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Bangkok: Assailants Fired M-79 Grenades At Sala Daeng Skytrain Station

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The yellows trying to spell "uneducate people".

Can a red shirt help these yellows with their English grammar?


It is very condescending to call others "unedcuated"!!

Or maybe our dear PAD friends really meant uneducate, i.e. Rural folks are educated about democracy by Thaksin and TRT. Now the elites wants to uneducate these poor folks about democracy!!


You could be right.

The red shirt masses have been educated that democracy means:

1) killing soldiers and civilians

2) pouring blood on the PMs house, government house, and Army Regimental HQ

3) making death threats against government leaders

4) breaking and entering government facilities

5) breaking into parliament and holding up the process of government

6) disrupting international meetings

7) declaring war on the government

8) mob violence

9) intimidation

10) threatening all who oppose their aims

11) threatening to burn government buildings

12) threatening to burn BKK

13) kidnapping soldiers

14) hi-jacking military trains

15) hi-jacking military buses

16) gathering illegally

17) shutting down the central business district

18) attempting to shut down the central financial district

19) removing evidence from hospitals

20) defying a state of emergency

21) defying lawful orders from all legal authorities

22) lobbing and launching grenades at civilians

23) threatening to blow up the BTS

24) blowing up the BTS

25) harassing innocent passersby

26) bombing banks

27) attempting to blow up oil depots

28) rioting

29) impaling soldiers with sharpened bamboo sticks

30) throwing molotov cocktails at security forces

31) threatening and attempting to blow up oil tankers in residential neighborhoods

32) bombing opposition protest groups

33) assassinating military commanders

etc. etc. etc.

Obviously there is a clear and present need to 'uneducate' them.

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Remember, the government cannot use any force. They have to let people shoot at them and kill civilians till their heart's content. But no force can be used against the perpetrators. So soldiers and citizens, just stand there and let people shoot you.

There's a video on U-tube showing 3 soldiers taking deliberate aim and firing at demonstrators - they ran away when they saw a camera was pointed at them and recording their actions.

At the end of the day it's pointless to make accusations when the truth is nobody knows who did what. The Red Shirts have said that as part of the present negotiations they want an impartial enquiry so all you can do is wait for that. I would just say that I hope that it will be a public enquiry with the power to summon any witness that it wants to and that the proceedings are held in front of TV cameras and the world's press so for once there will be no cover up and the guilty, no matter what their status civilian or military, will have to be held accountable for their actions in a court of law.

The yellows trying to spell "uneducate people".

Can a red shirt help these yellows with their English grammar?


It is very condescending to call others "unedcuated"!!

Or maybe our dear PAD friends really meant uneducate, i.e. Rural folks are educated about democracy by Thaksin and TRT. Now the elites wants to uneducate these poor folks about democracy!!


You could be right.

The red shirt masses have been educated that democracy means killing soldiers and civilians, pouring blood on the PMs house, government house, and Army Regimental HQ, making death threats against government leaders, breaking and entering government facilities, holding up parliament, declaring war on the government, mob violence, intimidation, threatening to burn government buildings, threatening to burn BKK, kidnapping soldiers, hi-jacking trains, gathering illegally, removing evidence from hospitals, defying a state of emergency, lobbing grenades at civilians, threatening to blow up the BTS, blowing up the BTS, harassing innocent passersby, bombing banks, attempting to blow up oil depots, rioting, impaling soldiers with sharpened bamboo sticks, throwing molotov cocktails at security forces, threatening and attempting to blow up oil tankers in residential neighborhoods, bombing opposition protest groups, etc. etc.

Obviously there is a clear and present need to 'uneducate' them.

I think that your name 'way2muchcoffee' is very apt. Is coffee the only stimulant that your on?

The yellows trying to spell "uneducate people".

Can a red shirt help these yellows with their English grammar?


It is very condescending to call others "unedcuated"!!

Or maybe our dear PAD friends really meant uneducate, i.e. Rural folks are educated about democracy by Thaksin and TRT. Now the elites wants to uneducate these poor folks about democracy!!


You could be right.

