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Glitterman Speaks About Part 6. Reasons To Be Cheerful

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I have never really given it much thought before as to why i do it, i just do it. It seems the more i think about the question , the more answers i come up with, it could be never ending.

I suppose the initial reason is that this is my character; colourful. Our dress sense reflects our character. You would never find ex-Prime Minister John Major, who was known as 'The Grey Man' for his dull character/dress sense, dressing like David Bowie or Adam Ant [or vica versa]. My bicycle is an extention of my dress sense 'I wear the bicycle'.

Basicly it DOES all boil down to FUN, The following are just some of my 'reasons to be cheerful;

Firstly, I am not crazy, i dont think a crazy man would be capable of such artistic beauty, a crazy man would end up dangling old boots and beer cans instead. Sometimes, usually within the first few minuits of starting my show i do have thoughts like; 'This is crazy, what am i doing?...Why me...???. Then these thoughs are instantly forgotten as somebody waves, smiles and says "Hellooo", as i slowly pass them. And another heart is lifted and i realise it must be me, i am very honoured to be the 'chosen one'.

This is Pattaya 'An extreme city', My Golden Man creation is the resulting product of Pattaya City, i did not create my show.....Pattaya created it, very slowly!!!!

Feel Good Factor.

Seeing and hearing all you wonderful people waving and cheering to me as i electrify the air on my round, in turn makes me very happy. This is the petrol that keeps me going. Its a sort of a 'Feel good show' on both sides.

Pure Showman Ship.

In England and possibly the world there are people who own classic vintage cars, and love to dress up in that period costume of that time to match their car. Complete with large flying scarves, big goggles and dressed families with wide hats, as they go for their afternoon spin in their cherished pride and joy.

Interactive Art Display.

Imagine an artist painting a landscape, then placing his painting on the back of his pickup car for all to see as he slowly parades his painting around town, and everybody applauding his work.......WOW, imagine how happy he must feel. Likewise i often spend all day and night and weeks adding yet more stuff to my bike.


People do enjoy watching parades. I am 'A one man show', i am THE parade, i am my own parade. And whenever an organized parade event does take place, i always lead it.


rebelling against convention, same same ,conformality, i even rebelled against my own article; My previous article 'Glitterman Speaks About why i do it', should of contained this particular article, but ended up only having the 3 lettered word; FUN [ i wonder if this is a Thaivisa record breaker as the shortest proper 'Topic Starter'?]


i am a trained actor [L.A.M.D.A.], Pattaya City is my stage. The moment i step on board 'My Royal Chariot' my world is instantly transformed. I see nothing but very happy smilling, waving people and a wide variety of cameras staring at me, an actors dream come true.


I do not watch T.V., so i must make my own entertainment.


Like all sophisticated musicians, i too want to bring 'Peace and love' into this world, and just like music my show has no boundaries, we are all one world.

Shy introvert, loner and recluse.

Yes i am , and proud of it too! just like my hero movie star Clint Eastwood and his screen characters. Charlot Rampling once said 'the best actors all are, because when they act they unleash the world they want to be'. my show allows me to step into that extrovert world and world of fantasy.

And Now For Something Completly Different.

I have always enjoyed doing things different from others, and on my own. Like RUNNING through the 'Grand Canyon' in U.S.A. or day long treks through the remote 'Blue Mountains' in Austrailia. ect ect ect.


Yes i suppose i am slightly essentric, i have always been 'a character and a half.'

Dancing With Cheers In My Eyes.

try asking somebody; 'Why do you dance'? Dancing is moving the body rythmicly to music which in turn makes you high. My legs are moving [not rythmicly] and i am singing to my open music, every few seconds i get a NEW cheering/photo taking audience, giving me a 'Rockstar like show feel', looking and feeling good , i am hiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!!!!

Sudden Impact

There is something about my character that makes me love making 'Big Entrances', being different, taking peoples breath away with my creations.

Beautiful Vision.

I have always been told that i have 'beautiful eyes', This in turn creates a beautiful world that i like to live in, surrounding myself only with beauty for my eyes to see.

Never Grow Up, Never Grow Old.

I am the Peter Pan of Pattaya. We are all children at heart, [especially when it comes to dating]. Look at Songrans 'splishy spashy' with toy water pistols.

The baroque look of Adam and the Ants.

I'm the dandy highway [Golden] man who your too scared [dull] to mention,

I spend my cash,

On looking flash,

And grabbing your attention.

The devil take your stereo,

and your record collection,

the way you look you'll qualify for next years old age pension.

