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Anzac Day

Kan Win

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Hi Folks,

April 25th, this year a Sunday. This is where the Ozzies & Kiwis commemorate their war dead and a major event in Kanchanaburi attended by ambassadors, big shots and many hundreds of people including several surviving POW’s, now of very advanced years.

There’s a dawn service at Hellfire Pass and a second service at the main Saengchuto Rd cemetary at 11.00. This latter ceremony takes place in the full heat of hot season so be warned (though there’s complementary cold beers afterwards!). In the afternoon there’s an Ozzie Rules football game.

This a huge event, meticulously organized, and the Ozzies and Kiwis should be greatly proud of their efforts. It massively overshadows the pitiful attendance at US Veterans day and UK remembrance day (though their embassies send VIPs to ANZAC day)

Travel companies run transport to Hellfire Pass for the dawn service, as do some of the bars.

Lest we forget.


and the photos below where taken by me mate Simon, an Aussie a few years ago



A few more Kan be found Here

Sawadee :)

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As members of the Royal British Legion Thailand we have attended both services over many years to pay our respects. This year we will have around 50 members, from many nations (not a pitiful amount!).

As regards times I suggest you check with the Aussie Embassy as I believe the main service starts at 10am this year, so you may well miss it.

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