The red shirt masses have been educated that democracy means killing soldiers and civilians, pouring blood on the PMs house, government house, and Army Regimental HQ, making death threats against government leaders, breaking and entering government facilities, holding up parliament, declaring war on the government, mob violence, intimidation, threatening to burn government buildings, threatening to burn BKK, kidnapping soldiers, hi-jacking trains, gathering illegally, removing evidence from hospitals, defying a state of emergency, lobbing grenades at civilians, threatening to blow up the BTS, blowing up the BTS, harassing innocent passersby, bombing banks, attempting to blow up oil depots, rioting, impaling soldiers with sharpened bamboo sticks, throwing molotov cocktails at security forces, threatening and attempting to blow up oil tankers in residential neighborhoods, bombing opposition protest groups, etc. etc.

Obviously there is a clear and present need to 'uneducate' them.

I think that your name 'way2muchcoffee' is very apt. Is coffee the only stimulant that your on?

nah. today I added an energy drink to the typical 3 cups of morning java.... :D

This is what you call "Yellow Idiot" brains.

To land on the roof of the upper station the grenades would either have to be shot over a massive arc and be coming downwards to land on the roof, or they were shot from a higher building down on to the roof.

I am getting a feeling you are having a very different view on where and how the grenades hit the station and the two other locations but I am not sure where you got it from.

Have any videos that show what you are trying to say and perhaps a more clear writeup of what you think happened?

The yellows trying to spell "uneducate people".

Can a red shirt help these yellows with their English grammar?


It is very condescending to call others "unedcuated"!!

Or maybe our dear PAD friends really meant uneducate, i.e. Rural folks are educated about democracy by Thaksin and TRT. Now the elites wants to uneducate these poor folks about democracy!!


You could be right.

The red shirt masses have been educated that democracy means:

1) killing soldiers and civilians

2) pouring blood on the PMs house, government house, and Army Regimental HQ

3) making death threats against government leaders

4) breaking and entering government facilities

5) breaking into parliament and holding up the process of government

6) disrupting international meetings

7) declaring war on the government

8) mob violence

9) intimidation

10) threatening all who oppose their aims

11) threatening to burn government buildings

12) threatening to burn BKK

13) kidnapping soldiers

14) hi-jacking military trains

15) hi-jacking military buses

16) gathering illegally

17) shutting down the central business district

18) attempting to shut down the central financial district

19) removing evidence from hospitals

20) defying a state of emergency

21) defying lawful orders from all legal authorities

22) lobbing and launching grenades at civilians

23) threatening to blow up the BTS

24) blowing up the BTS

25) harassing innocent passersby

26) bombing banks

27) attempting to blow up oil depots

28) rioting

29) impaling soldiers with sharpened bamboo sticks

30) throwing molotov cocktails at security forces

31) threatening and attempting to blow up oil tankers in residential neighborhoods

32) bombing opposition protest groups

33) assassinating military commanders

etc. etc. etc.

Obviously there is a clear and present need to 'uneducate' them.

Add to the list. Democracy means:

34) practicing double standard

35) rolling tanks into Bangkok to overthrow a democratically elected Government while the PM is away representing the country at UNGA

36) firing a PM for appearing on TV cook show

37) the serfs are just too stooooopid to vote and only the elites are wise enough to vote

38) Law and miltary are very fair, you can seize the airport and Government House and nothing happens

39) Well not exactly nothing happens (38 above), one can be a Minister after (38) above

40) Having law [drawn up by a Junta] that are retrospective

41) Closing TV and radio stations that have one political view, while allowing the other stations with the opposite views to stay open

42) Having more nominated Senators and MPs than the number of elected representatives!!

43) Accusing others of crime/attacks, even before any truth are ascertained

44) road block to stop one group from travelling to Bangkok to protest, while allowing another group to do whatever these wishes

45) Blocking internet website including facebook pages

46) National TVs and papers are mostly one-sided!!

47) as democractic as Union of Myanmar!

""It is a good thing you weren't there are you might do something - throw something - at a Red Shirt and get deported. Luckily I am here in Phuket because I am so sick of seeing those neanderthals that I could spit. "

this appalling piece of bigotry is so symptomatic of many of the posts here - remember like it or not those grouped around the

Redshirt coalition will almost certainly win any straight election - so it might be an idea to make your peace......or at least get up to speed on the situation.

You have to remember many posters on here are likely in Phuket, Pattaya, Samui and other places that need tourism for income and also cheap prostitutes for their bars.

The status quo was excellent for them, cheap labour, cheap prostitutes and lots of tourists.

The Reds have created problems with tourism and might also effect future generations of cheap prostitutes if life improves for the poor.

