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What Do I Have To Do With Getteing Work Permit

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im Thai (Lady). i am living with my fiance, but now he has no job. we think about starting our own business, sure will be small one and slow as we not a rich or have much money for saving. I do work but all my salary goes for the monthly expence. we now got only one last saving budget and as job is so diff to find for farang, i think about do our own business. But i have to be careful cus it is only the last money we have. i also dont know how well the business in my idea would go but sure we cant live without doing anything. also we cant effort to go out and get new visa every 3 months when im the only one making money now. if anyone can tell me, is it to risky to try own business? and i also can get my fiance a work permit and so? let my fiance do self employ, if business goes okay, i wont be worry but at this time, everything making me worry. Now manything going through our head and more stress than happy. if any can give some suggestion about setting up company, all cost (i prefer not hire ppl to do as too exp), and additional cost during doing the business, ect.... i would be lots appreciated. thank you.

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If your fiance is doing a job a Thai can do, he cannot get a work permit.

If your company doesn't have a significant investment of cash, the company cannot obtain a work permit.

If the company doesn't employ several Thais (I forget the number), the company cannot obtain a work permit.

Obtaining a work permit will, from what you've posted, be difficult, perhaps impossible. Your fiance needs to find work of his own or risk working illegally with you. Alternatively, he needs to head back home as being outside one's own company without cash nor significant work is not a pleasant existence.

Ignore Jack Dawson, he's clearly only ever met women who want his money.

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As a Thai there are occupations that you can do that Farangs are not allowed to do because Thai law does not allow Farangs to work or own that business. So it would be possible for you to start a business and hire your fiancee as an employes of that business. Then your company (you) could get him a work permit as your employee.

However, first I would talk with a Thai lawyer to make sure that there are no legal problems with this idea.

Just as an example, I believe that farangs can't run a guesthouse. A Thai can. So, if you had the funds, you could open a small guesthouse..with you as 51% owner (required by Thai law) and hire your fiancee as the manager of the guesthouse. Then get him a work permit.

Now I'm not a lawyer, and that is just an example. First I would check with a Thai lawyer to see if such a thing is legal...before I commited my money to it.

The point I wanted make is that being Thai, you have the possibility of working in many more businesses and being the owner of those businesses than a Farang has.

Thai law makes it impossible for a Farang to start many businesses in Thailand, they are reserved for Thais only. So make smart use of your being a Thai citizen.


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Well, obviously there will be problems starting a business when not having enough capital. Very few businesses make profit straight from the start!

Anyway, for your information (and maybe other Thai nationals in your position) there is indeed a relatively cheap option to get your foreign boyfriend/husband a work permit.

You, as a Thai national, have to run a business as a sole proprietor.

Basically this means paying tax on an income you pretty much yourself declare without much paperwork. You go to the tax office yourself, fill in paperwork (form PIT 90 or 91) detailing what your business is and detailing what your income was.

The tax department will deduct a fixed amount for your expenses (normally between 70% and 85%, depends on what business you do exactly), and the remainder you will have to pay tax on as if it was personal income tax (the same tax as if you were working for an employer/factory).

You can actually pay tax on an income/business you didn't do yet, the tax department doesn't care much!

If you declared more then 700,000 Baht income for the previous year, you can employ one foreigner. Your tax on this income (worst case with only 70% deduction for expenses) would only be 3,000 Baht!

With the receipts on that tax, you can proceed and employ one foreigner and apply for a work permit. The reason for employment could be that you want to increase your revenue through the expertise of said foreigner! Maybe you have an Italian restaurant, and the foreigner employed will be an Italian cook.

If you don't want to use income for the previous year (i.e. tell them it's a brand new business) you still can hire a foreigner, but then you will also have to hire 4 Thai nationals, and pay taxes and social security for them!

And, importantly, if the foreigner is married (legally!) to a Thai national, then all above requirements are cut in half, so required revenue would only be 350,000 Baht, or in case of employees, you'd only need 2 instead of 4.

And of course, the line of business and work you and your foreign employee want to do has to be allowed to foreigners.

Unfortunately, the above probably will not be done a lot, so it's best to hire the help of an experienced lawyer who can handle the issues with the labor department in getting the work permit done!

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thank you all for the helpful answer, i will have a look on the link you said and study about it "sole proprietor". i am really happy that there is someone help and share experience. if someone got more comment please feel free to share. thank you very much

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