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Is Correcting Or Commenting On Another Poster's Spelling


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DavidOxon: OP

Everybody can make spelling mistakes, especially also if the poster is non-native English speaking member (myself).

There are however a few native English members who feel themselves superior to others, yet I see them make spelling mistakes over and over again, even an English teacher amongst them; but I refrain from telling them so... :)

Quite amusing to see those "superior" ones fall over....again and again... :D

There are only very very few people in the world who are real Masters over their own (or second, third and forth or even more) language(s) without making any mistakes.

In my own country there is a yearly Dictation exercise on national Television and millions of people attend the test at home. In the studio there is a panel of high profile members of society like writers, poets, famous people, politicians etc.

Every year another famous "Language-Artist" (mostly a writer or Poet) writes the speech (Dictée) and this is than declared/spoken loudly 2 times (1 normal speaking; 1 x slow) whereby the attendants write down the speech/Dictée in their own "vision" and words.

Every single year in a row the winner has about 4 to 5 mistakes whilst most people, attending the test in the panel, have around 20-30 mistakes which is considered to be very good for educated people.

A person, correcting or commenting on another posters' spelling should show some more respect to others; nobody is perfect.

Next to that, the "Correcting" individual should realize that there are 10 to 20% of all people in the world (in every language) who are Dyslectic.

I know, since my son and his Mother are Dyslectic :D

Dyslexia is a nasty disability, the same as colour/color-blindness...(me) :D


Well said, LaoPo. I'm also a bit dyslectic AND colour blind. I often make typos, or get my words out of proper order. A good friend tells me I write better than I speak, but that's because I have time to correct my mistakes. Even then I can miss them. And, I am actually a professional writer for magazines and journals.

However, on the internet there are a different set of rules. As Ulysses said, it's poor form to criticize other's typing, spelling and grammar skills, unless that person has attacted you in print first. Even then it is pretty silly because it turns a legitimate topic into a slagging contest.

Also, even though a paragraph might be perfect in every way, it is VERY hard to read if it is much more than 3 or 4 sentences long on a computer screen. It's much better to put a gap in between every few sentences.

If I want to help someone who obviously has English as a second language (or isn't that well educated, but still wants to contribute) I'll sometimes send them a PM with some suggestions that are not offending.

I'll often captitalize a word if I want to emphasize a point, even though it's not proper grammar to do so... just the same as I would if I was talking.

If I am typing a long answer to a topic I'll often have WORD running in the background to check my spelling as I go. Unfortunately, the thaivisa forum has a different set up for cut and pasting from WORD and it comes out differently when posted.

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How does spell check correct poor grammar?

Spell check is hopeless regarding a correctly spelt word, incorrectly used.

If you understand the post, leave it alone regarding spelling and grammar, I generally prefer to read those that may possibly be spelt erroneously, than those who comment on grammar abuse, simply because they have nothing better to say.

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How does spell check correct poor grammar?

Spell check is hopeless regarding a correctly spelt word, incorrectly used.

If you understand the post, leave it alone regarding spelling and grammar, I generally prefer to read those that may possibly be spelt erroneously, than those who comment on grammar abuse, simply because they have nothing better to say.

spell check:

I think every language has it's own spell and grammar checking programs with suggestions, if poor grammar is used; I don't have one (grammar suggestions) installed in English but I'm sure there must be some around.

But, of course, poor grammar could also have to do with education and/or the various English languages, American-, Australian- and English/English (and everything inbetween); my own spell checker is either in English/English or American/English; sometimes very confusing.

In your case, Mossfin, my spell checker indicates that your word "spelt" was typed wrong......is it ?

or is it spellt which shows now: also as typed wrong ? :)

How could it be that SPELT and SPELLT are both wrong ? (American spell checker now) :D

Confusing indeed.


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In your case, Mossfin, my spell checker indicates that your word "spelt" was typed wrong......is it ?

I believe not

or is it spellt

I believe this is incorrect

(American spell checker now)

Good Luck :)

I've noticed "spelt" gets hit sometimes by spell checkers (especially MS Word using UK dictionary - at least it used to) - I usually use the older "spelled" form which seems more acceptable for some reason.

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Also, even though a paragraph might be perfect in every way, it is VERY hard to read if it is much more than 3 or 4 sentences long on a computer screen. It's much better to put a gap in between every few sentences.

I'm glad you mentioned this Ian as I feel the same.

Political threads especially seem to be full of this and I'm just avoiding them altogether now.

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How does spell check correct poor grammar?

Spell check is hopeless regarding a correctly spelt word, incorrectly used.

If you understand the post, leave it alone regarding spelling and grammar, I generally prefer to read those that may possibly be spelt erroneously, than those who comment on grammar abuse, simply because they have nothing better to say.

Spell check won't correct grammar.

Who said it will? :)

@ longstebe

Spell check is automatic in the forum software, why would you need a dictionary?

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...there is a spell checker for every post, <deleted>, use it.

... their his a spill chequer four every past, four folks sake, ewes it.

No spilling mistakes there. :)

miss steaks trough and thorough and threw

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Grammar Nazi - Definition

Grammar Nazi (a.k.a Grammar Police) refers to someone who believes it is his/her duty to amend any grammar and/or spelling mistakes made by others in conversation. In most cases, the term carries a negative connotation of either being a buzzkiller who ruins a good joke by getting too technical or a n00b that’s fallen into the Grammar Trap, an intentional practice of using incorrect grammar for the purpose of spotting a Grammar Nazi.