Therefore you can expect many to be "pro Yellow" and "anti-red" as it effects their cash flow. And they do not generally care about Thailand, all they care about is money. They want everything the same as they are happy with the system.

Its like the middle class in Bangkok, they do not want change as they are ok with the way things are, they get cheap cleaners, cheap nannies, cheap employees, cheap girls in the massage parlors and life is good, so the last thing they want is an upset to their way of life, I mean, how does a vibrant Isaan region with lots of factories and jobs and new hotels and roads and schools help Bangkok people ?

You clearly have a frim grasp on what's going on because Thaksin did so much for them while he was in power eh that's why there are so many jobs there now. New hotels in the tourist hot spot of Issan?? :) I'm sure that is high on the list of red shirt objectives - to raise the price of prostitutes. another good laugh!


It took me a while to see what was happening, at 1:01 is I think just a rocket, but at 0:58 just to the left of the bright light (it is in the location of the dusit thani/cafe au pain) you can clearly see a fast moving projectile, coming from lumpini park followed by a bang, there is another bang at 1:01 when the firework explodes.

I just mention as I have read other posts who only concentrate on the bang at 1:01.

Red leaders - you are so busted. :) .

I missed the one that you mentioned. Can see it very clearly now. Looks to me to be the same weaponry. One projectile clearly coming from Lumpini and exploding on Silom and the other coming from the picture's right and exploding on the Sky Walk. Busted indeed.

Hard to now deny that the grenades that came down on the roof of the SkyTrain station were fired by the same group. Busted indeed.

The only trouble with this is that the "bright light" is about 10 metres too low to land on the roof of the upper station. Its traveling on the horizontal as well, perhaps coming down a little, not on an arc from being fired far away.

Which is why these clips are talked about in the Yellow media but nothing "official". Its all to do with creating a mindset through the media it come from the reds, without doing it with official evidence.


How that bright light ends up being a grenade 10M higher is only in the fantasy minds of the Yellows.

Isn't it interesting no OFFICIAL VIDEO is released.

This is what you call the "waiting period" - Reds probably have some video they want to show but will wait for Government to show theirs first so they can prove the government are telling lies, the government meanwhile will wait and see if the Reds released anything which might blow away their video.

In other words the ruling party does not have an solid video evidence of what happened, if they did it would have been released yesterday morning.

God gave people brains to think, no just to go with the propaganda flow.

Good grief! God must have been out of stock when you were meant to get yours. Are you saying that two grenades were fired from the red side but a third was dropped from a building by yellows at exactly the same time and on their own people? You sir are a genious.


It took me a while to see what was happening, at 1:01 is I think just a rocket, but at 0:58 just to the left of the bright light (it is in the location of the dusit thani/cafe au pain) you can clearly see a fast moving projectile, coming from lumpini park followed by a bang, there is another bang at 1:01 when the firework explodes.

I just mention as I have read other posts who only concentrate on the bang at 1:01.

Red leaders - you are so busted. :) .

I missed the one that you mentioned. Can see it very clearly now. Looks to me to be the same weaponry. One projectile clearly coming from Lumpini and exploding on Silom and the other coming from the picture's right and exploding on the Sky Walk. Busted indeed.

Hard to now deny that the grenades that came down on the roof of the SkyTrain station were fired by the same group. Busted indeed.

While the jury is still out on the M79 grenades, the two fire & pops at about the 0:56 and 1:01 marks were very likely bottle rockets (of a somewhat larger size than we were used to playing with as kids back in our home countries).  The two pops -- just seconds apart -- were of the exact same distinct sound.  The first one cleared more distance (went further away) and therefore had a slightly less loud sound and the second one exploded right there above the street at the walkway bridge, thus being slightly louder in proximity to the camera.  As it had exploded right over the road, the motorbike driver that went by immediately after would have been "wigging out" had it been a real grenade.  Even the trail of smoke was light and thin.  Also had the second one really been a grenade I think we would have seen more debris moving through the air, towards the ground, and perhaps even dust etc. on the ground in the street, directly below the point of the second explosion.

I should add that I was there both on that night and last night as well (less action last night than the 22nd) just a stones throw down the path on that night, but being there doesn't matter as even the video itself presents all the evidence I need for now.  Also some of you have been saying that this video shows grenades making it to the BTS skytrain station, but the station itself is much further down the road, absolutely not visible from the point of this video (which is taken from the parking lot of Chulalongkorn Hospital, next to Lumpini Park).

