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350 British Tourists Cause Near-Riot At Bangkok Airport


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And by the way, not so easy to get pictures, they do not seem to like it too much... :)


Are you the 18 year old backpacker in the front catcalling the police?

Do you take a lot of pictures of the back of your own head at the airport?

Tricky thing to do indeed, am I good or not? :D

Bendy arms....bought here? Was that Yanhee or Suriraj? :D

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And by the way, not so easy to get pictures, they do not seem to like it too much... :)


There's a big sign on each entry door to the airport that states, in English, No Photographs Inside the Airport, similar or same at all airports in Thailand.

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And by the way, not so easy to get pictures, they do not seem to like it too much... :)


There's a big sign on each entry door to the airport that states, in English, No Photographs Inside the Airport, similar or same at all airports in Thailand.

Funnily enough I was wondering this. I know it is the case on all planes that you should not take photos (tried flying Air Asia recently?), but I wasn't sure about the airports.

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I am beginning to trust TWITTER and FACEBOOK more than mass media.... people are LYING to sell stuff and gain recognition.

Probably some stringer making some bucks - can't see why people don't have travel insurance anyway. If they can afford to travel they should have enough in their budget for insurance. But point taken on Thai - never takes responsibility for anything. I gave up flying with them internationally years ago and they have only just got my business now internally if I want a business class ticket 500 Baht over their local inflated pricing. :)

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I had flown emirates economy when the 2008 trouble was going on, after a few visits to emirates Bangkok office we were told to go to one of the 3 or 4 five star hotels that were on a handout list we were given. Thai goverments officials were waiting to process us and they even give me and my friend a room each after I said I had been sick and my friend was a chain smoker, 5 star and 3 meals a day it was the best part of our trip, I can not thank the Thai goverment enough.

When we got back to England, I remember reading in the local press about an ex local councillor (North East England) who said he had to beg on the streets of Bangkok because he was diabetic and needed 3 meals a day, he had claimed the Thai goverment only gave him one?

I would have thought an ex councillor, and most people would have enough funds incase something happens on there trip. (Its called common sense)

An old friend of mine would have a saying for people like these, its called Natural selection!

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There are serious problems in England these days. The only word I have for the much of that country now is "THUGS". Not sure what happened there the past few decades but clearly something is not right over there


Gone right down the pan. It makes me ashamed sometimes. Glad I live here now.

I feel so sorry for all the old people who fought for Britain, really sorry.. :)

Dont feel sorry old bean...

At least our Goverment didnt shoot 20 odd people in Oxford St last week but then we already have a democratic system and even the most diehard right wing conservatives over here would defend the principal.


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I read some of the first hand reports on BBC, and it's no laughing matter.

The wisecrack insensitive responses on this thread bolster the saying; 'familiarity breeds contempt.' The most caustic posts are from Brits. It's like you're looking in a full length mirror while naked - you're disgusted by what a half century and a barge full of beer has done to your body.

If your Thai friends were experiencing similar hardships, you'd be gushing with pity. But because it's your countrymen and women suffering, you cast aspersions. BTW, I'm not a Brit, but I spent an uncomfortable year at a British public school - man, was I relieved to get out of that place when the school year was over. I was 14 at the time, and all my same aged Brit schoolmates had the maturity level of pre-teens.

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A lot of ranting in here.

Can anyone who had flown with THAI to Europe confirm that all seats were full??

That is the critical factor.

I suspect that Airlines and Insurance companies have clauses about Acts of God being excluded.

Surely a volcano falls in that category?

I always travel with a credit card in my pocket and will use it to cover emergency expenses. :D

I remember being appalled to hear of some travellers who had bought their entire holiday

on credit and did not expect to pay it back fully for several month to come.........

Not much room for manuoevre there. :)

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I read some of the first hand reports on BBC, and it's no laughing matter.

