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Loosing Air Pressure In Most Types Of Tires


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Its all been said I think but to recap, pressure loss should be minimal, a few psi in a month is acceptable. Thats why people are advised to check regularly and before long trips.

pressure loss is mostly caused by dusty valves (no caps) or old valves, replace them when you buy tires. second is leaking on the bead where the tyre seals against the rim, caused by either dirt (not cleaned when new tyres installed) or slight damage of the bead when installing improper. Next would be the aluwheels being porous are damaged with cracks. just drop the complete wheel, inflated to max psi as on the sidewall in a tub.

Nitro works for following reasons, molecules are bigger then oxygen so leakage is slower. No oxidation inside the tire and wheel because no oxygen and no water. but most important, because no water, much less pressure fluctuation due to temperature changes. So your pressures stay more in line with prescribed values during long drives.

Pumping tires up to their maximum or 10% below that is plain silly, there is only one car that I know of that requires such a high pressure and that's a 911, but then they have special tyres homologated for their cars.

for pressures just follow your manual, it will tell you that at heavy load and high speed you need a few more psi's, not too difficult I think

Nitro is 50 baht per tyre at BQ so I don't think there's a money issue.

Drive safe.


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Hi, I also have the same problem with my tires loosing air like crazy. After having a very scary experience (almost accident)

due to low tire pressure, I went and got myself a Wireless Tyre Pressure Monitoring System from TireMoni. On the small monitor

I can see always my tire pressure in real time and can react right away to fill up the air. Cool little gadget to improve driving safety here

on Thailand's roads. Worth to have it - Stay and drive safe

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