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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base

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On Tuesday, an unknown group of people put up stickers on Silom Road saying that the red-shirt group wanted a new Thailand with Thaksin as president. A move like this suggests that the right wing and elitist forces are employing old tactics to label the opponents as anti-monarchists.

surely there should be charges against whoever made these stickers. It is obvious that it is the PAD as no Reds have been down there.

The area is under lockdown with cameras everywhere anyway.

If the reds did this it would be on tape?

So, the PAD are prepared to commit LM in order to preserve their place in the trough. Nice though that even some at the Nation are seeing through them.

Few at the top their need to be dispatched to calm this down. They are rabid lunatics and more and more (except the intellegent PAD followers on here) are seeing this.

If these are the Elite of Thailand in Silom reading and believing these posters, then they are obvisouly much thicker than the un-educated farmers they so despise. Are they really the worlds thickest Elite?

Here we go again. The "right wingers". Can we please leave the US politics out of the Thai politics???????????

grandpops please try to come up with a viable reply to posts without your personal labels of people who have a different opinion than that you.

It was in an article on here from the Nation. I didn't lable them right wingers, the Nation!!!!! yes you heard that right.... The Nation did. Read around a bit, I can't remember which thread its on.

The political battle becoming dirtier by the day

By Supalak Ganjanakhundee

The Nation

Published on April 22, 2010

It was post 205 on this thread. sorry, I thought you were following the thread

My apologies grandpops. I did not read this article. I stand corrected.


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Added to which is the fact that PAD policy states that the Rural Poor are too stupid and un-educated to be allowed to vote and their MPs should be appointed and not elected. Which has been the thinking of the Amataya for the last two hundred years or so and still is. Which is why they were determined to get rid of Thaksin by any means because he explained to the Rural Poor that they had rights. It is also why Abhisit was installed as Prime Minister because he can be controlled.

Aint just the PAD and Yellows... Seems most of the expats think the same...

worst comes to the worst...

have another coup!

Although next time the magic wand waver may have passed on.

he who pays the piper calls the tune, a very oft-quoted maxim of asian "politicians" of certain "calibre". :)

On Tuesday, an unknown group of people put up stickers on Silom Road saying that the red-shirt group wanted a new Thailand with Thaksin as president. A move like this suggests that the right wing and elitist forces are employing old tactics to label the opponents as anti-monarchists.

surely there should be charges against whoever made these stickers. It is obvious that it is the PAD as no Reds have been down there.

The area is under lockdown with cameras everywhere anyway.

If the reds did this it would be on tape?

So, the PAD are prepared to commit LM in order to preserve their place in the trough. Nice though that even some at the Nation are seeing through them.

Few at the top their need to be dispatched to calm this down. They are rabid lunatics and more and more (except the intellegent PAD followers on here) are seeing this.

If these are the Elite of Thailand in Silom reading and believing these posters, then they are obvisouly much thicker than the un-educated farmers they so despise. Are they really the worlds thickest Elite?

Here we go again. The "right wingers". Can we please leave the US politics out of the Thai politics???????????

grandpops please try to come up with a viable reply to posts without your personal labels of people who have a different opinion than that you.

Could you point out where Grandpops post brought in US politics?

Gladly. This is a term which originated in the US. Anyone who does not agree with the left of center line of thinking is refered to as a right wing advocate. It has no place here in Thai politics. Google it. Right wing, left wing.

I am guessing you are not a native English speaker so I hope I can help out.:Right wing and left wing is used widely throughout politcal discourse and is certainly not limited to USA politics.

Here is a simple essay on the terms left and right wing (by the way Grandpops was quoting an article that used the term).


Left Wing

Anyone or any party who is said to be left wing or left of centre can be broadly thought to be liberal. However, left wing goes much further than this. The main aim of left wing parties and individuals can be said to be social equality for all. This is why at the far left, parties such as Communists can be found.

Communism, very broadly speaking, is a political ideal where all are equal and there are no leaders. It has been tried many times in the past and there are a handful of countries which claim to practise true Communism but in reality, it is very difficult to achieve this Utopian society.

George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a fictional exploration of Communism, based on the Russian revolution of the early 20th century and shows how power almost always corrupts the ideal.

Less extreme left wing views include the UK’s Labour party and the USA’s Democrats. The NHS system was set up in pursuit of left wing ideals – free healthcare for all is a prime example of social equality in action. Modern left wing parties are more geared towards achieving a diverse society with inclusion for all.

