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Thai 'Red Shirts' Rule Out Talks Despite Looming Crackdown

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If you rule out negotiations as a possibility, what else is left under these circumstances? It seems the Reds are signing their own death warrants if that is going to be the approach. Even if they have stockpiled weapons, which is quite likely, they will be no match for the military. The wild card is whether the military rank and file are prepared to carry out what will amount to an execution order by their generals on their fellow citizens. I truly hope not!

In the BBC report the red leaders are open for more talks :)

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Levelhead: I'm not sure how you hold the views that you appear to unless you are deliberately trying to wind people up - a kind of internet agent provocateur. Read my posts re an analysis of the situation from a psycho analytical perspective. I have found distinct and clear parallels between the red movement and the rise of Nazism in prewar Germany. Also, the personality of the red's leader is so transparent that I find it impossible that anyone cannot see this. Further, I do not think that any of the red leaders have made an intelligent comment ever since they started gabbling away on their illegally erected stages in Bangkok. Don't tell me you have been manipulated too!

May I add that I am not on either side of the barricade. I stand for common decency, human rights and true democracy. Thaksin was an anti-democrat who to the best of my knowledge was never directly elected (unlike Abhisit, funnily enough). He ordered extra-judicial killings which is not what you do in democracies. He rifled the country's wealth which a truly democratic leader would not do. He ruled his cabinet with an iron fist - which a democratic leader would also not do. The so-called fighters for democracy on the red stage are using the word 'democracy' as a convenient flag in order to manipulate the mass. The tactics used directly parralel those used by the national socialists and were outlined in Mein Kampf. Go for it boy, just go and study a bit more .... unless you are winding us all up!

Good post, Ian, but I'm afraid you're wasting your breath. You got it right with the first line about the the trollster 'levelhead'.

Hilarious pics in the only remaining newspaper in Bangkok. The PAD grannies are out again... and guess what, they are goosestepping!

This lot are attacking nobody, they will need the police to escort them accross the road. It's what we said all along. PAD are using old people to try to prop up an aging regime. So corrupt and despised that even the Army may change sides now (officially that is as most of the rank and file seem to vote with their feet when went in to act) or get rid of both parties.

The elite must somehow have kept the MPs in line with their disgusting refusal to debate the killings of 10th April. Hope we have somebody new in charge soon that will clean that hideous bunch of Democrats out.

The electorate have done it four times recently but they are still there. Privaleged, sneering and even more corrupt and nepotistic than the man they fear.


Hit the nerve again. Mention Patpong and no Bangkok Expat on here has ever been there and is not missing it.

So why you guys on here posting about death and destruction all the time, hoping for a killing spree?

The yellows are uping the Anti tonight because there is a chance of talks involving a third party. This is exactly what they don't want and as they think talks may go ahead, they obvisouly have to provoke violence quickly.

Sorry you don't understand the situation.

Any thoughts on what would happen if you fantasy of all the reds in Rachprasong were shot tonight? Try looking to the mutiny up north and the stopping of the train.

Think also why the Navy are callled in as well. Can't rely on the army and Isaan is not known for its Naval bases..... therefore more in the army.... well, you are the experts, think it through. Tell you what though. They will need to spend a lot of money on their aircraft carriers and ships if they think they are sailing up there to sort Khon Kaen out!!! :):D:D

Its good that the so called falang intellects on this site are now calling for mass shootings and Army coup. Go boys go. Donations to Mr Sondhi c/o inhiding house, nears Sadaams Bunker, undergroud. 56331 Because everybody knows he helped start this


"Any thoughts on what would happen if you fantasy of all the reds in Rachprasong were shot tonight? "

Who said that / what's your source for this item?


Calling the Reds Nazis now?

I thought you were calling them communists?

Wait--the government is calling them terrorists.

I really do think you should get the name you use in your propaganda down to one.


How about Red Nazi commi atheist pinko satin worshiping child molesting mther pluckers.

You guys here from the anti red group are sounding a lot like republicans from the USA.

Pathetic but funny.

Why did'nt the army and police force crackdown on the yellow protestors when they took over government house and the two Bangkok airports. If they had have done the present situation with the Red Shirts might not have happened.

