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Thai Foreign Ministry Plays Down Speculation Of US Intervention

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Maybe the US didn't protest against the shutting down of red TV because they saw the lies and incitement to violence shown on there every day.

Maybe the US only talked about a peaceful resolution because they know that the army didn't "mow down their protesting citizens" and know of the violence coming from the red side.

Maybe the US aren't biased, and the Thai government is not doing the wrong thing.

And maybe you just get your 'news' from the Nation....why don't you take a course in critical thinking?

I don't get my information only from the Nation. There are many different views discussed on TVF and many different news sources that everyone refers to, including red biased sources.

If you're of the opinion that the red leaders haven't incited violence and destruction, or if you're of the opininion that the army "mowed down" innocent unarmed protestors, then maybe you should do a bit more investigation.

Hmmmmm joined on 25th April 2010....4 days ago....69 posts already...what is going on here?

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I have wondered about the silence of the US...usually the US is so vocal when it comes to free speech and democracy around the world; in my view, often the comment is appropriate and fair, but sometimes it is self serving hypocrisy to cover some less than excellent behavior on their part.

Being an American citizen I do read the US press...if you had read the thousands of column inches given to Chavez' closure of one anti-government TV station, you would have thought that thewhole Western hemisphere was about to collapse...why the deafening silence when Abhisit closes down all anti-government TV stations, web-sits and radio stations here in Thailand?

Or when armies mow down their protesting citizens there is usually some statement from the US condemning the act (unless it's Israel doing the mowing down, of course) since the US the military doesn't intervene in civil matters, which are handled by the police force...in this case, again nothing but a bland statement calling for a peaceful solution.

Another double standard if you like, showing you that Thailand is not the only country with double standards.

Personally, I think that the US are just waiting to see who 'wins' and then resume the relationship...incidentally the silence speaks volumes about the importance of Thailand to the US....ie I guess there're really not that interested in trying to solve another insoluble dispute on top of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine....

Not much difference is there really between Abhisit's government and the US administration. Both total hypocrites.

The lack of condemnation by the US of the Thai government's recent unlawful activities - as high-lighted in the nested post (retarius) speaks volumes about whose side they're really on. They obviously tacitly support this current undemocratic government in Thailand. But then they would - wouldn't they.

As far as USA's effort in Africa just google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And at the same time google the amount of money Bush's Snr & Jnr adminstrations initiated in their efforts to invade an oil rich country.. :)

Too true, Thaksin's whole fortune down the hole every MONTH.


Geo politics and all that stuff. The US is going to stay on the sidelines on this one and try to make sure Thailand remains a good friend whoever happens to be in goverment or whatever form that government takes. Realpolitik.

It's easy to say that it is none of the US' business. Fact is that the region and country needs stability, and if the US provides that, so be it.

Fair enough however what makes you think the US can provide stability to another country...

Name anything in the last 50 years where the US alone has provided stability to another country in turmoil?

I can think of Kuwait... but they had alterior motives there so that doesnt really count because Thailand has nothing the US want...


Maybe the US didn't protest against the shutting down of red TV because they saw the lies and incitement to violence shown on there every day.

Maybe the US only talked about a peaceful resolution because they know that the army didn't "mow down their protesting citizens" and know of the violence coming from the red side.

Maybe the US aren't biased, and the Thai government is not doing the wrong thing.

And maybe you just get your 'news' from the Nation....why don't you take a course in critical thinking?

I don't get my information only from the Nation. There are many different views discussed on TVF and many different news sources that everyone refers to, including red biased sources.

If you're of the opinion that the red leaders haven't incited violence and destruction, or if you're of the opininion that the army "mowed down" innocent unarmed protestors, then maybe you should do a bit more investigation.

Hmmmmm joined on 25th April 2010....4 days ago....69 posts already...what is going on here?

So you are blaming my recent joining for your lack of knowledge?


Maybe the US didn't protest against the shutting down of red TV because they saw the lies and incitement to violence shown on there every day.

Maybe the US only talked about a peaceful resolution because they know that the army didn't "mow down their protesting citizens" and know of the violence coming from the red side.

Maybe the US aren't biased, and the Thai government is not doing the wrong thing.

And maybe you just get your 'news' from the Nation....why don't you take a course in critical thinking?

I don't get my information only from the Nation. There are many different views discussed on TVF and many different news sources that everyone refers to, including red biased sources.

If you're of the opinion that the red leaders haven't incited violence and destruction, or if you're of the opininion that the army "mowed down" innocent unarmed protestors, then maybe you should do a bit more investigation.