The wisecrack insensitive responses on this thread bolster the saying; 'familiarity breeds contempt.' The most caustic posts are from Brits. It's like you're looking in a full length mirror while naked - you're disgusted by what a half century and a barge full of beer has done to your body.

If your Thai friends were experiencing similar hardships, you'd be gushing with pity. But because it's your countrymen and women suffering, you cast aspersions. BTW, I'm not a Brit, but I spent an uncomfortable year at a British public school - man, was I relieved to get out of that place when the school year was over. I was 14 at the time, and all my same aged Brit schoolmates had the maturity level of pre-teens.

I think anybody stating "...it was like a concentration camp" deserves to have a few reminders about history and perspective. Don't you?

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Why should I feel sorry for people who have not made a backup plan or bring enough funds with them in case something happens?, maybe its time Thai customs made sure Tourists have

enough funds and insurance with them at the point of entry, but then again if your not adult enough to plan for emergencies you should not be allowed to leave whatever country you come from.

What sort of fool comes to a country like Thailand with just enough to cover there holiday,or without even a credit card for an emergancy, its not like there are no warming signs, people have a

brain! its there for a reason, for those who are too lazy or too stupid to use it, its called tough luck!, now next time these people come they will have learned an invaluable lesson.

heres a tip Nationwide are changing there flexicards july- august so anyone with a card in Thailand will have a stop but on it then and will need to phone and get it activated.

How do I know this? because I plan my holiday because I never have and do not want to sleep on an airport floor.

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Does this mean the British were/are revolting?

Sometimes can be just like any other nationality in scenes of Chaos ! I once was involved in a delay on Thai where punches were being thrown over who boarded the hotel bus first ! :)

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What sort of fool comes to a country like Thailand with just enough to cover there holiday,or without even a credit card for an emergancy, its not like there are no warming signs, people have a brain! its there for a reason, for those who are too lazy or too stupid to use it, its called tough luck!

heres a tip Nationwide are changing there flexicards july- august so anyone with a card in Thailand will have a stop but on it then and will need to phone and get it activated.

OMG ...the word compassion springs to mind :) Mmm, many 'backpackers' come to Thailand on a shoestring and yes they return when the cash has run out ...Mmm, yep <deleted> happens and good for you Dave that you are such a 'wise traveller'; some folk just wanna have fun eh.

On your 2nd para. err emmm, oh yeah ...took about 3 reads to understand as yer inguuulish is garbage.

GL all at Suvie and hope it gets sorted for ya ....yup <deleted> happens.

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"I suspect that Airlines and Insurance companies have clauses about Acts of God being excluded."

Suddenly the money grabbing sods going under the disguise of Insurance Companies have got religon...jesu C

"Act of Gods" ..my erse......

As an Atheist (and a buddhist monk for a while...that wos diff) I dont believe in any nutty gody Superstitions used as excuses for debts of Honour.Its real world out there and crooks must be squeezed ...or at least boycotted and shamed

off yer ar.....and ....PAY UP...... :)

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It's funny! Last time I returned to LA immigration was a mess and the lines were incredibly long and slow for some reason. People were going nuts in line and security had to be brought out to restore order. Not a word in the news about this "riot." It seems like this news organization just wants to incite. Pretty self defeating.

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What sort of fool comes to a country like Thailand with just enough to cover there holiday,or without even a credit card for an emergancy, its not like there are no warming signs, people have a brain! its there for a reason, for those who are too lazy or too stupid to use it, its called tough luck!

Heres a tip from the wise. Nationwide are changing there flexicards in july-august so anyone with a card in Thailand, will have a stop put on it and will need to phone and get it reactivated.

OMG ...the word compassion springs to mind :) Mmm, many 'backpackers' come to Thailand on a shoestring and yes they return when the cash has run out ...Mmm, yep <deleted> happens and good for you Dave that you are such a 'wise traveller'; some folk just wanna have fun eh.

On your 2nd para. err emmm, oh yeah ...took about 3 reads to understand as yer inguuulish is garbage.