As one knows, the yellows protestet peacefully but unsuccessfully against the PPP from June 2008 . The PPP was clinging to power though they had been convicted of vote buying by the EC in May 2008. The PPP also obstructed the coming together of the Constitutional Court, to avoid its verdict as long as possible. When the yellows then occupied the airport, the pressure on the PPP increased, with the result that the CC came together and judged the long overdue verdict, with the removal of the PPP from the government as the logical result.

These facts lead to a very different evaluation of the demonstrations in 2008 and the paid mob on the streets of Bangkok with their rogue leaders, who once (not all of them) were responsible for the vote buying, and now have problems with their role in the opposition.

I don't think outback is taking 'sides'. I thought he meant if the proper resolve and authority was shown against the yellows, back then, future protesters would have had the boundaries established. That was my take, anyway.

As for you, "very different evaluation"? the yellow mob got paid too same/same!?

OR Do you mean the yellow terrorists got paid more than the red terrorists? Is that the difference you are pointing to? The yellow syncophants NEVER mention the yellow mobs got paid too, and then expect anything else they say to be viewed as 'informative'.

If you want credibility be honest and accurate!


There is no 'right' side when it comes to the reds and yellows.

They both have well intentioned, good hearted rank and file Thais who are being pushed into the front lines to help their millionaire and billionaire corrupt leaders get into the seats of corruption in a corruption prone political system.

Why choose one pack of crocodiles over another???

Try to drain the swamp!

The underlying cause of airport shut downs and today's riots is a BROKEN political design that breeds corruption and sets up fights over getting snoots into the pig trough.

Has been for 80 years, will be for the next 100. Over 70% of Thais 'know this'. They do NOT join yellow or red shirts. They are the Mute Majority. They are the 'smart' and 'useless' ones who don't go out and get trampled by multi colored elephants. While they have no voice, they are highly preferable to loud and stupid voices of the reds and yellows.


There are Systems, Remedies and Solutions that would give Thailand a stable, peaceful and prosperous future with greatly reduced corruption; but they have made 'laws' to make it impossible to even talk about the changes that would have to take place to 'drain the swamp'. It's the 'don't touch My bananas' fences that will keep Thailand repeating 'these' current events, over and over and over, anon.

Pretty soon the gangland bosses, on ALL sides, might t recognize the severe damage being caused to Their pig trough and call a gangland truce, before they end up winning scraps, instead of bowls of chicken soup. They would SELL it as great political reform, but it would actually be a dividing up of the corruption cookies and the status quo will remain, until they next BIGGER don comes along to go for it all, again.

Closing Patpong looks to have rattled the Expat community up there.

Calling for death, war, killings of reds, all out attacks.

Looks like a massive army in the North could be gathering, fully armed, with army backing and certainly the Police in the country... apart from a few hi-so generals and colonels etc.

Forget your fantasy about the Muslims coming to you aid, they hate Bangkok and its decadent elite more than the Reds do.

What Irony, the Patpong, Nana expats hoping that the clean living Muslims of the south are going to come north and clear the reds away from their playgrounds.

Yet more nonsense from Grandpops.

Thats about 7 (I AM THAT SAD TONIGHT AND COUNTED AS i KNOW YOU LIKE ACCURACY IN MY POSTS. SEVEN OF YOU WENT TO GREAT LENGTHS TO REPLY TO THIS) classic kneejerk responses at the merest mention of Patpong. Ah, Patpong patpong, so good they named it twice.

I had more responses to this PATPONG references than any post all day.

Me thinks you all protesteth too much.

Nice post from me to end the day. It's ten now, so the army and PAD will have cleared the area already now and Abhisit will sleep safely in his little bed once more. Sweet dreams

Any thoughts on what would happen if you fantasy of all the reds in Rachprasong were shot tonight?

Abhisit would declare himself a national hero and Anupong would build him a monument to remember the day they got rid of the red maoist "terrorists" (who in reality were in majority women).

There is no 'right' side when it comes to the reds and yellows.

They both have well intentioned, good hearted rank and file Thais who are being pushed into the front lines to help their millionaire and billionaire corrupt leaders get into the seats of corruption in a corruption prone political system.

Why choose one pack of crocodiles over another???

Try to drain the swamp!

The underlying cause of airport shut downs and today's riots is a BROKEN political design that breeds corruption and sets up fights over getting snoots into the pig trough.

