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Why Must The Biggest Water Guns Be Used To Shoot Peope In The Face?


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I enjoy songkran as much as anyone, but why do falang buy the biggest water cannons and shoot people in the face with them? The Thais usually do not do this. Year after year its falang shooting you directly in the face with these water cannons as you drive by on your bike. I don't get it. Toss water on me, dump it from above, shoot my chest, even squirt my face with a normal squirt gun, but the water cannon crap is over the top.

It happened to me three times yesterday, once directly to my eye. I thought my eye was going to blow out of the socket. Today it's swollen shut.

This evening I have to go into town but I am taking mace with me. Anyone who shoots me in the face with a high powered water cannon is going to get a blast of pepper spray in return. If that person is you, you know who did it. Somnumna. It will burn your eyes and nose about as much as a blast to the face from your gun hurts and infects.

Happy Songkran to all!

Edited by Tokay
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Why do the Farangs always use the biggest water guns to shoot you in the face?

Easy, because they enjoy it.

Most Farangs that "celebrate" Songkhran anyhow are just the type who enjoy causing pain and possibly hurting someone. That's how they get their jollies.

There should be a law that requires any non-Thai who wants to celebrate must have a Songkhran liscense. 5000 Baht for the liscense. Thais should be allowed to celebrate free.

My opinion: don't carry Mace...carry a loaded 9 mm pistol. Use it on any Farang who srays you.


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I think it is an interesting idea, but the best advice would be to stay away from the crazy areas of town for the next 3 days.

I've been hit in the face by a Thai with a high pressure gun before.

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I don't squirt in peoples faces as I hate it myself but becareful with the mace, you might effect people who are innocent.


True, the wind could carry it off elsewhere. I would feel horrible if I blasted an innocent person or caused an accident.

Anyone know if you can mix mace with water? That would be a great mixture to load a squirt pistol with.

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I don't squirt in peoples faces as I hate it myself but becareful with the mace, you might effect people who are innocent.


True, the wind could carry it off elsewhere. I would feel horrible if I blasted an innocent person or caused an accident.

Anyone know if you can mix mace with water? That would be a great mixture to load a squirt pistol with.

If I remember rightly a farang got arrested for mixing ammonia with water last year.


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farangs should be forbidden to play, I find many of them very aggressive and out of the spirit of this celebration. When I ask thai I dont want to get wet they respect of my choice.

Last wednesday in Kanchanaburi I was heading back to bus station and didn't want to be wet before sitting more than 2 hours in an Air Conditionned bus.

On the way some farang some stupid farang just insulted me because I didnt want to get wet (I said it very politely): "you frenchie you surrender thats all you can do you coward", while splashing water in my face. I didnt ask for anything. Good luck for him I am nice and didnt fight back.

I encourage you for the pepper spray, but stay out of trouble :)

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I've got another question...Why do grumpy farangs go out on their motorbikes during Songkran when they know they will get dunked with water (or sprayed in the face) without a helmet (with face shield) or motorcycle goggles? In any home supply store, one can buy plastic eye-protectors for B 40 that will even fit over a pair of glasses and are perfect eye protection for the few days of waterworks during Songkran.

And if they want to get around without getting wet, why not rent a car for a couple days for a few thousand baht?

Edited by FarangBuddha
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I've got another question...Why do grumpy farangs go out on their motorbikes during Songkran when they know they will get dunked with water (or sprayed in the face) without a helmet (with face shield) or motorcycle goggles? In any home supply store, one can buy plastic eye-protectors for B 40 that will even fit over a pair of glasses and are perfect eye protection for the few days of waterworks during Songkran.

And if they want to get around without getting wet, why not rent a car for a couple days for a few thousand baht?

Getting blasted in the face with water is over the top and almost always done by <deleted> loser farangs. These are the guys who are drunk all the time and couldn't get a girl without paying. They do it because they know there are no repercussions.

The "few days of waterworks" is about a week long. See how you feel when you are here for more than a few months.

Is there an "ignore" feature on this forum?

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I've got another question...Why do grumpy farangs go out on their motorbikes during Songkran when they know they will get dunked with water (or sprayed in the face) without a helmet (with face shield) or motorcycle goggles? In any home supply store, one can buy plastic eye-protectors for B 40 that will even fit over a pair of glasses and are perfect eye protection for the few days of waterworks during Songkran.

And if they want to get around without getting wet, why not rent a car for a couple days for a few thousand baht?

I can see your point, full face helmets are on sale, I know people will say "why should they buy one" but the fact is you will get soaked or sprayed in the face when you go out on a bike, preper yourself for it or stay at home.


I've got another question...Why do grumpy farangs go out on their motorbikes during Songkran when they know they will get dunked with water (or sprayed in the face) without a helmet (with face shield) or motorcycle goggles? In any home supply store, one can buy plastic eye-protectors for B 40 that will even fit over a pair of glasses and are perfect eye protection for the few days of waterworks during Songkran.

And if they want to get around without getting wet, why not rent a car for a couple days for a few thousand baht?

Getting blasted in the face with water is over the top and almost always done by <deleted> loser farangs. These are the guys who are drunk all the time and couldn't get a girl without paying. They do it because they know there are no repercussions.

The "few days of waterworks" is about a week long. See how you feel when you are here for more than a few months.

