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Thai Red-Shirts Leaders Will Surrender To Police May 15: Nattawut


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Funny, the red shirt leaders have repeatedly stated that they've been staying at the protest site and not at posh hotels! The great thing for them is that their supporters are just plain STUPID!!! If you ever needed more proof, check this out. The red shirt leaders told their supporters that the Americans must have been lying about tapping Thaksins phone because Thaksin speaks Thai on the phone and Americans speak English. So how could they have understood what he was saying? THE CROWD BELIEVED THEM!!!!! I'd be laughing if it wasn't so sad.

I wonder if any of the Red shirt leaders believe the above logic also?

You know, using that logic they could discredit the PM by saying he could not have a degree from Oxford cause in England they speak English, and he is Thai.

"cause" tut tut tut I think that should be "because" :)

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I want to raise the point about Thaksin being on the move all the time and having at his disposal multiple passports in differents names from different countries. (mostly failed states)

Doesn't that say something to everybody.

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Where is Micky and Donald when the people need them the most?? Elmer Fudd says he has his guns loaded and ready to party.. but Speedy Gonsales says he pulling up stakes and heading back to Mexico City as he finds it too dangerous here.

Okay I am letting the "dogs out"... and only time will tell..who get their licks..

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What are the yellows??


the Yellows are/were the crowd the Bangkok Bandits wheel out when they lose an election. Unlike the Reds, the army does not shoot them when they occupy an airport, etc.

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I see one of the latter has dubbed the Red-supporting majority of Thailand as 'terrorists'. Nice one for all authoritarian anti-democrats. It's a simple 'law 'n order' situation, so bring on more firepower! Were Adolf Hitler & Joe Stalin alive, they would be cheering behind you.

By all means let the legal attrition against Ole Squarehead continue. Meantime, howsabout a free election, dudes?

Tom thank you for this...I cannot believe some of the comments from the authoritarian right wing-nuts...but they are highly selective in their calls for punishment...

Tom and/or Burr can you please explain the difference in a right wing nut and a left wing nut? This is not a slur or flame, I would really like to know your answer.

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I would like to know who is watching the Airports and Land Borders of Thailand as I believe these so called "Red Shirt Leaders" will bolt before May 15. Onto the Lear sent in by the Puppet Master.

The Thai Government should have in place with various International Organisations (Interpol etc) warrents for there arrest. They also should have all there Thai passports cancelled as of today.

My 2 cents worth.

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If the yellows was in jail (their normal place), the reds would have to surrender RIGHT AWAY.

Let's sentence and jail the yellows first.

I strongly suspect that many of the former yellow shirts are the same people now wearing red. The problem is that "good guys" are theoretically the ones that would try and do away with corruption (wasnt that what ousting Thaksin was supposed to be about) The problem here is that most ordinary Thais seem ok with corruption as a way of life - much better to pay a few thousand baht than go to jail, or flout laws knowing that you are "protected" against arrest. In my view the real problem was that one of the bigwigs was getting more than the others and so he had to go. The yellow shirts, red shirts or any colour you mention, are not revolutionaries - the Thais love things like mass events that disrupt things - Songkran for example. They are all being manipulated (both sides) by people pulling their strings

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The RED mob may be laughing at the police now, but if their mates eventually form a government they will have the self same police force working for them. Good luck, chaps, when some other mob comes along.

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.... another month to commit crimes against humanity.

Of course taken into credit the past actions of the current government,they might be the ones who step with both feet into this trap. :)

Do you even know what crimes against humanity are?!?

"...part either of a government policy (although the perpetrators need not identify themselves with this policy) or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority.."

By definition it would be pretty difficult for the reds to commit crimes against humanity.

But hey, why let it get in the way of good rhetoric.

Edited by firestar
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What are the yellows??

In simple terms:

Yellows = opposed to Thaksin

Reds = for Thaksin

A lot of people on this forum will rush to tell you how much more complicated it is than that, and it's true to say that it's not all black and white - there are grays involved - but generally speaking, this is what unites them.

