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Thai PM Abhisit Says Seeking Political Solution To Crisis


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abhisit just go put n call election well hes not going to as if he did he will be in jail for coruption thats why why do you think he wont leave coruption thats why he will stay on until hes as fat as a pig people think about this this is thailand corupt rule and why the yellow shirt do it in the first place because there are some who is prevented from eating money simple do you think they do it for the people wake up guys

some thoughtfully placed punctuation might help us to understand what your are trying to say.

I doubt if punctuation or re-writing in English would really help in this case.

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Suggesting that I did something, that I didnt, definately slanderous. Sharpen your act, because whilst we did exchange PM's briefly there was nothing 'sexual' about it. Perhaps you miscontrued what I meant by asking, "Don't you get tired of having you're hand on it".

You forget the title of the childish PM you sent me neverdie, (that was the really weird part folks) :D Go ahead, post it :D

:D Perhaps that was a typo :D:)

ps: I only called you something that rhymed with Russell. :D

Bussell? Cussell? Dussell? Fussell? Gussell? Jussell? Kussell? Lussell? Mussell? Nussell? Pussell? Sussell? Tussell? Vussell? Wussell?


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Could one of you wiser people, please explain to me what the opponents of the present Government ( the Red Shirt faction and Thaskin's allies )will actually do if they should win the next election?

What are their policies to help the poor and lower classes of Thai people?

What do they propose to do to improve the "State of Democracy" in this Country?

How do they intend to improve the system so that all the people can partake in the Nation's growth.

What policies do they have to change the systems so the children of Thailand can look forward to the future?

It's all very well to go about getting the present Government to resign, and have fresh elections....... To go on about the mismatchs in Thai society.... rich vs poor... Complain about the attitude of the Leaders of the Government.....To go on about the "elite" and the Privy Council having total control of all decision making....... Decry about the attitude of City people vs the rural people..... The Army...Police..... Yellow Shirts.... etc etc.

In honesty we can go on about our own Countries failings as they do...............but we don't take to the streets for weeks!!!! Bush's standing was slow low in the 2nd term.. the war, economy,etc... did the American people demand he go? No they waited for the next normal election to make the change.

But what do they propose to do when , if ever, they get into power?

It seems to me that all that is happening at the moment, is only a means for some people to get themselves into the place of total power and continue to abuse the system to their own advantage. Nothing will change and the Country will slide forever downhill as a Nation

Tell me of one Thai politican in the last 20 years who did his best for the Country and is remembered with fondness by the people.Sadly it is ingrained in all of them "Me first, everyone last".. not second....last.

Thais wouldn't know what democracy was even if it bit them in the bum.


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but we want to make sure that there is rule of law," Abhisit said in an interview with CNN set to air Tuesday........

He will sue the redshirt for what they've done,but the yellow shirts are still waiting for that,for closing the airports.

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abhisit just go put n call election well hes not going to as if he did he will be in jail for coruption thats why why do you think he wont leave coruption thats why he will stay on until hes as fat as a pig people think about this this is thailand corupt rule and why the yellow shirt do it in the first place because there are some who is prevented from eating money simple do you think they do it for the people wake up guys

some thoughtfully placed punctuation might help us to understand what your are trying to say.

I doubt if punctuation or re-writing in English would really help in this case.

Are you saying that the post is beyond salvation?

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Suggesting that I did something, that I didnt, definately slanderous. Sharpen your act, because whilst we did exchange PM's briefly there was nothing 'sexual' about it. Perhaps you miscontrued what I meant by asking, "Don't you get tired of having you're hand on it".

You forget the title of the childish PM you sent me neverdie, (that was the really weird part folks) :D Go ahead, post it :D

I must admit Russel, you in those tight shorts and shovel in your hand make me glad I am hetro. :D

Sure you are jimmy :D:D

I must admit, Russell is rather striking in that pose :):D

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Suggesting that I did something, that I didnt, definately slanderous. Sharpen your act, because whilst we did exchange PM's briefly there was nothing 'sexual' about it. Perhaps you miscontrued what I meant by asking, "Don't you get tired of having you're hand on it".

