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Thailand's Tourism Plunges Drastically

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Hardly surprising seeing UK foreign office say 'emergency travel only'

Travel agents no longer allowed to sell holidays to Thailand, have to offer refunds on existing bookings.

Travel insurance for Thailand cancelled by the insurance companies if you do insist on coming.

Who in their right mind would come now?

Only 20,000 a day it seems :)

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"BANGKOK: -- Foreign tourist arrivals at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport, the Kingdom's main international gateway, have plunged dramatically, due to the protracted anti-government protests.

The average number of arrivals is now about 20,000 a day, down from 30,000 prior to the start of protests at the Pan Fah Bridge on March 14, Tourism and Sports Minister Chumpol Silapa-archa said yesterday."

this is all very misleading. March 14th we were still in High season,. We are now in low season and it always drops 50% or more during this time.

If they want to rubber neck its ok by me but if they what to still see thailand Phuket is open and no fears, ( at least for now)

I am supprised there are so many still comming to Thailand "Rubber neckers" :)

I think we have to be quite about the fact tourist still go to south and enjoy the beaches. Because if the Red figure this out they will also try to destroy south tourism how small it is.

They just hate Thailand

Unlike the good old yellow shirts who only closed the airport completely thereby stopping all tourist air-arrivals. What blatant double-standards by some of the people on here.

I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

I would not put off your holiday to Pattaya. No problems with red shirts there A few are in town waving flags etc but not causing any problem to tourists at all. Just go and have fun.

I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

The "one night" in BKK COULD cost you dearly...given today's events unfolding.

Seriously, I would avoid BKK at all costs. Just go from Soyawannaboomboome directly to Pattaya.

Just sayin......

Who is going to reimburse Siam Paragon for one month of lost revenue?

I bet Siam Paragon is receivig rents regardless of whether or not the doors are open.

The smaller stores in the Siam are ones who are hurting, as they still have to pay the rent plus have no sales.

AsiaBooks or any other store will not sell any product, but must still pay however much rent to Siam, plus pay their employees, who may have been sent to another store.

I wonder what happened to all of the food in the markets, and I do not mean the cans. Fresh meat and produce, dairy?

Hardly surprising seeing UK foreign office say 'emergency travel only'

Travel agents no longer allowed to sell holidays to Thailand, have to offer refunds on existing bookings.Travel insurance for Thailand cancelled by the insurance companies if you do insist on coming.

Who in their right mind would come now?

Where did u hear of this? I dont belive it, Not allowed to sell Tours? Who has made it illegal?

I am supprised there are so many still comming to Thailand "Rubber neckers" :)

I think we have to be quite about the fact tourist still go to south and enjoy the beaches. Because if the Red figure this out they will also try to destroy south tourism how small it is.

They just hate Thailand

Unlike the good old yellow shirts who only closed the airport completely thereby stopping all tourist air-arrivals. What blatant double-standards by some of the people on here.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Or are you saying in the future another group can do the same?

I am supprised there are so many still comming to Thailand "Rubber neckers" :)

I think we have to be quite about the fact tourist still go to south and enjoy the beaches. Because if the Red figure this out they will also try to destroy south tourism how small it is.

They just hate Thailand

Unlike the good old yellow shirts who only closed the airport completely thereby stopping all tourist air-arrivals. What blatant double-standards by some of the people on here.

ok ok already. we get it. reds are bad. yellows are bad....why do so many supporters of the (INSERT FAVORITE COLOR HERE) feel the neccessity to "yeah but what about the other guys" in every post?


I think a drop in tourist arrival numbers is to be expected, given the international awareness of the ongoing politiclal unrest here in Taiiland. However, I wouldn't count the Thais out yet; they have an uncanny nack for bouncing back.

Over the long term though I forsee a decline in the Thai tourist industry.

My best guess -and no one knows for sure how this will play out- is that Thailand will slowly give up signigicant tourist market share to competitors.

Remember General Motors? GM was the world's largest auto manufacturer and dominated the US auto market. Slowly ever so slowly, first the germans and then the japanese began to nibble away and even die hard GM customers began to buy "foreign" cars. Look at GM now, its a shadow of its former self.

Thailand does a lot of things right: 30 day visa waver on incomming flights, creating the "Amazing Thailand" brand name and successfully promoting the "Land of Smiles" image. But the ongoing and seemingly never ending political unrest (not to mention death toll), difficulty in arriving or departing Bangkok by air (yeah, the Thais are not responsible for Iceland's volcano erruption but they did close the airport) and the increasing awareness of the petty scams that the Thai authorities seem unable or indifferent to resolve will eventually take its toll.

