so that 43 million more people will be able to learn new skills, mechanize their farms, pursue their dreams, express their views freely, and be truly free from the ruling classes and their yellow shirted messengers. The new Thailand will be a leader in new technologies of agriculture, medicine, and sustainable energies. Not only the old school elite will have jobs in these new industries, but the so far untapped, repressed potential of the rural poor will be utilized. And what will the elite have to sacrifice to make this happen? They will need to return the land to the farmers. A feudal system in which a farmer cannot make profit on his land for having to pay rent to a landowner in a far away city is wrong and fails the people. Stand up for your rights my red shirted friends. Stay together and don't let the messengers pollute your good minds.

A republic will not automatically fix these problems. The USA is a republic and still has large numbers of poor people who are not helped by the government. That is simply the nature of government, to serve the rich and to enrich themselves. Poor people will not stop paying rent to landowners just because you switch styles of government. Unless they seize land from the rich and redistribute it. In which case it isn't a republic or democracy you want. A country which seizes land to give to the poor will not be a hotbed of foreign investment, you'd end up more like Cuba in that case. The idea that landowners would voluntarily give their land away to poor people is simply a fairy tale and will not happen. If you want to see what happens when you remove the elite and educated by force to redistribute the land I suggest you take a moment and consider Cambodia and see how well it worked for them. You are not describing a republic unless you mean the People's republic of China. If you are actually advocating communism you better wake up and see how it has failed in just about every country that tried it. It did not end government corruption but made it even worse.

I can only hope that the author of the quoted post does not actually represent the goals of the Red protesters. If they do then the Reds are more foolish and more dangerous than I have thought. Any country which has violently redistributed land and eliminated their upper class in the last century has plunged their country in decades or war and poverty.

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Not as many computers in farmers living rooms. Usually their houses are full of farming things.

But nice to show your elitist blindness with this post. Shows more the class divide than anything else.

Yellows being the elites, have more money, therefore more computers, therefore more facebook members.

You not related to Einstein by anychance are you :)

Farmers houses are full of "farming things"!

That shows how much you know about thai farmers! Ever been to a farmers house? What exactly are "farming things"?

You pretend to understand the poor farmers in their class struggle?

Maybe spend too much time playing farmville?

Talking about class struggle while not understanding what is really happening is bad IMO.

One part of the elite is fighting against the other, one faction of the military against the other, business interests and all that..

It is a power struggle, not a class struggle at all! The peasants are used as "cannon fodder" like they have always been...


What Thailand needs to do is similar to the French system.

Let all and sundry run and then the top two vote getters run against each other only.

Let this final run off be one man one vote,

no party lists and nothing but the candidates words vs his opponents.

Then these elected MP's form their leadership based on party membership,

but not from some arbitrary list. If they got elected personally then they are on equal footing.

We know in all parliamentary systems power and influence is bartered if not directly sold,

but at least the PEOPLE get the most individual say in their elected representatives.

It could also be possible to have a directly elected one man one vote ;

"National Executive and Deputy National Executive." for want of less divisive key words.

And this is not a change of type of 'head of state', but just 'head of administration'.

...... Pity that you didn't think to proof read after you put your grammar nazi hat on.

It's You're, not your. But C+ for a first attempt at humor. Or do you really know my not?... whatever that is :)

So that's the extent of your argument is it? Fool!

This fine, hardworking nation is steering towards becoming a republic and we cannot deny this. If the nation and its people want to move forward and lead ASEAN, the current system must be torn down. The new Thailand will, for the first time, give opportunities to the rural poor (the backbone of the country where profitable international trade begins) so that 43 million more people will be able to learn new skills, mechanize their farms, pursue their dreams, express their views freely, and be truly free from the ruling classes and their yellow shirted messengers. The new Thailand will be a leader in new technologies of agriculture, medicine, and sustainable energies. Not only the old school elite will have jobs in these new industries, but the so far untapped, repressed potential of the rural poor will be utilized. And what will the elite have to sacrifice to make this happen? They will need to return the land to the farmers. A feudal system in which a farmer cannot make profit on his land for having to pay rent to a landowner in a far away city is wrong and fails the people. Stand up for your rights my red shirted friends. Stay together and don't let the messengers pollute your good minds.

The Abhisit government has already started the return of land to the farmers by proposing a land tax.

And how many of the land owners are the poor farmer's next door neighbour?


Reply to Jerry post #560 - too many quotes!

