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Worsening Crisis Pushes Thailand Towards Anarchy

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Amnesty International USA Media Statement

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Amnesty International USA Urges President Obama to Send a Special Envoy to Thailand

Contact: AIUSA media office, 202-509-8194

(Washington, DC) - T. Kumar, director for international advocacy for Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement in response to anti-government protests in Thailand:

"As tens of thousands of "red shirt" protesters of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) continue their standoff with the Thai military, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) calls on President Barack Obama to immediately dispatch a U.S. senior envoy to Thailand to help diffuse the conflict."

"Thailand is one of the United States' strongest allies, and President Obama cannot be a spectator in this volatile situation."

"AIUSA urges President Obama to ensure that Thai forces do not use U.S. weapons and ammunition against peaceful protesters and to call on opposition leaders to ask their supporters to refrain from violence."

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For those who cannot understand whats going on with the Army and Police and for those who want an opinion on the low down of who the black shirts on April 10th were, the following link might help.


Perhaps reading any article about the Army...... ? Obviously I do not condone what is written on the site in various places, however it is an opinion of some poster, not me, and one based on "speaking with generals" who do not want to be named.

Might be interesting to some.

Certainly potentially enlightening.


Thaksin ordered killing of thousands of innocent people yet never got prosecuted for it. Does this give Abhisit automatic right to kill all the redshirted protesters? Afterall Thaksin did it.

How stupid can this "double standard" discussion get?

Thaksin ordered the killing of these people who were believed to be drug runners. It has nothing to do with what's happening now. Why bring this into the debate?

"thaksin ordered the killing of thousands of innocent people..."??????????????

is there an archive where we can research on this killings???????????

"thousands ", eh?

and, "all innocents" , too

holy toledo, oh jesus, oh budhha, oh-my-god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

where is the the records, photographs, evidence, wwitnesses,etc.etc.


In August 2007 the government appointed a special committee chaired by former Attorney General Khanit na Nakhon, to investigate approximately 2,500 extrajudicial killings that took place in 2003 as part of Thaksin's "war on drugs." Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether the new investigations will lead to effective criminal prosecution of the perpetrators, who are believed to include senior police officers and members of the former Thaksin administration.

There are tons of news articles, picture and videos all over the net for anyone who wants to be better informed.

And to what results came this investigation?

An independent committee probing drug-related killings during the first Thaksin Shinawatra government has found no concrete evidence linking senior figures with the murders, a Justice Ministry source said yesterday.

After five months of inquiries, the panel, led by former attorney general Khanit na Nakhon, has obtained only statistical details about the number and nature of the murders.

But no conclusion that would implicate police or Thaksin as the instigator of the shoot-to-kill policy has been reached.

For those who cannot understand whats going on with the Army and Police and for those who want an opinion on the low down of who the black shirts on April 10th were, the following link might help.


Perhaps reading any article about the Army...... ? Obviously I do not condone what is written on the site in various places, however it is an opinion of some poster, not me, and one based on "speaking with generals" who do not want to be named.

Might be interesting to some.

Certainly potentially enlightening.

:) thats one scary read. wheels within wheels!


For those who cannot understand whats going on with the Army and Police and for those who want an opinion on the low down of who the black shirts on April 10th were, the following link might help.


Perhaps reading any article about the Army...... ? Obviously I do not condone what is written on the site in various places, however it is an opinion of some poster, not me, and one based on "speaking with generals" who do not want to be named.

Might be interesting to some.

Certainly potentially enlightening.

:) thats one scary read. wheels within wheels!


I'll second that - a very interesting article with a loud ring of truth to it. On another note, below is a quote from the comments page on another article in the link that I'm cutting and pasting. The original poster asks if the quote 'sounds familiar'. Uncannily so to this poster.

(From Total War – Peter Calvocoressi and Guy Winter –

discussing the events and social changes which led to

the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939)

QUOTE:”The new urban classes began to exert pressure and

command sympathy. What they wanted was vague – less

misery and poverty, more fairness, more self-respect –

but it implied upheaval. The traditional givers of laws

amd mores (churches, kings and nobles), and the laws and

the mores themselves, lost authority under rational

scrutiny and popular suspicion. It was not immediately

clear what the new values were nor where they were to

come from. New elites, professing a democratic instead

of an aristocratic faith, emerged to take or share the

power which was slipping from the exclusive grasp of the

old regime and which, owing to technical revolutions in

communication and manufacturing, was rapidly becoming

much greater than before.”

