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I have a Chevrolet Optra (2006). When braking there is a grinding noise at the point that the car comes to a halt, and I feel it through the pedal. It also happens when I let off the brake when stationary. It is almost like a creaky hinge sort of sound.

Had it checked at AutoTechnic and they said it happens on all Chevrolets, which seemed pretty strange. I made him show me on another (newer) Optra and it did make the same sound, although a lesser degree.

Anyone have any idea what is causing it? Any other Optra owners have the same issue?

There is no other problem when braking, just at the point that the car becomes stationary/moves from stationary.



I don;t have an optra but I wonder if it is the compound of the brake pads causing this. I changed from oem civic pads to bendix metal kings and it does this - a creaking noise when coming to a stop, and moving forward slowly taking my foot on an off the brake pedal. The bendix seem to cut into the discs more and give a better stopping feel. Perhaps you can try a sofer comopund after market brake pad if you don't like this creaking noise.


probably your brake pads. take them off and sand them first. if not better, change to well known brand name like Nissin or Bendix. Check if the disks are blue or yellow or worn out, if so replace them too.

If you have rear drums, apply handbrake partly when moving to see if rear brakes are quiet


Cheers everyone. I will look at getting the pads changed and see what happens. Doesn't cause any problems, just annoying.

Strange that the Chevrolet service guy just said it happens to all of them and never suggested it.


have an Optra Estate, heard a noise from the Pads (Front) had them replaced, now I think the compound is too hard as have a squeaking sound coming from them.

The rear ones will need to be changed soon as have checked them and they will need replacing soon.

Another point, I have recently had a problem with the brake lights staying on, after leaving the car, it seems the connection box under the steering console is sticking a little, has anyone had a similiar problem?


Another problem can be the carrier the pads sit in has worn and the pads are moving up/down a few mm. I had a Jeep Cherokee which did that. Took me a while to figure it out as the noise was faint....just enough to be heard.


Had a Nissan 4x4 with a similar problem.Changed brake pads multiple times, put copper grease on, replaced the anti squeal plates to no avail. Eventually some internet searches suggested replacing the wheel bearings and torquing the axle nuts. That worked.

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