Jerry, I agree that a mass exodus to BKK would be a disaster, and that regional development, which is occurring, will help. I refer you to post #557. I have had much the same experience around Nakhon Pakhom, and previously, around the Sukhothai area. People there fall into roughly 3 different groups. The first are happy with their low income lifestyle, and don't want to change it as long as they are reasonably comfortable. The second group want more, and are prepared to do what it takes be that move, and/or work harder/smarter. The 3rd just want more handed to them.


1/ My gf's family have been offered all expenses paid holiday on Samui staying in the spare b/room of my house. They don't want to come, quite happy where they are.

2/ My ex-wife's bro-in-law worked while his wife ran a small shop from their home. I saw them working their butts off harvesting sesame seeds for a miserable B1500. I offered to loan him some money but only if he could show me a workable business plan. He bought an old pick-up, gets up at 1:30 every morning to drive 50km to the market, arrives back before dawn with a load of fresh produce and sells all of it each day. He paid me back in 2 annual installments of B100,000 including 10% interest. A man for whom I have the utmost respect.

3/ My ex-wife's brother has the intelligence of a duck. Probably less, he can't swim. His idea of a 1 man business is to employ 1 man and watch him work, spending every baht as it comes in. Even with free room and board and a couple of loans, he couldn't get ahead. His last business was a fuel drum outside of my bike rental shop, the master-plan being to steal the fuel from my bikes when they were returned. The previous proposition was a fruit and veg van using my truck. He offered to pay for the fuel. I expect him to be in BKK wearing a red shirt. Hopefully, I will see his name in the fatality list. His sister as well would restore my belief in a god.

A republic will not automatically fix these problems. The USA is a republic and still has large numbers of poor people who are not helped by the government. That is simply the nature of government, to serve the rich and to enrich themselves. Poor people will not stop paying rent to landowners just because you switch styles of government. Unless they seize land from the rich and redistribute it. In which case it isn't a republic or democracy you want. A country which seizes land to give to the poor will not be a hotbed of foreign investment, you'd end up more like Cuba in that case. The idea that landowners would voluntarily give their land away to poor people is simply a fairy tale and will not happen. If you want to see what happens when you remove the elite and educated by force to redistribute the land I suggest you take a moment and consider Cambodia and see how well it worked for them. You are not describing a republic unless you mean the People's republic of China. If you are actually advocating communism you better wake up and see how it has failed in just about every country that tried it. It did not end government corruption but made it even worse.

Republic: it is not necessary, it will be not accepted by a large part of Thai People and to be implemented it will be bloody.

IMHO, the issues are not at this level.

First a fair, non corrupted representation of People. This is already a revolution in the Thai culture. How to proceed? By obligation to present before an election the budget of the Candidates, part of the budget subsidised if the Candidate shows he really represents some opinions (Let say 5% of votes as example). Then to LIMIT the budget to a reasonable amount so that not only the Elite but also Poor people have a chance if a group support the Candidacy. Very strong repression of non respect of the Election rules, Candidate immediately ruled out. After years of corruption in France, invisible subsidises by businesses for supporting Right and ultra Right candidacies, we have implemented such rules in France.

Then as I have explained, Decentralisation of decisions, by creating Regions (equivalent to the USA organisation with the states). To be noticed that, taking into account the populations, one state in USA is in average (and roughly) of the same size than a French Region. Very similar decentralisation in fact. At the head of the Regions (or other name), one Governor (President) elected with a local Assembly of representatives.

Then a Central Minister in charge of "City and Country development Planning'.

This will include researches -
and actions for implementing the results of researches
-for modernising Agriculture, decentralising some Industries whenever feasible, creation of decentralised industrial hubs (free taxes zones for example like Malaysia is doing), infrastructures (railways, highways, domestic airline development like Vietnam)....

A deep reform of Education has to be done. I give credit to Abhisit that it was trying to do something oin this domain, but very lately and probably insufficient. (specialists to work on that)

This are the axes of structural reforms I see.

And immediately, political measures for sustaining the income of the Northern population, particularly farmers. (Rice, Rubber prices, subsidises) until the agriculture is modernised. This should defuse the current situation.


Some people posting here are describing the poor as "cannon fodder", but what exactly do they mean? Is "cannon fodder" bullets used by the army which paid for by workers' taxes? Who fires the bullets from the guns used by the army which is paid for by workers' taxes? Soldiers do, and these soldiers get paid. It's their job. I don't think the Reds on the streets have careers in street protesting with a salary and pension plan. They don't get a shield, a weapon, or a protective uniform. They are nobody's "cannon fodder". Would you be "cannon fodder" for 1,000 baht for a four-week street protest? Or might you have a genuine cause to want to stand up and fight for your rights? These people are there because they want to change a system which fails and represses them. All this "cannon fodder" talk is rubbish and an insult to them quite frankly. They have brains and feelings. Don't distract from the real issues.