Sounds familiar?

For those who cannot understand whats going on with the Army and Police and for those who want an opinion on the low down of who the black shirts on April 10th were, the following link might help.


Perhaps reading any article about the Army...... ? Obviously I do not condone what is written on the site in various places, however it is an opinion of some poster, not me, and one based on "speaking with generals" who do not want to be named.

Might be interesting to some.

Certainly potentially enlightening.

:) thats one scary read. wheels within wheels!


We know the army is divided and not reliable, this piece presents some insider detail. Talk of a coup is always scary so this piece is no more scary than a post to TVF that discusses a coup. The hype of 'scary' to describle the deep source story is unnecessary. The insider report only provides details concerning the fact we already know the army is divided, that Anupong wants to retire in peace (justifiably or not). Calm down.

For those who cannot understand whats going on with the Army and Police and for those who want an opinion on the low down of who the black shirts on April 10th were, the following link might help.


Perhaps reading any article about the Army...... ? Obviously I do not condone what is written on the site in various places, however it is an opinion of some poster, not me, and one based on "speaking with generals" who do not want to be named.

Might be interesting to some.

Certainly potentially enlightening.

:)thats one scary read. wheels within wheels!


I'll second that - a very interesting article with a loud ring of truth to it. On another note, below is a quote from the comments page on another article in the link that I'm cutting and pasting. The original poster asks if the quote 'sounds familiar'. Uncannily so to this poster.

(From Total War – Peter Calvocoressi and Guy Winter –

discussing the events and social changes which led to

the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939)

QUOTE:"The new urban classes began to exert pressure and

command sympathy. What they wanted was vague – less

misery and poverty, more fairness, more self-respect –

but it implied upheaval. The traditional givers of laws

amd mores (churches, kings and nobles), and the laws and

the mores themselves, lost authority under rational

scrutiny and popular suspicion. It was not immediately

clear what the new values were nor where they were to

come from. New elites, professing a democratic instead

of an aristocratic faith, emerged to take or share the

power which was slipping from the exclusive grasp of the

old regime and which, owing to technical revolutions in

communication and manufacturing, was rapidly becoming

much greater than before."

Sounds familiar?

Yeah, been reading the same basic theme for weeks now so it sounds monotonously familar.

We know the army is divided and not reliable, this piece presents some insider detail. Talk of a coup is always scary so this piece is no more scary than a post to TVF that discusses a coup. The hype of 'scary' to describle the deep source story is unnecessary. The insider report only provides details concerning the fact we already know the army is divided, that Anupong wants to retire in peace (justifiably or not). Calm down.

I will tell you why it scares me! Because I have heard most of this report before! - but I dismissed it as foolish nonsense akin to Thaksin becoming a president. It scares me because this is precisely what the red rumour mill is talking about! And if this much is true... who knows what else is true on the grapevine...

shocked to see this in print!


difficult to say what im trying to say because, well you know...

it seems that in this day and age of internet and tweets, the good old fashioned jungle drums are still beating out messages.

It also somewhat dispels my mental image of the reds being simple dupes, with irrational sentiment for Thaksin... it goes much deeper than I thought.

It also means that maybe the end of this upheaval wont be in sight for a long time. :D

if of course.. it's true. And I'm not thinking about the trifling matters of squabbling and promotion.

Can anybody take a minute to share the online links (or names) of online news sources for BKK or National Thailand news?

Nation - www.nationmultimedia.com/home/breakingnews/

Bangkok Post - www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews

TNN Thailand ( in Thai ) - www.tnnthailand.com/

Channel 7 ( in Thai, government ) - www.ch7.com

Channel 9 - www.mcot.net/cfcustom/cache_page/englishnews.cfm

For consistent political perspective, I might suggest reading The New Light of Myanmar, a slightly more liberal newspaper than the above.

Can anybody take a minute to share the online links (or names) of online news sources for BKK or National Thailand news?

