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How many dates have you been on where a Thai girl has offered to pay half of the bill? It seems very few of them do and I find that it's perhaps unlikely that this is a cultural issue because some of them actually do offer or even insist. Perhaps they just assume I am a farang therefore rich and should pay or perhaps they are just looking for a free ride.

I earn above 50k a month salary which is plenty to live on for a single guy in Bangkok. However, this does not in anyway make me rich and I know many Thai women that earn something similar or above.

I find it endearing when a woman I go on a date with offers to pay half or more of the bill. It shows to me that she is considerate, unassuming and suggests she is interested in me as opposed to what I am willing to provide to her. If I offer to take a girl out for dinner it is a different issue as onus is on me. However, when girls ask me out on a date it's nice if she even offers to go half on the bill.

In my experiences with girls with reasonable jobs and money in their pocket it seems less than half would even consider putting their hand in their pocket. A friend recently told me, you might as well pay for a whore as one way or another you end up paying anyway. I am starting to believe he is correct.

What are you experiences on this subject?

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I don't notice much difference between Thailand and the West in this regard. If I'm out partying with a group of Thai girls its normal for everyone to pay their own way. However if its a date I will always expect to pay but if a girl offers half I always accept. The only time a Thai girl has paid 100% for me was a birthday dinner a few years back. Same as at home in the UK.

With bar girls of course a whole different ball game. :)


I agree with what smokie said. Many times I've often been treated as a guest in Thai company and not asked to pay anything. However, on a so called "date" I always pay. But, if the woman asks me on a so called "date" then I may or may not pay depending on the situation. I never want to come across as a "cheap charlie". I've shared expenses when traveling with a Thai woman who had money and there was no problem. It is pretty easy to assess the situation once you are in it. I've also been scammed into paying for all the drinks for several girls when they were together as a group, but it only happens once with the same crowd. After that they are on their own and it doesn't happen again. I never run up a tab, but pay as I go. A few times I know I'm being scammed, but it is worth the ride and I can always say no at any point.

So, in reply to the OP's question it is really hard to say. Every situation is different and unless you know all the details it's hard to give a definitive answer.


My wife earns 90k a month in Bangkok, she always offered to pay halves even on dates when we were dating, she said it was fair. She was only earbing about 11k when we first dated though 4-5 years ago.

I agree with what smokie said. Many times I've often been treated as a guest in Thai company and not asked to pay anything. However, on a so called "date" I always pay. But, if the woman asks me on a so called "date" then I may or may not pay depending on the situation. I never want to come across as a "cheap charlie". I've shared expenses when traveling with a Thai woman who had money and there was no problem. It is pretty easy to assess the situation once you are in it. I've also been scammed into paying for all the drinks for several girls when they were together as a group, but it only happens once with the same crowd. After that they are on their own and it doesn't happen again. I never run up a tab, but pay as I go. A few times I know I'm being scammed, but it is worth the ride and I can always say no at any point.

So, in reply to the OP's question it is really hard to say. Every situation is different and unless you know all the details it's hard to give a definitive answer.

Time to loosen up and start buying bar rounds as your Canadian dollar is on a roll!! :)

Time to loosen up and start buying bar rounds as your Canadian dollar is on a roll!! :)

I do, that makes up half my "charity" money I spend in Thailand. I seldom drink much myself, but I have a group of lady friends whom I always buy a drink or two. It adds up if you do it every night. But, the OTHER benefits I receive at a different time of day compensate. What goes round comes around.


"I earn above 50k a month salary which is plenty to live on for a single guy in Bangkok. However, this does not in anyway make me rich"

To a 6k baht a month Thai gal you are rich.

What Percentage Of Thai Women Pay ?

Oh they all pay dearly I'm sure :D

Kidding aside....My wife always asked to pay.....still does.

Sometimes I let her too. :)


I NEVER met any Thai woman making anything close to 50k bht per month. I've never had the opportunity to mix & mingle with the high-so crowd, as so many of you fortunate gents. Where I live, the locals I meet are lucky to make 5K, if they have a job at all. I only met one in 6 years, where I wasn't expected to pay (on a date). She was an anomaly. Her education and income was quite above the norm that I see.


My wife :shrug:

We alternate things all the time. Small things like dinners or groceries and bigger things too, I just paid for summer class and half of her new purse, but she has dropped $400-500 on books for me. As for our return trip to Thailand, we decided to both save up equal amounts to spend.

I NEVER met any Thai woman making anything close to 50k bht per month. I've never had the opportunity to mix & mingle with the high-so crowd, as so many of you fortunate gents. Where I live, the locals I meet are lucky to make 5K, if they have a job at all. I only met one in 6 years, where I wasn't expected to pay (on a date). She was an anomaly. Her education and income was quite above the norm that I see.

fortunate gents???

hi-so on 50k a month.

good joke mate


It depends what it is...

My wife works for her family business, she can spend what she likes and the business covers it.

When my wife was my girlfriend we would go 50/50 on most things (to a reasonable extent).

With dinner we'd usually we take it in turns and still do to some extent.

Travel, for local flights etc, she has paid most. Int'l travel, I have always paid.

Local holidays etc, she has paid some, I have paid others (it depends who makes the booking or who does the checking out).

International holidays (skiing etc, Europe, Japan etc) I pay.

When we went on our first Date. I can't remember if she offered to pay - But I'd have never expected her to pay anyway.

When out with my friends in a large group - the girls (in couples) never pay, the same applies back in the UK, the men always pay.

When out with her friends in a large group, she pays for us.

Now its got to the stage where when we are out, who ever the bill is handed to pays. She's my wife and its too late to work out who should be paying for what...