Some people posting here are describing the poor as "cannon fodder", but what exactly do they mean? Is "cannon fodder" bullets used by the army which paid for by workers' taxes? Who fires the bullets from the guns used by the army which is paid for by workers' taxes? Soldiers do, and these soldiers get paid. It's their job. I don't think the Reds on the streets have careers in street protesting with a salary and pension plan. They don't get a shield, a weapon, or a protective uniform. They are nobody's "cannon fodder". Would you be "cannon fodder" for 1,000 baht for a four-week street protest? Or might you have a genuine cause to want to stand up and fight for your rights? These people are there because they want to change a system which fails and represses them. All this "cannon fodder" talk is rubbish and an insult to them quite frankly. They have brains and feelings. Don't distract from the real issues.

"Cannon fodder" simply refers to Mr. Thaksin's willingness to put large numbers of inocent people in the firing range for his own political purposes. The term has nothing to do with the nature of the people who are being used as "Cannon Fodder".

And how many of the land owners are the poor farmer's next door neighbour?
I don't know. Do you? Instead of speculating, why don't you state the actual number.

Oh wait, you don't know, but darned if you will let that stop you from making an unsubstantiated statement.

Brilliant presentation there.

Some people posting here are describing the poor as "cannon fodder", but what exactly do they mean? Is "cannon fodder" bullets used by the army which paid for by workers' taxes? Who fires the bullets from the guns used by the army which is paid for by workers' taxes? Soldiers do, and these soldiers get paid. It's their job. I don't think the Reds on the streets have careers in street protesting with a salary and pension plan. They don't get a shield, a weapon, or a protective uniform. They are nobody's "cannon fodder". Would you be "cannon fodder" for 1,000 baht for a four-week street protest? Or might you have a genuine cause to want to stand up and fight for your rights? These people are there because they want to change a system which fails and represses them. All this "cannon fodder" talk is rubbish and an insult to them quite frankly. They have brains and feelings. Don't distract from the real issues.

What it means is that the red protesters on the street are expendable. Their leaders don't care if they get hurt or killed in crackdowns, they may even want it. Casualties among the protesters are used for political gain and propaganda. They may not be well paid, but the protesters have been paid, and to put themselves in harms way for such a low amount makes people question whether they are using the brains you say they have. They were oppressed long before Thaksin, during Thaksin's time, after Thaksin and these protests will not change that. Call them cannon fodder, pawns or whatever you want, the point is they're are puppets in someone's play for power. If I believed that they were protesting for their own benefit and not as stooges for a billionaire I'd probably support their movement, as it is I think they are wasting their time, it won't be the foot soldiers who will benefit this time.


But the term "cannon fodder" would imply that these rural poor don't have a mind and will of their own - that they have merely been coerced to being there. Could one man really convince this many poor people to fight a cause against a failing system? Do you think these people don't have a genuine cause for being there? They are protesting outside a mall that sells goods, which they produce for next to nothing and which retail at much inflated prices, to the benefit of the Bangkok elite. Don't you think these people want a real, wholesome slice of the pie? Conversely, their opponents are a paid army and police force. Surely, this group are the "cannon fodder", not the Reds.

Some people posting here are describing the poor as "cannon fodder", but what exactly do they mean? Is "cannon fodder" bullets used by the army which paid for by workers' taxes? Who fires the bullets from the guns used by the army which is paid for by workers' taxes? Soldiers do, and these soldiers get paid. It's their job. I don't think the Reds on the streets have careers in street protesting with a salary and pension plan. They don't get a shield, a weapon, or a protective uniform. They are nobody's "cannon fodder". Would you be "cannon fodder" for 1,000 baht for a four-week street protest? Or might you have a genuine cause to want to stand up and fight for your rights? These people are there because they want to change a system which fails and represses them. All this "cannon fodder" talk is rubbish and an insult to them quite frankly. They have brains and feelings. Don't distract from the real issues.

The real issues being that the red leadership incites violence all in the name of getting Thaksin back? 500 baht/day = 15000 baht a month. That might actually make some of the protesters 'tax-payers' for the very first time if they declare thier earnings and this protest lasts another 9 months! Other than that you will find the tax-payers to be the people that the reds are hurting. Then again they seem quite willing to destroy Thailand's economy totally with this ongoing protest and the use of Sae Daeng's "ronin".