UPDATE: the youtube video has been removed by the user as I just clicked the link.  Anyone know where to get another copy of it?  I think it is from Olivier Rotrou (photographer), of breaknewspress or something.   ( http://www.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DSHfds...player_embedded )

""It is a good thing you weren't there are you might do something - throw something - at a Red Shirt and get deported. Luckily I am here in Phuket because I am so sick of seeing those neanderthals that I could spit. "

this appalling piece of bigotry is so symptomatic of many of the posts here - remember like it or not those grouped around the

Redshirt coalition will almost certainly win any straight election - so it might be an idea to make your peace......or at least get up to speed on the situation.

You have to remember many posters on here are likely in Phuket, Pattaya, Samui and other places that need tourism for income and also cheap prostitutes for their bars.

The status quo was excellent for them, cheap labour, cheap prostitutes and lots of tourists.

The Reds have created problems with tourism and might also effect future generations of cheap prostitutes if life improves for the poor.

Therefore you can expect many to be "pro Yellow" and "anti-red" as it effects their cash flow. And they do not generally care about Thailand, all they care about is money. They want everything the same as they are happy with the system.

Its like the middle class in Bangkok, they do not want change as they are ok with the way things are, they get cheap cleaners, cheap nannies, cheap employees, cheap girls in the massage parlors and life is good, so the last thing they want is an upset to their way of life, I mean, how does a vibrant Isaan region with lots of factories and jobs and new hotels and roads and schools help Bangkok people ?

You clearly have a frim grasp on what's going on because Thaksin did so much for them while he was in power eh that's why there are so many jobs there now. New hotels in the tourist hot spot of Issan?? :) I'm sure that is high on the list of red shirt objectives - to raise the price of prostitutes. another good laugh!

thaksin???? - you seem by this comment to show quite explicitly that you haven'y a clue what people are talking about.

try reading again and then comment.

You could be right.

The red shirt masses have been educated that democracy means:

1) killing soldiers and civilians

2) pouring blood on the PMs house, government house, and Army Regimental HQ

3) making death threats against government leaders

4) breaking and entering government facilities

5) breaking into parliament and holding up the process of government

6) disrupting international meetings

7) declaring war on the government

8) mob violence

9) intimidation

10) threatening all who oppose their aims

11) threatening to burn government buildings

12) threatening to burn BKK

13) kidnapping soldiers

14) hi-jacking military trains

15) hi-jacking military buses

16) gathering illegally

17) shutting down the central business district

18) attempting to shut down the central financial district

19) removing evidence from hospitals

20) defying a state of emergency

21) defying lawful orders from all legal authorities

22) lobbing and launching grenades at civilians

23) threatening to blow up the BTS

24) blowing up the BTS

25) harassing innocent passersby

26) bombing banks

27) attempting to blow up oil depots

28) rioting

29) impaling soldiers with sharpened bamboo sticks

30) throwing molotov cocktails at security forces

31) threatening and attempting to blow up oil tankers in residential neighborhoods

32) bombing opposition protest groups

33) assassinating military commanders

etc. etc. etc.

Obviously there is a clear and present need to 'uneducate' them.

While you got the list pretty well down and E Kinda Missed

added several irrelevant counters, some glaring omissions...

The multiple cases of assault and battery on ambulances personnel

and pulling injured out of rescue vehicles and beating them.

And assaults on medical personnel in emergency rooms, PLUS the ever popular classic,

BODYSNATCHING from hospitals.

Followed by public display of the dead for political purposes.

Apparently not specifically outlawed in 1997 constitution,

so another reason to turn back the clock from 2007


I totally agree with you. It's either a firecraker or bottle rocket being fired off. M79's don't leave a "fire trail" when launched for an obvious reason. Another bogus video and report.

BPbreakingnews: UDD: Army chief ordered to disperse reds

Just another false alarm???

Cheers, Rick

The "source" (hardly appropriate use of the word) of this news is Jutaporn. No doubt for keeping the low crowd on its toes.

BPbreakingnews: UDD: Army chief ordered to disperse reds

Just another false alarm???

Cheers, Rick

The "source" (hardly appropriate use of the word) of this news is Jutaporn. No doubt for keeping the low crowd on its toes.