GL all at Suvie and hope it gets sorted for ya ....yup <deleted> happens.

Your slagging off my English, HAVE YOU SEEN YOUR OWN?


This is a forum and I am not applying for a job or taking an exam.

Everyone likes to have fun, now they can have fun on the airport floor, and I can have fun laughing at then. its a win win situation.

I have packpackers insurance by the way, its the wise thing to do. :D

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^ Lol, you have just cheated and changed your own bad English in the quote ...lol ..jokes on you you you Dave :)

Check the original out, B4 dave cheated ...just so funny, here it is again Dave LOL

"heres a tip Nationwide are changing there flexicards july- august so anyone with a card in Thailand will have a stop but on it then and will need to phone and get it activated"

But LOl even after the edit 'there' lol ...AKA Dave the 'Pack-Packer' LOL LMAO.

Edited by YouYouYou
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^ Lol, you have just cheated and changed your own bad English in the quote ...lol ..jokes on you you you Dave :)

Check the original out, B4 dave cheated ...just so funny, here it is again Dave LOL

"heres a tip Nationwide are changing there flexicards july- august so anyone with a card in Thailand will have a stop but on it then and will need to phone and get it activated"

But LOl even after the edit 'there' lol ...AKA Dave the 'Pack-Packer' LOL LMAO.

Yes but as the great Al Bundy once said its only cheating if you get caught. :D

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I read some of the first hand reports on BBC, and it's no laughing matter.

The wisecrack insensitive responses on this thread bolster the saying; 'familiarity breeds contempt.' The most caustic posts are from Brits. It's like you're looking in a full length mirror while naked - you're disgusted by what a half century and a barge full of beer has done to your body.

If your Thai friends were experiencing similar hardships, you'd be gushing with pity. But because it's your countrymen and women suffering, you cast aspersions. BTW, I'm not a Brit, but I spent an uncomfortable year at a British public school - man, was I relieved to get out of that place when the school year was over. I was 14 at the time, and all my same aged Brit schoolmates had the maturity level of pre-teens.

What the hel_l are you talking about? Most of the people who have posted here are actually in Thailand and many have been to the airport and seen first hand what exaggerated nonsense the BBC reports are. The point of most messages is that screaming, demanding and acting like a fool will not get you very far in the Thai culture, there are only so many seats and so many flights. Only the lowest class elements who have spent all their money and have no credit cards and no one to call are at the airport making fools out of themselves, those with resources are in hotels waiting it out. Only a complete idiot spends all his money this far from home, has no credit cards and no one to call to wire him some money. Also I would doubt if any employer is going to terminate a valued employee because he gets stuck in Thailand due to unforeseeable circumstances. No I have little or no sympathy for the people making fools of themselves at the airport.

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And by the way, not so easy to get pictures, they do not seem to like it too much... :)


Are you the 18 year old backpacker in the front catcalling the police?

Do you take a lot of pictures of the back of your own head at the airport?

It could be a fellow backpacking scum taking memoirs for their blog. :D

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I caught the 12:50pm Bangkok to Chiang Mai Air Asia flight yesterday and didn't see the scenes that the 'Mail' describe in the check in area.

where did it say it all kicked off at 12.50 pm. plus u would have been at the domestic terminal. don't think there is any reason for people to be rioting in the domestic terminal unless there were so tired they were confussed as to where they were ???

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I read some of the first hand reports on BBC, and it's no laughing matter.

The wisecrack insensitive responses on this thread bolster the saying; 'familiarity breeds contempt.' The most caustic posts are from Brits. It's like you're looking in a full length mirror while naked - you're disgusted by what a half century and a barge full of beer has done to your body.

If your Thai friends were experiencing similar hardships, you'd be gushing with pity. But because it's your countrymen and women suffering, you cast aspersions. BTW, I'm not a Brit, but I spent an uncomfortable year at a British public school - man, was I relieved to get out of that place when the school year was over. I was 14 at the time, and all my same aged Brit schoolmates had the maturity level of pre-teens.

