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Phuket Throat Slasher Suspect Arrested


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Phuket throat slasher suspect arrested


CONFESSION: Watcharin Srinin, 22, now in police custody in Phuket.

PHUKET: -- A young man arrested in Phuket for the murder of Pirasak Pongchoo has confessed to slashing the man’s throat after enduring a month of sexual abuse.

The badly decomposing body of the 43-year-old was found at his rented room on Wichit Songkram Road, Soi 1 on Monday. For the initial report click here.

Surat Thani Police arrested Watcharin Srinin, 22, at his uncle’s home in that province yesterday. He was transferred to Phuket and made to carry out a re-enactment of the crime this morning.

He told police he met Mr Pirasak about a year ago and moved in with him after losing his job a few months ago.

The older man forced him to have sex and verbally abused him when he refused, he claimed.

At about 10pm on the night of April 22, Mr Pirasak once again demanded sex. Mr Watcharin refused and went out to see friends to avoid further abuse, he said.

When he returned at about 3am, the deceased reportedly told him he had sex with another person and yelled at him.

The ensuing stream of verbal abuse infuriated the younger man, so he picked up a heavy wooden rod and hit Mr Pirasak on the head. The blow knocked Mr Pirasak off his mattress.

Mr Watcharin told police he slit Mr Pirasak’s throat before dragging the body to the bathroom door and covering it with a blanket.

He then fled with his victim’s wallet, using the money to pay for his trip to his uncle’s home.

Recovered as evidence during the arrest was a mobile phone registered to the deceased, police said at a re-enactment of the crime this morning.

Mr Watcharin will be charged with premeditated murder, police said.


-- Phuket Gazette 2010-04-30


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So was the older man killed because this 22 year old was jealous that his friend had had sex with someone else?

I'm not sure that I like the way this article is written.

Firstly, the "victim" of abuse is 22 years old and not a child. He was voluntarily in a friendship with this gay older man even before they moved in together and may well have been his boyfriend. It is common for one of the partners to be an older fatherly type in a gay relationship. The article suggest he was some type of slave in bondage. Very unlikely. Perhaps if he had been Burmese I might believe so.

By the sound of it he also could have lived with his uncle (and probably others). The article suggests that he was homeless and wanted some benefit like a roof over his head. This may not be correct and is demeaning.

I think most of us have been bothered for sex at some time or another but we don't resort to killing. The reporter doesn't seem to get this.

This young guy seriously has some mental problem and should be treated and dealt with accordingly otherwise he'll do it again. Perhaps the reporter just fancied th killer's good looks.

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This young guy seriously has some mental problem and should be treated and dealt with accordingly

They will lock him away for a long time, it's a pity he didn't have a small amount of drugs on him as I'm sure he would have got more time for the drugs than the murder.

Remember here the second most heinous crime you can commit it to posses a small bag of drugs, the worst one isn't murder, that's further down the list.

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