What's mine is hers, and what's hers is hers !!!! ;-)


A few years back, I did have an ex girlfriend who was a flight attendant (I assume they make a decent salary).

She never would pay for anything, yet her family were quite rich (a really huge house etc)...

She simply thought it was the mans job to pay his way for the woman.

I didn't appreciate that, it was one of the reasons I broke it off.


I think it all depends on the company you keep. and location, in pattaya in 10 years a thai has never offered to pay for anything, in bangkok the ladies i have casually taken out have always offered to pay their way, in fact some insist on it,.

I NEVER met any Thai woman making anything close to 50k bht per month. I've never had the opportunity to mix & mingle with the high-so crowd, as so many of you fortunate gents. Where I live, the locals I meet are lucky to make 5K, if they have a job at all. I only met one in 6 years, where I wasn't expected to pay (on a date). She was an anomaly. Her education and income was quite above the norm that I see.

You dont have to b e hi-so to get a good income, my wife is from the North like many, but able to think a bit.

I think it all depends on the company you keep. and location, in pattaya in 10 years a thai has never offered to pay for anything, in bangkok the ladies i have casually taken out have always offered to pay their way, in fact some insist on it,.

Agreed. Most middle-class women I meet always offer to pay, or we take turns. Its when you are mingling with the store clerks and beauty salon girls that you have to dig deeper into your pockets. And if you try dating girls who don't have day jobs, you will be paying for her friend, too.

I NEVER met any Thai woman making anything close to 50k bht per month. I've never had the opportunity to mix & mingle with the high-so crowd, as so many of you fortunate gents. Where I live, the locals I meet are lucky to make 5K, if they have a job at all. I only met one in 6 years, where I wasn't expected to pay (on a date). She was an anomaly. Her education and income was quite above the norm that I see.

You dont have to b e hi-so to get a good income, my wife is from the North like many, but able to think a bit.

Are you sure.. she choose you :)

I have seen girls make this kind of money before and no they are not hi so. Most of the girls i met and dated paid if they did not i would not go out with them again. I never dated the really poor girls because usually they did not speak any english.

I think it depends on the kind that you meet and how you look yourself. If you date a 20yo while your 50 fat and ugly then expect to pay. Are you both in the same age range and there is real love then its more likely.

Before i get flamed... this is in general there are of course 20yo models girls that like older fat guys.. but they are rare.


I have dated two women whose wealth was light-years above mine, and I still paid.  I went casually out with a Tom, and she usually paid, but that was more of two friends going out, not a real date.

For an actual g/f, my previous one paid for all movies, and I paid the rest.  Her salary was around 25,000, so she was not destitute, though.


From the beginning after arriving in Thailand if I was dating a professional (not a 'pro' --- a professional) I have always expected to pay but have found that it was only expected about 50% of the time. When I have dated Uni students a few times I have always paid for everything.

Granted, dating men tends to mean that not only do they have a higher income but also they are used to paying on dates ...

7 years now with my partner and to be honest he pays just a little more than 50% of the time, but he has a higher spendable income than I have per month.

You dont have to b e hi-so to get a good income, my wife is from the North like many

I wouldnt be exploring that comment any further if I was you, leaving yourself open to abuse...

I would be pretty sure THB 50k or even 100k/m, a Hi-So does not make... :)

And all this, "If they didnt pay their way...wouldnt date them again, " I dated a Thai airways flight attendant and dumped her cos she didnt pay"etc etc......in your dreams boys....

You dont have to b e hi-so to get a good income, my wife is from the North like many

And all this, "If they didnt pay their way...wouldnt date them again, " I dated a Thai airways flight attendant and dumped her cos she didnt pay"etc etc......in your dreams boys....

There are exceptions of course, but i dont think those kind of girls make good relationship material. They are good for having fun with. (im now in a relation so cant do to much)


I've met women who have been very generous and I have met silly girls who have tried to take the mick. After the first 3 months in Thailand, the later get short shrift.

Generosity is actually a pretty good "marker" anywhere in the world but PARTICULARLY here in Thailand. A lady I met who had very little, invited me to her home and made me feel welcome. Her home was modest and she lived with her little dog (who was deranged!!!) and she was a "good" lady with a good job. There was no interest on my part (she was an ex private student who had got my number from the school) but we are still in touch. She would likely be a good catch for someone trying to avoid gold diggers.

But lets not overlook the obvious. Many guys are here because they can benefit from the gold digging "blindness". Things are really simple enough to be summed up in a few posts on line...


American Share. I hear it a lot now. We call it Going Dutch. Same thing though.

Out with the family we all pay a share including mother. Depending on who has the control over the money in the relationship depends on who pays. So if the wife is in charge she pays out yet it is their money, same goes if husband has the cash. For me I tend to pay for my other half because it is our money. I do get into trouble for doing so because she likes to cough up her share.

With friends it is the same as out with family.

On a 1 to 1 date with a female I would accept if she offered half. Most men are expected to pay especially if they have more income than the woman has. In most cases it was that way in the UK too. The same way that the person who invites others out for a night out. That person is expected to pay.

Often if a woman is being taken out on a regular basis and there is nothing romantic in it there is nothing wrong with asking her to pay 50/50. Many are happy to agree if they are in a position to do so. This has the added benefit of her realising you are not a money tree if the night(s) out develop into a relationship.

At the end of the day I have no problem paying if I ask someone out, especially if I am after getting her into bed. If it is on a friendly basis then I will make arrangements beforehand to decide who pays what.


its going Dutch in Aus. I'd feel uncomfortable letting her pay on a date especially if I asked her out, I ask (invite) I pay at least initially...

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