The poor are just cannon-fodder and being used by the likes of Veera, Dr Weng, Jatuporn, Arisaman, etc etc etc ... and mostly just used by Thaksin.

edit ---- by the way --- you appear to be making the argument that the reds are made up of people working in the manufacturing industries .... That certain;y isn't the case.

domeone seems to have diarrhea in his mouth at this time...a little discretion would have been more welcomed after all abhisit's efforts.....

Hip Hip Hurray,

Fatso unplugged the TV,used the power -cord arount his 20 packs(not 6 pack) and did the abseil trick.

Either I am colorblind or daft,obviously the "cord " was a part of a professional abseil gear,

must have practised that B4,can see clearly he decendet hand over hand.

Lucky he escaped,or else the Fuzz would have been lynched.Or 50 protesters in lilac dead.

But the term "cannon fodder" would imply that these rural poor don't have a mind and will of their own - that they have merely been coerced to being there. Could one man really convince this many poor people to fight a cause against a failing system? Do you think these people don't have a genuine cause for being there? They are protesting outside a mall that sells goods, which they produce for next to nothing and which retail at much inflated prices, to the benefit of the Bangkok elite. Don't you think these people want a real, wholesome slice of the pie? Conversely, their opponents are a paid army and police force. Surely, this group are the "cannon fodder", not the Reds.


funny itis,nowadays no Forum of the Poor,are protesting anywhere,no beggers brigades,jobless poeples,ex con,etc.etc.

I guess all are on he payroll of the reds, by now?

Might be wrong!


In this era of rapid global communications, TV, and the Internet, I can see how both sides would use casualties as propaganda. But to say that the Reds are cannon fodder is incorret. Even without Thaksin, they have a genuine cause to fight. On the other hand, the army and police are being PAID to fight. They are the expendables - and without a genuine cause. They can be replaced with extra public money. You cannot use the term cannon fodder here, sorry.

But the term "cannon fodder" would imply that these rural poor don't have a mind and will of their own - that they have merely been coerced to being there. Could one man really convince this many poor people to fight a cause against a failing system? Do you think these people don't have a genuine cause for being there? They are protesting outside a mall that sells goods, which they produce for next to nothing and which retail at much inflated prices, to the benefit of the Bangkok elite. Don't you think these people want a real, wholesome slice of the pie? Conversely, their opponents are a paid army and police force. Surely, this group are the "cannon fodder", not the Reds.

After last years violence it was IMO more than clear that they had to create the image of "marthyrs of democracy" to get more support from the population. They tried hard last year to provoce the Gov. and army to kill some of their members. They "improved" their strategy and didn't even make fuss about beeing ready to spill blood in order to achieve their goal. The whole stunt with pouring litres of blood on the street was just a very clear warning that they are ready to "give their blood for the cause". That the army fires at them after beeing shot at and bombed was clear, so they got what they want. They needed dead protesters to further their agenda.

As to the individuals that got killed, I have no idea how "hardcore" or innocent they were. Clear is, that the big majority of followers do believe that the movement is all about democracy, free election and intended to be totally peaceful.

So how can you make your peaceful protesters to "hardcore"? How you create anger so that people forget about the "shanti" talking that was going on before and be ready to be fighting in (as their leaders call it) war against the elite?

The situation didn't come as a suprise, it was just a matter of time.

Now where the war is openly declared it's the old "wether with or against us" game. After the 10th I heard the question beeing asked many times daily on stage. "Are you ready to die for democracy and for our red movement?" --Cheering crowds--

As to the weapons the army used beeing paid by taxpayers? The same could be said for the army weapons used by the protesters.

In this era of rapid global communications, TV, and the Internet, I can see how both sides would use casualties as propaganda. But to say that the Reds are cannon fodder is incorret. Even without Thaksin, they have a genuine cause to fight. On the other hand, the army and police are being PAID to fight. They are the expendables - and without a genuine cause. They can be replaced with extra public money. You cannot use the term cannon fodder here, sorry.

You don't have a very clear understanding of the term Cannon fodder ---- The red masses are exactly that. They are to be thrown at installations like 1st Regiment and then when the reds start tossing molatov cocktails your red masses get mowed down (hopefully only by water cannon!)