Nation - www.nationmultimedia.com/home/breakingnews/

Bangkok Post - www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews

TNN Thailand ( in Thai ) - www.tnnthailand.com/

Channel 7 ( in Thai, government ) - www.ch7.com

Channel 9 - www.mcot.net/cfcustom/cache_page/englishnews.cfm

For consistent political perspective, I might suggest reading The New Light of Myanmar, a slightly more liberal newspaper than the above.

Why? Is Myanmar suddenly the standard for free press? Is Myanmar eager to portray Thailand in a positive and accurate manner? They might consistently print what the government allows them to.

Can anybody take a minute to share the online links (or names) of online news sources for BKK or National Thailand news?

Nation - www.nationmultimedia.com/home/breakingnews/

Bangkok Post - www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews

TNN Thailand ( in Thai ) - www.tnnthailand.com/

Channel 7 ( in Thai, government ) - www.ch7.com

Channel 9 - www.mcot.net/cfcustom/cache_page/englishnews.cfm

id suggest reading the bangkok pundit blog

he's straight down the line,,cuts thru the crap

A little understanding for the farmers of the North is in order here.

Would you work for 2000 baht a month in the fields?

Of course they are angry.

Ol' man river,

Dat ol' man river

He mus'know sumpin'

But don't say nuthin',

He jes'keeps rollin'

He keeps on rollin' along.

He don' plant taters/tators,

He don't plant cotton,

An' dem dat plants'em

is soon forgotten,

But ol'man river,

He jes keeps rollin'along.

You an'me, we sweat an' strain,

Body all achin' an' racket wid pain,

Tote dat barge!

Lif' dat bale!

Git a little drunk

An' you land in jail.

Ah gits weary

An' sick of tryin'

Ah'm tired of livin'

An' skeered of dyin',

But ol' man river,

He jes'keeps rolling' along.

[Colored folks work on de Mississippi,

Colored folks work while de white folks play,

Pullin' dose boats from de dawn to sunset,

Gittin' no rest till de judgement day.

or musical part]

Don't look up

An' don't look down,

You don' dast make

De white boss frown.

Bend your knees

An'bow your head,

An' pull date rope

Until you' dead.)

Let me go 'way from the Mississippi,

Let me go 'way from de white man boss;

Show me dat stream called de river Jordan,

Dat's de ol' stream dat I long to cross.

O' man river,

Dat ol' man river,

He mus'know sumpin'

But don't say nuthin'

He jes' keeps rollin'

He keeps on rollin' along.

Long ol' river forever keeps rollin' on...

He don' plant tater,

He don' plant cotton,

An' dem dat plants 'em

Is soon forgotten,

but ol' man river,

He jes' keeps rollin' along.

Long ol' river keeps hearing dat song.

You an' me, we sweat an' strain,

Body all achin an' racked wid pain.

Tote dat barge!

Lif' dat bale!

Git a little drunk

An' you land in jail.

Ah, gits weary

An' sick of tryin'

Ah'm tired of livin'

An' skeered of dyin',

But ol' man river,

He jes'keeps rollin' along!

<script language=JavaScript src="../../ringdown_song.js">

I did not really think that such songs as this were still sung

as slavery is pretty much over worldwide, right? I mean songs like this were

sung over 100 years ago picking cotton for white Slave Owners. Are you calling the Red's Slaves?

Colored folks work while de white folks play

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Why on Earth are you saying that Abhisit should be sent into exile???

quite simply because this is red shirt policy, and the repeater stations just say what the main transmitter does. It doesn't seem to matter that the concepts are ridiculous, they are the words of the red leadership and must be followed to the letter.

The other repeater stations should fire up in the next few posts.

Of course the majority of the red shirt demonstrators are decent people. Salt of the Earth in many ways. Thais from all walks of life tend to be kind, generous, and fun. The problem is they are demonstrating illegally, harboring terrorists, and holding the citizens of Bangkok hostage.

They just request their share of the wealth accumulated in Thailand than Bankokian Middle/Upper class has appropriate to itself. It is just a fair request for income redistribution. "Please do not less us on the side of the pdevelopment road".

Terrorists???? more and more it seems that is is "OK Corral' between some army factions. Is Army now a bunch of terrorists or potential terrorists? I let the responsability of this opinion to way2muchcoffeee

Oh this is just to good to ignore! Your Isaan poor who are producing very little wealth see the people of BKK are producing much more and say "I've got an army, gimme!" Is that income redistribution or theft? Much more of the taxation wealth is spent on Isaan than is received, and now they want MORE! NOW! while at the same time reducing the tax the country is receiving.

