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Thai PM Abhisit Vows To Retake Bangkok Protest Site


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Bring out the tanks !!

a few overhead shots will soon disperse the reds for sure !!

China didn't mess about with this type of activity and it's considered terrorism here as the reds are using grenades and whatever live weapons they can.

The government needs to send in special forces and grab the leaders ... that is the whole problem .. if there are no leaders to instigate the troops then it breaks down.

Thailand is now an embarassment to the world as shown on international TV. Thailands tourism has gone down the drain forever because of this ... Would you bring your family here for a holiday ?

The reds have made there bed .. now they must lie in it.

This is my opinion.

Well said. Thailand is an embarrassment to the world. Spineless govt if there ever was one. Indeed China would have this mess cleaned up in months ago in a few short hours. That's another reason why I live in China. I will be a long time before Thailand will recover from this mess. This is the nail on the coffin for Thai tourism for sure. I know I will scratch it off my list now.

That’s was just the reason that I just moved from China to Thailand just 4 month ago. Have the nice time in China which I never had.. :)

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I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

Yes I know the history of Thammasat 1976, I was living just a few miles away at the time and watching the whole thing on the TV.

I remember quite clearly how four officials, waving a large white flag were gunned down by the students as they were walking in through the main gate to negotiate a ceasefire. The students were on the 3rd floor stairs and used a M50 heavy caliber machine gun to kill the four officers.

After that all hel_l broke lose and I remember the crowd grabbing a student, hanging him and then burning him alive in what used to be the old Sunday market.

The students were out and out communists in those days, and the ones that escaped out the back and up the river, went to live in China. Now must are back in Thailand after they were awarded immunity from prosecution.

I dont think so!! This was never on TV. Do you really believe that you sat in bkk watching a live massacre without the govt turning off the signal!! The govt did not go in waving white flags. They were incensed by a mock hanging that they considered lese majeste and went in all guns blazing. You can find the footage on you tube. Samak Sundaravej was heavily involved and until his death lied about the day, saying only one student was killed in the battle!!

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I agree some of those Red Shirts are my adaptive family!

You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

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By now, we are sick and tired of hearing the Prime Minister tell us he will end the crisis and disperse the red shirts from Bangkok. We have heard him make this hollow promise time after time with NO RESULTS. How many times are we going to let him fail? Now, evertime I hear that he will disperse the protesters following the international formula for crowd control, I roll my eyes.

He has failed, pure and simple. The only reason he is there is because no one else wants to be the "fall guy."

I'm going to go ahead and ignore everything that comes from the government. They might as well black out his entire TV show. No one will watch it anyway.

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You should maybe take a stroll down and talk to your beloved mob because the vast majority of the ones my wife and I spoke to have no idea what democracy is.. unless it means their Dear Leader can return to steal, errrrr. govern again... it is so sad when people like you post nonsense with no first hand or credible information to add

And you may wish to speak to the current government and those in power and see what their idea of democracy is ... military coup? rewriting constitution?.. followed by judicial coups, media censorship, censorship of the people...?

It is understandable that many RedShirts do not know democracy they have rarely experienced it,and many are lacking in education. But do not fool yourself, I too have spoken to many and many full well know what they are getting screwed out of.

Edited by kenai
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I agree some of those Red Shirts are my adaptive family!
You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Agree completely. I also find it strange how its only the yellow supporters on TV who are baying for blood all the time and yet criticise the reds for being violent!! The govt makes it worse by calling people terrorists and blocking all anti govt reporting/websites. Give the country a balanced view so they can make their own decisions! Not ONE journalist outside of Thailand has called any red a terrorist!

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Thaksins comments regarding the Tak Bai massare.

“I regret the loss of lives in a way that should not have happened, due to suffocation. I will order a committee to be set up to investigate the situation,”

Thaksin Shinawatra

“There are some who died because they were fasting, and they were crammed in tight,”

It's a matter of their bodies becoming weak.”

Thaksin Shinawatra.

Can you will you defend these comments Thaksin made ?

I think you will find that Abihisit is a far more balanced and compassionate man unlike the Red Shirt Brigade leaders and their puppet master.

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I agree some of those Red Shirts are my adaptive family!
You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Agree completely. I also find it strange how its only the yellow supporters on TV who are baying for blood all the time and yet criticise the reds for being violent!! The govt makes it worse by calling people terrorists and blocking all anti govt reporting/websites. Give the country a balanced view so they can make their own decisions! Not ONE journalist outside of Thailand has called any red a terrorist!

You'd have to be pretty myopic not to call Seh Daeng such.

