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Thailand's 'Yellow Shirts' Call For Martial Law

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UDD Facebook page is reporting that gasmasks are being handed out after everyone was woken up half an hour ago. They're thinking an attack is imminent.

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plot to overthrow Monarchy uncovered . It could get very serious in minutes from now on.

This starting 2 look serious. Even the food carts & tents R packing up. Gonna b a lonnng nite again ( sigh) 11 minutes ago via Seesmic

This is Thailand but anywhere else I would have to believe that the military commanders would be smart enough to use the spies in their ranks to confuse, agitate and stress the reds by ordering troop movements such as this. Can you image the nerves of the reds getting constant wake up calls that they are about to be attacked and gassed? Would also help to get the parents scared enough maybe to get the kids out there. I would hope the real goal now (if not already done) is to get any of the fence sitters out of there and hopefully have just the hardcore folks remaining.

Also, I think just before daybreak would likely be the right time to move (if they are gonna move in) and surely before the MRT & BTS start running ... probably about 5:00 AM.

My wife looks at UDDthailand. they say reds wait an attack from the army within one hour. People put white masks in there faces to prtect from teargas

You mean like those paper surgical type masks? Was it only the leadership that were given gasmasks that were alluded to a couple of posts ^^^ up?

My wife looks at UDDthailand. they say reds wait an attack from the army within one hour. People put white masks in there faces to prtect from teargas

You mean like those paper surgical type masks? Was it only the leadership that were given gasmasks that were alluded to a couple of posts ^^^ up?

Yes, and they put powder and toothcream in their faces

plot to overthrow Monarchy uncovered . It could get very serious in minutes from now on.

Oh dear, the government told the same lies when they slaughtered all those students years back.

Its their "easy get out" clause, claim some lies and that justifies the killing.

Sad Abhisit and his Democrat cronies, sad sad sad people who cling to power using force and killing innocents. Would they like to put this "evidence" into the courts ? or will they just kill everyone and then refuse to discuss "evidence".

The world is watching.

My wife looks at UDDthailand. they say reds wait an attack from the army within one hour. People put white masks in there faces to prtect from teargas

I am watching too.


Lots of people there at the moment and all dancing to a concert........... perhaps Abhisit can "waltz" them into surrender with his twinkle toes, lets have a "dance off"..... Abhisit v Weng

Peaceful solution......

It's already a civil war. The reds are an army commanded by war lords. Proof is that red so called "protesters" are being treated as if they are actual soldiers when they try to quit the red army with labels of traitor, intimidation, and even death threats. Also the red army actions against the actual Thai army (plus the rebel reds are holding territory they have occupied). In fact, the red leaders declared war against the government several days ago. There are active threats against the PM. The so called protesters are armed to the teeth and they are ready to use the weapons. Look at the history of African civil wars and their armies built by war lords. So far, the casualties are minimal but it is still a civil war.
civil war

war between geographical sections or political factions of the same nation


I realised it was a civil war quite awhile back when yellow supporters complained how the reds had control of the North.

I did a poll back then to test my theory that most TV posters don't have a clue.

The 'experiment' was correct as 80% clicked the WRONG answer.

plot to overthrow Monarchy uncovered . It could get very serious in minutes from now on.

Oh dear, the government told the same lies when they slaughtered all those students years back.

Its their "easy get out" clause, claim some lies and that justifies the killing.

Sad Abhisit and his Democrat cronies, sad sad sad people who cling to power using force and killing innocents. Would they like to put this "evidence" into the courts ? or will they just kill everyone and then refuse to discuss "evidence".

The world is watching.

Here is video of the succesors to the PAD setting the tone for their future.

plot to overthrow Monarchy uncovered . It could get very serious in minutes from now on.

Oh dear, the government told the same lies when they slaughtered all those students years back.

Its their "easy get out" clause, claim some lies and that justifies the killing.

Sad Abhisit and his Democrat cronies, sad sad sad people who cling to power using force and killing innocents. Would they like to put this "evidence" into the courts ? or will they just kill everyone and then refuse to discuss "evidence".