Give us some more crap about poor farmers slaving away for a pittance. They are not slaves, they are free to say "Take your job and shove it!" and look for better work, and if the agricultural revolution that you predict is to occur, that is going to have to happen.

I've spent quite a bit of time in villages, and some of the boys love sitting under a tree all day watching a couple of cows, or taking 4 month holidays in the off season. They like the lifestyle, their women doing much of the work while they indulge themselves with alcohol and an occasional bit of incest.

I have met only a few thai villagers that I seriously respect, and both run small businesses, one started with my financial assistance. He paid me back B100,000 per year for 2 years. HE IS NOT POOR. And his business started from nothing, anybody with a bit of go could have done, if they weren't afraid of a bit of hard work. his opinion of rednecks - KWAI - but he did say that he's glad that they are in BKK, if only because it means that they are not there.

A word to the posters who seem to enjoy mingling with the herd - has it not occurred to you that a few dead farang would be good PR for the reds if the army decides to clean them out. I believe that they killed their own for PR purposes last time. If I am right, you would be a prime target. Good luck.

As long as the Pravda Nation will write: "The rapid decay in law and order, resulting from the protracted rallies by the red shirts," the country will be in despair.

the newspapers, the elites and Abisith need to understand that THEY are the reasons of this chaos.

What a crock of ...

Can anybody take a minute to share the online links (or names) of online news sources for BKK or National Thailand news?

Nation - www.nationmultimedia.com/home/breakingnews/

Bangkok Post - www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews

TNN Thailand ( in Thai ) - www.tnnthailand.com/

Channel 7 ( in Thai, government ) - www.ch7.com

Channel 9 - www.mcot.net/cfcustom/cache_page/englishnews.cfm

id suggest reading the bangkok pundit blog

he's straight down the line,,cuts thru the crap

Except he doesn't. His visceral dislike for Abhisit, and his very selective memory colours the whole reportage. The real problem is there are few, if any, balanced reporters, and BP is nothing more than a commentator, not a news source.


When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

So you're in favor of mob rule? Then the next time there's discontent in Thailand, a bunch of rowdies can come to the center of Bkk (or the airport or one of the upcoming nuclear power plants) and cause a big mess - and they should get what they want?

As long as the Pravda Nation will write: "The rapid decay in law and order, resulting from the protracted rallies by the red shirts," the country will be in despair.

the newspapers, the elites and Abisith need to understand that THEY are the reasons of this chaos.

What a crock of ...

They Nation (you call 'Pravda Nation') didn't say Abhisit is the reason for the chaos. That's your twisted read on it. Red supporters are like bible thumping Christians - they can twist things around to justify anything they choose to justify.


I am sure many farmers everywhere would like to say take this job and shove it. They should all quit farming and then they can easily become computer programmers or open their own designer clothing store. What a ridiculous statement this is. People who are farmers whether in Thailand or anywhere are generally born and raised this way. They inherit the land from parents and every generation farms the land. it is not an easy life and I have done it and I will admit it is not something I would want to do my whole life and I respect the people that do it and so should anyone who eats the food they grow. I myself came from family with farm but went into law enforcement partly to avoid having to work on farm every day.

Everywhere I have lived the rich people like to sit on their usually fat butts and drink martinis or whatever and look down on just about everyone else. Most would not last 15 minutes working in the fields and generally die of heart attacks whenever they have to do something strenuous like walk up the stairs. It is not hard to understand that if you work all day in the sun for peanuts you would be resentful of those merchants who do very little work yet profit the most from the farmer's labor.

Lending money to the guy to start business was a decent thing to do and is very commendable, but it is not to look down on those less fortunate.

I do not begrudge anyone success if they have worked for it, and do not even myself totally agree with my own previous ranting. Only trying to prove a point that it is not good to stereotype people, whether poor in Isaan or rich in Bangkok. Besides being farmer am also Native American so I can relate to having people say I am drunk, lazy etc. as this is the usual Indian stereotype same as the one of Isaan farmers.

I do not support any type of violent or terrorist behavior such as many of redshirts are exhibiting in Bangkok. But neither am I terribly surprised it is happening. It is just the latest local chapter of the endless struggle between the haves and the have-nots.