Thought so. lol

Cheers, Rick

Add to the list. Democracy means:

34) practicing double standard

35) rolling tanks into Bangkok to overthrow a democratically elected Government while the PM is away representing the country at UNGA

36) firing a PM for appearing on TV cook show

37) the serfs are just too stooooopid to vote and only the elites are wise enough to vote

38) Law and miltary are very fair, you can seize the airport and Government House and nothing happens

39) Well not exactly nothing happens (38 above), one can be a Minister after (38) above

40) Having law [drawn up by a Junta] that are retrospective

41) Closing TV and radio stations that have one political view, while allowing the other stations with the opposite views to stay open

42) Having more nominated Senators and MPs than the number of elected representatives!!

43) Accusing others of crime/attacks, even before any truth are ascertained

44) road block to stop one group from travelling to Bangkok to protest, while allowing another group to do whatever these wishes

45) Blocking internet website including facebook pages

46) National TVs and papers are mostly one-sided!!

47) as democractic as Union of Myanmar!

34) Thaksin started that when he got off the assets concealment charge.

35) There was no elected government at the time of the coup.

36) Don't you think a PM should concentrate on ONLY one job?

37) The Yellows are stupid.

38) The Yellows have been charged and are waiting for their court case to proceed. Justice moves VERY slowly in Thailand (for everyone).

39) I thought he just spoke on the stage. Not an organizer or leader (??)

40) Which laws were those?

41) Anything inciting violence would be shut down in days in most western countries.

42) HUH?? More details please.

43) Just because you don't know the truth, doesn't mean they don't have a good idea of what happened. It seems the red leaders have a similar problem ("We have no weapons" while a hundred guys stand at their wall with sharpened stakes.

44) Which group has been stopped from going anywhere?

45) That's been going on in Thailand since the internet itself.

46) Mostly? They are all one-sided, one way or the other.

47) Try saying what you said against the Myanmar government. This one is a huge stretch.

Arrived at my hotel adjacent Chong Nosi BTS station at 2100 hrs last night.

Tank and soldiers with guns on the corner with Silom, soldiers patrolling the smaller streets that run between Sathorn and Silom. This seemed quite strange until I got the news of the explosions at 2000 - 2045 hrs.

No BTS running - obviously enough.

Any news on BTS returning to usual schedules?

There are some skytrains moving in and out of Chong Nosi this morning but seem to be pausing longer than normal and not a lot of passenger activity.

I would also appreciate some news on BTS operations resuming. I live in Saphan Khwai and need to get to Saphan Taksin on Tuesday - any help on possible travel route alternatives would be welcomed!

Arrived at my hotel adjacent Chong Nosi BTS station at 2100 hrs last night.

Tank and soldiers with guns on the corner with Silom, soldiers patrolling the smaller streets that run between Sathorn and Silom. This seemed quite strange until I got the news of the explosions at 2000 - 2045 hrs.

No BTS running - obviously enough.

Any news on BTS returning to usual schedules?

There are some skytrains moving in and out of Chong Nosi this morning but seem to be pausing longer than normal and not a lot of passenger activity.

I would also appreciate some news on BTS operations resuming. I live in Saphan Khwai and need to get to Saphan Taksin on Tuesday - any help on possible travel route alternatives would be welcomed!

Get a soi bike or taxi to Phayap riverboat station (on Nakhon Chai Si...not a million miles from you) and catch the boat (about 30 minutes). Probably better than any other option.

I totally agree with you. It's either a firecraker or bottle rocket being fired off. M79's don't leave a "fire trail" when launched for an obvious reason. Another bogus video and report.

So what you're saying is there is no way you would see an M79 being launched.

So it could have come from anywhere in Lumpini park, where the reds are, and no one would see it. Particularly where it was dark, and where the reds had covered all the CCTV cameras.

Apparently the grenades hit in a line along Sala Daeng station.

There is a direct line along Silom Rd into the Lumpini park entrance (where the reds are).

Someone from the reds could have fired them from the entrance to Lumpini Park, just with a different elevation causing the change of distance. It wouldn't be hard to line up.

While the jury is still out on the M79 grenades, the two fire & pops at about the 0:56 and 1:01 marks were very likely bottle rockets

It is a fair point. However it is very coincidental that the 'bottle rocket' at 0:58 (not 0:56) exploded exactly at the point one of the real grenades exploded. In my personal opinion that the one that exploded at 1:01 was a bottle rocket.

The two pops -- just seconds apart -- were of the exact same distinct sound. The first one cleared more distance (went further away) and therefore had a slightly less loud sound and the second one exploded right there above the street at the walkway bridge, thus being slightly louder in proximity to the camera.