Hmmmmm joined on 25th April 2010....4 days ago....69 posts already...what is going on here?

The length of his membership doesn't make any difference at all. He has answered your flame quite eloquantly to which you seem to have no apt reply. I think perhaps it is not he that requires a course in critical thinking. Besides, you yourself have only been a member for 2 months - see matters not a jot.

It's easy to say that it is none of the US' business. Fact is that the region and country needs stability, and if the US provides that, so be it.

Fair enough however what makes you think the US can provide stability to another country...

Name anything in the last 50 years where the US alone has provided stability to another country in turmoil?

I can think of Kuwait... but they had alterior motives there so that doesnt really count because Thailand has nothing the US want...

Don't think you can say it was the US alone in Kuwait.

The government does not want and has refused a UN Independent Investigation into April 10th, whilst the Red shirts want it.

Who is guilty ?

In the same vein the government will not want (read that Team Yellow) any "interrference" from outside countries. They know everything that they have done wrong since 2006 and all the abuse they have done and the last thing they want is to have to admit to it.

The whole Yellow propaganda machine that has been in place since 2006 only works by having massive censorship within Thailand and not allowing the people to read the real news and stuffing them full of "all channels" putting out only the government spin (Yellow spin) side of events in order to brainwash them over years.

This is why Thailand is now horrific in terms of censorship.

//Link removed//

Team Yellow broke electoral law in 2005 by refusing to run in elections. They got away with it.

Team Yellow broke Thailand's laws in 2006 by holding a coup, they got away with it by throwing the 1997 Peoples Consitution in the bin to give them immunity.

Since those 2 events they have abused all authority in order to finally get their people into power so they can feed at the trough again.

And now they cling on to power and do not care how many must die while they cling to power.

Being an idealist is good theory only. Thailand is not US and people over here are not used to democracy. As I see now what Red do is not democracy, they are being used as the Yellow Folk were to advance other people goals.

If they want real democracy they could wait and spend all these energy in getting vote, although again this Thailand, you never know who will be running the government.

Money talks and Red and yellow just dance

It's easy to say that it is none of the US' business. Fact is that the region and country needs stability, and if the US provides that, so be it.

Fair enough however what makes you think the US can provide stability to another country...

Name anything in the last 50 years where the US alone has provided stability to another country in turmoil?

I can think of Kuwait... but they had alterior motives there so that doesnt really count because Thailand has nothing the US want...

Don't think you can say it was the US alone in Kuwait.

It wasnt, and had international support for Iraq war part I

For Part Deux...What was the phrase Bush used ???.....If you are not with us, you are against us !!!!"... :)

I am always amazed at the number of ignorant people who are members of this site!

They have no ability to read a thread and follow it in any sensible manner....

Many of you also think it is a mark of your intelligence to bad mouth USA without having any idea of what the USA does to help people around the world.

As far as USA's effort in Africa just google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And as far as Thailand is concerned not only does USA support the military financially, but also provides MILLIONS of dollars for the education, prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Is USA perfect? NO not by any means but it certainly doesnt deserve to be dragged in the mud by a bunch of uneducated farangs!

Gee - I can't recall asking to appoint the US as the Police force of the world? No one asked for my vote... :D Look how many countries the US have bombed so far - no - keep your US of A and all the One World Order it propagates. In fact wish you would all stay at home and keep the home fires burning. And please - never inflict morons such as George W on the world again! If ever there was a puppet situation you guys proved it beyond a doubt. :):D :D

It's easy to say that it is none of the US' business. Fact is that the region and country needs stability, and if the US provides that, so be it.

Fair enough however what makes you think the US can provide stability to another country...

Name anything in the last 50 years where the US alone has provided stability to another country in turmoil?

I can think of Kuwait... but they had alterior motives there so that doesnt really count because Thailand has nothing the US want...

Don't think you can say it was the US alone in Kuwait.

I am an American. And, I don't want Pres. Obama spending one dime or risking the life of one American to do anything for Thailand. They Thai's have proven to the international world time and time again that they will now follow the rules of democracy. They have enjoyed the help of the international community for many years, help that has been given under the guise that Thailand wants to be a democracy. The removal of an elected leader (whether with bought votes or not) violates the rules of democracy. Thanksin will illegal removed from office and thats it. I'm not saying he didn't deserve to be removed. I'm not saying he is a good person. I am saying his removal was illegal and a violation of the essence of democracy. Leave the Thais to themselves and come what may. I enjoy living here. But, I can easily go back to America or any other country of my choosing

I am always amazed at the number of ignorant people who are members of this site!