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If you forget about Thaskin and think about the primary reason the redshirts are rebelling: Thailand does not have an elected PM. The redshirts want to have elections for a PM. If the present PM wants to run in this election, let him do it. The present PM cannot compromise because he cannot leave office halfway.

I say let democracy truly rule the land here and have elected officials. Not appointed ones.

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You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Totally agree with you mate. Some of the posts made on this site are completely disgusting. Like blood lust crazies it's as if they can't wait to see the army slaughtering men woman and children. What sort of people frequent this site? Personally it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth when I read such hate filled rhetoric. Sad, so very sad.

Apex you have no idea what happened in 1976 if you are trying to compare it to what is happening now. Not a clue. In 76 they slaughtered and mutilated and raped innocent children that were protesting NON VIOLENTLY. Right now we have TERRORISTS killing and bombing and the military is doing nothing. In what country would any of this have been allowed to happen? Try to take a military train in the States and what would happen? You would be gunned down immediately.

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You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Not wishing misfortune upon anyone, but there seems little other options. I hope you are aware that peace talks didn't work, they don't wanna negotiate, and that group is and has been downright violent, even unprovoked. And what sorta peaceful statement do their "defences" make? Certainly not a peaceful diplomatic solution!

They aren't gonna go home until they're kicked out, and maybe its too late, as they are losing their color so they can stealthily blend in with the population. This is about to become a zone where you can't avoid danger at all in the Big Mango.

Another bomb just went off 1 street from me, charansanitwong 57 , something needs to be done about all this I would hardly say the reds are innocent, they have been warned multiple times, they are clearly violent, and they wont stop until they get what they want, they all know the danger they are in by staying so its at their own risk.. you say "go back to your own country and kill your own people" let me ask... would your country put up with this? would they just sit and wait for them to go lol would they let them build barricades which blatently at the first sign of a big threat will be set on fire causing even more risk to INNOCENT people and buildings...


It is there battle to fight. The fact is your not a citizen here (sorry for assuming).

Another fact is many of us who read this forum have friends and relatives that are RedShirt/citizens and I doubt anyone appreciates a call for violence to be used against them.

I will not say there are no bad RedShirts in the bunch, but to paint them all with a broad brush is wrong. Most are peaceful and want this to end as much as you do. There is plenty of time for partys to come to a peaceful resolution. Give peace a chance, if not we will all be sorry at the shameful things that will be done by all sides.

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It is there battle to fight. The fact is your not a citizen here (sorry for assuming).

Another fact is many of us who read this forum have friends and relatives that are RedShirt/citizens and I doubt anyone appreciates a call for violence to be used against them.

I will not say there are no bad RedShirts in the bunch, but to paint them all with a broad brush is wrong. Most are peaceful and want this to end as much as you do. There is plenty of time for partys to come to a peaceful resolution. Give peace a chance, if not we will all be sorry at the shameful things that will be done by all sides.

This is the problem. Anti-red shirts do not appreciate the increasingly violent acts the red shirts are engaging in. They do not appreciate the extremely violent rhetoric of the speakers on the red shirt stage. They do not appreciate having their city taken hostage. The red shirt leaders have been calling themselves a peaceful demonstration, but then in the next sentence they call for blood, make death threats, and incite violence. The situation is unacceptable.

And at the same time I still believe that the government should not crackdown and forcefully disperse the protesters. I realize that any other government in the world would do exactly that, but every other government is not Thailand. I believe that cracking down would led directly to heightened terrorist activities, or quite possibly to a kind of civil war.

I don't believe the government should step down. That would create a small victory for the red shirts, but would set off a train of events where the yellow shirts and other groups will treat any red shirt government in exactly the same way. Any way you look at it these demonstrations are illegal. They are pointing the gun at government and the citizens of Bangkok and saying 'quit or else'. These kind of threats and actions are totally unacceptable, whether they are committed by yellow, red, or any other group. No government should bow to this kind of pressure.

So what is a peaceful resolution here? The red shirt leaders will not negotiate. They have only given ultimatums and then refused to talk. They refuse to engage in negotiations with the government. They refuse to enter negotiations with government and representatives from other interest groups including the coalition partners and academics. The red shirts are completely inflexible.

But in the end, de-escalation and fair negotiation with all concerned parties represented is the only way this thing can end peacefully and leave the country somewhat intact.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

Yes. All the free TV (especiall NBT) are showing the civilians beating up injured soliders trying to get to hospital, and men in black slaughtering army personnel, capture their guns and burning their tanks. Plus bomb attack on innocent people in Silom doing their evening window shopping infront of a bank, or waiting for their train home. I have not seen anything otherwise, I am afraid. I am just a typical Thai national watching what is available on the government provided TV.

