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My Girlfriends New Tattoo


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You are saying that this Tattoo is football size. I am assuming you mean a standard size 5 football and that has a 22cm diameter. I don't know how fat your girlfriend/maid is but my wife is above average, size wise, for a Thai girl and her back is about 35cm wide at the shoulders. So a football size one would cover way more than a shoulder and upper arm.

The last time I had a tattoo done that size it took over 7 hours and cost me a substantial amount of Baht. Show us a photo of this tattoo or admit your over excited exaggeration and that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. IMO You are a pathetic troll.

That's what I implied when i said she must have very broad shoulders!!

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You guys arguing with me are completely missing the point. I LIKE TATTOOS. I think the nice ones are very cool, cheap badly drawn tattoos are terrible though but most people would agree with that. I am simply pointing out the utter truth that you are all so desperate to deny. THAI PEOPLE as a culture look down upon and judge people wearing tattoos. END OF STORY. Nothing you say is going to make that untrue, a handful here and there that think they are cool doesn't change the fact that 90% of the Thai population will judge you. That's it that's all. No need to argue any further for I have now quite clearly slam dunked the truth down your throats have I not? Yes I know I have. :D

Some of you have a real hard time catching my humour... ah well. I don't judge people with tatoos, I just like to joke about stereotypes, especially in a country that stereotypes EVERYONE everyday. There's many things I like about Thailand, the lack of freedom of expression is not one of those things.

Could it be you are not funny? just a thought.

let me explain the second part of my post as it clearly sailed over your head: You were (and still are) speaking for "90% of the Thai population" hence spokesman.... get it? Who appointed you? where did you get your figures from? did you carry out a census (because you missed a few of the population out, i asked and apparently you didn't consult them)? Or are you able to read the minds of the entire Thai nation?

Just because YOU say it is a fact does not make it a fact.

Also I find it interesting that you are an expert on Thai culture when it is clear from your posts that you have failed to get to grips with Western culture, ever heard of polite intelligent conversation?

No kobi, you have not "clearly slam dunked the truth" down our throats. you have failed miserably. :)

Edited by tatt2dude
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But none of that is the issue. If a person is going to do something that is blatantly outside the norm of respected society at least have the common sense to ask your partner for a second opinion. Is not doing so is a sign of bad things to come? Yes I think so.

Here's a thought:

Man who you stay with because you love...... Partner.

Man you stay with because he pay............... Customer

Far be it from me to suggest for one second that I understand the workings of the female mind, but: Maybe they don't respect a customer/employer in the same way as a boyfriend/partner?

You could add a new clause to the contract of employment to avoid this ugly situation in the future. :)

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You are saying that this Tattoo is football size. I am assuming you mean a standard size 5 football and that has a 22cm diameter. I don't know how fat your girlfriend/maid is but my wife is above average, size wise, for a Thai girl and her back is about 35cm wide at the shoulders. So a football size one would cover way more than a shoulder and upper arm.

The last time I had a tattoo done that size it took over 7 hours and cost me a substantial amount of Baht. Show us a photo of this tattoo or admit your over excited exaggeration and that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. IMO You are a pathetic troll.

That's what I implied when i said she must have very broad shoulders!!

True, Patsycat, but Mark was just exaggerting to make a point. I doubt if he meant the actual size. A football size tatoo would take up the whole back of most Thai women.

However, it still seems people are bickering about something that really isn't the problem. It's not about tatoos at all and the people here don't seem to understand that. It's about her doing something that Mark has made clear that he doesn't like. It could be buying a cat or dog when he doesn't like animals, or painting the house a colour he doesn't like, or any one of a hundred different things. And, it's about WHY she did it. THAT is the crux of the matter.

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It is your choice to leave or stay. Obviously you two do not get along and you are looking for a reason to say good bye. Do you really need a reason at this point in your life just do what you want regardless of the reason. I mean you are not married yet.

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In Thailand these tattoos are looked down upon by much of Thai society. Right or wrong it is a fact. Anyone venturing outside the bar/tourist scene and interacting with the Thai population will realize this soon enough. So if a woman has these she would be best to put them in subtle places.