You reds wouldn't be there if it weren't for Thaksin and your claiming otherwise means you are either clueless or deliberately obfuscating. The red leaders answer to Thaksin and Thaksin thinks that reds dieing in the street (as cannon-fodder) is better for him than to have accepted elections a year early.

Feel free to go visit the rally and look around for influences of Thaksin, like his photos everywhere, like his funding, like his phone-ins ----- this is all about Thaksin and until that changes then the reds just have ZERO credibility.

In this era of rapid global communications, TV, and the Internet, I can see how both sides would use casualties as propaganda. But to say that the Reds are cannon fodder is incorret. Even without Thaksin, they have a genuine cause to fight. On the other hand, the army and police are being PAID to fight. They are the expendables - and without a genuine cause. They can be replaced with extra public money. You cannot use the term cannon fodder here, sorry.

You don't have a very clear understanding of the term Cannon fodder ---- The red masses are exactly that. They are to be thrown at installations like 1st Regiment and then when the reds start tossing molatov cocktails your red masses get mowed down (hopefully only by water cannon!)

You reds wouldn't be there if it weren't for Thaksin and your claiming otherwise means you are either clueless or deliberately obfuscating. The red leaders answer to Thaksin and Thaksin thinks that reds dieing in the street (as cannon-fodder) is better for him than to have accepted elections a year early.

Feel free to go visit the rally and look around for influences of Thaksin, like his photos everywhere, like his funding, like his phone-ins ----- this is all about Thaksin and until that changes then the reds just have ZERO credibility.

I posted the idea several times,but no buyers for it.

Why does Taksin never wears RED,Never,never,maybe he hates the color (colour for UK).

I think "Cannon Fodder" is a term from the world wars,

where soldiers in the millions were thrown into battle.

Better use "Pawns",its more human,"Fodder "is for the Oxen and cows etc.

U play Chess,there you can waste a lot of Pawns.....

I am not really a smartallex, but trry to.


The term cannon fodder is irrelevent here, period. The term can be used for both sides, so there's no point in using it.

Breaking News! Government hands out salaries to army and police on streets! They are being paid to be there! Breaking News! Yellow Shirts are being handed out money at the airport! They are being paid to be there! Would never see it, would you? Why? They already live in Bangkok and can be paid via their bank accounts.

If the genuine rural Reds want to win, they need to block off the roads and the borders to the agricultural provinces and do their trading there. Declare an independant state, sell their produce at ten times the current trading prices, and levy a tax. If they don't sell, they have all the food they need. The repressors cannot touch them. The new territory will be theirs by de facto. After a few months, Bangkok will grind to a halt. No honey, no money.

The term cannon fodder is irrelevent here, period. The term can be used for both sides, so there's no point in using it.

Breaking News! Government hands out salaries to army and police on streets! They are being paid to be there! Breaking News! Yellow Shirts are being handed out money at the airport! They are being paid to be there! Would never see it, would you? Why? They already live in Bangkok and can be paid via their bank accounts.

If the genuine rural Reds want to win, they need to block off the roads and the borders to the agricultural provinces and do their trading there. Declare an independant state, sell their produce at ten times the current trading prices, and levy a tax. If they don't sell, they have all the food they need. The repressors cannot touch them. The new territory will be theirs by de facto. After a few months, Bangkok will grind to a halt. No honey, no money.

LOL ... you spent a whole lot of time thinking that through didn't you! :):D:D

In this era of rapid global communications, TV, and the Internet, I can see how both sides would use casualties as propaganda. But to say that the Reds are cannon fodder is incorret. Even without Thaksin, they have a genuine cause to fight. On the other hand, the army and police are being PAID to fight. They are the expendables - and without a genuine cause. They can be replaced with extra public money. You cannot use the term cannon fodder here, sorry.

If the actions of those controlling the Ronin warriors are to be taking at face value,

then yes the rank and file have been USED as cannon fodder.

cannon fodder –noun

soldiers, esp. infantrymen, who run the greatest risk of being wounded or killed in warfare.

Origin: 1890–95

Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.

Suddenly at a time of calm shots rang out and the reds attacked and the army attacked back

The Black shirts hid in and around the Red shirts and let or MADE them go crazy and face off with the army.


Someone triggered this to cause chaos panic and lives lost from both sides.

Red side rather randomly, and army side very targeted and precision.

So yes the boys in the back used the red rank and file as cannon fodder,

while they did their own dirty work from relative safety.

The term cannon fodder is irrelevent here, period. The term can be used for both sides, so there's no point in using it.