You forget the title of the childish PM you sent me neverdie, (that was the really weird part folks) :D Go ahead, post it :D

:D Perhaps that was a typo :D:)

ps: I only called you something that rhymed with Russell. :D

Guilty as charged, folks :D

BTW, contrary to your fantasies, we never "exchanged" PMs - I am above sleazy PMs. :D

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Suggesting that I did something, that I didnt, definately slanderous. Sharpen your act, because whilst we did exchange PM's briefly there was nothing 'sexual' about it. Perhaps you miscontrued what I meant by asking, "Don't you get tired of having you're hand on it".

You forget the title of the childish PM you sent me neverdie, (that was the really weird part folks) :D Go ahead, post it :D

:D Perhaps that was a typo :D:)

ps: I only called you something that rhymed with Russell. :D

Bussell? Cussell? Dussell? Fussell? Gussell? Jussell? Kussell? Lussell? Mussell? Nussell? Pussell? Sussell? Tussell? Vussell? Wussell?


I'm a little disappointed that for once, you're not thinking outside the box.

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Suggesting that I did something, that I didnt, definately slanderous. Sharpen your act, because whilst we did exchange PM's briefly there was nothing 'sexual' about it. Perhaps you miscontrued what I meant by asking, "Don't you get tired of having you're hand on it".

You forget the title of the childish PM you sent me neverdie, (that was the really weird part folks) :D Go ahead, post it :D

:D Perhaps that was a typo :D:)

ps: I only called you something that rhymed with Russell. :D

Guilty as charged, folks :D

BTW, contrary to your fantasies, we never "exchanged" PMs - I am above sleazy PMs. :cheesy:

well I am not, just ask Jingthingy :D What was the topic of this thread, they all seem so very much the same.

Partly my fault i guess. ok the whole lot including the political situation is my fault. I confess.

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Abhisit just has to swallow his pride and make way for elections.

Simple as that.

Been saying that for months.All of this could have been avoided. What is he afraid of?

Thai friends tell me the looming Budget



That and the military reshuffle, he also wants control over that.

So coy.

It is Thaksin who wants control over the military reshuffle and have the military reporting to him and not a higher person.

The avoidance is the Thaksin interest behind you.

But we can see the shadow.

Even you can't hide that.

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Suggesting that I did something, that I didnt, definately slanderous. Sharpen your act, because whilst we did exchange PM's briefly there was nothing 'sexual' about it. Perhaps you miscontrued what I meant by asking, "Don't you get tired of having you're hand on it".

You forget the title of the childish PM you sent me neverdie, (that was the really weird part folks) :D Go ahead, post it :D

:D Perhaps that was a typo :D:)

ps: I only called you something that rhymed with Russell. :D

Guilty as charged, folks :D

BTW, contrary to your fantasies, we never "exchanged" PMs - I am above sleazy PMs. :D

No, not guilty at all, there was nothing sexual about it. You are correct about you just being on the receiving end of things, I told you something via way of PM and you had no logical reply other than to accept what I had said. Anyway, we digress, perhaps you having something of value to add, other than you're usual song and dance?

Edited by neverdie
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You forget the title of the childish PM you sent me neverdie, (that was the really weird part folks) :D Go ahead, post it :D

:D Perhaps that was a typo :D:)

ps: I only called you something that rhymed with Russell. :D

Bussell? Cussell? Dussell? Fussell? Gussell? Jussell? Kussell? Lussell? Mussell? Nussell? Pussell? Sussell? Tussell? Vussell? Wussell?


I'm a little disappointed that for once, you're not thinking outside the box.


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When the yellows were protesting at the airport in 2008, Abhisit thought is was a good idea. :)

Abhisit calls for House dissolution

By The Nation Published on December 3, 2008

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva on Wednesday urged for House dissolution on the ground that a snap election will allow a fresh start to form a viable government to tackle the political and economic woes. ...

This was the day after the PPP were disbanded.

The PTP were in government (with a caretaker PM at this stage).

The PTP could have called elections, but they thought they would have enough votes to elect a new PTP PM.

So we wouldn't be having this problem if the PTP had followed Abhisit's advise and dissolved the house.

Dispute over whether to dissolve Parliament

By The Nation Published on September 2, 2008

"During the joint sitting of the House and the Senate in Parliament on Sunday, Opposition and Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva called on Prime Minister Sama

k Sundaravej to dissolve Parliament. Sacrificing MPs would unlock the crisis and return power so voters could decide the outcome again."


Democrats not being opportunistic by nominating Abhisit as new Thai PM

TNA 12 September 2008

Thailand's opposition Democrat Party denied being opportunistic in nominating its party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva as prime minister after the caretaker coalition government failed early Friday to appoint a new government leader due to the lack of a quorum in the House. ...