Has been for 80 years, will be for the next 100. Over 70% of Thais 'know this'. They do NOT join yellow or red shirts. They are the Mute Majority. They are the 'smart' and 'useless' ones who don't go out and get trampled by multi colored elephants. While they have no voice, they are highly preferable to loud and stupid voices of the reds and yellows.


There are Systems, Remedies and Solutions that would give Thailand a stable, peaceful and prosperous future with greatly reduced corruption; but they have made 'laws' to make it impossible to even talk about the changes that would have to take place to 'drain the swamp'. It's the 'don't touch My bananas' fences that will keep Thailand repeating 'these' current events, over and over and over, anon.

Pretty soon the gangland bosses, on ALL sides, might t recognize the severe damage being caused to Their pig trough and call a gangland truce, before they end up winning scraps, instead of bowls of chicken soup. They would SELL it as great political reform, but it would actually be a dividing up of the corruption cookies and the status quo will remain, until they next BIGGER don comes along to go for it all, again.

Good post. Agree 100%

There is no 'right' side when it comes to the reds and yellows.

They both have well intentioned, good hearted rank and file Thais who are being pushed into the front lines to help their millionaire and billionaire corrupt leaders get into the seats of corruption in a corruption prone political system.

Why choose one pack of crocodiles over another???

Try to drain the swamp!

The underlying cause of airport shut downs and today's riots is a BROKEN political design that breeds corruption and sets up fights over getting snoots into the pig trough.

Has been for 80 years, will be for the next 100. Over 70% of Thais 'know this'. They do NOT join yellow or red shirts. They are the Mute Majority. They are the 'smart' and 'useless' ones who don't go out and get trampled by multi colored elephants. While they have no voice, they are highly preferable to loud and stupid voices of the reds and yellows.


There are Systems, Remedies and Solutions that would give Thailand a stable, peaceful and prosperous future with greatly reduced corruption; but they have made 'laws' to make it impossible to even talk about the changes that would have to take place to 'drain the swamp'. It's the 'don't touch My bananas' fences that will keep Thailand repeating 'these' current events, over and over and over, anon.

Pretty soon the gangland bosses, on ALL sides, might t recognize the severe damage being caused to Their pig trough and call a gangland truce, before they end up winning scraps, instead of bowls of chicken soup. They would SELL it as great political reform, but it would actually be a dividing up of the corruption cookies and the status quo will remain, until they next BIGGER don comes along to go for it all, again.

Good post. Agree 100%

Yep there is a lot of truth in that post. Some applies outside of Thailand too

There is no 'right' side when it comes to the reds and yellows.

They both have well intentioned, good hearted rank and file Thais who are being pushed into the front lines to help their millionaire and billionaire corrupt leaders get into the seats of corruption in a corruption prone political system.

Why choose one pack of crocodiles over another???

Try to drain the swamp!

The underlying cause of airport shut downs and today's riots is a BROKEN political design that breeds corruption and sets up fights over getting snoots into the pig trough.

Has been for 80 years, will be for the next 100. Over 70% of Thais 'know this'. They do NOT join yellow or red shirts. They are the Mute Majority. They are the 'smart' and 'useless' ones who don't go out and get trampled by multi colored elephants. While they have no voice, they are highly preferable to loud and stupid voices of the reds and yellows.


There are Systems, Remedies and Solutions that would give Thailand a stable, peaceful and prosperous future with greatly reduced corruption; but they have made 'laws' to make it impossible to even talk about the changes that would have to take place to 'drain the swamp'. It's the 'don't touch My bananas' fences that will keep Thailand repeating 'these' current events, over and over and over, anon.

Pretty soon the gangland bosses, on ALL sides, might t recognize the severe damage being caused to Their pig trough and call a gangland truce, before they end up winning scraps, instead of bowls of chicken soup. They would SELL it as great political reform, but it would actually be a dividing up of the corruption cookies and the status quo will remain, until they next BIGGER don comes along to go for it all, again.

Good post. Agree 100%

The times they are a changing.


Any thoughts on what would happen if you fantasy of all the reds in Rachprasong were shot tonight?

Abhisit would declare himself a national hero and Anupong would build him a monument to remember the day they got rid of the red maoist "terrorists" (who in reality were in majority women).

Well there certainly seem to be enough mao terrorists. Take a walk around the protest site some morning it's like someone set off a homeless bomb.