They have no ability to read a thread and follow it in any sensible manner....

Many of you also think it is a mark of your intelligence to bad mouth USA without having any idea of what the USA does to help people around the world.

As far as USA's effort in Africa just Google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And as far as Thailand is concerned not only does USA support the military financially, but also provides MILLIONS of dollars for the education, prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Is USA perfect? NO not by any means but it certainly doesn't deserve to be dragged in the mud by a bunch of uneducated farangs!

It would funny if it wasn't sad you use an argument about the providing medical care to MILLIONS in Africa, when it looks like there is going to be a civil war to stop providing medical care to MILLIONS of Americans. :)


bad mouth?

are facts allowed?

#1 in crime rate of developed countries

#12 on the UN Human Development Index

#20 in educational ranking for high school graduation.

watch IOUSA - every man woman and child owes $500,000 for the country to break even...

[probably more now that Obama has thrown gas on the fire!]

freedom to have weapon arsenals but no 'freedom' to go to school or the corner store without getting shot at...

lack of intelligence to understand that freedom and wildness are opposites not similes.

[the good 'free' economy sic 'wild' economy y'all got going there my friends. why not take all the stop signs and traffic lights off the roads if you know so much about 'freedom'

The American and World economy NEEDS controls, but the Nabobs have the 'uneducated farangs believing it's their patriotic duty to keep them in private jets! [not your fault, you are brain washed, and I mean that in a doctorly, not insultive manner, shake yer head] :D


good on ya for sticking up for your country, but the foregoing is WHAT you want everyone to idolize???


CHANGE the numbers, facts, then get back to us! clean up your own yard first, before 'intervening'


bad mouth? what about bad complexion?

I am always amazed at the number of ignorant people who are members of this site!

They have no ability to read a thread and follow it in any sensible manner....

Many of you also think it is a mark of your intelligence to bad mouth USA without having any idea of what the USA does to help people around the world.

As far as USA's effort in Africa just google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And as far as Thailand is concerned not only does USA support the military financially, but also provides MILLIONS of dollars for the education, prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Is USA perfect? NO not by any means but it certainly doesnt deserve to be dragged in the mud by a bunch of uneducated farangs!

Gee - I can't recall asking to appoint the US as the Police force of the world? No one asked for my vote... :D Look how many countries the US have bombed so far - no - keep your US of A and all the One World Order it propagates. In fact wish you would all stay at home and keep the home fires burning. And please - never inflict morons such as George W on the world again! If ever there was a puppet situation you guys proved it beyond a doubt. :):D:D

Wow did you ever stop to think that the reason no one has asked for your vote is because YOU don't matter???

I am an American. And, I don't want Pres. Obama spending one dime or risking the life of one American to do anything for Thailand. They Thai's have proven to the international world time and time again that they will now follow the rules of democracy. They have enjoyed the help of the international community for many years, help that has been given under the guise that Thailand wants to be a democracy. The removal of an elected leader (whether with bought votes or not) violates the rules of democracy. Thanksin will illegal removed from office and thats it. I'm not saying he didn't deserve to be removed. I'm not saying he is a good person. I am saying his removal was illegal and a violation of the essence of democracy. Leave the Thais to themselves and come what may. I enjoy living here. But, I can easily go back to America or any other country of my choosing

Clearly the coup was illegal.

Thaksin was removed from office of being Appointed CARE-TAKER Prime Minister who had not organised new elections in the required time-frame.

Isnt K Kasit the same indivdual who was slagging Western countries not few weeks ago ??

"The foreign minister has also issued a statement to thank the international community for their concern about the situation in Thailand.

Think the Thai foreign ministry is over estimating Thailand's importance on the world stage, suspect the US has better things to do, after all not enough oil or gas here, and they have enough of their own problems at the moment.

wasn't Kasit the one begging at Hopkins University on April, 12? He made also very questionable remarks about the role of the m......y in the country in his nearly one hour speech there. Should explain why he went silent here for so long.

it's the seventh clip down http://www.sais-jhu.edu/news-and-events/index.htm he's going to get busy for his defense. It also reveals the real face and aim of PAD.

... and so on ... (his words)

Think the Thai foreign ministry is over estimating Thailand's importance on the world stage, suspect the US has better things to do, after all not enough oil or gas here, and they have enough of their own problems at the moment.

Plenty of oil and other goods sailing through the Malaccan Straits though which is in close proximity to Thailand and as such the US has definitely a strategic interest in the area.