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If you forget about Thaskin and think about the primary reason the redshirts are rebelling: Thailand does not have an elected PM. The redshirts want to have elections for a PM. If the present PM wants to run in this election, let him do it. The present PM cannot compromise because he cannot leave office halfway.

I say let democracy truly rule the land here and have elected officials. Not appointed ones.

How many more times?

This is representative democracy. The representatives elect the prime minister.

OK, so some representatives changed sides, possibly for money. So what? Vote for somebody else next time.

Best thing would be for Abhisit to set a date for an election in, say, six months. Give everyone a chance to prepare manifestos and campaigns.

As for the red shirts, they poorly informed and badly advised and the rally has gone on way too long. hard to see what can be done with a hopeless police force. I would be inclined to do very little. I would certainly shut off the power and make supply of food and water difficult. Maybe make life as uncomfortable as possible with random use of sea water cannon and tear gas during the night etc.

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You know what....

... the ones who started that political riff raff are those PAD dudes by blocking the airport two years ago, the government couldn't do anything about it and it led to their own dismissal. Then it's all too logical that one of these days the opposition the UDD would make a rally. From their point of view they the current Prime Minister Abhisit and his party has been illegally put into power. Well technically it really was after those PAD dudes have won that battle by taking over one of Thailand's most vulnerable tourist transportation modes for tourism,... the airport...

... Guys... you can say what you want man, but I do not prefer the PAD over the Red shirts, 'cause as I said they are the ones who started that political turmoil which resulted into what we witness now. I mean, I do not support any group of those two, but I would agree with the UDD's point of view that this government has been illegally put to power. If the governments would have prevented that situation 2 years back it would have never come to this.

If people say that most UDD protesters are peaceful,... okay that may be true and I believe them. All the government figures are doing now is just pointing the fingers at some red shirts only to raise their status. I respected Abhisit in the past, but now I'm about to change my mind.

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If the reds are a truly non violent group they would never tolerate the Terrorists mixing in with them. Surely they have seen the men in black and others carrying weapons, so why do they not demand that those people leave? Surely this non violent and peaceful group would allow the Police to come in and clear out any weapons. Wouldn't they be a lot safer if all the Terrorists were disarmed and arrested? The Government has show they will not be the first to strike so there is nothing to fear unless the redshirts allow the Terrorists to provoke a situation.

I cannot understand why the Police did not setup and check people for weapons before entering the site. Also, now when people leave the site they should be told that they cannot return. Why do they allow the Terrorists to come and go as they please?

Are they using the old "give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves" strategy?

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Two years ago the Government did not consider someone would be bold and stupid enough to take over an airport. They also did not in their wildest dreams consider anyone would take over a Hotel where Heads of State of most Asian countries were meeting. Pretty bold but stupid all the same. In the end it accomplished nothing except to make their country look bad to the whole world. If that was the plan, they achieved it. Both were acts of Terrorists, yet the Government still does not think of them that way. They prefer to think they are dealing with nice Thai people. Most of them are, but make no mistake they are also dealing with Terrorists who use the nice Thai people as a shield.

You know what....

... the ones who started that political riff raff are those PAD dudes by blocking the airport two years ago, the government couldn't do anything about it and it led to their own dismissal. Then it's all too logical that one of these days the opposition the UDD would make a rally. From their point of view they the current Prime Minister Abhisit and his party has been illegally put into power. Well technically it really was after those PAD dudes have won that battle by taking over one of Thailand's most vulnerable tourist transportation modes for tourism,... the airport...

... Guys... you can say what you want man, but I do not prefer the PAD over the Red shirts, 'cause as I said they are the ones who started that political turmoil which resulted into what we witness now. I mean, I do not support any group of those two, but I would agree with the UDD's point of view that this government has been illegally put to power. If the governments would have prevented that situation 2 years back it would have never come to this.

If people say that most UDD protesters are peaceful,... okay that may be true and I believe them. All the government figures are doing now is just pointing the fingers at some red shirts only to raise their status. I respected Abhisit in the past, but now I'm about to change my mind.

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I think the main reason that the Army isn't doing anything is because they're waiting for the Democrats to be banned when the court decides that they've committed fraud. Abhisit and his cronies will then be banned from politics for 5 years.

Anupong is trying to play it smart. If the Democrats get banned, he'll jump over to the new Phuea Thai coalition.

Unfortunately you might be right, it does look like most of the army (conscripts) and most of the police (Taxin's brothers) are double faced liars and have no intention of being loyal to this government or Great Kingdom.