Depeche Mode: People are People...

People are people

So why should it be

You and I should get

Along so awfully

People are people

So why should it be

You and I should get

Along so awfully

So we're different colours

And we're different creeds

And different people have different needs

It's obvious you hate me

Though I've done nothing wrong

I've never ever met you so what could I have done

I can't understand

What makes a man

Hate another man

Help me understand

People are people...

Help me understand

Help me understand

Now you're punching

And you're kicking

And you're shouting at me

I'm relying on your common decency

So far it hasn't surfaced

But I'm sure it exists

It just takes a while to travel

From your head to your fists

I can't understand

What makes a man

Hate another man

Help me understand

Months... 72 hours... 12 days?

hmmm... I think it may be time to use ignore again...

You can use ignore if you want but I don't know why you're telling me, and I don't see how that will change what's happening on the streets. They (the Reds) have enough supplies to camp out on the streets for months, the government has 72 hours until it all kicks off, and Abhisit has 12 days left as PM. I can't see any contradiction there unless you want to create one.


In answer to the selfish who forget from where they are coming.....



I hear this cry coming from the bowels of the Thai country people, this long cry asking for more justice.

Who can remain insensible to the pain of the millions of men, women and children you represent? Your lives are rooted to this beautiful Country of which you are the gardeners. Generation after generation, you have been shaping the landscape, without you it will be an impenetrable jungle. Long days spent farming this rice, in the heavy rain, in the heavy sun, and when coming the dark, so exhausted that you have only one aim: to rest for working again tomorrow. You have gotten no time to take care of yourself: your wooden houses are nearly the same that those of your grand fathers’ ones and generations before. Modernity is slightly visible through a TV set, a tap water in your garden....few details: it is your life and you can be proud than during Centuries you have feed the whole Country, particularly your fellow town people.

During this time your fellow town people have worked hard also, building factories, making business and they have succeeded: day after day they are accumulating wealth. Today they have nice modern houses, nice cars and all the modern comfort going with. Today they are more and more busy for accelerating the accumulation of wealth. Today they have big projects in which they are going to invest billions and billions. They are so occupied that they have forgotten you have feed them during Centuries. They cannot disturb their activities and give you a small part of their wealth because they need it for their grandiose projects. The Cities are buzzing like beehives: the noise is so important that they cannot hear you: they are deaf to your long pain cry.

Red Shirt people you are entering in Humanity History, I wish the coming days to be Peaceful, I know you love Peace ...


And if the Reds don't listen then the will warn again more strongly and The Nation will use an even bigger font and make all the words in the headline red.

LOL! But they might even use a different font such as Comic Sans. LOL!

BTW: At the time, few people agreed with the airport closure.

The Yellows I've met all say that they didn't agree with the airport occupation. It just doesn't make sense them saying this. In the end, they got what they wanted due to it. So the airport closure was in their favour. In public: "I don't agree with it." At home: "Hehehehe, let's show Thaksin." It's a bit like a Bolshevik saying: "I don't think we should storm the Tsar's palace."

In answer to the selfish who forget from where they are coming.....



I hear this cry coming from the bowels of the Thai country people, this long cry asking for more justice.

Who can remain insensible to the pain of the millions of men, women and children you represent? Your lives are rooted to this beautiful Country of which you are the gardeners. Generation after generation, you have been shaping the landscape, without you it will be an impenetrable jungle. Long days spent farming this rice, in the heavy rain, in the heavy sun, and when coming the dark, so exhausted that you have only one aim: to rest for working again tomorrow. You have gotten no time to take care of yourself: your wooden houses are nearly the same that those of your grand fathers’ ones and generations before. Modernity is slightly visible through a TV set, a tap water in your garden....few details: it is your life and you can be proud than during Centuries you have feed the whole Country, particularly your fellow town people.

During this time your fellow town people have worked hard also, building factories, making business and they have succeeded: day after day they are accumulating wealth. Today they have nice modern houses, nice cars and all the modern comfort going with. Today they are more and more busy for accelerating the accumulation of wealth. Today they have big projects in which they are going to invest billions and billions. They are so occupied that they have forgotten you have feed them during Centuries. They cannot disturb their activities and give you a small part of their wealth because they need it for their grandiose projects. The Cities are buzzing like beehives: the noise is so important that they cannot hear you: they are deaf to your long pain cry.