Thais are now killing each other and there are signs that more will be killed. There should be no more negotiations," Mr. Abhisit affirmed.

Asked about his response if the ruling People Power Party dissolved the House, he said the Democrats had proposed a House dissolution from the beginning. "How to do it depends on the situation."


He also called for a house dissolution before that...

(please repost first link, as it's giving a 'page not found').

Abhisit called for house dissolution at each time that a new PM was being elected by the parliament.

The second time, after the PPP was disbanded, he called for it again.

The fact that the PTP did not dissolve the house, went for an election of a new PM instead and failed, does not mean that Abhisit should call a new election now.

What it does point out, is that Abhisit followed the same process as previous PMs to be elected. The fact that the PTP could not hold their coalition together is their own fault.

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Could one of you wiser people, please explain to me what the opponents of the present Government ( the Red Shirt faction and Thaskin's allies )will actually do if they should win the next election?

What are their policies to help the poor and lower classes of Thai people?

What do they propose to do to improve the "State of Democracy" in this Country?

How do they intend to improve the system so that all the people can partake in the Nation's growth.

What policies do they have to change the systems so the children of Thailand can look forward to the future?

It's all very well to go about getting the present Government to resign, and have fresh elections....... To go on about the mismatchs in Thai society.... rich vs poor... Complain about the attitude of the Leaders of the Government.....To go on about the "elite" and the Privy Council having total control of all decision making....... Decry about the attitude of City people vs the rural people..... The Army...Police..... Yellow Shirts.... etc etc.

In honesty we can go on about our own Countries failings as they do...............but we don't take to the streets for weeks!!!! Bush's standing was slow low in the 2nd term.. the war, economy,etc... did the American people demand he go? No they waited for the next normal election to make the change.

But what do they propose to do when , if ever, they get into power?

It seems to me that all that is happening at the moment, is only a means for some people to get themselves into the place of total power and continue to abuse the system to their own advantage. Nothing will change and the Country will slide forever downhill as a Nation

Tell me of one Thai politican in the last 20 years who did his best for the Country and is remembered with fondness by the people.Sadly it is ingrained in all of them "Me first, everyone last".. not second....last.

Thais wouldn't know what democracy was even if it bit them in the bum.


Excellent points, excellent questions. You won't get an answer from the anti-govt people though. The only program the Reds have proposed is roll back the parts of the constitution that make vote buying tougher and to pardon Thaksin.

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well I am not, just ask Jingthingy :) What was the topic of this thread, they all seem so very much the same.

Partly my fault i guess. ok the whole lot including the political situation is my fault. I confess.

So what time is your flight out? :D

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OK, here comes a question... it's a long one tho...

I'm getting bored with all the hot air about whether the current government is legit or not. Let's see if we can unpick what actually went on. The Thai House of Representatives is elected in a similar way to the UK House of Commons. In Thailand there are 480 seats up for grabs of which 400 are directly elected through constituencies (like in Britain) and 80 are based on proportional representation with the MPs chosen from party lists. A look at Thailand's parliament website shows that it currently lists 475 MPs. I assume this is up to date.

So the parliament is 5 MPs short of its maximum. In the UK if an MP was unseated, for whatever reason, that seat would be contested with a local election and new MP chosen as soon as practically possible. In Thailand, this would also be the case if the MP came from a constituency. If that MP had been elected via PR from a party list then that list would be consulted again and the name at the top would become the new MP. However, if that party has no more members on that list, or if that party no longer exists then no new MP would replace the one that had stepped down. This is from the new constitution and assume I've read it correctly.

So, going back to the three governments since the 2007 election, the PPP gained 233 seats, 8 short of an overall majority. Now, what I'd like to know (yes I could research this and it would take me ages!) is how many MPs have since been kicked out of parliament, from which parties and whether they were elected by their constituency or by PR?

The importance here, I think, is that when the PPP was dissolved and then regrouped as the PTP, how were many of the vacant parliamentary seats allocated, if at all? Those PPP members elected under PR could not be replaced by PTP members as they were different parties. However, if all PPP MPs who left parliament had been elected from their constituencies, then fresh MPs with the same allegiances could have been elected and regained their coalition majority and, perhaps, an Abhisit government never formed.

The implication of all this is that governments with slim majorities can be destabilised by attacking those PR-elected MPs and that banning a whole party effectively eliminates those PR-elected members without replacement.