Thailand is now in a dire situation and I fear the progress that has been made recently by what I consider to be one of the best governments this Nation has ever seen will all be trashed, tourists won't come here, international trade will drop, the majority will suffer at the hands of these ignorant people. and the economic depression that Abhisit cleverly avoided for us will take hold.


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Thaicom warned after PM's show hit by signal disruption

- Clearly shows that the red side is so much in favour of freedom of speech to knock out a channel showing a different view. Wasn't it them who complained when government blocked their transmitters?


My toilet is block. It MUST be the work of UDD. I think I have more proof that UDD block my toilet, than the government have on the Thaicom case.

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If it were my toilet I would get it unblocked, unless you like it that way of course. Then, after it is unblocked you can point fingers as to who caused it.

Same with the rally. Clear it, then find out who was to blame. A blocked intersection is just as bad as a blocked toilet.


Thaicom warned after PM's show hit by signal disruption

- Clearly shows that the red side is so much in favour of freedom of speech to knock out a channel showing a different view. Wasn't it them who complained when government blocked their transmitters?


My toilet is block. It MUST be the work of UDD. I think I have more proof that UDD block my toilet, than the government have on the Thaicom case.

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I agree some of those Red Shirts are my adaptive family!
You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

A bamboo spear can kill

are we talking about killing with a spear i acceptable but with a gun is not

The last time I looked Thailand was a free country and if you want to commit suicide by trying to stop a gretaer force then that is your right

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

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If you forget about Thaskin and think about the primary reason the redshirts are rebelling: Thailand does not have an elected PM. The redshirts want to have elections for a PM. If the present PM wants to run in this election, let him do it. The present PM cannot compromise because he cannot leave office halfway.

I say let democracy truly rule the land here and have elected officials. Not appointed ones.

Have you been asleep for the last 6 weeks

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I guess the PM has been praying for rain, maybe that will drive them away.

Or maybe he'll just sit it out till December 2011 and fill out his term.

Or maybe Taksin will run out of money or ...

Obviously no hurry, the reds can throw bombs kill people no problem, they know all they'll get is more warnings.

When PM says 'restore order' he means the reds will be moved back to Ratchaprasong from Silom, right?

Prediction of future history: Taksin's dying words will be "I have no health problems" :)

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You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Not wishing misfortune upon anyone, but there seems little other options. I hope you are aware that peace talks didn't work, they don't wanna negotiate, and that group is and has been downright violent, even unprovoked. And what sorta peaceful statement do their "defences" make? Certainly not a peaceful diplomatic solution!

They aren't gonna go home until they're kicked out, and maybe its too late, as they are losing their color so they can stealthily blend in with the population. This is about to become a zone where you can't avoid danger at all in the Big Mango.

Another bomb just went off 1 street from me, charansanitwong 57 , something needs to be done about all this I would hardly say the reds are innocent, they have been warned multiple times, they are clearly violent, and they wont stop until they get what they want, they all know the danger they are in by staying so its at their own risk.. you say "go back to your own country and kill your own people" let me ask... would your country put up with this? would they just sit and wait for them to go lol would they let them build barricades which blatently at the first sign of a big threat will be set on fire causing even more risk to INNOCENT people and buildings...


It is there battle to fight. The fact is your not a citizen here (sorry for assuming).

Another fact is many of us who read this forum have friends and relatives that are RedShirt/citizens and I doubt anyone appreciates a call for violence to be used against them.

I will not say there are no bad RedShirts in the bunch, but to paint them all with a broad brush is wrong. Most are peaceful and want this to end as much as you do. There is plenty of time for partys to come to a peaceful resolution. Give peace a chance, if not we will all be sorry at the shameful things that will be done by all sides.

So your saying

Red shirts should go home

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You know what....

... the ones who started that political riff raff are those PAD dudes by blocking the airport two years ago, the government couldn't do anything about it and it led to their own dismissal. Then it's all too logical that one of these days the opposition the UDD would make a rally. From their point of view they the current Prime Minister Abhisit and his party has been illegally put into power. Well technically it really was after those PAD dudes have won that battle by taking over one of Thailand's most vulnerable tourist transportation modes for tourism,... the airport...

... Guys... you can say what you want man, but I do not prefer the PAD over the Red shirts, 'cause as I said they are the ones who started that political turmoil which resulted into what we witness now. I mean, I do not support any group of those two, but I would agree with the UDD's point of view that this government has been illegally put to power. If the governments would have prevented that situation 2 years back it would have never come to this.

If people say that most UDD protesters are peaceful,... okay that may be true and I believe them. All the government figures are doing now is just pointing the fingers at some red shirts only to raise their status. I respected Abhisit in the past, but now I'm about to change my mind.

when all else fails

go back to another times

to a time when another Government was in power

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I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

Yes I know the history of Thammasat 1976, I was living just a few miles away at the time and watching the whole thing on the TV.