Right Wing

<H4>Right Wing

Right wing parties and individuals are, as you would expect, the polar opposite of left wing. Right wing parties are often thought of as capitalists. They are also traditionalists in their outlook and the way they like things to be done.</H4>


would it be right to assume this is a warning from a local to all farangs here in this column??????

how many of your thaivisa forum one million or so members, as thaivisa claims, are not thais????????

will thaivisas office be bombed????? :)

will there be a backlalsh against farang here? :D

I dont mind, let's get the veiled xenophobia out and center for all to see. as for the non-farang newbies on here with 20+ posts defending the Red camp, if we are so unimportant as a group why bother wasting time debating with us?


Contrary to most of the BS I read on here the one simple way to end all this is for the reds to pack up and go home.

But that wont happn as the leaders, most who now face charges, some have already been convicted, have dug themselves in so deep that they need a fight to try to justify what they have already done.

Very sad that such a small minority can do this to the country.

"The Nation",huh????

did you believe everything you read about weapons of mass destruction in iraq before from the nation and fox news and whatever????????? :D:D:D

what makes you thinnk thai newspapers are so different?? :):D:D

due to the tie-in of the Nation with Thaivisa we are not permitted to quote the other major Thai English newspaper. One is thus limited to citing the Nation- which openly sides with the Yellow shirts and is a trashy newspaer by any standards- still it does include, on rare occasions guest essays from non-aligned journalists such as the article above.

You should trust the Nation, they're Independent. Says so right on their website.

Could you tell me when the PPP got caught red handed committing electoral fraud.
Do your own research

this forum has disccused this hundreds of times

I don't need to do any research to tell you that you are wrong if you think that you are right just answer the question.

Could you tell me when the PPP got caught red handed committing electoral fraud.
Do your own research

this forum has disccused this hundreds of times

I don't need to do any research to tell you that you are wrong if you think that you are right just answer the question.

It states it here...http://www.ect.go.th/english/news51/e25_03_51.pdf


"You have * Hour(s) to move or you will removed". Usually good enough, but weak Army /security forces not willing to take instructions from the government says it all, Pathetic Country

Contrary to most of the BS I read on here the one simple way to end all this is for the reds to pack up and go home.

But that wont happn as the leaders, most who now face charges, some have already been convicted, have dug themselves in so deep that they need a fight to try to justify what they have already done.

Very sad that such a small minority can do this to the country.

You may have noticed the approximately 400 people killed over Songkran, not by soldiers but by drinking and driving mainly. I'm thinking that self preservation and common sense aren't highly prized qualities in Thailand. So packing up and going home in the face of certain danger just three words for you, mai pen rai.

6000 hard core reds. That sound manageable.

Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

Broken record.

Yes a Broken Record. But at the end of the day the TRUTH HURTS and it is hard to hide it forever.

I am not even either side but when one side gets kid glove treatment and the other gets the other it shows, and you can not deny it.

I wish the red apologists who wish to pretend that they are not on the side of Thaksin would make a better job of it.

Maybe they think it is better to dress up as Clark Kent but hide their Thaksin Superman clothes underneath

Very sad that such a small minority can do this to the country.

Yes i agree, who do these generals think they are?

The common threads that links Yellows, and Reds are the armed forces that actually pull the triggers.

Letting them be the check and balance against politicians is not the solution!

Could you tell me when the PPP got caught red handed committing electoral fraud.
Do your own research

this forum has disccused this hundreds of times

I don't need to do any research to tell you that you are wrong if you think that you are right just answer the question.

Red logistics.

"You have * Hour(s) to move or you will removed". Usually good enough, but weak Army /security forces not willing to take instructions from the government says it all, Pathetic Country

The airports are open again. That say enough.

"The Nation",huh????

did you believe everything you read about weapons of mass destruction in iraq before from the nation and fox news and whatever????????? :D:D:D

what makes you thinnk thai newspapers are so different?? :):D:D

due to the tie-in of the Nation with Thaivisa we are not permitted to quote the other major Thai English newspaper. One is thus limited to citing the Nation- which openly sides with the Yellow shirts and is a trashy newspaer by any standards- still it does include, on rare occasions guest essays from non-aligned journalists such as the article above.

You should trust the Nation, they're Independent. Says so right on their website.

It is the Bangkok Post that don´t allow any quotes, not Thaivisa or Nation

Contrary to most of the BS I read on here the one simple way to end all this is for the reds to pack up and go home.

But that wont happn as the leaders, most who now face charges, some have already been convicted, have dug themselves in so deep that they need a fight to try to justify what they have already done.

Very sad that such a small minority can do this to the country.

An election will reveal whether the reds represent a " small minority " :)


I am getting a little sick and tired of Forum members who assume that all these Red Shirts come from Issan. What proof do they have that this is the case.

I live in Issan and have been here for the last 8 years and I can tell you from the village and villages around me for approx 100 square kilometers not one village supports the red shirt bandits.