The world is watching.

Here is video of the succesors to the PAD setting the tone for their future.

Nice try. No cigar. There is NO relation to that shameful episode in Thai history and what is happening today. By the way, SAMAK played a role in creating the massacre; he was of course later a THAKSIN puppet PM.


I agree, stressing the insurgents with false alarms is probably a good strategy.

Have been posting her for the last 4 weeks

Fill the trucks with soldiers

Include 2-3 armoured personal carriers

First send in 3 helicopters with search lights and off go the troups

Reds will prepare for an attack

3 mins before the tuck get to the protest site, they detour off to another site

The helicopter fly in a circle for 4 mins then move on

Do this 3 to 4 times a night and the desire to fight will be cancelled out in 3-4 days

Barking dogs on leashes with soldiers will have a fantastic effect on their will power to stay

A massive publicity campaign to the reds the dogs will not attack any one that is standing still

but run or have a weapon and they will attack

This is 2010

Why do we need to fight with bullets

There is more than 1 way to skin a cat

Water cannons every night

wash a way the barracades

I can not understand why in a country that a Thai girls can extract thousands of baht from farang with no problem, that those, those in power do not have enough brains to move the protestors

Maybe the answer pull back the soldiers and put in the bar girls

1000 baht for ever red shirt they send home

Sad Abhisit and his Democrat cronies, sad sad sad people who cling to power using force and killing innocents.


You seem to have your wires crossed, although that's hardly surprising going by the colour of your av. They haven't killed any 'innocents' yet as far as I can see.

Sad Abhisit and his Democrat cronies, sad sad sad people who cling to power using force and killing innocents.


You seem to have your wires crossed, although that's hardly surprising going by the colour of your av. They haven't killed any 'innocents' yet as far as I can see.

No red dead april 10 ??

wounded ??? about 600 but not by gunshot of course..............

Or did they just shoot themselves ??


plot to overthrow Monarchy uncovered . It could get very serious in minutes from now on.

Oh dear, the government told the same lies when they slaughtered all those students years back.

Its their "easy get out" clause, claim some lies and that justifies the killing.

Sad Abhisit and his Democrat cronies, sad sad sad people who cling to power using force and killing innocents. Would they like to put this "evidence" into the courts ? or will they just kill everyone and then refuse to discuss "evidence".

The world is watching.

Here is video of the succesors to the PAD setting the tone for their future.

Nice try. No cigar. There is NO relation to that shameful episode in Thai history and what is happening today. By the way, SAMAK played a role in creating the massacre; he was of course later a THAKSIN puppet PM.


And are you able to spot the 'Samaks' of todays situation?

Who is adding fuel to the fire? Demonizing the reds, spreading hate and rumors?


Who is adding fuel to the fire? Demonizing the reds, spreading hate and rumors?

The reds are making a very good job of it themselves.

And you are a good assistant.

Sad Abhisit and his Democrat cronies, sad sad sad people who cling to power using force and killing innocents.


You seem to have your wires crossed, although that's hardly surprising going by the colour of your av. They haven't killed any 'innocents' yet as far as I can see.

No red dead april 10 ??

wounded ??? about 600 but not by gunshot of course..............

Or did they just shoot themselves ??


Ask your friends the blackshirts.

Sad Abhisit and his Democrat cronies, sad sad sad people who cling to power using force and killing innocents.


You seem to have your wires crossed, although that's hardly surprising going by the colour of your av. They haven't killed any 'innocents' yet as far as I can see.

No red dead april 10 ??

wounded ??? about 600 but not by gunshot of course..............

Or did they just shoot themselves ??


Ask your friends the blackshirts.

All shot by " blackshirts ? "

You can't be serious...............

Entire BTS is closed today due to attempted sabotage by the protesters at the chidlom station.

Well I guess that means I'm working from home today.


I'm amazed by the reasoning of some posters here that an army "crackdown" will solution the matter.

Unnecessary to say that these posts are all written by the PAD supporters, named the "keyboard hero's".

Everyone who has been following this evolution, knows that this in not only for Thaksin anymore but because of the dual standards.

