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How Do You Defend Yourself Against People Of Any Race Or Religion

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How can you defend your self from people of ANY race and religion that are trying to intimidate, provoke and challenge you in their own country?

Do you just let them walk over you?

Note: this post isn't pointing any fingers towards a specific race at all. It is 100% neutral and could apply to any country, any race or any religion. Nor do I think that one race might have small wieners in general compared to other races and that this could be the reason for their frustrations and aggressive behaviour.


You know, it depends on the situation. Sometimes a good lawyer can help, a policeman. Sometimes you have to use your own fists to defend yourself. It depends..


If you are constantly the victim you need to start asking yourself 'What are you yourself doing to bring about this recurring situation?'

Alternatively, you might need to ask ‘Are you actually a victim of these foreigners or is there are problem in your own perception of reality’ – An unfounded fear of foreigners.

Having read some of your posts and your rabid ranting against foreigners it seems addressing the above questions might provide you with an answer to your problem.


Because the foreigners in this country disgust me. I am really disgusted and offended with their behaviour/looks and how they think in this country. I see a lot of dirt on the streets. This country is better of with those parasites of society. They take advantage of the situation.

But I am increasingly getting annoyed by thai men too. I am so annoyed that they have no pride and honour or love for this country. And it is only about money and power. It looks like they need to compensate for things. They sure can not compete with foreigners on a lot of things. I

I am getting so annoyed by both groups. I make no bones about it.

Because the foreigners in this country disgust me. I am really disgusted and offended with their behaviour/looks and how they think in this country. I see a lot of dirt on the streets. This country is better of with those parasites of society. They take advantage of the situation.

But I am increasingly getting annoyed by thai men too. I am so annoyed that they have no pride and honour or love for this country. And it is only about money and power. It looks like they need to compensate for things. They sure can not compete with foreigners on a lot of things. I

I am getting so annoyed by both groups. I make no bones about it.

My advice for you is to ask your doctor to increase your dosage.


Have you considered therapy - There's no shame in it and it might help.

Alternatively take the Som-Tam Cure.

Som-Tam - That quintessential Thai food - Contains:

Tomatoes - That came to Thailand from South America

Peanuts - That came to Thailand from America

Chilli - That came to Thailand from America

Papaya – That came to Thailand from South America

Without all this foreign influence your Som-Tam would be nothing more than fish sauce, dried shrimps and pickled crab.


I have found that the people like yourself cause ALL of the problems they encounter with THEIR attitudes to the locals and not the other way round. I have met lots of people like yourself who have fights, trouble and disputes with neighbours etc everywhere they go. I also find these people also had the same trouble wherever they stay. You have to ask your self is it them or me ?

I think if you look really hard you may find it is your attitude that causes the problems.

In all the time I have spent here I have never even thought about having to defend myself and have travelled all over Thailand.


If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too:

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated don't give way to hating,

And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream — and not make dreams your master;

If you can think — and not make thoughts your aim,

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same:.

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings,

And never breathe a word about your loss:

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings — nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much:

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

And which is more; you'll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

H20 Dunc said it for me too. I have never, in 7 years in Thailand, found myself in a situation in where I felt the need to defend myself.

Same here i have never felt threatened here.

I curl up in a fetal position and suck my thumb



(when I read inane and thinly disguised posts)



Well whatever. I don't think I need to see a shrink.

But I am 50 years younger then you guys so I generally go to places for young people. I rarely go to golf or chess clubs. And I stay in the big city 100% of the time. Not in the middle of nowhere, on your girlfriends farm with 2 chickens. So of course I have more interaction with people and more chance to get into an argument. I also drive a car and I drive for maximum fuel economy. And that just annoys most people that wanted just want to go home as fast as possible regardless of safety and regardless of fuel economy/brake pads. There is no passion in driving here. Isn't it dumb that they offer sports car (mazda miata for example) only with an automatic here. What is the point of buying that car or a BMW that is meant to be used for driving if it only comes with an automatic? People are so superficial and bland and it annoys me because it also directly affects my life.

But anyway. I rather be honest to myself and just be a straight up guy with a strong opinion and just says what is on his mind. Even though I know most people are easily offended and just can not be reasoned with. Then to through life being phony and only think happy butterflies and flowers stuff like you always so people do in bars. Thats fake behaviour is just my style.


Just goes to show - when you live in a dream world where you imagine other people's age, pass times, life style, where they live and who they live with it becomes really easy to make those people what YOU want them to be.

But it won't last, once your frontal lobes develop you'll feel better.

Well whatever. I don't think I need to see a shrink.

But I am 50 years younger then you guys so I generally go to places for young people. I rarely go to golf or chess clubs. And I stay in the big city 100% of the time. Not in the middle of nowhere, on your girlfriends farm with 2 chickens. So of course I have more interaction with people and more chance to get into an argument. I also drive a car and I drive for maximum fuel economy. And that just annoys most people that wanted just want to go home as fast as possible regardless of safety and regardless of fuel economy/brake pads. There is no passion in driving here. Isn't it dumb that they offer sports car (mazda miata for example) only with an automatic here. What is the point of buying that car or a BMW that is meant to be used for driving if it only comes with an automatic? People are so superficial and bland and it annoys me because it also directly affects my life.