Thaksin only plays a part in your assumption as it goes far deeper than that and way above Thaksin's power or lack of it.

Just think about who actually runs the country, and it isn't Abbasit either.

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I would like to know who is watching the Airports and Land Borders of Thailand as I believe these so called "Red Shirt Leaders" will bolt before May 15. Onto the Lear sent in by the Puppet Master.

The Thai Government should have in place with various International Organisations (Interpol etc) warrents for there arrest. They also should have all there Thai passports cancelled as of today.

My 2 cents worth.

2 cents ? - wasn't worth as much as that

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What are the yellows??


the Yellows are/were the crowd the Bangkok Bandits wheel out when they lose an election. Unlike the Reds, the army does not shoot them when they occupy an airport, etc.

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I see one of the latter has dubbed the Red-supporting majority of Thailand as 'terrorists'. Nice one for all authoritarian anti-democrats. It's a simple 'law 'n order' situation, so bring on more firepower! Were Adolf Hitler & Joe Stalin alive, they would be cheering behind you.

By all means let the legal attrition against Ole Squarehead continue. Meantime, howsabout a free election, dudes?

I get really angry when I read ignorant comments like this.

Oldgit - you have absolutely no idea, do you? Were you around when Thaksin was in power? Were you paying attention? Thaksin was more of an authoritarian than Abhisit will ever be. Do you honestly think Thailand was ruled democratically when the red hero was in power? Did you completely miss the intimidation of the press and the opposition, the manipulation of the courts, the use of goverment powers for private profit, the extra-judicial killings? Have you ever read Thaksin's words about democracy while he was ruling the roost? Not exactly a hero of democracy back then and hardly one now ... more like a hero of hypocrisy. I am hardly a right wing authoritarian, but I despise the red shirt leaders who are nothing but a bunch of thugs and wouldn't know democracy if they were choking on it. They are in it for themselves - period! The rural poor have legitimate beefs, but it is sad that their cause has fallen prey to the likes of Thaksin and all the other scumbag red leadership.

By the way, dude ... the current parliament consists of people who were elected in the last election in which the red shirt party (Pheua Thai) won more seats than any other party but not a majority, so a democrat-led coalition was formed when the Pheua Thai lost the support of the minority parties. That's how a parliamentary democracy works - look it up! But no! You and the reds would have the PM dissolve a constitutionally elected government just because a bunch of demagogues have convinced a bunch of gullible people to roam around the city blocking roads, defacing public property, launching grenades, and performing barbaric blood rituals. You call that democracy - seriously?

I submit that it is you, oldgit, that don't have a clue about democracy, not those of us who are attempting to call attention to the hypocrisy of the UDD leaders.

Well said!

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What are the yellows??

In simple terms:

Yellows = opposed to Thaksin

Reds = for Thaksin

A lot of people on this forum will rush to tell you how much more complicated it is than that, and it's true to say that it's not all black and white - there are grays involved - but generally speaking, this is what unites them.

As it is Thai people that i speak to that say it is " much more complicated "

I think would prefer to continue to believe what the Thai' s say as opposed to

a farang type interpretation :)

My opinion is also formed by speaking to Thai people, and in my experience it's usually the red-shirt supporters who trot out the "much more complicated" line as a way of deflecting from criticism concerning the man who leads them. Perhaps you should try speaking to a broader spectrum of Thais, not just the reds in your family and local village.

P.S. any particular reason why you felt the need to whistle?

I live on the 19th floor of Le Raffine condominium and I haven’t met any here yet :D

you made me stop whistling :D

Edited by midas
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Funny, the red shirt leaders have repeatedly stated that they've been staying at the protest site and not at posh hotels! The great thing for them is that their supporters are just plain STUPID!!! If you ever needed more proof, check this out. The red shirt leaders told their supporters that the Americans must have been lying about tapping Thaksins phone because Thaksin speaks Thai on the phone and Americans speak English. So how could they have understood what he was saying? THE CROWD BELIEVED THEM!!!!! I'd be laughing if it wasn't so sad.