Red Shirt people you are entering in Humanity History, I wish the coming days to be Peaceful, I know you love Peace ...


nice one ...

BTW: At the time, few people agreed with the airport closure.

The Yellows I've met all say that they didn't agree with the airport occupation. It just doesn't make sense them saying this. In the end, they got what they wanted due to it. So the airport closure was in their favour. In public: "I don't agree with it." At home: "Hehehehe, let's show Thaksin." It's a bit like a Bolshevik saying: "I don't think we should storm the Tsar's palace."

Weren't the yellows protesting against the court case to disband the PPP moving too slowly?

Once there was a decision, they stopped their protest. But the PTP (ex-PPP) were still in government (with a care-taker PM) at that point.

So the yellows didn't actually bring down the red government.

It wasn't until the parliamentary election for a new PM that the PTP lost government.

edit: while the PTP were still in government, Abhisit suggested they dissolve parliament, but they went on to the vote for PM instead. If the PTP had called elections then, would we be in this situation now?


Does anyone have any ideas why the report about the trajectory of the grenades at Sala Daeng is top secret? Suthep said soon after the event that they were fired from behind the Rama 4 statue near the gates of Lumpini Park. If the report substantiated this claim, why would there be a need to keep it 'top secret'? Unless it showed that they were not fired from there... I think we should be told

In answer to the selfish who forget from where they are coming.....


TO MY FRIENDS I hear this cry coming from the bowels of the Thai country people, this long cry asking for more justice. Who can remain insensible to the pain of the millions of men, women and children you represent? Your lives are rooted to this beautiful Country of which you are the gardeners. Generation after generation, you have been shaping the landscape, without you it will be an impenetrable jungle. Long days spent farming this rice, in the heavy rain, in the heavy sun, and when coming the dark, so exhausted that you have only one aim: to rest for working again tomorrow. You have gotten no time to take care of yourself: your wooden houses are nearly the same that those of your grand fathers' ones and generations before. Modernity is slightly visible through a TV set, a tap water in your garden....few details: it is your life and you can be proud than during Centuries you have feed the whole Country, particularly your fellow town people.

During this time your fellow town people have worked hard also, building factories, making business and they have succeeded: day after day they are accumulating wealth. Today they have nice modern houses, nice cars and all the modern comfort going with. Today they are more and more busy for accelerating the accumulation of wealth. Today they have big projects in which they are going to invest billions and billions. They are so occupied that they have forgotten you have feed them during Centuries. They cannot disturb their activities and give you a small part of their wealth because they need it for their grandiose projects. The Cities are buzzing like beehives: the noise is so important that they cannot hear you: they are deaf to your long pain cry.

Red Shirt people you are entering in Humanity History, I wish the coming days to be Peaceful, I know you love Peace ... Jerry

a bit poetic, ok, but what's the point? Yes, there is stratification among people in Thailand and in nearly every other country, except maybe Monaco and Lichtenstein.

Some of the most content people I know are at the bottom rungs of the ladder, and some of the most unhappy people I know are at the top. Thailand actually has rather good opportunity for bettering one's income - more opp than many other places. If a tomato farmer wants to make a great tomato sauce to sell to increase the value of his toils, then she can do that. A big limiting factor in Thailand is the preponderance of everyone sticking with what their peers are doing, with few stepping off to try new innovative things. Ten years ago I published a list of 100 products which can't be found in Thailand - all of them useful and unique. Today only about 3 of those items have been introduced to the marketplace here.

Thais are a product of their school system and culture which tells them to think alike and not venture to try new things. If I was governer of an Issan province, I would have community meetings often - to encourage discussion of innovative products, services and marketing strategies.

Issanites and others need to empower themselves to better their lives. Think outside the box. Get away from thinking that Thaksin's return is the only answer for them getting more money. Plus farming is a good profession, though growing rice in drought-stricken regions isn't smart, but that's another topic.

In answer to the selfish who forget from where they are coming.....



I hear this cry coming from the bowels of the Thai country people, this long cry asking for more justice.