The poster clearly does not like the tattoos on his partner. She knowingly received a tattoo to his opposition with no prior discussion. There are plenty of women who would have consulted her partner both in Thailand and abroad.

As a side note :) I was going to get a penis reduction from 14" to 8". I discussed it with my girlfriend and she begged me not to do it so I must continue to tape it to my leg when in public. :D

Edited by losworld
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As a side note :D I was going to get a penis reduction from 14" to 8". I discussed it with my girlfriend and she begged me not to do it so I must continue to tape it to my leg when in public. :D

I suggest using a specially made strap with a foam liner. I stopped using tape because it pulled the hairs off my tender inner thigh... and that hurts. Of course, a macho man might enjoy the pain. :)

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In Thailand these tattoos are looked down upon by much of Thai society. Right or wrong it is a fact. Anyone venturing outside the bar/tourist scene and interacting with the Thai population will realize this soon enough. So if a woman has these she would be best to put them in subtle places.

The poster clearly does not like the tattoos on his partner. She knowingly received a tattoo to his opposition with no prior discussion. There are plenty of women who would have consulted her partner both in Thailand and abroad.

As a side note :D I was going to get a penis reduction from 14" to 8". I discussed it with my girlfriend and she begged me not to do it so I must continue to tape it to my leg when in public. :D

Actually, much of Thai society views well executed "fashion" tattoos in a different way to many of the "monkey house" traditional tattoos. How else do you explain Thai TV superstars sporting full sleeves? Surely they would not be on National media but rather selling their arse in Nana?

Tape? Go for a prince Albert, sew a hook in your jeans and simply fold the penis back on itself and hook it on your belt, if you had tattoos you would have known this already. :)

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I don't see any Thai women superstars with full arm branding. They might have a little floral ring round their ankle, or an inconspicuous little design on their back, back that's it...and even that's rebellious.

It all depends on how much the OP cares about his gf's reputation, or if he cares at all. Yes, people will look and find it more ugly than in the West and form a negative opinion about her morality and class. If he doesn't care about that, fine. If he's only annoyed because he doesn't like tattoos and she's just gone and made it more obvious without telling him, he's got a good reason to be. Two years, no doubt love, she's probably expecting commitment soon, she knows he already doesn't like tats....yet she didn't use her brain or care enough to ask him first? Nahhh she's a bit rough. Pass on it.

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I think the OP just want to convey the fact that his girlfriend does whatever she wants and he does not like it.

He indeed was told that Thai girls were different than western girls.

They had different genes.

All submissive and obeying the MAN.

I understand he is disapppointed :):D

Lets say you are married and out of the blue one afternoon your wife gets an incredibly ugly football sized tattoo on her shoulder and upper arm that will be visible to anyone unless she is wearing a long sleeve shirt.

Are you cool with that?

If you married a woman who would do that, and you would be surprised about it, then you obviously didn't know her very well, and should not have gotten married in the first place. :D What part of, she already had a few tattoos, didn't make it through your cranium.

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As a side note :) I was going to get a penis reduction from 14" to 8". I discussed it with my girlfriend and she begged me not to do it so I must continue to tape it to my leg when in public. :D

Can I put a bid in for the unwanted 6" ?

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Actually, much of Thai society views well executed "fashion" tattoos in a different way to many of the "monkey house" traditional tattoos. How else do you explain Thai TV superstars sporting full sleeves? Surely they would not be on National media but rather selling their arse in Nana?

Apparently they are available but charge more than Nana.

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Is it fair to assume that you prefer a good girl to a bad girl...

Maybe you dont want to be a victim of steriotyping... you dont want everyone to think you are going out with a bar girl... Fair enough...

Quit complaining... make a decision and move on...

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You are saying that this Tattoo is football size. I am assuming you mean a standard size 5 football and that has a 22cm diameter. I don't know how fat your girlfriend/maid is but my wife is above average, size wise, for a Thai girl and her back is about 35cm wide at the shoulders. So a football size one would cover way more than a shoulder and upper arm.