Is there an "ignore" feature on this forum?

Expats and holidaymakers then?


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I've got another question...Why do grumpy farangs go out on their motorbikes during Songkran when they know they will get dunked with water (or sprayed in the face) without a helmet (with face shield) or motorcycle goggles? In any home supply store, one can buy plastic eye-protectors for B 40 that will even fit over a pair of glasses and are perfect eye protection for the few days of waterworks during Songkran.

And if they want to get around without getting wet, why not rent a car for a couple days for a few thousand baht?

If it lasted 3 days like the rest of Thailand then you could refrain from using your motorbike,

but it goes on for 8 or 9 days in pattaya and it's impossible to not have the need to go out for many reasons.

Thats the problem, and the renting of a car is not the answer cos it costs about 1500bt a day and the traffic is also impossible.

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I've got another question...Why do grumpy farangs go out on their motorbikes during Songkran when they know they will get dunked with water (or sprayed in the face) without a helmet (with face shield) or motorcycle goggles? In any home supply store, one can buy plastic eye-protectors for B 40 that will even fit over a pair of glasses and are perfect eye protection for the few days of waterworks during Songkran.

And if they want to get around without getting wet, why not rent a car for a couple days for a few thousand baht?

I don't see many farangs w/o helmets nowadays anytime. A few, obviously idiots FOB, but not many. Cops love to get bareheaded farangs and word has gotten around about that. Besides, that sort of idiot wouldn't have enough sense to understand the real inconvenience and danger of Songkran for those of us who live here, and of course wear helmets, and know what we're talking about; no, he'd think he was enjoying himself, at least until he crashed.

Anyway, goggles and face shields are hardly "perfect eye protection." First of all, there's the high pressure sprays of ice water that shock and jerk your head back and cover your goggles/shield with so much water you can't see thru it for several moments. On a bike, every moment is critical.

And then you totally forgot about the powder. THE POWDER. You can't see thru it. In fact, if you're driving a car you can't see through it either. Several drivers here have made this point and noted the danger they were in. So, renting a car doesn't necessarily mean safety.

It's easy to suggest renting a car when you're not paying for it, eh? Let's agree that you'll pay for everyone who adopts your solution.

You sound like another one of those "healthy neuron" types w/ quick 'n' easy armchair solutions. Have you even been out during Songkran?

That question answered. Next?

Edited by JSixpack
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to the OP:

There's quite a difference between some pulsed water and pepperspray.

Get a life and avoid driving around on Songkran.

If you do, wear water-proof goggles.

Edited by tgw
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I've got another question...Why do grumpy farangs go out on their motorbikes during Songkran when they know they will get dunked with water (or sprayed in the face) without a helmet (with face shield) or motorcycle goggles? In any home supply store, one can buy plastic eye-protectors for B 40 that will even fit over a pair of glasses and are perfect eye protection for the few days of waterworks during Songkran.

And if they want to get around without getting wet, why not rent a car for a couple days for a few thousand baht?

Getting blasted in the face with water is over the top and almost always done by <deleted> loser farangs. These are the guys who are drunk all the time and couldn't get a girl without paying. They do it because they know there are no repercussions.

The "few days of waterworks" is about a week long. See how you feel when you are here for more than a few months.

Is there an "ignore" feature on this forum?

Try 10 years buddy...how long have you been in country?

And yes...the ferengs are the worst offenders...and Songkran is what it is...so get in there and "enjoy" it, stay in for a few days, take a short vacation, or cover-up and walk or take the songteows. Basically adapt and work-around it and stop the whining like a little girl because you get wet during Songkran!

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Try 10 years buddy...how long have you been in country?

And yes...the ferengs are the worst offenders...and Songkran is what it is...so get in there and "enjoy" it, stay in for a few days, take a short vacation, or cover-up and walk or take the songteows. Basically adapt and work-around it and stop the whining like a little girl because you get wet during Songkran!

Stop complaining about and insulting the Songkran complainers and get your little water gun out and go and have some fun. You're wasting your time here. They need you out there.

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Its become an almost annual thing for me to post that I nearly lost an eye due to being hit in the face with a Supersoaker that had just been filled up from a barrel.

I went looking for the farang who did it but never found him again.

And all this is supposed to be fun?

Still 3 days to go. You just know the idiots will still be doing it on the 20th.

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Its become an almost annual thing for me to post that I nearly lost an eye due to being hit in the face with a Supersoaker that had just been filled up from a barrel.

I went looking for the farang who did it but never found him again.

And all this is supposed to be fun?

Still 3 days to go. You just know the idiots will still be doing it on the 20th.

Its great fun ,but you are anti -fun .Stay indoors and play with your lego .

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Its become an almost annual thing for me to post that I nearly lost an eye due to being hit in the face with a Supersoaker that had just been filled up from a barrel.

I went looking for the farang who did it but never found him again.

And all this is supposed to be fun?

Still 3 days to go. You just know the idiots will still be doing it on the 20th.

You nearly lost an eye every Songkran? and you still have 2 eyes? :D

Don't worry about 20th DRY! :)

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I always Shot the falangs in the crouch are so it looks like they have pee themselves., :)

Doesn't help much as most of those morons appear in just shorts and they are already soaked so it makes no difference. Now if you had a really highpower shooter and shot them in that area, it might have some effect.

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