And what's so very sad, is that thaksin and the red shirt murky leaders just keep on openly, deliberately and disgracefully taking advantage of the naivety of the rural poor, often telling them blatant lies, playing doctored audio tapes. etc.

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If the yellows was in jail (their normal place), the reds would have to surrender RIGHT AWAY.

Let's sentence and jail the yellows first.

I strongly suspect that many of the former yellow shirts are the same people now wearing red. The problem is that "good guys" are theoretically the ones that would try and do away with corruption (wasnt that what ousting Thaksin was supposed to be about) The problem here is that most ordinary Thais seem ok with corruption as a way of life - much better to pay a few thousand baht than go to jail, or flout laws knowing that you are "protected" against arrest. In my view the real problem was that one of the bigwigs was getting more than the others and so he had to go. The yellow shirts, red shirts or any colour you mention, are not revolutionaries - the Thais love things like mass events that disrupt things - Songkran for example. They are all being manipulated (both sides) by people pulling their strings

Quote from above: "The problem here is that most ordinary Thais seem ok with corruption as a way of life ..."

Well we recently had interviews for freshie candidates at my univesrity. Many were asked 'how would you like to contribute to Thailand? Instant answer from most: "stop corruption".

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What if they're still blocking the streets on May 15?

This statement is just more bs.

Why dont you go back to where you come from, who are you to comment, if the government hadnt shut down the red shirts TV station I suspect by tues this week it would have all died down and most people would have gone home,one rule for the red shirts and one rule for the yellow shirts,and anyway Thaskin was legally elected by the people,so he turned out to be a crook,tell me something new in Thailand,if they arrested all the crooked politicans and police, who would then run the country?

ummm an honest person? and why so upset about this post? Who is he to comment? a member of TV that's who and that's what this forum is for - to COMMENT! If the government hadn't shut down the station.....get real! these people will continue to cause trouble as long as square face keeps paying them and as long as there is a chance that they can rape the country same as Thugsin once they are in power.

Yellow shirt leaders Red shirt leaders same same not different! Both fighting for more money and greed nothing else certainly not democracy.

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I'm sick of all this Red Shirt BS, Thailand has lost their way and will take a long time to recover. I am very sorry for those that died senseless deaths in this cause.

Agreed. Senseless deaths for some guy living the good life trying to manipulate these poor people to get his money back. What a shame.

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My opinion is also formed by speaking to Thai people, and in my experience it's usually the red-shirt supporters who trot out the "much more complicated" line as a way of deflecting from criticism concerning the man who leads them. Perhaps you should try speaking to a broader spectrum of Thais, not just the reds in your family and local village.

P.S. any particular reason why you felt the need to whistle?

I live on the 19th floor of Le Raffine condominium and I haven't met any here yet :D

I'm afraid that as impressive as Le Raffine condo sounds, i've never heard of it and have no idea where it is. Paris perhaps?

Who is it you haven't met? Red supporters?

you made me stop whistling :)

That's a start. :D

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What are the yellows??


the Yellows are/were the crowd the Bangkok Bandits wheel out when they lose an election. Unlike the Reds, the army does not shoot them when they occupy an airport, etc.

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I see one of the latter has dubbed the Red-supporting majority of Thailand as 'terrorists'. Nice one for all authoritarian anti-democrats. It's a simple 'law 'n order' situation, so bring on more firepower! Were Adolf Hitler & Joe Stalin alive, they would be cheering behind you.

By all means let the legal attrition against Ole Squarehead continue. Meantime, howsabout a free election, dudes?

I get really angry when I read ignorant comments like this.

Oldgit - you have absolutely no idea, do you? Were you around when Thaksin was in power? Were you paying attention? Thaksin was more of an authoritarian than Abhisit will ever be. Do you honestly think Thailand was ruled democratically when the red hero was in power? Did you completely miss the intimidation of the press and the opposition, the manipulation of the courts, the use of goverment powers for private profit, the extra-judicial killings? Have you ever read Thaksin's words about democracy while he was ruling the roost? Not exactly a hero of democracy back then and hardly one now ... more like a hero of hypocrisy. I am hardly a right wing authoritarian, but I despise the red shirt leaders who are nothing but a bunch of thugs and wouldn't know democracy if they were choking on it. They are in it for themselves - period! The rural poor have legitimate beefs, but it is sad that their cause has fallen prey to the likes of Thaksin and all the other scumbag red leadership.

