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Cultural Exchange (i'm Thai)


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first I must apologize for my english here because I'm thai

I'm quite surprise by this topic here

101 reason learn thai

well but not that surprise. because that you can find that perspective for foreigner anywhere

in to topic

I've found that lot of foreigner or Farang get a sell point of a "land of smile" or "dirt cheap stuff"

"really good weird souvenir" "nice prostitute" "a place you can live free and get a VIP state just if you hold a VISA" or other reason

I still believe that there's one who want to know and understand Thailand deeper in

not just by farang-edible Thai food . be-able-to-pull-and-steering-taxi Thai words. place where farang go . place where farang live .

that's just one side view. one may find that that's enough for them to be able to live in Thai peacefully

but if you want more than that to know and learn Thai you may want to talk with us.

I and some of my friend doing this for some time. if you live in Chiang Mai We may have met on somewhere pulling you out of "nowhere on the map" (if you met the tall boy that go straight to you , talk , and gone for nothing . well that's must be me or my friend)

I'm local in Chiang Mai so I know a lot of place . food .sure do know a lot of historic and cultural things just more than enough to boast and fill to your foreigner brain full.

my english is . as you can see , I've found no good in grammar but I can talk at least to all the not so advance-using word and understand each other

this is not commercial . ads of some Thai learning school or something like that

all I've done and doing is for my sake of fun and leisure time (I quite like when you farang are struggle and get tongue-tied while try to say or describe a word)

but I am too , interest in other country culture and I think it would be best if you just go and talk and exchange them through local and real things not just money-paid not natural look thai schools

if you love to know Thai or want to have experience exchange culture then you may find me as a useful

then again I must apologize for very bad english especially grammar and sentense cutting that are extremely annoying.

this is my first time to post this program on to internet forum . I don't know how much I will get here

I'm doing this on thaivisa here because I'm here between summer and still waiting for university admission result so I'm got nothing to do so here I am lure some farang on the internet to have some free tea


if you interest in this program just msn me here [email protected] almost 24 hr available

I think you might find interest in Thailand

Land of smile

long live the king

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sorry my friend say that's really looks like a ads

so she managing me to change that but I can't find an "Edit" so I'm gonna just put it right here

if you've found yourself need a good use in Thai language but still not get good enough.

you may somehow can get them to a point, convey your thought. but still not fluent and sound too formal and stick to a form of producing sentence like you're a walking talking dictionary.

whether field of purpose you found you your self in learning Thai, these are general profit for "good thai"

you'll get thai price in buying things not a Farang price anymore (and it's like a +30% )

if you're good enough you'll be able to bargain (this is truly art, it's show how good you're with a language)

you'll know what are Thai people talking behind your back

think of yourself sitting in a food shop and have ear a waiters talk, they don't even whisper or gossip it , cause they think you don't understand

if you can speak Thai , even you're generally know as jobless and disqualify person in your homeland , here in thai , you'll somehow manage to find a good job in a good rank (believe me if you're farang)

here for thai girl ? , knowing things will help you a lot

if you're on business , you'll find that Farang-pood-thai (Thai speaking foreigner) always get extras

and lots of it (as I found in 101 reason learning thai)

and most of all you'll find joy in using Thai fluently or even eloquently. to under stand Thai song

(I'll convince you that Thai song has very good meaning and describe it in a very fabulous way of word) to understand Thai joke (do you know เดี่ยว ไมโครโฟน diew microphone , Udom Taephanit)

and most of all to talk like a native. not half Farang accent

part of that, if you're into Thai enough . not satisfied by some be able to chat and really want to learn Thai , being Thai . because ........ (your reason here) ............

I'm your answer

if you want to learn language . sometime you stuck . dictionary can't help you

you can't ask no one since you not know one.

you're friend is also farang. so they can't help

then "what the .... does that mean"

why don't we just meet each other on the halfway

there's thai students some scholarshiped, some gifted ,some not but want to improve their English and we just all know that the best way to learn is to do.

so that's there we find something in between. an exchange of cultural , I call it that.

to do that . just an email or msn or facebook on multilingual can do.

but there's some Thai craziness , Thai addicted Farang that I've met and just not satisfied by that multilingual-friend-taking-practice and just want to really learn a beauty of Thai.

there's Thai a holic Farang sitting next to me ask me how to eat khanomjean like a Thai folks do.

if you're that kind . me and my friends would be a good exit to you.

to say it. we work like a tour guide or things like that . we're local . so we know far lot than they do and deeper than they do. not just go to Wat and taking a picture. riding a bicycle around town. eat fake thai food. go to Farang bar. go see some ruin site and listen to repeated like a robot historic fact script and thinks that's a Thai. nope that's a foreigner one side view.

and we're just student do it for fun , so nothing commercial .

we've been doing it few times but this is the first time on the internet to post a topic like this.

(take farang on the ride and go places , get foods , doing Thais' things)

just to kill the time for a long summer

if you're interested , just mail

and we only do this in Chiang Mai . I don't know if there's another group doing like us in other place

hope you find a good day in Thailand

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