I disagree with you about this, the bang just after 0:58 was perhaps 150-200m away and was much more powerful than the one at 1:01. You can see the reds visibly more startled at that bang, and the camera wobbled at that explosion, the one at 1:01 was much less powerful.

As I said though you have a fair point.

This is what you call "Yellow Idiot" brains.

To land on the roof of the upper station the grenades would either have to be shot over a massive arc and be coming downwards to land on the roof, or they were shot from a higher building down on to the roof.

The Forensic experts viewed the scene and declined to comment........ wonder why ?

If anyone has the real video of what happened its best to keep it quiet and under wraps. For that could be a very powerful weapon ahead. If the government does not release a certain and 100% correct version of events, then all someone has to do is wait, let them run that story for a week and then release it, wow, a killer PR event that would smash things wide open.

Are you guessing why the delay on the release of "evidence".......... ??? If its so clear cut, are you wondering why nothing is happening ? Was it in fact Team Yellow who did it to "stitch up" the red side ?

All we can do is wait and see what the government say, and then see if anyone releases video after the event which disproves it.

Like the French TV who showed soldiers firing ammo directly at protestors...........

LH, i posted it plenty of times & happily i'll do again: here's france24 back-pedaling from their initial reporting


^The greande shown here is the one that exploded near Cafe au pain, and not sala deang BTS, and the arc is consistent with it having cleared the Rama 4 flyover, the bright light is not caused by the explosion, its an arc light.

I hope people do indeed look at the footage for themsleves, and not rely on the rubbish you spout.

So you know that was the one that landed near the Cafe, why ? did it have a name on it ?

Do you know as you know who fired it ?

You seem to "know" so much.

All I see is a light, and for sure its the wrong height to land on the roof of the BTS.

Are you clutching at straws ? Many people appear to be doing that today, given no evidence or crackdowns yesterday ?

i'm glad you're among the voices of reason here on TV


Remember, the government cannot use any force. They have to let people shoot at them and kill civilians till their heart's content. But no force can be used against the perpetrators. So soldiers and citizens, just stand there and let people shoot you.

There's a video on U-tube showing 3 soldiers taking deliberate aim and firing at demonstrators - they ran away when they saw a camera was pointed at them and recording their actions.

At the end of the day it's pointless to make accusations when the truth is nobody knows who did what. The Red Shirts have said that as part of the present negotiations they want an impartial enquiry so all you can do is wait for that. I would just say that I hope that it will be a public enquiry with the power to summon any witness that it wants to and that the proceedings are held in front of TV cameras and the world's press so for once there will be no cover up and the guilty, no matter what their status civilian or military, will have to be held accountable for their actions in a court of law.

termad, we're of opposing views. i have no problem with that; it's inclinations. nonetheless, allow me to remind you of the pr-blast that occurred after apr10th-mayhem. posters across many boards felt entitled to lay blame on government & spin their narratives. actually, it was rare i found some expressions of condolence; it was more people indulging in their self-induced hatred, fear and terror.

having said that, for this very reason, i agree with your call that perpetrators "will have to be held accountable for their actions in a court of law."

""It is a good thing you weren't there are you might do something - throw something - at a Red Shirt and get deported. Luckily I am here in Phuket because I am so sick of seeing those neanderthals that I could spit. "

this appalling piece of bigotry is so symptomatic of many of the posts here - remember like it or not those grouped around the

Redshirt coalition will almost certainly win any straight election - so it might be an idea to make your peace......or at least get up to speed on the situation.

You have to remember many posters on here are likely in Phuket, Pattaya, Samui and other places that need tourism for income and also cheap prostitutes for their bars.

The status quo was excellent for them, cheap labour, cheap prostitutes and lots of tourists.

The Reds have created problems with tourism and might also effect future generations of cheap prostitutes if life improves for the poor.

Therefore you can expect many to be "pro Yellow" and "anti-red" as it effects their cash flow. And they do not generally care about Thailand, all they care about is money. They want everything the same as they are happy with the system.

Its like the middle class in Bangkok, they do not want change as they are ok with the way things are, they get cheap cleaners, cheap nannies, cheap employees, cheap girls in the massage parlors and life is good, so the last thing they want is an upset to their way of life, I mean, how does a vibrant Isaan region with lots of factories and jobs and new hotels and roads and schools help Bangkok people ?