Multiple posts have been deleted. Perhaps they call it Amazing Thailand because amazingly enough, the expats here can't even make it past page 2 without resorting to insults and flames.

This is getting to be a tiresome refrain and I am now reaching the point where ALL flamers will face a 3 day posting suspension regardless of prior posts, so perhaps members should THINK before posting from now on.



^indeed its a tough job SBK. I wonder if sometimes it might better to lock threads w/news items regarding reds/yellows/govt? Certainly make it easier for the mods.

There is no 'right' side when it comes to the reds and yellows.

They both have well intentioned, good hearted rank and file Thais who are being pushed into the front lines to help their millionaire and billionaire corrupt leaders get into the seats of corruption in a corruption prone political system.

Why choose one pack of crocodiles over another???

Try to drain the swamp!

The underlying cause of airport shut downs and today's riots is a BROKEN political design that breeds corruption and sets up fights over getting snoots into the pig trough.

Has been for 80 years, will be for the next 100. Over 70% of Thais 'know this'. They do NOT join yellow or red shirts. They are the Mute Majority. They are the 'smart' and 'useless' ones who don't go out and get trampled by multi colored elephants. While they have no voice, they are highly preferable to loud and stupid voices of the reds and yellows.


There are Systems, Remedies and Solutions that would give Thailand a stable, peaceful and prosperous future with greatly reduced corruption; but they have made 'laws' to make it impossible to even talk about the changes that would have to take place to 'drain the swamp'. It's the 'don't touch My bananas' fences that will keep Thailand repeating 'these' current events, over and over and over, anon.

Pretty soon the gangland bosses, on ALL sides, might t recognize the severe damage being caused to Their pig trough and call a gangland truce, before they end up winning scraps, instead of bowls of chicken soup. They would SELL it as great political reform, but it would actually be a dividing up of the corruption cookies and the status quo will remain, until they next BIGGER don comes along to go for it all, again.

Good post. Agree 100%

Yep there is a lot of truth in that post. Some applies outside of Thailand too

Good stuff - I am in agreement and posted something similar in another thread..

If you could stop flinging mud at each other for just a nanosecond, one would realise that none of the players here are any better than each other - it's one huge ugly mess that the country has complacently brought upon itself over many years of allowing fiefdoms, corruption, lying, cheating, face-saving and thinking that all these ways are the the norm , right from the small boy in the village to the 200bt policeman, to the bar girl and the farang, all the way to the top of government and the army - self-implosion has always been the likely result as has happened in so many other countries, particularly African where similar practices have gone on for decades... :)


Another post deleted.

Ahem. What did I just post? Does anyone recall? Best to read back just a couple of posts because my patience is wearing mightily thin after days of this. Don't push it. KEEP IT CIVIL.

last public warning, I might add. Next poster to step over the line will be suspended, and the one after that, and the one after that.

There is no 'right' side when it comes to the reds and yellows.

They both have well intentioned, good hearted rank and file Thais who are being pushed into the front lines to help their millionaire and billionaire corrupt leaders get into the seats of corruption in a corruption prone political system.

Why choose one pack of crocodiles over another???

Try to drain the swamp!

The underlying cause of airport shut downs and today's riots is a BROKEN political design that breeds corruption and sets up fights over getting snoots into the pig trough.

Has been for 80 years, will be for the next 100. Over 70% of Thais 'know this'. They do NOT join yellow or red shirts. They are the Mute Majority. They are the 'smart' and 'useless' ones who don't go out and get trampled by multi colored elephants. While they have no voice, they are highly preferable to loud and stupid voices of the reds and yellows.


There are Systems, Remedies and Solutions that would give Thailand a stable, peaceful and prosperous future with greatly reduced corruption; but they have made 'laws' to make it impossible to even talk about the changes that would have to take place to 'drain the swamp'. It's the 'don't touch My bananas' fences that will keep Thailand repeating 'these' current events, over and over and over, anon.

Pretty soon the gangland bosses, on ALL sides, might t recognize the severe damage being caused to Their pig trough and call a gangland truce, before they end up winning scraps, instead of bowls of chicken soup. They would SELL it as great political reform, but it would actually be a dividing up of the corruption cookies and the status quo will remain, until they next BIGGER don comes along to go for it all, again.

Good post. Agree 100%

Yep there is a lot of truth in that post. Some applies outside of Thailand too

Good stuff - I am in agreement and posted something similar in another thread..