29 constituency MP's lost their seats as a result of the disolution of the parties. A by-election was held on Jan 11, 2009. The coalition parties gained 20 of the 29 seats, increasing the majority in the House.


Many thanks!

Missed that bit of data! :)

Do you know how many PR-elected MPs lost their seats and how many of those were replaced? Or a link to such information. If I've understood the constitution correctly, banning a party does not disqualify a sitting MP from changing party and remaining in position, even if PR-elected; only if an MP becomes 'unfit' to hold that position does it trigger either a local election or a look at the PR roll-call. I guess we know that the net outcome was 5 'missing' seats, which in itself would make no difference now but may well have done in 2008/2009 when both top parties were claiming a working majority.

Sitting party list PPP MPs did not lose their seats if they were in the legislature during the disbandment. However, as the PPP ceased to exist any vacant seat including those made vacnt by disqualification would not be filled from the PPP party list as the PPP had ceased to exist. This made no difference when the PM was chosen as Abhisit won by more than the seats left vacant by this. No legal challenge to the best of my knowledge was ever made to those party list MPs who changed party but there was some talk that as they had been elected by party and and as an individual via constituency that they should lose parliamantery status however I dont think this was pursued.

As an aside in the last parliamentary vote on holdiong an ivestigation PTP only garnered about 120 votes. Their numbers seem to have been in decline obver the year or so since Abhisit took office. Some are thought to be close to Newin but had signed papers for the new PTP before BJT broke away.

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abhisit just go put n call election well hes not going to as if he did he will be in jail for coruption thats why why do you think he wont leave coruption thats why he will stay on until hes as fat as a pig people think about this this is thailand corupt rule and why the yellow shirt do it in the first place because there are some who is prevented from eating money simple do you think they do it for the people wake up guys

some thoughtfully placed punctuation might help us to understand what your are trying to say.

I doubt if punctuation or re-writing in English would really help in this case.

Are you saying that the post is beyond salvation?

Aside from its being a classic run-on sentence......"there are some who is prevented from eating money" particularly catches my eye.

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Unfortunately there is only two ways out of this. Cave in and set up elections within 3-4 months, or man up and disperse the reds. If the Reds won't negociate then there simply is no middle ground.

As for "Rule of Law" the Reds have proved over and over what a big joke that was. At least nobody can throw accusations of double standards: the law simply doesn't apply to anybody anymore.

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Unfortunately there is only two ways out of this. Cave in and set up elections within 3-4 months, or man up and disperse the reds. If the Reds won't negociate then there simply is no middle ground.

As for "Rule of Law" the Reds have proved over and over what a big joke that was. At least nobody can throw accusations of double standards: the law simply doesn't apply to anybody anymore.

Maybe. Or maybe there is another long term way to weaken the reds until they are ready to negotiate reasonably. Not sure what that would be, perhaps in the courts.

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abhisit just go put n call election well hes not going to as if he did he will be in jail for coruption thats why why do you think he wont leave coruption thats why he will stay on until hes as fat as a pig people think about this this is thailand corupt rule and why the yellow shirt do it in the first place because there are some who is prevented from eating money simple do you think they do it for the people wake up guys

Welcome to another new poster, albeit one who hasn't yet found the "." or "Shift" keys, for capital-letters & ends of sentences. :D

You tell us that "he will be in jail for coruption" and that he will stay until "hes as fat as a pig", I agree that many Thai PMs have become unusually-rich whilst in-office, but haven't yet seen any evidence of this applying to PM-Abhisit ? Please could you direct me to the sources, for these very-serious claims, so that I might help you publicise them more-widely ?

Happily, in the case of one such heinous miscreant, a court-case was recently completed, in which the fugitive former-PM was not-only found guilty, but also fined over the proceeds of his apparent corruption. And there are a number of further cases against this criminal, who has now fled the country, and become a citizen of Montenegro amongst other countries.

Perhaps you might join PM-Abhisit, in encouraging this person to return, to face his accusers in court ? :)

but we want to make sure that there is rule of law," Abhisit said in an interview with CNN set to air Tuesday........

He will sue the redshirt for what they've done,but the yellow shirts are still waiting for that,for closing the airports.

You must have missed, when Thai Airways decided they were suing the PAD, for damage to their business, as a result of the AAT's decision to close Swampy. So they PAD aren't "still waiting for that" after all. :D

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I wish him the best of luck, but frankly, it sounds like he is stalling for time against pressure from both PAD and the red insurgents.