The last time I had a tattoo done that size it took over 7 hours and cost me a substantial amount of Baht. Show us a photo of this tattoo or admit your over excited exaggeration and that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. IMO You are a pathetic troll.

That's what I implied when i said she must have very broad shoulders!!

The size of an American football is about 11 inches long (27.94 cm). The distance from her neck to elbow is about 11 inches. The tattoo covers an area from her neck to her elbow. There was already a tattoo there. She added to its length and width and added ink to the original. It took about 4 hours.

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I think the OP just want to convey the fact that his girlfriend does whatever she wants and he does not like it.

He indeed was told that Thai girls were different than western girls.

They had different genes.

All submissive and obeying the MAN.

I understand he is disapppointed :):D

At first I was offended by you suggesting that I thought Thai women were submissive. Because I have a sneaking suspicion in terms of time in country continuously and over a long period of years that I probably have forgotten more about Thai women than you are ever likely to learn unless your personal experience with women in general and Thai women in particular runs in the thousands.

Having said that I have met very few submissive women in general and Thai women in particular. I can count them on two hands.

Almost all of the submissive Thai women I met hung out at a place in Pattaya on third road. I won’t mention the name but if you’re into that kind of thing you know about it.

The submissive women I have met in a non professional way were all a little off. They seemed obsessive about being directed about everything constantly and unable to make an independent decision. Although this may sound cool at first I soon realized I did not have the time to mess with the miniscule details of their lives such as when to brush their teeth or which blouse to wear.

Your later post seemed to agree that you would like your wife’s tattoos to be able to be covered up on occasion and in this I agree with you.

I don’t think I am being unreasonable or obsessive to want a relationship that has a standard of communication that allows two people with different ideas to be able to talk about those differences and arrive at a negotiated conclusion.

Although my first wife negotiated while throwing bottles and I thought that a bit unfair.

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Is it fair to assume that you prefer a good girl to a bad girl...

Maybe you dont want to be a victim of steriotyping... you dont want everyone to think you are going out with a bar girl... Fair enough...

Quit complaining... make a decision and move on...

I have always liked bad girls from the first time when out on a date I discovered my lady had 30 bars of hotel soap in her bathroom. They were all from expensive hotels mind you and this wasn’t in Thailand.

In my last incarnation as a western businessman I owned my own business and cared less about customers of associates thought of my employees. I was concerned about job performance as opposed to political correctness.

I ran one restaurant that employed 60% prison labor as a way of rehabilitation. It was a little bit spooky but the tax rebate was wonderful.

Personally I like unusual people and that is why I post on and read Thai visa.

I knew and liked two western lady teachers who taught here and they both had tattoos. They were also found frequently drunk laying curbside in a large Thai town. But they had luck with them and made it through a couple of years here with no severe problems. They had natural red hair.

I keep repeating this but few seem to pick up on it. It is not the tattoo. It is that she did not consult me before engaging in such a large body modification.

Although I think I have flawless fashion sense I enjoy going clothes shopping with a woman because I appreciate a second opinion. I don’t think that makes me submissive.

I already made the decision. Now it is only a matter of correct timing.

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You guys arguing with me are completely missing the point. I LIKE TATTOOS. I think the nice ones are very cool, cheap badly drawn tattoos are terrible though but most people would agree with that. I am simply pointing out the utter truth that you are all so desperate to deny. THAI PEOPLE as a culture look down upon and judge people wearing tattoos. END OF STORY. Nothing you say is going to make that untrue, a handful here and there that think they are cool doesn't change the fact that 90% of the Thai population will judge you. That's it that's all. No need to argue any further for I have now quite clearly slam dunked the truth down your throats have I not? Yes I know I have. :D

Some of you have a real hard time catching my humour... ah well. I don't judge people with tatoos, I just like to joke about stereotypes, especially in a country that stereotypes EVERYONE everyday. There's many things I like about Thailand, the lack of freedom of expression is not one of those things.