You clearly have a frim grasp on what's going on because Thaksin did so much for them while he was in power eh that's why there are so many jobs there now. New hotels in the tourist hot spot of Issan?? :) I'm sure that is high on the list of red shirt objectives - to raise the price of prostitutes. another good laugh!

thaksin???? - you seem by this comment to show quite explicitly that you haven'y a clue what people are talking about.

try reading again and then comment.

commenting on "level"heads reply but now that I read again - "you seem by this comment to show quite explicitly that you haven'y a clue what people are talking about" ???? huh a little wordy try and just say something like - you have no idea what you are talking about.

The yellows trying to spell "uneducate people".

Can a red shirt help these yellows with their English grammar?


It is very condescending to call others "unedcuated"!!

Or maybe our dear PAD friends really meant uneducate, i.e. Rural folks are educated about democracy by Thaksin and TRT. Now the elites wants to uneducate these poor folks about democracy!!


I wonder how well coalminer would be able to write 'uneducated' in Thai language.

Can anyone sumarise the last 20 pages of thread for me please, I got the first bit on the 1st page about the M-79 Grenades being fired at the Skytrain Station, did I miss anything else? :D

I hear ya.

Like all the other threads, a few posts about the actual topic and then the debate or yellow did it first, red do it now.

I wish the newsclipping section had a tagged one for master debaters and the rest pertaining to the actual news about the topic -but maybe that's what the daily updates are for - reprinting news 20 mins later than it appears on The Nation etc. :)

RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 24, 2010: United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) leaders have this afternoon again challenged the government, security officials and the operator of the BTS Skytrain system to produce the video they claim to have showing the M79 grenade attack on April 22 was launched from Lumpini Park.

UDD co-leader Dr. Weng Tochirakarnhas said its high time the statements by deputy Bangkok governor Thirachon Manomaipibul and deputy prime minister Suthep Thaugsuban were substantiated or publicly withdrawn.

“It’s time for Suthep and Thirachon to put up or shut up. Why is it that almost two days after the Sala Daeng BTS station was attacked with M79s this supposedly incriminating evidence is yet to see the light of day?

“How is it possible for Suthep to know just a short time after the attack that the M79s were launched from behind the King Rama VI statue before any investigation had even began?” he asked.

According to Dr. Weng, an M79 cartridge measures just 40 x 46mm (1.57 x 1.81inch) and travels through the air at 75m/s (246ft/s) and has a maximum effective rage of just 350m (1,148ft).

He said, “it defies belief that anything so small and traveling so fast can be detected by the BTSs surveillance cameras. Irrespective of this, both Suthep and Thirachon claim to have proof they were fired from the red-shirts’ area.

“Surely if this incriminating evidence exists it would have by now been made public, instead of being reported only in media sympathetic to the government”, Dr Weng said.

“We want to the BTS Skytrain operator to supply us with the entire surveillance camera footage prior to and after the M79 attack occurred, not just an edited portion, so that we can have the entire recording forensically examined by independent experts in an attempt to verify the originality of anything that is claimed to be shown.

If the government, security officials and the BTS operator is unwilling to make this recording available today, April 24, it speaks volumes of the credibility of anything that might be released in the future”, Dr. Weng added.

47) as democractic as Union of Myanmar!

Nothing wrong with a little humor, derisive as it may be, but this is more than a bit of a stretch.

Ever heard of MyanmarVisaForum? Or tens of millions of tourists flocking to Rangoon International Airport every year to visit that country? Thailand may have problems, but the difference between Thailand and Myanmar is like the distance from Earth to Moon and Earth to Sun.

Keeping perspective in crisis is as important as anything else.

Can anyone sumarise the last 20 pages of thread for me please, I got the first bit on the 1st page about the M-79 Grenades being fired at the Skytrain Station, did I miss anything else? :D

I hear ya.

Like all the other threads, a few posts about the actual topic and then the debate or yellow did it first, red do it now.

I wish the newsclipping section had a tagged one for master debaters and the rest pertaining to the actual news about the topic -but maybe that's what the daily updates are for - reprinting news 20 mins later than it appears on The Nation etc. :)

RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 24, 2010: United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) leaders have this afternoon again challenged the government, security officials and the operator of the BTS Skytrain system to produce the video they claim to have showing the M79 grenade attack on April 22 was launched from Lumpini Park.