By the way, dude ... the current parliament consists of people who were elected in the last election in which the red shirt party (Pheua Thai) won more seats than any other party but not a majority, so a democrat-led coalition was formed when the Pheua Thai lost the support of the minority parties. That's how a parliamentary democracy works - look it up! But no! You and the reds would have the PM dissolve a constitutionally elected government just because a bunch of demagogues have convinced a bunch of gullible people to roam around the city blocking roads, defacing public property, launching grenades, and performing barbaric blood rituals. You call that democracy - seriously?

I submit that it is you, oldgit, that don't have a clue about democracy, not those of us who are attempting to call attention to the hypocrisy of the UDD leaders.

If I remember correctly, there was talk about million dollar payoffs and some military "intervention" involved in this "democratic" coalition that was built. Also rumored that threats against family members might be involved. But of course not of this can be proven....one way or the other. And yes, these blood "rituals" are a sign of democracy...it is called free speach. SO now maybe you will explain to me why after two years, the yellow shirt leaders are still waiting for trial...me thinks that they will be waiting for a long time.

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What are the yellows??

As a witness, i could say that a yellow is a thai person issued from medium/high to high class who support a group of old (very old) elites witch are part of famous very high class famillies witch are owning almost all country large buisenesses, for example: they are rulling the rice buisness and also deciding for it's price.

Very influent people who are staying in the background, never appears on any medias but rule the country and it's economy. They do not want to share power or anything else...

Is it any different any where else in the world? One may admire the Red Shirts staying power and perhaps go as far as to sympathize with their lack of understanding and intellect but thats about it! They are succeeding by default in that if the Thai government really wanted Toxin in chains and to clear the streets they could! Dear God F Troop would do a better job.

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If the yellows was in jail (their normal place), the reds would have to surrender RIGHT AWAY.

Let's sentence and jail the yellows first.

Good point. If it was OK for the yellow shirts to thrash government house close the airports and inconvenience over 250,000 foreigners what is wrong with the red shirts action. they did not start the riot if the ppolice and the army had treated them like thgey do the yellow shirts none of that would have happened.

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The Thai Government should have in place with various International Organisations (Interpol etc) warrents for there arrest. They also should have all there Thai passports cancelled as of today.

Interpol isn't interested in Thaksin so I doubt they would bother with his underlings.

They probably all have recently become honourary Montenegrin citizens anyhow. :)

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What are the yellows??


the Yellows are/were the crowd the Bangkok Bandits wheel out when they lose an election. Unlike the Reds, the army does not shoot them when they occupy an airport, etc.

Most of the farang posters here seem to be right-wing authoritarians who have not a clue about democracy. In a real democracy, ultimate political power is the will of the majority of people, as expressed at the ballot-box. It is not some elevated elite possessing unlimited money, troops, tanks, guns, & English-language newspapers.

I see one of the latter has dubbed the Red-supporting majority of Thailand as 'terrorists'. Nice one for all authoritarian anti-democrats. It's a simple 'law 'n order' situation, so bring on more firepower! Were Adolf Hitler & Joe Stalin alive, they would be cheering behind you.

By all means let the legal attrition against Ole Squarehead continue. Meantime, howsabout a free election, dudes?

I get really angry when I read ignorant comments like this.