Could it be you are not funny? just a thought.

let me explain the second part of my post as it clearly sailed over your head: You were (and still are) speaking for "90% of the Thai population" hence spokesman.... get it? Who appointed you? where did you get your figures from? did you carry out a census (because you missed a few of the population out, i asked and apparently you didn't consult them)? Or are you able to read the minds of the entire Thai nation?

Just because YOU say it is a fact does not make it a fact.

Also I find it interesting that you are an expert on Thai culture when it is clear from your posts that you have failed to get to grips with Western culture, ever heard of polite intelligent conversation?

No kobi, you have not "clearly slam dunked the truth" down our throats. you have failed miserably. :D

You are so full of poop. Complete dreamland and wishful thinking. YES 90% of THAI SOCIETY LOOKS DOWN ON TATTOO WEARING PEOPLE. Deal with it. I don't need to be the spokesman, was just trying to help ya out buddy since you really dont seem to know, but you would rather deny the blatant and obvious truth of this country because you feel oh so sensitive about your (most likely) tattoo covered body. Feel bad for ya, you should not be living here what with regular society constantly judging you negatively, or perhaps you really are so unaware of your surrounding to notice? :) Ignorance is bliss in that case.

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So now we go from a football sized tatt on her shoulder to one that reaches from her neck down to her elbow. Since when is the elbow part of the shoulder?

If you had described it like that in the first place perhaps the replies would have been different.

And yes, I have red hair (no tatts), and have been known to fall over drunk sometimes, without harm.

It's the luck of the Irish.

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So now we go from a football sized tatt on her shoulder to one that reaches from her neck down to her elbow. Since when is the elbow part of the shoulder?

If you had described it like that in the first place perhaps the replies would have been different.

And yes, I have red hair (no tatts), and have been known to fall over drunk sometimes, without harm.

It's the luck of the Irish.

You are right I should have been more specific but since the post was not really about tattoos I didn’t think it important. The original tattoo started on her shoulder and went 4 or 5 inches down her upper arm.

My recollection of the English teachers was they were a lot of fun. We spent one rather raucous night at a Thai disco. I brought a quart of Chives and the ladies bought the ice and soda water. In a gesture of cross cultural exchange I drank the soda and they drank the scotch.

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i just love girls with tattoo,s :) relax man it doesnt take away the person she is, are you so small minded to believe that all woman with tattoos are hookers or want to work in a bar tut tut

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My recollection of the English teachers was they were a lot of fun. We spent one rather raucous night at a Thai disco. I brought a quart of Chives and the ladies bought the ice and soda water. In a gesture of cross cultural exchange I drank the soda and they drank the scotch.

Onions, soda and ice. Not exactly my idea of 'raucous'.

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My recollection of the English teachers was they were a lot of fun. We spent one rather raucous night at a Thai disco. I brought a quart of Chives and the ladies bought the ice and soda water. In a gesture of cross cultural exchange I drank the soda and they drank the scotch.

Onions, soda and ice. Not exactly my idea of 'raucous'.

Haha, "Hey bartender gimme a double garlic on the rocks with half a shallot and a sprig of thyme!"... couple more of these little babies to loosen me up and i'll be ready to try my luck with the blonde girl over there...

Just as well we're in Amazing Thailand, one of the few places on the planet you could still pull with breath that smelt worse than a tramps armpit.

Edited by easethesqueeze
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Mark, step into the 21st century! Today, a tatoo is considered an artistic addition to the body. I don't think the general public associates a tatoo with a "working" lady of the evening. I also think you're not being fair to your gf if you make her cover up her tatoos every time you go out. Stop being so self centered and start enjoying her tatoos.

Tattoos are really ugly.

Especially on girls.

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Then of course, I think ahead to 10 or 20 years down the road when, if they stayed together, she'd be getting into her grandmother years... I always wonder, maybe those tats look fine on a 20 year old girl with a shapely .... But I'm not sure I really want to see them, especially the ones right above the a..., on someone's grandmother...

Tats never look good, never ever.

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