Source: Know your meme


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...there is a spell checker for every post, <deleted>, use it.

... their his a spill chequer four every past, four folks sake, ewes it.

No spilling mistakes there. :)

miss steaks trough and thorough and threw

won moor eggs ample and yule git band from this fred.

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Yes. I'll admit it. I get rather peeved at poor spelling & grammar...but only from those who are 'Native English Speakers'.

Have you ever tried to understand something when the word 'than' is used instead of 'then' (or visa versa)?

I can decipher (with time) the worst post written by anyone. Sometimes the grammar just makes the whole thing unintelligible.

The worst posts are written without any capital letters &/or minimal to no punctuation. Combine this with the omission of paragraphs & you have your work cut out for you trying to understand what the poster is trying to say.

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Here's a good example of 'unintelligible':


abhisit just go put n call election well hes not going to as if he did he will be in jail for coruption thats why why do you think he wont leave coruption thats why he will stay on until hes as fat as a pig people think about this this is thailand corupt rule and why the yellow shirt do it in the first place because there are some who is prevented from eating money simple do you think they do it for the people wake up guys
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Here's a good example of 'unintelligible':


abhisit just go put n call election well hes not going to as if he did he will be in jail for coruption thats why why do you think he wont leave coruption thats why he will stay on until hes as fat as a pig people think about this this is thailand corupt rule and why the yellow shirt do it in the first place because there are some who is prevented from eating money simple do you think they do it for the people wake up guys

I think its great when people post "in character". I think its fairly easy to see what that poster was driving at, and whether it merited a reply.

I laugh at the people that can't ignore comments that they disagree with, and so feel obliged to block the posters; I've not tried it, but I imagine it would make it difficult to follow the plot as a thread diverged from its original topic. I suppose I don't actually laugh, that would be cruel, but I enjoy a wry smile.


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I use Firefox as my browser. Automatic spell-checker (American).

Check Animatic's posts. Short sentences. Then another sentence below. Lots of single blank lines.

If you can't use quotes correctly, I don't read your post.

Ah so that's how we can slip things by the mods then, eh?

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Unless it's in a language/teachers forum then I'd say yes it is, soft trolling/baiting IMO and adds nothing to a debate or topic and lets not forget some of the posters here are not fluent in English and English is a second language.

It makes me laugh though when people pick people up on spelling and grammar and then make mistakes themselves, now they IMO derserve to be ridiculed.

I totally agree, also I cant be bothered most times going back over a post to correct typos..... I think like my mother used to say, If you have nothing good to contribute to the conversation go to your room and bat off some more........

If you cannot go back and fix obvious spelling-mistakes, how do you expect others to be bothered to take your post seriously?

There is a huge difference between non-native posters and lazy brits...in my book.

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Unless it's in a language/teachers forum then I'd say yes it is, soft trolling/baiting IMO and adds nothing to a debate or topic and lets not forget some of the posters here are not fluent in English and English is a second language.

It makes me laugh though when people pick people up on spelling and grammar and then make mistakes themselves, now they IMO derserve to be ridiculed.

I totally agree, also I cant be bothered most times going back over a post to correct typos..... I think like my mother used to say, If you have nothing good to contribute to the conversation go to your room and bat off some more........

If you cannot go back and fix obvious spelling-mistakes, how do you expect others to be bothered to take your post seriously?

There is a huge difference between non-native posters and lazy brits...in my book.

Just lazy Brits TAWP or are Australians counted as well in your book.?. :)

I think Kingfisher is an Aussie, so I wondered why you chose to single out Brits.?.

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Fine, brits or descendants of the same. :)

(I would however like to point out that many British people I know are excellent spellers, just that some of the worst in this forum also happen to be from there...)

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In your case, Mossfin, my spell checker indicates that your word "spelt" was typed wrong......is it ?

I believe not

or is it spellt

I believe this is incorrect

(American spell checker now)

Good Luck :D

Well, than I'm puzzled why the spell checker tells me that "spelt" is wrong and "spellt" is also wrong. :)

FYI: I use Firefox and American spell checker, the same as PeaceBlondie does.


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Pity the vast majority of members do not fill in below their Avatar their country of origin,then if they are not indiginous

English no flaming should be allowed regarding spelling mistakes and grammer, really we should be respectful to those

using a second language albeit not perfect.

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Well, than I'm puzzled why the spell checker tells me that "spelt" is wrong and "spellt" is also wrong. :)

FYI: I use Firefox and American spell checker, the same as PeaceBlondie does.


Spell checkers can be wrong fairly often, don't ask me why.

You'll just have to trust me on this, spellt is most definately wrong, I can't even find any kind of derivation of this word using 'll', except from the OED and spell derives from Old English previously Old French (espel(l)er) and further back from the Frank spellion.

Now there is every chance I have misunderstood the etymology, but I think that is right.

Spelt is correct, or as a previous poster stated, spelled can be used, but I wouldn't.

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Displaying rank bad manners from behind the keyboard barricade is far too common. No normal sane person would even consider correcting a stranger's diction or grammar in a face to face conversation. It's baffling how some people think that the exact same behaviour is somehow acceptable online.

Edited by retdson
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