But anyway. I rather be honest to myself and just be a straight up guy with a strong opinion and just says what is on his mind. Even though I know most people are easily offended and just can not be reasoned with. Then to through life being phony and only think happy butterflies and flowers stuff like you always so people do in bars. Thats fake behaviour is just my style.

Well if you are 50 years younger than me you havent been born yet, still never mind.

Like you I also live in Bkk, dont visit chess clubs but do visit golf clubs, along with mainly Thai clubs.

I also interact with locals and have never had an altercation with any local in over 4 years of living here.

You are not a frustrated English teacher are you?

The reason I ask is sounds as if your budget is forcing you to mix with those at the bottom of Thai society, why not get rid of your pent up frustration by channeling your aggression into getting some qualifications that will allow you to move a bit higher up the pecking order.


the short answer is- the law of attraction plays a part in what you may be going through

i sometimes think everyone is shit- then see that in actual fact most people are not so bad, and could be " good" if they wanted, were allowed,etc

always try and be aware, respectful,polite,open minded,

I also always recommend carrying a protection device

there are so many variables to you question about walking away

I find that very hard to do.I have never done some things here some do to make life easy, eg pay "speeding fines"

Basically man has the potential to be so much more than the higher ape is simply is now, so good,so progressive,enlightened .Unfortuatly issues like ego, money,religion,etc, etc have blinded us.

We have the power to solve all the worlds problems(including my piles maybe).

And deal in far better way than the ones that life will naturally throw our way .To feed, educate, have good policy's,smart laws, medical treatment.

The humankind is incapable of understanding itself.

I try to keep positive, one has to, but I feel we are about to enter a dark period


the short answer is- the law of attraction plays a part in what you may be going through

i sometimes think everyone is shit- then see that in actual fact most people are not so bad, and could be " good" if they wanted, were allowed,etc

always try and be aware, respectful,polite,open minded,

I also always recommend carrying a protection device

there are so many variables to you question about walking away

I find that very hard to do.I have never done some things here some do to make life easy, eg pay "speeding fines"

Basically man has the potential to be so much more than the higher ape is simply is now, so good,so progressive,enlightened .Unfortuatly issues like ego, money,religion,etc, etc have blinded us.

We have the power to solve all the worlds problems(including my piles maybe).

And deal in far better way than the ones that life will naturally throw our way .To feed, educate, have good policy's,smart laws, medical treatment.

The humankind is incapable of understanding itself.

I try to keep positive, one has to, but I feel we are about to enter a dark period

Well whatever. I don't think I need to see a shrink.

But I am 50 years younger then you guys so I generally go to places for young people. I rarely go to golf or chess clubs. And I stay in the big city 100% of the time. Not in the middle of nowhere, on your girlfriends farm with 2 chickens. So of course I have more interaction with people and more chance to get into an argument. I also drive a car and I drive for maximum fuel economy. And that just annoys most people that wanted just want to go home as fast as possible regardless of safety and regardless of fuel economy/brake pads. There is no passion in driving here. Isn't it dumb that they offer sports car (mazda miata for example) only with an automatic here. What is the point of buying that car or a BMW that is meant to be used for driving if it only comes with an automatic? People are so superficial and bland and it annoys me because it also directly affects my life.

But anyway. I rather be honest to myself and just be a straight up guy with a strong opinion and just says what is on his mind. Even though I know most people are easily offended and just can not be reasoned with. Then to through life being phony and only think happy butterflies and flowers stuff like you always so people do in bars. Thats fake behaviour is just my style.

What are you on and can i have some please???

is it expensive ???

Only problem is i've got to work tomorrow............


the short answer is- the law of attraction plays a part in what you may be going through

i sometimes think everyone is shit- then see that in actual fact most people are not so bad, and could be " good" if they wanted, were allowed,etc

always try and be aware, respectful,polite,open minded,

I also always recommend carrying a protection device

there are so many variables to you question about walking away

I find that very hard to do.I have never done some things here some do to make life easy, eg pay "speeding fines"

Basically man has the potential to be so much more than the higher ape is simply is now, so good,so progressive,enlightened .Unfortuatly issues like ego, money,religion,etc, etc have blinded us.

We have the power to solve all the worlds problems(including my piles maybe).

And deal in far better way than the ones that life will naturally throw our way .To feed, educate, have good policy's,smart laws, medical treatment.

The humankind is incapable of understanding itself.

I try to keep positive, one has to, but I feel we are about to enter a dark period

Are you lot replicating or is just inbred ??



The OP seems a little obsessed with defending hiself in this posts today which was still within ThaiVisa posting rules as long as no single ethnic/racial/gender/etc group was flamed. However, this post was aimed at "defense" in general, and as such, is no longer Thai-related (and has taken potshots at others "50 years older" with girlfriends and chickens). And as such,


I curl up in a fetal position and suck my thumb








(when I read inane and thinly disguised posts)

right .... this thread has already been closed once today

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