[stand and deliver 1981]

Prince Charming, dont you ever, stop being dandy showing me your hansome,

....ridicule is nothing to be scarred of. [which is why i could not care about grumpy replies in this forum]

[Prince Charming 1982]

Excellent Exercise.

A runner will run to his favourite music playing in their headphones, not wanting to stop. My show lasts 90 minuits, thats the duration time of one of my tape compilations. For many years i too never stopped. Now these days if i see someone taking a photo, and its convenient, i WILL stop, give them my e-mail address on a slip of paper, and say "Please send me a copy of the photo". [ you can too, see my 'profile' for my e=mail address].

Painting The Town Red........Gold, yellow, pink and orange.

I am putting colour on to the streets of Pattaya. And making up for Pattayas almost complete lack of effort.

Live Those Dreams.

Look around you, what do you see?, All the interesting things were built or made by people like me. One thing will never change between us; I did it, you did'nt, and i did it MY WAY.




The Royal Glitterman hath spoken.


Thanks for being so honest.

What are your long term ambitions?

Why not pursue an acting career or expand on your artistic skills by painting or sculpture etc. ?

Is cycling around Pattaya for 90 minutes a day and then making a single regular Sunday post on Thai Visa enough for you?


Good outlook Glitterman - as Syd says is 90 minutes of fame all you seek

I understand the buzz one can get from the acknowledgement and applause........and the calming flipside of anonymity and being able to walk among your audience unrecognised.........do you ever do this?.....I always see the mask as a facade you can remove and return to yourself....a safety net if you wish.

Keep up your cheerful enterprise there can never be enough smiles in the world

Live Those Dreams.

Look around you, what do you see?, All the interesting things were built or made by people like me. One thing will never change between us; I did it, you did'nt, and i did it MY WAY.

Really, so other than a two bit bycycle covered in glittering trash what have you built that people the world over will admire? In reality when you're gone your bike is gone, very few will remember, ever fewer will care.

But, as Andy W. said, everyone is due their fifteen minutes of fame. Some choose the big stage and some choose Pattaya.

Yes, you did it, we didn't and to be perfectly honest I couldn't give a flying duck. Some things come and some things go but the arts school dance goes on forever.

Live Those Dreams.

Look around you, what do you see?, All the interesting things were built or made by people like me. One thing will never change between us; I did it, you did'nt, and i did it MY WAY.

Really, so other than a two bit bycycle covered in glittering trash what have you built that people the world over will admire? In reality when you're gone your bike is gone, very few will remember, ever fewer will care.

But, as Andy W. said, everyone is due their fifteen minutes of fame. Some choose the big stage and some choose Pattaya.

Yes, you did it, we didn't and to be perfectly honest I couldn't give a flying duck. Some things come and some things go but the arts school dance goes on forever.

One suspects, Mr Harries, that no-one will remember you either, they certainly won't remember me, but I suspect that the odd picture of Glitterman may surface from time to time in years to come. Maybe even on this forum in the "what Pattaya was like like 20 years ago section!" :)


Glitterman is what is termed a naïve or vernacular artist, typically obsessed. Examples of vernacular art and architecture include Salvation Mountain, Watts Towers, and Forestiere Underground Gardens.

But Glitterman's work, mere fingerpainting compared to those extraordinary works, is just his bike and a costume pedaled around for self-exhibition.

He should have a larger vision and canvas. If only he could get half a rai around town, he could perhaps just scrounge for junk, productively, and build a gold-painted mountain or "castle" or whatever.

As it is, once you've seen Glitterman enjoying himself and experienced your initial embarrassment for him, thereafter he's merely in your way as you try to negotiate Pattaya traffic.


>>As it is, once you've seen Glitterman enjoying himself and experienced your initial embarrassment for him, thereafter he's merely in your way as you try to negotiate Pattaya traffic.


I agree with that ( maybe ) ,but i try not to think about the Golden wonder .

As it is, once you've seen Glitterman enjoying himself and experienced your initial embarrassment for him, thereafter he's merely in your way as you try to negotiate Pattaya traffic.
Performance art by a rogue artist, maybe,

a cry for help from a deeply disturbed individual, maybe,

Yes, the spectacle could leave you with a smile, only to be followed by sadness for such an extreme need for attention. :)



I actually had a conversation with you about 4 years ago outside royal garden plaza,i came away from that brief chat clueless as to why you do what you do,but fair play to you if it makes you happy?

One thing i will say is ...it is quite significant that you are a failed performer and now reinvent yourself in probably the worlds most sleaziest city as a bike!

Doing daily rounds in gold and glitter around a shithole will not get you anywhere in the artistic circles you SO desire.

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