It's easy to say that it is none of the US' business. Fact is that the region and country needs stability, and if the US provides that, so be it.

What! just like what there doing in Iraq, causing utter chaos and mass killings of women and children and allowing the Sunis to take over the government, which happen to be Iranian sympathizers. The US are extremely good at false flagging with divide and rule policies in-turn leaving absolute misery in in some of the fifty countries they have invaded since WWII, with not one of those wars ever being passed or sanctioned by congress. "STABILITY"


Some quick comments

Obama won the election. Get over it crybaby Republicans.


Who cares

Obama for sure would be leaning toward the reds in this fight but America will never put troops in SE Asia under Obama.

At best for the reds, Obama could pressure the Thai military not to use Air Force Jets.

Hey--how is that Economy doing Europe?

British Empire is dead so stop your crying Brits.

I prefer France.

I am always amazed at the number of ignorant people who are members of this site!

They have no ability to read a thread and follow it in any sensible manner....

Many of you also think it is a mark of your intelligence to bad mouth USA without having any idea of what the USA does to help people around the world.

As far as USA's effort in Africa just google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And as far as Thailand is concerned not only does USA support the military financially, but also provides MILLIONS of dollars for the education, prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Is USA perfect? NO not by any means but it certainly doesnt deserve to be dragged in the mud by a bunch of uneducated farangs!

Gee - I can't recall asking to appoint the US as the Police force of the world? No one asked for my vote... :D Look how many countries the US have bombed so far - no - keep your US of A and all the One World Order it propagates. In fact wish you would all stay at home and keep the home fires burning. And please - never inflict morons such as George W on the world again! If ever there was a puppet situation you guys proved it beyond a doubt. :):D:D

Wow did you ever stop to think that the reason no one has asked for your vote is because YOU don't matter???

Ignorance is bliss... keep opening your mouth to change feet :D :D :D

I am always amazed at the number of ignorant people who are members of this site!

They have no ability to read a thread and follow it in any sensible manner....

Many of you also think it is a mark of your intelligence to bad mouth USA without having any idea of what the USA does to help people around the world.

As far as USA's effort in Africa just Google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And as far as Thailand is concerned not only does USA support the military financially, but also provides MILLIONS of dollars for the education, prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Is USA perfect? NO not by any means but it certainly doesn't deserve to be dragged in the mud by a bunch of uneducated farangs!

It would funny if it wasn't sad you use an argument about the providing medical care to MILLIONS in Africa, when it looks like there is going to be a civil war to stop providing medical care to MILLIONS of Americans. :)


bad mouth?

are facts allowed?

#1 in crime rate of developed countries

#12 on the UN Human Development Index

#20 in educational ranking for high school graduation.

watch IOUSA - every man woman and child owes $500,000 for the country to break even...

[probably more now that Obama has thrown gas on the fire!]

freedom to have weapon arsenals but no 'freedom' to go to school or the corner store without getting shot at...

lack of intelligence to understand that freedom and wildness are opposites not similes.

[the good 'free' economy sic 'wild' economy y'all got going there my friends. why not take all the stop signs and traffic lights off the roads if you know so much about 'freedom'

The American and World economy NEEDS controls, but the Nabobs have the 'uneducated farangs believing it's their patriotic duty to keep them in private jets! [not your fault, you are brain washed, and I mean that in a doctorly, not insultive manner, shake yer head] :D


good on ya for sticking up for your country, but the foregoing is WHAT you want everyone to idolize???


CHANGE the numbers, facts, then get back to us! clean up your own yard first, before 'intervening'


bad mouth? what about bad complexion?

It's true when i lived in the unted states my 12 year old had to wear a bullet proof vest to school, that and our car came with bullet proof windows now standard. i was shot 37 times in 1 year and you can buy crack from your local priest

I hope amnesty in the same report requested that reds shirt guards to not use US made weapons against the army and police. Don't want double standards do we?

Didnt realise sharpened bamboo stakes where US made weapons... :)



The government does not want and has refused a UN Independent Investigation into April 10th, whilst the Red shirts want it.

Who is guilty ?

In the same vein the government will not want (read that Team Yellow) any "interrference" from outside countries. They know everything that they have done wrong since 2006 and all the abuse they have done and the last thing they want is to have to admit to it.

The whole Yellow propaganda machine that has been in place since 2006 only works by having massive censorship within Thailand and not allowing the people to read the real news and stuffing them full of "all channels" putting out only the government spin (Yellow spin) side of events in order to brainwash them over years.