If I go further afield I am sure that this will also be the case.

So please let's not assume things. Base your comments on facts.


Contrary to most of the BS I read on here the one simple way to end all this is for the reds to pack up and go home.

But that wont happn as the leaders, most who now face charges, some have already been convicted, have dug themselves in so deep that they need a fight to try to justify what they have already done.

Very sad that such a small minority can do this to the country.

In actual fact they represent enough of the electorate to form a majority government.

There was a very interesting article in the other newspaper by a Thai journalist that pointed to the opposite of what you are saying.

The Red Shirt movement have said that they are going to 'clear the board' and the point that the Thai journalist was making is that he thinks for the first time the Amataya, who have always been untouchable, feel threatened and they are pressuring Abhisit not to give in because if he does and the Red Shirts/Phuea Thai take over then this time, for the first time in Thai history, they could come under the spotlight.

Abhisit, the Military and the Amataya know that Abhisit can't win an election so they must be thinking in terms of a Coup after he loses. So, if it's going to come anyway, they may think that they may as well do it now only they will claim that it's not a Coup it's the Army helping the Government put down terrorists.

Contrary to most of the BS I read on here the one simple way to end all this is for the reds to pack up and go home.

But that wont happn as the leaders, most who now face charges, some have already been convicted, have dug themselves in so deep that they need a fight to try to justify what they have already done.

Very sad that such a small minority can do this to the country.

An election will reveal whether the reds represent a " small minority " :)

A small minority (of the population) in this case is a numeric that is now down to 3,000/65,000,000

Paint ball guns could put a swift end to this stand off. Green, yellow, blue, orange....no one will know who's who.

I think that is you mix those colors in equal proportions you would get green :)

Could you tell me when the PPP got caught red handed committing electoral fraud.
Do your own research

this forum has disccused this hundreds of times

I don't need to do any research to tell you that you are wrong if you think that you are right just answer the question.

It states it here...http://www.ect.go.th/english/news51/e25_03_51.pdf

I also don't need to go the web site that you show but I think that you do. The PPP have never been found guilty of electoral fraud.

"The Nation",huh????

did you believe everything you read about weapons of mass destruction in iraq before from the nation and fox news and whatever????????? :D:D:D

what makes you thinnk thai newspapers are so different?? :):D:D

due to the tie-in of the Nation with Thaivisa we are not permitted to quote the other major Thai English newspaper. One is thus limited to citing the Nation- which openly sides with the Yellow shirts and is a trashy newspaer by any standards- still it does include, on rare occasions guest essays from non-aligned journalists such as the article above.

Well, no. The restriction on quoting from the BP is BP's call, not the Nation's, and is probably a commercial issue more than anything else.

Don't like the Nation? Go read the Singapore Straits times.

Contrary to most of the BS I read on here the one simple way to end all this is for the reds to pack up and go home.

But that wont happn as the leaders, most who now face charges, some have already been convicted, have dug themselves in so deep that they need a fight to try to justify what they have already done.

Very sad that such a small minority can do this to the country.

An election will reveal whether the reds represent a " small minority " :)

A small minority (of the population) in this case is a numeric that is now down to 3,000/65,000,000

That's a result of the Thai education system. They think they have a majority. Ask any teacher, a student who scores 3000 out of 65000000 still gets 50% under the nobody fails system.

Could you tell me when the PPP got caught red handed committing electoral fraud.
Do your own research

this forum has disccused this hundreds of times

I don't need to do any research to tell you that you are wrong if you think that you are right just answer the question.

A 25 second sojourn into Google gave me this;

Dec 1, 2008

BANGKOK (AFP) — Thailand's constitutional court on Tuesday banned Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat from politics for five years and dissolved the ruling party over a case of voting fraud.

"As the court decided to dissolve the People Power Party, therefore the leader of the party and party executives must be banned from politics for five years," said Chat Chonlaworn, head of the nine-judge court panel.

"The court had no other option," No matter whether you are satisfied or not with the verdict, we ask you to accept it," he said.

The verdict said the party must be disbanded because PPP executives had been convicted of vote fraud after elections in December 2007.

"Although some party executives had no knowledge of the election fraud, the law stipulates clearly... the party must scrutinise its executives thus the party cannot deny responsibility,".

Google, learn how to use it. ..

In other news I think this was timed quite well, Veera, the lone voice of semi-reason, suddenly still leading the red shirts as related by fire brand, no negotiation, red-rabble leader Natthawut Saikua

Veera still leading the red shirts: Natthawut

BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua on Thursday denied speculation that Veera Musigapong had resigned his leadership due to differences related to the April 10 violence.