Who can remain insensible to the pain of the millions of men, women and children you represent? Your lives are rooted to this beautiful Country of which you are the gardeners. Generation after generation, you have been shaping the landscape, without you it will be an impenetrable jungle. Long days spent farming this rice, in the heavy rain, in the heavy sun, and when coming the dark, so exhausted that you have only one aim: to rest for working again tomorrow. You have gotten no time to take care of yourself: your wooden houses are nearly the same that those of your grand fathers’ ones and generations before. Modernity is slightly visible through a TV set, a tap water in your garden....few details: it is your life and you can be proud than during Centuries you have feed the whole Country, particularly your fellow town people.

During this time your fellow town people have worked hard also, building factories, making business and they have succeeded: day after day they are accumulating wealth. Today they have nice modern houses, nice cars and all the modern comfort going with. Today they are more and more busy for accelerating the accumulation of wealth. Today they have big projects in which they are going to invest billions and billions. They are so occupied that they have forgotten you have feed them during Centuries. They cannot disturb their activities and give you a small part of their wealth because they need it for their grandiose projects. The Cities are buzzing like beehives: the noise is so important that they cannot hear you: they are deaf to your long pain cry.

Red Shirt people you are entering in Humanity History, I wish the coming days to be Peaceful, I know you love Peace ...


I don't think a lot of the red shirts you're talking to read Thai Visa. In fact I don't think a lot of Thai people period read Thai Visa. Most farangs can barely tolerate it, if I were Thai I'd find the ethnocentrism and the constant low level (sometimes outright) bigotry downright offensive. So, yeah, probably best to address this kind of thing to people who might actually read it instead of addressing a board full of foreigners about their "long pain cry" that isn't theirs.

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Why on Earth are you saying that Abhisit should be sent into exile???

quite simply because this is red shirt policy, and the repeater stations just say what the main transmitter does. It doesn't seem to matter that the concepts are ridiculous, they are the words of the red leadership and must be followed to the letter.

The other repeater stations should fire up in the next few posts.

I believe there is supposed to be some sort of "Gentleman's agreement" that the old PM is supposed to stay out of politics and be quiet. Sometimes, it is expected for the ex-PM to leave the country so as not to cause a rift or political instability. We all can see how well this "agreement" is working out so far.

In answer to the selfish who forget from where they are coming.....



I hear this cry coming from the bowels of the Thai country people, this long cry asking for more justice.

Who can remain insensible to the pain of the millions of men, women and children you represent? Your lives are rooted to this beautiful Country of which you are the gardeners. Generation after generation, you have been shaping the landscape, without you it will be an impenetrable jungle. Long days spent farming this rice, in the heavy rain, in the heavy sun, and when coming the dark, so exhausted that you have only one aim: to rest for working again tomorrow. You have gotten no time to take care of yourself: your wooden houses are nearly the same that those of your grand fathers’ ones and generations before. Modernity is slightly visible through a TV set, a tap water in your garden....few details: it is your life and you can be proud than during Centuries you have feed the whole Country, particularly your fellow town people.

During this time your fellow town people have worked hard also, building factories, making business and they have succeeded: day after day they are accumulating wealth. Today they have nice modern houses, nice cars and all the modern comfort going with. Today they are more and more busy for accelerating the accumulation of wealth. Today they have big projects in which they are going to invest billions and billions. They are so occupied that they have forgotten you have feed them during Centuries. They cannot disturb their activities and give you a small part of their wealth because they need it for their grandiose projects. The Cities are buzzing like beehives: the noise is so important that they cannot hear you: they are deaf to your long pain cry.

Red Shirt people you are entering in Humanity History, I wish the coming days to be Peaceful, I know you love Peace ...


I don't think a lot of the red shirts you're talking to read Thai Visa. In fact I don't think a lot of Thai people period read Thai Visa. Most farangs can barely tolerate it, if I were Thai I'd find the ethnocentrism and the constant low level (sometimes outright) bigotry downright offensive. So, yeah, probably best to address this kind of thing to people who might actually read it instead of addressing a board full of foreigners about their "long pain cry" that isn't theirs.

We are a lot of Farangs on this Forum with Thai wives and Children, we live in this country, we cannot stay indifferent to our In-law family and our neighbours, we are part of the local Community....and so I listen to them, I share their lifes as many other farangs of this forum.

Truth is often disturbing.....If this is disturbing you and your comfort, I am sorry for that

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