Breaking News! Government hands out salaries to army and police on streets! They are being paid to be there! Breaking News! Yellow Shirts are being handed out money at the airport! They are being paid to be there! Would never see it, would you? Why? They already live in Bangkok and can be paid via their bank accounts.

If the genuine rural Reds want to win, they need to block off the roads and the borders to the agricultural provinces and do their trading there. Declare an independant state, sell their produce at ten times the current trading prices, and levy a tax. If they don't sell, they have all the food they need. The repressors cannot touch them. The new territory will be theirs by de facto. After a few months, Bangkok will grind to a halt. No honey, no money.


The term cannon fodder is irrelevent here, period. The term can be used for both sides, so there's no point in using it.

Breaking News! Government hands out salaries to army and police on streets! They are being paid to be there! Breaking News! Yellow Shirts are being handed out money at the airport! They are being paid to be there! Would never see it, would you? Why? They already live in Bangkok and can be paid via their bank accounts.

If the genuine rural Reds want to win, they need to block off the roads and the borders to the agricultural provinces and do their trading there. Declare an independant state, sell their produce at ten times the current trading prices, and levy a tax. If they don't sell, they have all the food they need. The repressors cannot touch them. The new territory will be theirs by de facto. After a few months, Bangkok will grind to a halt. No honey, no money.

Good work. Now you are calling for a civil war and the break up of a unified nation whose peoples share a common culture and have no animosity towards each other, and, are economically interdependent.

Any better ideas?


There was an announcement that the Army postioning Snipers around Rachaprasong today.

5 minute ago from the udd facebook site:

Update Army snipers are about to take positions on top of the buildings around Rajprasong, Reds will counter with appropriate move!

Wonder what they mean with appropriate!

^indeed Abhisit will resign and we can put this episode of comedy to rest. :)

And with Red Shirt thugs running the country

Chaos big time in Thailand

The term cannon fodder is irrelevent here, period. The term can be used for both sides, so there's no point in using it.

Breaking News! Government hands out salaries to army and police on streets! They are being paid to be there! Breaking News! Yellow Shirts are being handed out money at the airport! They are being paid to be there! Would never see it, would you? Why? They already live in Bangkok and can be paid via their bank accounts.

If the genuine rural Reds want to win, they need to block off the roads and the borders to the agricultural provinces and do their trading there. Declare an independant state, sell their produce at ten times the current trading prices, and levy a tax. If they don't sell, they have all the food they need. The repressors cannot touch them. The new territory will be theirs by de facto. After a few months, Bangkok will grind to a halt. No honey, no money.

Yeah that will work :)

Ten times the current trading price every one would start to import and your independent state would be broke.


If the genuine rural Reds want to win, they need to block off the roads and the borders to the agricultural provinces and do their trading there. Declare an independant state, sell their produce at ten times the current trading prices, and levy a tax. If they don't sell, they have all the food they need. The repressors cannot touch them. The new territory will be theirs by de facto. After a few months, Bangkok will grind to a halt. No honey, no money.

Yet another incredibly insightful post from a 14 post thai political pundit. :)

The mind wobbles at some of the things written here. :D

I am and always will be proud to be an American. Some times I'm sad that I'm a foreigner here and have to be lumped into a 'catch all category' with the likes of the above quoted poster. :D

edited for sa-pelling something worng :D

The term cannon fodder is irrelevent here, period. The term can be used for both sides, so there's no point in using it.

Breaking News! Government hands out salaries to army and police on streets! They are being paid to be there! Breaking News! Yellow Shirts are being handed out money at the airport! They are being paid to be there! Would never see it, would you? Why? They already live in Bangkok and can be paid via their bank accounts.

If the genuine rural Reds want to win, they need to block off the roads and the borders to the agricultural provinces and do their trading there. Declare an independant state, sell their produce at ten times the current trading prices, and levy a tax. If they don't sell, they have all the food they need. The repressors cannot touch them. The new territory will be theirs by de facto. After a few months, Bangkok will grind to a halt. No honey, no money.

Yeah that will work :)

Ten times the current trading price every one would start to import and your independent state would be broke.

QUOTE FROM ABOVE: " Breaking News! Government hands out salaries to army and police on streets! They are being paid to be there! Breaking News! Yellow Shirts are being handed out money at the airport! They are being paid to be there! Would never see it, would you? Why? They already live in Bangkok and can be paid via their bank accounts.


1. What's the source of this claim?

2. Are you sure there is an established process whereby the people you quote are normally paid by bank deposit? If not then you remarks are nothing more than flaming.

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