"Veera did not quit but he has not appeared on the rally stage because of the division of responsibilities (among the core leaders)," he said, explaining Veera's absence.

Speculation spreaded that Veera disagreed with the direction of the protests for fear of a repeat of bloodletting incidents.

Quite the lame reason Veera has been absent lately, after all didn't Arisman say after his power cord rappelling incident that all the leaders now 'staying together for our own safety" and camped out down at the red-moo-baan; Rajaprasong? How much responsibility do the leaders have? Get up on stage when it's cool and the crowds are largest to get the best sound byte for the press and preach hate filled rhetoric. Hmm, seems like a cush job to me.

Another final warning


Please forgive the change of subject here everyone, but again I just want everyone to know that the "rumor" about overstay fees being waived is FALSE. I just rerturned from Cambodia yesterday and I had asked to speak directly to the highest ranking officer in charge there. I was granted permission (he was a 2 star general) and showed him the Admin.'s post about the fees and he actually laughed at me. If you go to ANY border point in this country you will be charged an ocverstay fee even if you have proof that your flight was canceled by the ash cloud.

Please thai visa forum, get your stories and information correct before you put it on the web. Also every at the airport IS being chasrged a fee, period! Thank you all for your understanding.

Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

The yellows left on their own accord. Are the reds going to follow their lead?

The yellows left once the courts ruled to dissolve the government at the time, which was what they wanted, then they left.

Why is it that most of you foreigners that have no say or right to vote, can't post honest and truthful facts as they occured.

None of you have any political say in Thailand so why are you even bothering to twist the facts so as to show favouritism towards either the reds or the yellows?

Your all nobodys when it comes to politics in Thailand!

Again you are wrong (I assume so based on the above). As a great deal of us have Thai families we have a vested interest in what goes on here. I work and pay taxes for over the past decade or so and true I don't have a vote but my wife does, her family does, and one day my son will. I suggest you go back to Walking Street and consider your next reply over a pint mate. It's too hot today :)

What am i wrong about?

Expats that think by twisting the facts and at the same time have no say or vote?

Like you, i live here too, and have a vested interest in what goes on, but that doesn't mean im gonna make up some BS,

to show whether i support the reds or yellows,

Do any of you really think that either party is good for Thailand?

Or that the outcome of this red & yellow war is the key to prosperity?

The core problem is far deeper than just this red & yellow war, and as an expat that lives and works here you should have realised that long ago. :D

And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

Geesh never really took note of your posts much before but you are a crackpot I see.. time to ignore your ramblings. Why are so many of the RED-farangs unstable?

Oh no need to answer won't be read

Vacuous post only help the cause. Carry on posting mate. Sorry that you will not see my witty reply now I am on your ignore list. Or did you lie about this as well...... we will soon see.


Sounds fair enough to most and am sure it will sound fair at the UN.

An election looks like democracy in action.... as opposed to a coup, constitution change and Elite (cant say army now as they are not keen to back them) mob closing an airport.

Think the call for Democracy gets lost here sometime.... what say you traderjm? oh, you won't see this will you, and in any case you never offer much other than sneers and insults.

Missing you already

I am still waiting for you to answer my question. Is your comment that the last election was rigged your opinion only or do you have proof? The last time I asked this question you said it was your bedtime. OK, it is earlier now. Is it still your bedtime?


Yes a Broken Record. But at the end of the day the TRUTH HURTS and it is hard to hide it forever.

I am not even either side but when one side gets kid glove treatment and the other gets the other it shows, and you can not deny it.

I wish the red apologists who wish to pretend that they are not on the side of Thaksin would make a better job of it.

Maybe they think it is better to dress up as Clark Kent but hide their Thaksin Superman clothes underneath

I Beg to differ on your statement. Apparently you are to one sided to see through all the B.S. that is out there.

I will to try to explain to you; The Law is the Law and the PAD broke it just like the RED's are doing now, however, the PAD set the precedent with not listening to the Court, Government, Police, and Army so the RED's just are trying to do the same.

Now when the PAD was in charge, the wishy, washy Police and Army did not do there job as ordered and instructed by the Government and blatantly refused including the State of Emergenacy.

In addition the present PM along with the present General in Charge of the Army both called for Dissolution of the house and for Somchai to step down and refused to put the PAD out of the Airport. (And they are still not in court or Jail)

Now as for the RED's, I'm not some sort of RED Apologist, in fact I will say now as I did when PAD was doing there thing, arrest them all and the Lawyers too, if anybody get's hurt or killed, to bad, When you take the law in your own hands with out regard for your fellow citizen's you are just wrong and need to be punished (PAD, RED,Multicolor<Army<Police, Politicians)

Thank you and please do not color me

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