Stall for time he must. I still think a forceful dispersal at this point would incense red shirt supporters throughout the nation. Sincere and honest negotiations are the only reasonable way forward. It is now up to the red shirt leaders to realize this basic fact. If they continue in their unlawful terrorist actions they will leave the military and government no other choice but to act. So if Abhisit and Anupong are stalling then more power to them. But the time is running out for all parties. Tick tock, tick tock....

Unfortunately their "unlawful" acts as suggested above are against an "unlawful" non-popularly elected government! That's the real problem. Many farangs making comments here forget that in most developed nations, of which they stem from, if their government was to get rid of a popularly elected party several times over, by claiming corruption each time, then vote in THEIR own party by parliamentary vote (not democratic representative vote) that the immediate expectation would be that fresh elections would be called very quickly and the parliamentary elected group would be classed as a caretaker government ONLY. It is not acceptable to simply stay because they want to stay or because they feel they should, or even if they feel they are better managers. The whole point of representative democracy is to allow the people a chance to vote in or out who they want (even if some popular choices are not the best). Seriously consider the uproar from most developed world's constitutional caretakers in the legal system and media if this happened in the US or Australia or advanced European nations.

No wonder some here feel an ironic twist to obey the laws set by a party that voted themselves into power and deny a free vote overall. Ahh but those in power already know the outcome will be the same as before, whether it be Thaksin or a similar minded candidate, the rural poor of which there are a lot more are very likely to vote for someone who will give them something for a change. Regardless of Thaksin's corruption, he did bring in subsidized medical benefits and other incentives for the poor. Not surprisingly the downtrodden want a better deal than the rich elite getting richer each day while they slug it out, day in, day out for just a pittance! Wonder how you'd feel working 7 days a week on construction sites for under B200 a day. Maybe you'd like a little better deal and therefore want a government that looked after you more?

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Could one of you wiser people, please explain to me what the opponents of the present Government ( the Red Shirt faction and Thaskin's allies )will actually do if they should win the next election?

What are their policies to help the poor and lower classes of Thai people?

What do they propose to do to improve the "State of Democracy" in this Country?

How do they intend to improve the system so that all the people can partake in the Nation's growth.

What policies do they have to change the systems so the children of Thailand can look forward to the future?

It's all very well to go about getting the present Government to resign, and have fresh elections....... To go on about the mismatchs in Thai society.... rich vs poor... Complain about the attitude of the Leaders of the Government.....To go on about the "elite" and the Privy Council having total control of all decision making....... Decry about the attitude of City people vs the rural people..... The Army...Police..... Yellow Shirts.... etc etc.

In honesty we can go on about our own Countries failings as they do...............but we don't take to the streets for weeks!!!! Bush's standing was slow low in the 2nd term.. the war, economy,etc... did the American people demand he go? No they waited for the next normal election to make the change.

But what do they propose to do when , if ever, they get into power?

It seems to me that all that is happening at the moment, is only a means for some people to get themselves into the place of total power and continue to abuse the system to their own advantage. Nothing will change and the Country will slide forever downhill as a Nation

Tell me of one Thai politican in the last 20 years who did his best for the Country and is remembered with fondness by the people.Sadly it is ingrained in all of them "Me first, everyone last".. not second....last.

Thais wouldn't know what democracy was even if it bit them in the bum.


BAYBOY, you sound like the only one who hasn't been drinking before posting.

Elections, or not. NOTHING will change in LOS. Thaksin was corrupt, and who wasn't?

Or better still, who isn't? Or, maybe, who will not be?

Many days ago I posted that Thailand is stable. Not many people got the drift. NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE here in another 2553 years. This is stability! :)

By the way, PPT, PTP, PPP, UDD, or XYZ, - which party here has a political platform?

A plan? A proposed policy? ... Exept proposing themself in the place occupied by others.

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"Thai PM Abhisit Says Seeking Political Solution To Crisis"

I am not sure if I understand correctly. Does Mark mean he is using political mean and not by force?

"Political means" can include all sorts of things including the truth, lies, propaganda, alliances of convenience, backstabbing, deal making, you name it. Its almost always less bloody but it doesn't always provide long term solutions. Not that violence does of course. He knows he has a lot to lose if force is used, evn if the majority come to believe that it is justified.

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