What the hel_l are you talking about? Most of the people who have posted here are actually in Thailand and many have been to the airport and seen first hand what exaggerated nonsense the BBC reports are. The point of most messages is that screaming, demanding and acting like a fool will not get you very far in the Thai culture, there are only so many seats and so many flights. Only the lowest class elements who have spent all their money and have no credit cards and no one to call are at the airport making fools out of themselves, those with resources are in hotels waiting it out. Only a complete idiot spends all his money this far from home, has no credit cards and no one to call to wire him some money. Also I would doubt if any employer is going to terminate a valued employee because he gets stuck in Thailand due to unforeseeable circumstances. No I have little or no sympathy for the people making fools of themselves at the airport.

haven't u learnt anything from thailand. u get things if u stick together. come on england don't stand for it. i don't normally say this but when english people stick together and fight/ i do get my old sens of pround to be british back. something which i have lost over the years. since the english govement decide to give our country away

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Thai airways are an incredibly corrupt badly run airline, fact is if they operate flights to EU they are obliged to offer flights and compensation.the same goes for EVA. Thai Airways is up to its ears in debt and only a government bailout would save it and that aint coming yet, just another reason not to visit Thailand the hel_l hole .

Thai airways is another typical example of the negative aspects of this should be great nation.

One could write a book on what they knowing wrongly do- but then again, so many others also do

do you know they speak thai when in thai airspace

can anyone confirm this- i do hear rumours

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Thai airways are an incredibly corrupt badly run airline, fact is if they operate flights to EU they are obliged to offer flights and compensation.the same goes for EVA. Thai Airways is up to its ears in debt and only a government bailout would save it and that aint coming yet, just another reason not to visit Thailand the hel_l hole .

Thai airways is another typical example of the negative aspects of this should be great nation.

One could write a book on what they knowing wrongly do- but then again, so many others also do

do you know they speak thai when in thai airspace

can anyone confirm this- i do hear rumours

does it matter what language they speak to each other. virgin an BA are just as bad. they have web site spys. you go and book a flight to america with virgin for exxample. suddenly u get junk mail from BA offering it cheaper.

think i wil get my piolt liscence and fly myself about. think i am buzzzzzin. yes buzzzzzing flying about bzzzzzzzzzzz

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Travellers still stranded in Bangkok

Close to 3,000 travellers are still stranded in Thailand's capital, Bangkok, following the Icelandic ash cloud flight chaos.

Some are staying in hotels but hundreds are waiting at the airport, hoping for a plane to take them home.

Read more: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8642026.stm


-- BBC 2010-04-24


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No handouts? I find it difficult to have sympathy for people who travel without money or other resources such as a credit card or someone at home who can wire them money. I flew in from Singapore on Thursday and most of the "tourists" I saw sleeping in the airport or walking aimlessly around looked like low class trashy types who spent all their money while on the other side of the World, the same type of alcoholic sex tourists who ruin Songkran in Pattaya with their drunken low life behavior. Running out of money far from home is not a very intelligent thing to do. The "danger" in Bangkok is also greatly exaggerated since the confrontation is happening in a very small part of a large city. When the EU comes up with silly laws requiring airlines to reimburse passengers for incidents which are not the airlines fault, such at this, it only drives up the cost of travel. Also the sad reality of business is that there is little reason for the airlines to show "loyalty" to these economy class passengers since most will fly any carrier that happens to have the cheapest price on the day they want to go.

You must e Mr. G. W. Bush, with your crap thinking. Hail hail to the haves ! asshol_e

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The point of most messages is that screaming, demanding and acting like a fool will not get you very far in the Thai culture, ......

It's appears to be working for the Reds barricaded in Bangkok - oh, and their buddies who lob the occasional grenade at pedestrians, to stem the boredom.

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