For the record, I hope I'm wrong because the drop in tourist arrivals hurts the poor Thais the most. Yes, tourisim is only 7% of Thai GDP, but it employes 10% of Thai workers and is the biggest earner of foreign currency.

Time will tell :)

I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

Pattaya safe?

with all due respect to all those law abiding, god fearing, mother loving denizens of pattaya, where in the world does one find a greater concentration of criminals on the lam?

personally i feel safer in ratchaprasong.

I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

I am Australian but live in Pattaya and currently in Australia visiting family, due to fly back to Thailand on Monday.

Pattaya is perfectly safe, and Bangkok for that matter, just don't go where the protesters are, contact me for a chat if you like.

[email protected]


As has been pointed out, this is now the low season, all the more reason for Abhisit to call an election and get it out of the way now, instead of closing the bars for 2 weekends in the middle of the high season like they did last time!

It needs to be pointed out that only parts of Bangkok are unsafe, the rest of the country is fine. Chiang Mai is fine, the islands are fine, Pattaya is fine, just change planes at Suvanarbhumi and head up here to the mountains!


Reply to COUTSA.

My Son and his wife and two lady friends left on the 24 april for 4days bkk and 5days Phuket, Just heard they are having a ball. good luck, from the Gong.

I am supprised there are so many still comming to Thailand "Rubber neckers" :)

I think we have to be quite about the fact tourist still go to south and enjoy the beaches. Because if the Red figure this out they will also try to destroy south tourism how small it is.

They just hate Thailand

Som nom na.

Last week I went to KL for a visa run. Going out on a Monday....immigration was packed. Returning on the Wednesday...at 8pm...Immigration was empty. Usually, at 8pm, the queue is about 20 people deep on each line....this time, perhaps 4 or 5 per line. So yeah...no bigs news here.

And somebody please explain the logic in spending 1.6b or whatever to stimulate tourism?????? That's like "Come to Bosnia" or "visit lovely Afganistan!"......."Welcome to Thailand. Duck!"

I thank TV commenters for doing a fine job of convincing the yellow shirts and government over the past several years how terrible Democracy was under Thaskin. Thank you once again and forever. Thank God the students in BKK do not read TV. I certainly pray to god they never will. Posters here have done and continue to do more harm then could have ever been imagined by the moderators and the esteemed headucator from Australia. Back peddle much?

As has been pointed out, this is now the low season, all the more reason for Abhisit to call an election and get it out of the way now, instead of closing the bars for 2 weekends in the middle of the high season like they did last time!

Well, either call an election or take care of the red menace, using whatever means necessary. I meet very few people these days that agree with how the red hooligans have been doing to Thailand. The sooner we clear the roads, the better!

I was stuck at a red road check in my car the other day, and certainly did not appreciate them peering in through my windows with their vacant eyes. They have no right to do that whatsoever. They did not make me roll down my windows, but boy the glares and ugly faces were all around. Not the type of people I want as my government, the thought sickens me.


If anyone thinks that regular tourists are coming because there is no danger here then think again..what i mean is ok there are dangers here but if you have been here before then you know where to go and not to go but that is not the case now and even hardened tourists who have been many times to the LOS are not coming....Grenades thrown at banks into crowds anything can happen anywhere.......Not just Bangkok. My son has been over here about 8 times and twice in the last 18 months with his girlfriend.They were coming in July this year but now because of the RED problems here they will not now come...They just think at this time its just not worth the risk....I for one understand and I do not believe tourism is only down one third more like 80%...But thats just me seeing who's walking the streets in the north.Its just us locals...Would'nt be so bad but the pound is still weak against the baht.....

Just a little off subject the housing estate I'am on is putting the rents up by 1000 baht a month for tenants when they renew leases...You think not a lot well in real terms I'am paying 25% to 30% more because of the exchange rate...Well my neighbour has moved out and the house has now been empty for 3 months so even if they got some one in now it would take 18 months to regain their looses...Thai logic yes! Other houses are empty and there are no new perspective tenants at the moment but they have put them up as well! Som Nam Na yes!

It needs to be pointed out that only parts of Bangkok are unsafe, the rest of the country is fine. Chiang Mai is fine, the islands are fine, Pattaya is fine, just change planes at Suvanarbhumi and head up here to the mountains!