If you could stop flinging mud at each other for just a nanosecond, one would realize that none of the players here are any better than each other - it's one huge ugly mess that the country has complacently brought upon itself over many years of allowing fiefdoms, corruption, lying, cheating, face-saving and thinking that all these ways are the the norm , right from the small boy in the village to the 200bt policeman, to the bar girl and the farang, all the way to the top of government and the army - self-implosion has always been the likely result as has happened in so many other countries, particularly African where similar practices have gone on for decades... :)

You say, "one would realize that none of the players here are any better than each other."

So, if a fight breaks out, all are always equally to blame? I disagree.

When the Blacks marched in Selma Mississippi for civil rights and were attacked by the government of Mississippi, they were not both equally to blame. One side was asking for civil rights and the other side was denying them those rights.

Here in Thailand, the reds are asking for basic civil rights that are recognized in Europe, and North America, Australia, New Zealand and even Japan.

While none of these nations is perfect, they do attempt to allow for real democratic rule. Thailand clearly does not.

My opinion

Is my opinion illegal in Thailand? Point made.

Here in Thailand, the reds are asking for basic civil rights that are recognized in Europe, and North America, Australia, New Zealand and even Japan.

While none of these nations is perfect, they do attempt to allow for real democratic rule. Thailand clearly does not.

what basic civil right are you talking about? Elections? Elections are scheduled to take place at regular intervals according to the constitution as they are in all the countries you mention. The red shirts want to circumvent that and bring it around earlier. The gov't negotiated 9 months, then offered 6 months. What, precisely, is the reason the reds will not accept either of these compromises? Please tell, because I have yet to hear any red leaders give a single good reason.

Here in Thailand, the reds are asking for basic civil rights that are recognized in Europe, and North America, Australia, New Zealand and even Japan.

While none of these nations is perfect, they do attempt to allow for real democratic rule. Thailand clearly does not.

what basic civil right are you talking about? Elections? Elections are scheduled to take place at regular intervals according to the constitution as they are in all the countries you mention. The red shirts want to circumvent that and bring it around earlier. The gov't negotiated 9 months, then offered 6 months. What, precisely, is the reason the reds will not accept either of these compromises? Please tell, because I have yet to hear any red leaders give a single good reason.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", impeding the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.


madi, this is Thailand, the US constitution does not apply here, regardless of what you may desire. Please try to keep it on topic and relevant to the country we are in, cheers.

oh, and given that this argument is cropping up in every single thread on the news forum maybe we could even talk about the actual TOPIC.

Thai 'Red Shirts' Rule Out Talks Despite Looming Crackdown

Yep there is a lot of truth in that post. Some applies outside of Thailand too

Good stuff - I am in agreement and posted something similar in another thread..

If you could stop flinging mud at each other for just a nanosecond, one would realize that none of the players here are any better than each other - it's one huge ugly mess that the country has complacently brought upon itself over many years of allowing fiefdoms, corruption, lying, cheating, face-saving and thinking that all these ways are the the norm , right from the small boy in the village to the 200bt policeman, to the bar girl and the farang, all the way to the top of government and the army - self-implosion has always been the likely result as has happened in so many other countries, particularly African where similar practices have gone on for decades... :)

You say, "one would realize that none of the players here are any better than each other."

So, if a fight breaks out, all are always equally to blame? I disagree.

When the Blacks marched in Selma Mississippi for civil rights and were attacked by the government of Mississippi, they were not both equally to blame. One side was asking for civil rights and the other side was denying them those rights.

Here in Thailand, the reds are asking for basic civil rights that are recognized in Europe, and North America, Australia, New Zealand and even Japan.

While none of these nations is perfect, they do attempt to allow for real democratic rule. Thailand clearly does not.

My opinion

Is my opinion illegal in Thailand? Point made.

AH, but they stopped short of assuming 'mob rule is a basic civil right'.

It is NOT.

And that gets to topic. The taking of trains and large commercial public spaces

and the refusal to negotiate is not even SLIGHT a democratic ideal.

The stated red themes are diametrically opposed to the actual red actions.

Parliamentary government and democracy are predicated on discussion and

compromise bringing a majority agreement. Not simply stating :

I believe I speak for the majority and all those not agreeing with this I WILL OPPRESS

in the name of the majority I believe I represent.