A crackdown or dispersing the RED's will only turn the RED's to underground geurillera actions NATIONWIDE.

And they have showed already that they have the necessary manpower to do that.

I suppose that I don't need to explain the "keyboard hero's"what that would mean for Thailand.

Just look at the guerillera actions in the Muslim South and what Abhisit has managed untill now.

A few of these guerillera actions in Pattaya and in the tourist areas from Bangkok, killing a few tourists who are anyway dispensable, would leave Thailand without tourists in now time.

Imagine the economic damadge that would be to Thailand.

The RED's want to give Thaksin a last favour by allowing him to comeback and die in his motherland.

If Thaksin doesn't die in his motherland, he will me portretted by the folks in Issaan forever as a martyr of the yellows.

All Abhisit and his croonies are doing now is just creating more fuel for the RED's actions by creating every day new martyrs.

Thaksin was responsible for unscrewing the fizzy drinks bottle. He might have even given it a last shake, but the bottle had been building up pressure for years from being shaken relentlessly by the elite without thought of the consequences. The elite and the military coups they funded just delayed this pressure release and allowed it to build up further.

The Reds don't want to and won't be dictated to any longer. They don't want to be the underclass while the elite continue to live it up and accumulate their wealth. And the Reds won't let the elite and their puppet government screw the lid back on again. The Reds don't trust the government. They have no reason to and they have nothing to lose by continuing their fight. If they did have, they wouldn't be risking their lives on the streets day in day out with machine guns pointing at them.

The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks.

right on.

it will be like the last days of ferdinand marco and his cronies in the phillippines.

A very interesting comparison! Pray tell me, besides the removal of one thief and his shoe-fetish wife, how the life of the average Philipino has improved since Mr Marcos' removal? All the "let's change the world" sentiment had led to a president with nicknames like "greedy" and "Ms 10%", accusations of electoral fraud, attempts to overthrow the govt, and a shortage of girls in Angeles' bars (NOT!)

I'm amazed by the reasoning of some posters here that an army "crackdown" will solution the matter.

Unnecessary to say that these posts are all written by the PAD supporters, named the "keyboard hero's".

Everyone who has been following this evolution, knows that this in not only for Thaksin anymore but because of the dual standards.

A crackdown or dispersing the RED's will only turn the RED's to underground geurillera actions NATIONWIDE.

And they have showed already that they have the necessary manpower to do that.

I suppose that I don't need to explain the "keyboard hero's"what that would mean for Thailand.

Just look at the guerillera actions in the Muslim South and what Abhisit has managed untill now.

A few of these guerillera actions in Pattaya and in the tourist areas from Bangkok, killing a few tourists who are anyway dispensable, would leave Thailand without tourists in now time.

Imagine the economic damadge that would be to Thailand.

The RED's want to give Thaksin a last favour by allowing him to comeback and die in his motherland.

If Thaksin doesn't die in his motherland, he will me portretted by the folks in Issaan forever as a martyr of the yellows.

All Abhisit and his croonies are doing now is just creating more fuel for the RED's actions by creating every day new martyrs.

So the whole "peaceful protester" line was just a facade. The red shi®ts are really a guerrilla organisation prepared to attack the few tourists that they havn't already scared off. There will be expats around to attack, some of whom already report harassment, but that's OK, their death will advance the greater good of their adopted country. They have no right to wish the removal of terrorists from near their homes/workplaces. How many people have been hurt/killed in the last 2 weeks? How could any be described as red martyrs?

Any time Thaksin does Thailand a favour by dieing, I'm sure he will be welcome back.


The escalating disruptions caused by the used to be red protesters cannot be allowed to continue. Yesterday they were setting up their own roadblocks and pretending that they could appoint themselves the police. Today they have forced the skytrain to close down affecting thousands of commuters. Thai citizens should not allow this bullying to continue. The police have a duty to maintain law and order and protect the safety of its people. Should they wait until the formerly reds manage to derail a train that is full of people before they take action? Allowing the protests to continue so that they can further provoke the population of Bangkok is a recipe for disaster.

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