Oldgit - you have absolutely no idea, do you? Were you around when Thaksin was in power? Were you paying attention? Thaksin was more of an authoritarian than Abhisit will ever be. Do you honestly think Thailand was ruled democratically when the red hero was in power? Did you completely miss the intimidation of the press and the opposition, the manipulation of the courts, the use of goverment powers for private profit, the extra-judicial killings? Have you ever read Thaksin's words about democracy while he was ruling the roost? Not exactly a hero of democracy back then and hardly one now ... more like a hero of hypocrisy. I am hardly a right wing authoritarian, but I despise the red shirt leaders who are nothing but a bunch of thugs and wouldn't know democracy if they were choking on it. They are in it for themselves - period! The rural poor have legitimate beefs, but it is sad that their cause has fallen prey to the likes of Thaksin and all the other scumbag red leadership.

By the way, dude ... the current parliament consists of people who were elected in the last election in which the red shirt party (Pheua Thai) won more seats than any other party but not a majority, so a democrat-led coalition was formed when the Pheua Thai lost the support of the minority parties. That's how a parliamentary democracy works - look it up! But no! You and the reds would have the PM dissolve a constitutionally elected government just because a bunch of demagogues have convinced a bunch of gullible people to roam around the city blocking roads, defacing public property, launching grenades, and performing barbaric blood rituals. You call that democracy - seriously?

I submit that it is you, oldgit, that don't have a clue about democracy, not those of us who are attempting to call attention to the hypocrisy of the UDD leaders.

If I remember correctly, there was talk about million dollar payoffs and some military "intervention" involved in this "democratic" coalition that was built. Also rumored that threats against family members might be involved. But of course not of this can be proven....one way or the other. And yes, these blood "rituals" are a sign of democracy...it is called free speach. SO now maybe you will explain to me why after two years, the yellow shirt leaders are still waiting for trial...me thinks that they will be waiting for a long time.

Rumores are a dime a dozen. Doesn't prove anything. To quote Sgt. Friday "Only the facts Mam, only the facts". And of course blood "rituals" are a sure sign of democracy. They take place quite frequently in all democratic countries but at the moment my memory fails me. Can you please tell me one democratic country where this has taken place?

The UDD leaders champion democracy as their cause but when someone disagrees with them they attack them. True democracy for sure NOT!

I agree with you on the yellow shirts. They should have had their day in court a long time ago.

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If the yellows was in jail (their normal place), the reds would have to surrender RIGHT AWAY.

Let's sentence and jail the yellows first.

Good point. If it was OK for the yellow shirts to thrash government house close the airports and inconvenience over 250,000 foreigners what is wrong with the red shirts action. they did not start the riot if the ppolice and the army had treated them like thgey do the yellow shirts none of that would have happened.

The reds always like to use the yellows as an example.

Since the yellows ruined the economy for 9 days, isn't it time the reds stopped ruining the economy?

They've been in Ratchaprasong for more than 9 days now.

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The reds always like to use the yellows as an example.

It's called a precedent and it was set when the yellows besieged Government House and the Airport without punishment to date.

Since the yellows ruined the economy for 9 days, isn't it time the reds stopped ruining the economy?

They've been in Ratchaprasong for more than 9 days now.

They've forced closure of a few shopping malls, which are only expensive advertisments for leading brand names for the most part.

Closing international airports (it was countrywide if you care to remember) for even 24 hours causes far more inconvenience and loss of revenue, not to mention the irreversible damage to Thailand's reputation when international gateways are seized by paramilitaries and then descended upon by thousands of protestors, with foreigners being directly involved.

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The reds always like to use the yellows as an example.

It's called a precedent and it was set when the yellows besieged Government House and the Airport without punishment to date.

Since the yellows ruined the economy for 9 days, isn't it time the reds stopped ruining the economy?

They've been in Ratchaprasong for more than 9 days now.

They've forced closure of a few shopping malls, which are only expensive advertisments for leading brand names for the most part.

Closing international airports (it was countrywide if you care to remember) for even 24 hours causes far more inconvenience and loss of revenue, not to mention the irreversible damage to Thailand's reputation when international gateways are seized by paramilitaries and then descended upon by thousands of protestors, with foreigners being directly involved.

Seized by paramilitaries? I completely missed that. More information please.

You forgot about all the hotels that have basically shut down, and the BTS that was shut down, the number of roads that have been shut down. All affecting the economy and tourism.

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