Civil rights means:

you can vote

You can live where you want

you can date marry, sleep with, whom you choose.

You can decide if your kids go to a good school or move to a town with a better school.

You can start your own business and atempt to make it grow.

You can say waht you like IF itr doesn't endanger others or harm the general populace.

"Civil Rights" vs. "Civil Liberties"

It is important to note the difference between "civil rights" and "civil liberties."

The legal area known as "civil rights" has traditionally revolved around the basic right to be free from

unequal treatment based on certain protected characteristics (race, gender, disability, etc.)

in settings such as employment and housing.

"Civil liberties" concern basic rights and freedoms that are guaranteed -- e

ither explicitly identified in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution,

or interpreted through the years by courts and lawmakers.

Civil liberties include:

* Freedom of speech

* The right to privacy

* The right to be free from unreasonable searches of your home

* The right to a fair court trial

* The right to marry

* The right to vote

One way to consider the difference between "civil rights" and "civil liberties" is to look at

1) what right is affected, and

2) whose right is affected.


Infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

These are also protected in Europe and all formerly British nations.

If you tell one side they cannot give a political opinion on another person or group, you are not a democratic nation.

We all know this as a fact.

Imagine America in 2008 unable to criticize the Republican party or GW Bush.

How could that be anything close to a democracy.

The current President is called every name in the book by the Republicans.


Freedom of speech and Press.

Thailand does not allow free speech and press against major power groups.

It is not free.

Even here, we cannot say things for fear of this site being shut down.

Must we say more?

madi, this is Thailand, the US constitution does not apply here, regardless of what you may desire. Please try to keep it on topic and relevant to the country we are in, cheers.

oh, and given that this argument is cropping up in every single thread on the news forum maybe we could even talk about the actual TOPIC.

Thai 'Red Shirts' Rule Out Talks Despite Looming Crackdown

I made my point. Thanks all.

Later--take care everyone.

Stay safe

Thailand does not allow free speech and press against major power groups.

It is not free.

Even here, we cannot say things for fear of this site being shut down.

Must we say more?

This is a valid point, madi, and a long-standing problem in Thailand. One of the biggest oppressors of freedom of speech and shutting down of the press occurred under Thaksin's premiership. One of the ironies of the coup in 2006 is that papers like Bangko Post and Nation could actually criticise the military government without fear of being 'sued', take over bids, or editors and reporters being physically threatened. If you weren't around here at that time maybe you don't know, and if you were, perhaps you've forgotten?


Here is the latest from the Silom intersection.... reds and multi-colored clashing as I type. Apparently, the police have allowed them to fight. I don't know how bad it is, all I know from a phone call is that people who should be in bed sleeping, are on the streets of Bangkok fighting, and the police are standing by watching them....

Very interesting.... very interesting indeed....

I guess the police are too chicken to do their job.


Apparently, the MAFIA who run all the bars, prostitutes and karaoke lounges around the Silom area have lost millions and millions of baht from the red shirt protests... these MAFIA owners are getting mad... as I understand it, one such individual has hired some people to "take care of the red shirt leaders." Let's see if this is true...

I'm not sure how the army can even go about forcibly evicting the Red Shirts. Every time it's mentioned it seems two gathered forces are imagined opposing each other at the Ratchaprasong intersection itself, when the reality is the Reds have a manned encampment that stretches along one axis for a mile from the Chitlom intersection to MBK and along another axis for a mile and a half from Petchaburi to Silom. Trying to agressively push a combined army/police force through all that can only result in mass casualties and deaths on both sides.

You got that 100 % right. Hit the nail right on the head .


11:30pm.... clashes between reds and multi-colored have intensified... news reporters are taking cover... the police with all their fine weapons, shields and training are doing what they do best: Standing around doing nothing.

I'm not sure how the army can even go about forcibly evicting the Red Shirts. Every time it's mentioned it seems two gathered forces are imagined opposing each other at the Ratchaprasong intersection itself, when the reality is the Reds have a manned encampment that stretches along one axis for a mile from the Chitlom intersection to MBK and along another axis for a mile and a half from Petchaburi to Silom. Trying to agressively push a combined army/police force through all that can only result in mass casualties and deaths on both sides.

You got that 100 % right. Hit the nail right on the head .

So what shall we do? What is the answer?

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