In my opinion this assessment is too rosy, particularly for tourists who have little knowledge of thailand. This is no longer a mere protest, it is a revolt, and while it hasnt extended to the point of armed rebellion or insurrection, that could break out at any time. To encourage people who could easily and for good reason panic in those circumstances to come here is, in my opinion, simply wrong.

Do you think all these foreign ministries are advising against travel to Thailand now because its low season?

I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

The LadyBoys are waiting for you

The average number of arrivals is now about 20,000 a day, down from 30,000 prior to the start of protests at the Pan Fah Bridge on March 14, Tourism and Sports Minister Chumpol Silapa-archa said yesterday.

This is a misleading figure as well - as it is not comparing like with like. One would expect a natural tail off of arrivals as the low season moves in. It would be better to compare daily arrivals this month with daily arrivals this month last year (or an average for this month each year). I would have expected numbers to decline from March to April even with no red-shirts welcoming people to Thailand via the daily news.

add to that the 6 day no flying ban in europe and UK due to iceland volcano,and it paints a bleak picture.there again if i was an isaan farmer scraping together 200 baht a day to survive,lack of tourists would n't be high on my list of things to worry about.

I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

dont go near the redshirt hangout you should be ok
I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

dont go near the redshirt hangout you should be ok

Problem is the red shirts are claiming to be going underground and guerrilla, so really nowhere will be safe. I predict the slowest tourist season ever this year. A real pity that the reds have decided to destroy so many Thai people's livelihoods through their terrorist approach to political change.

If anyone thinks that regular tourists are coming because there is no danger here then think again..what i mean is ok there are dangers here but if you have been here before then you know where to go and not to go but that is not the case now and even hardened tourists who have been many times to the LOS are not coming....Grenades thrown at banks into crowds anything can happen anywhere.......Not just Bangkok. My son has been over here about 8 times and twice in the last 18 months with his girlfriend.They were coming in July this year but now because of the RED problems here they will not now come...They just think at this time its just not worth the risk....I for one understand and I do not believe tourism is only down one third more like 80%...But thats just me seeing who's walking the streets in the north.Its just us locals...Would'nt be so bad but the pound is still weak against the pound.....

Just a little off subject the housing estate I'am on is putting the rents up by 1000 baht a month for tenants when they renew leases...You think not a lot well in real terms I'am paying 25% to 30% more because of the exchange rate...Well my neighbour has moved out and the house has now been empty for 3 months so even if they got some one in now it would take 18 months to regain their looses...Thai logic yes! Other houses are empty and there are no new perspective tenants at the moment but they have put them up as well! Som Nam Na yes!

if my math is correct...that means you pay 3-4000 baht a month for rent?????? the loss you would incur due to a poor exchange rate on 1000 baht would be what?....30baht??? eegad you must be on a tight budget.

I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??


One night in Bangkok make a hard man humble!

Not much between despair and ecstasy.

One night in Bangkok, and the tough guys tumble!

Can't be too careful with your company.

I can feel the devil walkin' next to me.


Hardly surprising seeing UK foreign office say 'emergency travel only'

Travel agents no longer allowed to sell holidays to Thailand, have to offer refunds on existing bookings.Travel insurance for Thailand cancelled by the insurance companies if you do insist on coming.

Who in their right mind would come now?

Where did u hear of this? I dont belive it, Not allowed to sell Tours? Who has made it illegal?

Because of insurance. And TO don't sell packages anymore because if it turns out badly, they don't want to face lawsuits.

The average number of arrivals is now about 20,000 a day, down from 30,000 prior to the start of protests at the Pan Fah Bridge on March 14, Tourism and Sports Minister Chumpol Silapa-archa said yesterday.

This is a misleading figure as well - as it is not comparing like with like. One would expect a natural tail off of arrivals as the low season moves in. It would be better to compare daily arrivals this month with daily arrivals this month last year (or an average for this month each year). I would have expected numbers to decline from March to April even with no red-shirts welcoming people to Thailand via the daily news.

add to that the 6 day no flying ban in europe and UK due to iceland volcano,and it paints a bleak picture.there again if i was an isaan farmer scraping together 200 baht a day to survive,lack of tourists would n't be high on my list of things to worry about.

However, I imagine living in a dustbowl, unable to breath because of the acrid air, in a failed state and with dwindling chance of your daughter securing a wealthy suitor might be a bit stressful.

But hey! no worries guys, keep on posting and you denialists will be convinced nothing is happening at all! :)

I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

The LadyBoys are waiting for you

should be safe, as long as you both wear condoms and lock your valuables away...

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