This is why Thailand is now horrific in terms of censorship.

//Link removed//

Team Yellow broke electoral law in 2005 by refusing to run in elections. They got away with it.

Team Yellow broke Thailand's laws in 2006 by holding a coup, they got away with it by throwing the 1997 Peoples Consitution in the bin to give them immunity.

Since those 2 events they have abused all authority in order to finally get their people into power so they can feed at the trough again.

And now they cling on to power and do not care how many must die while they cling to power.

Your hyperbole and lies are getting more desperate by the day.

The Dems (not the PAD) ran a "no vote campaign" and that is not against electoral law.

The Army and not the PAD held a coup in 2006 to replace an extra-constitutional caretaker government. Nobody but the military leaders of the coup were granted immunity under the new constitution.

Nobody has abused authority to "finally get their people into power" -- PPP was disbanded for proven electoral fraud. A new coalition was formed.

If the current government, as you say, did not care how many people died, they would have cracked down on all the illegal activities of the Reds.

Please stop the lies ....



The U.S., by law, has to cut military funding to any nation that stages a coup. But while the U.S. temporarily halted funding, it made few other moves to weaken ties with Thailand's army. In fact, just months after the coup, the U.S. legitimized the Thai military by going ahead with massive military exercises, the largest in Asia. Basically, America treated the coup as an embarrassing annoyance but not a horrible catastrophe worthy of open condemnation

The Red Shirts initially tried to drive out the government last year, but failed following brief riots and a military crackdown. What we're seeing now is a re-grouping with more money, more people and a more cohesive strategy. The timing is tied in part to the farming season, which experiences a lull starting in March. This break allows more Thais connected to the agriculture industries -- many of them Red Shirt sympathizers - to join the rallies.

KZ: Unfortunately, it's usually the influence of White House which determines the destiny of revolutionary movements in the third world countries. Which side is the U.S. taking in the current political unrest?

PW: The U.S. isn't taking sides. America is mostly interested in stability and business friendly policies in Thailand and neither side is proposing a radical overhaul of U.S.-Thai policy. Thailand remains strategically important to the U.S. as a trustworthy ally in China's backyard and Thailand likes having the support of the world's most powerful nation. As long as that arrangement sticks, the U.S. will keep softly promoting democracy in Thailand but won't interfere.

Both Thaksin's government and the current ruling party have attempted to pressure the media into promoting their agenda. Neither can claim a clean record of press freedom.

Neither Abhisit nor Thaksin has been able to avoid embarrassment stemming from military blunders that have taken place under their rule. Thaksin was roundly scorned when the army rounded up Muslim protesters into a sweltering paddy wagon, which led to dozens of suffocation deaths. Abhisit was also censured when the military found Muslims from the Rohingya tribe escaping Burma by boat, cut their engines and turned them loose on the sea.

hope its un troops. not just the usa and better yet let thailand solve thailands problems.

When are they going to start?? This conflict is dragging on and on, and is causing harm to millions of people and thousands of business owners.

It is time to call a halt, and do some talking.


Maybe a good time to lay in a supply of Leo before it's all taken up by whomever started this silly line of speculation. It must be a slow news day.... not that I would mind that for a change.

givenall, give em some more

It is simply none of the US business to poke their noses here. And, I do not want my brother's and father's taxes paying for one bit of US meddling. And, Obama should not be using his or other US official's time researching the current situation here. If the Ambassador receives some info and emails on to the US which then files it, fine, but not a lot more. No matter who runs the place, and the PM has changed here a lot in the past 20 years, the army will still continue to receive ample support from the US army for no other reason than it has for the past 40+ years.

... and I like your avatar..... Am I allowed to post an Isaan joke which is related to your avatar? It is really quite cute.

What part of the story indicated to you that the U.S. was "poking their noses" in Thailand's direction or using taxpayer money to "meddle?" How is it again that President Obama is using his official time researching the current situation here? I seemed to have missed that part of the story too. If you want to blame my country and my president for something, please insert facts into your comments. Here are some from the story:

The first sentence of the story reads: The Foreign Minister has played down speculation regarding the United States' intervention on the current political crisis in Thailand. And the story continues...Chavanont admitted that the rumour has stemmed from the Democrat Party meeting...According to a foreign news agency, Amnesty International has made a request to United States President Barak Obama to appoint a senior official to mediate in the political conflict in Thailand...However, it should be noted that the statement has not been published on the organisation's official website...


How dare you apply logic to this thread

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