UDD co-leader Dr. Weng Tochirakarnhas said its high time the statements by deputy Bangkok governor Thirachon Manomaipibul and deputy prime minister Suthep Thaugsuban were substantiated or publicly withdrawn.

“It’s time for Suthep and Thirachon to put up or shut up. Why is it that almost two days after the Sala Daeng BTS station was attacked with M79s this supposedly incriminating evidence is yet to see the light of day?

“How is it possible for Suthep to know just a short time after the attack that the M79s were launched from behind the King Rama VI statue before any investigation had even began?” he asked.

According to Dr. Weng, an M79 cartridge measures just 40 x 46mm (1.57 x 1.81inch) and travels through the air at 75m/s (246ft/s) and has a maximum effective rage of just 350m (1,148ft).

He said, “it defies belief that anything so small and traveling so fast can be detected by the BTSs surveillance cameras. Irrespective of this, both Suthep and Thirachon claim to have proof they were fired from the red-shirts’ area.

“Surely if this incriminating evidence exists it would have by now been made public, instead of being reported only in media sympathetic to the government”, Dr Weng said.

“We want to the BTS Skytrain operator to supply us with the entire surveillance camera footage prior to and after the M79 attack occurred, not just an edited portion, so that we can have the entire recording forensically examined by independent experts in an attempt to verify the originality of anything that is claimed to be shown.

If the government, security officials and the BTS operator is unwilling to make this recording available today, April 24, it speaks volumes of the credibility of anything that might be released in the future”, Dr. Weng added.

Unfortunately for old Weng nobody neutral believes anything he says. Problem for the reds and their supporters who idolise him but reality is he is discredited a as a source for neutral people. He has since the Wegisms become a bit of a joke. Reds should replace him with someone else if they want the neutrals to listen. Maybe it is not totally warranted for such a (pseudo?) intellectual but the government PR machine has turned him into a joke. So you have a choice of speakers who speak to and are idolised by the small number of converts or those who can reach the majority

BTS' security cameras confirm M79 grenades fired from Lumpini Park: deputy BKK governor

Deputy Bangkok Governor Thirachon Manomaipibul said video records from security cameras of the BTS' Saladaeng station showed that m79 grenades were fired from the Lumpini Park Thursday night.

Thirachon said the security cameras of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration were crippled by red-shirt protesters who put black plastic bags over the camera or turned the cameras into the sky.

Thirachon said the BMA sought cooperation from the BTS to check feeds of its security cameras and saw that the grenades were fired from the direction of the Lumpini Park into the crowds on Silom Road.

The Nation


sorry for the double post

The yellows trying to spell "uneducate people".

Can a red shirt help these yellows with their English grammar?


It is very condescending to call others "unedcuated"!!

Or maybe our dear PAD friends really meant uneducate, i.e. Rural folks are educated about democracy by Thaksin and TRT. Now the elites wants to uneducate these poor folks about democracy!!


You could be right.

The red shirt masses have been educated that democracy means:

1) killing soldiers and civilians

2) pouring blood on the PMs house, government house, and Army Regimental HQ

3) making death threats against government leaders

4) breaking and entering government facilities

5) breaking into parliament and holding up the process of government

6) disrupting international meetings

7) declaring war on the government

8) mob violence

9) intimidation

10) threatening all who oppose their aims

11) threatening to burn government buildings

12) threatening to burn BKK

13) kidnapping soldiers

14) hi-jacking military trains

15) hi-jacking military buses

16) gathering illegally

17) shutting down the central business district

18) attempting to shut down the central financial district

19) removing evidence from hospitals

20) defying a state of emergency

21) defying lawful orders from all legal authorities

22) lobbing and launching grenades at civilians

23) threatening to blow up the BTS

24) blowing up the BTS

25) harassing innocent passersby

26) bombing banks

27) attempting to blow up oil depots

28) rioting

29) impaling soldiers with sharpened bamboo sticks

30) throwing molotov cocktails at security forces

31) threatening and attempting to blow up oil tankers in residential neighborhoods

32) bombing opposition protest groups

33) assassinating military commanders

etc. etc. etc.

Obviously there is a clear and present need to 'uneducate' them.

you forget

34) flying in groups of hundreds through the air and trying to catch with real bullets with their heads or chest up there. Everybody knows in crowd control by international standard soldiers doing nothing else only fire live rounds in the air. A frantically attempt to make the soldiers and Suthep looking bad.

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