I remember quite clearly how four officials, waving a large white flag were gunned down by the students as they were walking in through the main gate to negotiate a ceasefire. The students were on the 3rd floor stairs and used a M50 heavy caliber machine gun to kill the four officers.

After that all hel_l broke lose and I remember the crowd grabbing a student, hanging him and then burning him alive in what used to be the old Sunday market.

The students were out and out communists in those days, and the ones that escaped out the back and up the river, went to live in China. Now must are back in Thailand after they were awarded immunity from prosecution.

Why should we be surprised your version of what happened is way off the mark http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6_October_1976_Massacre

Don't be surprised by anything, but as I was watching the event on TV that day, I know what I saw, and I saw it all in great detail.

So I don't care what a non descript person like you chooses to believe. Ask the person who wrote that "wiki" entry if they were even alive in 1976, or were they still in nursery school like you.

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Military can not disperse the protesters from this site.

Basically it would take a huge number of soldiers to succeed, and a lot of military hardware. Undoubtedly there would be a lot of dead.

The guys encamped themselves into a "bunker", protected with sites that military surely does not want to destroy. If the operation started though, it is not unimaginable for the protesters to break into the hospitals, hotels and shopping malls and burn them to the ground.

But starving the protesters of food and sleep could be a bloodless way of dispersal. As someone posted earlier, moving the army from one place to another every couple of hours, even if it's just empty trucks, combined with a couple of helicopter flyovers would be just the thing that keeps the mob up, in expectation of mayhem. The red leaders would definitely tell protesters taht it's coming now... then it doesn't come. And again 2 hours later the same thing, and it doesn't come. Shutting off mobile networks, electricity and jamming the red radio just before drive pass would add to the drama.

It is also possible to starve the protesters, by putting another barricade outside their barricade, with a lot of barbwire and armed soldiers to stop people from going in or out... Best to do it at night during the week, keeping people in without the chance of leaving, as that would seriously hurt their jobs, not being able to go back home and to work. Then just slowly drain them out mentally and physically. Until the movement crashes on itself. Until the red leaders lose all their credibility for announcing attack on them over and over, but it just never happens.

I would definitely prefer the above nerve game to an all out war.

EDIT: A few typos


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I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

Yes I know the history of Thammasat 1976, I was living just a few miles away at the time and watching the whole thing on the TV.

I remember quite clearly how four officials, waving a large white flag were gunned down by the students as they were walking in through the main gate to negotiate a ceasefire. The students were on the 3rd floor stairs and used a M50 heavy caliber machine gun to kill the four officers.

After that all hel_l broke lose and I remember the crowd grabbing a student, hanging him and then burning him alive in what used to be the old Sunday market.

The students were out and out communists in those days, and the ones that escaped out the back and up the river, went to live in China. Now must are back in Thailand after they were awarded immunity from prosecution.

I dont think so!! This was never on TV. Do you really believe that you sat in bkk watching a live massacre without the govt turning off the signal!! The govt did not go in waving white flags. They were incensed by a mock hanging that they considered lese majeste and went in all guns blazing. You can find the footage on you tube. Samak Sundaravej was heavily involved and until his death lied about the day, saying only one student was killed in the battle!!

Oh! But it was on TV as the government of that period wanted to show the country the true extent of the communist insurgency in Thailand. And the four officers did indeed wave a large white flag, and were gunned down as they crossed the threshold onto university grounds. I don't need any footage from "youtube" which by the way has been heavily edited over the years, as I was just around the corner and know more about it than you ever will. The police/army went in guns blazing after the four guys had been shot, and all 4 were unarmed.

One of my next door neighbours was involved in that incident but managed to escape to China, he came back around 10 years ago.

Check your history, Thailand had a communist insurgency problem, and Thammasat was a breeding ground for "reds', the night before the incident, thousands of pro government supporters were bussed into Bangkok and were standing around outside the university to lend support to the army and police. I saw them.

I also saw the M50 machine gun that the students used to kill the 4 and then to fire on the police and crowd outside.

So, when you are ignorant, try not to show it to the public jucel.

I don't care about the tape on youtube as it has been heavily edited as I said before. The whole incident went on all day, not just for 10 minutes.

Edited by Hawk
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You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Totally agree with you mate. Some of the posts made on this site are completely disgusting. Like blood lust crazies it's as if they can't wait to see the army slaughtering men woman and children. What sort of people frequent this site? Personally it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth when I read such hate filled rhetoric. Sad, so very sad.

I agree too.

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