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Bangkok: Red-Shirts Slam Chulalongkorn Hospital For Evacuating Patients

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from the washingtonpost

In the current round of protests, Thaksin has secretly seeded the Red Shirts in Bangkok with former military personnel, said Viengrat Nethipo, a supporter of the Red Shirts who is an assistant professor of political science at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. A number of government officials and independent observers share her view.

Thai police and army forces have seized caches of rocket-launched grenades from the Red Shirts. During the army's failed attempt on April 10 to move the protesters out, several fighters in black uniforms sprang into action on the Red Shirt side, according to videotape evidence.

Autopsies after the shootout showed that high-velocity bullets, many of them fired with precision to the head, neck and chest, had killed and wounded several members of the army, including the most senior officer at the scene. The lethal targeting suggested a high level of military command and control among the protesters.

Leaders of the Red Shirts say they do not know who the black-shirted fighters are or where they came from. Government leaders say that is absurd.

Kraisak Choonhavan, a member of parliament and a deputy leader in the government, said Thaksin's policies benefited rural people. But now, he said, "he employs killer-hunters who come from the military."

Although the stalemate continues in the streets of Bangkok, both Kraisak and Jaran said negotiations between the Red Shirts and the government are quietly underway.

Pretty Damning article from the Washington Post --- gotta link ----?

Google---> Washington Post, Thailand

Look for article dated April 30.

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It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

Thanks for the joke! You have a great sense of humor! :-)

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

You are so red already, so it is no idea to give you a red card!

I hope Jatupon takes on Seh Daeng single handed, reds fighting reds at Lumpini Park, that would be fun.

As enjoyable as that would be to watch, it's all a façade; an attempt at misdirection to move blame away from the leaders. I absolutely do not buy any of it.

I hope Jatupon takes on Seh Daeng single handed, reds fighting reds at Lumpini Park, that would be fun.

There are no issues with the reds.

Its all the Yellow propaganda nonsense.

Thaksin is dead, he is dying, he is in a coma, he was dead, he is dead, he is coming back to be "President for Life", that would be after he gets over being dead, and he is sick as well as dead, and also in a coma as well as dead.

Reds are fighting themselves, they will take it down, not they will put it up, no they will take it down, they are arguing, and are happy together and are fighting and are not and are.......

ITS ALL YELLOW NONSENSE from the Yellow propaganda machine.

Lies Lies Lies and more lies seems to be what is pumped by them.


The 'loose cannon' appears to be the only one of the red shirt leaders who has had, and continues with his own personal agenda throughout. While the others are making demands, posturing for the press, followers, and anyone who will listen, this man appears intent on starting a shooting war for his boss. The scary part is that no one seems to be able to control him. Rabid dog comes to mind, in its final stages, but sadly the ultimate result may need some assistance. It is like the old buzzard said, "The hel_l with waiting for something to die, lets go kill something".

I hope Jatupon takes on Seh Daeng single handed, reds fighting reds at Lumpini Park, that would be fun.

Well, maybe that's what the goverment has in mind. Let them self-destruct by themselves. Dogs eat dogs. They will run out of supplies and money eventually, and they must be so frustrated already that "nothing is being done for their cause" or that they are "not heard" as they wished.

When my kids scream and cry to get my attention because they want a candy or ice cream, I let them cry and scream until they run out of tears. Soon they discover that it's not the correct way of asking something they want and eventually they can talk with me and ask/negotiate what they want, then we can agree on something. Crying babies get nothing.

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

You are so red already, so it is no idea to give you a red card!

two yellow cards in short order.

To say nobody suffered is a dam_n lie.

We can see the pictures. Read their own words.

Par for the course comment from this poster.

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

You are so red already, so it is no idea to give you a red card!

Sis-in-law ended up giving birth in the car early Thusday morning owing to a last minute change of hospitals from Chula to Mahidol - the barriers complicated access apparently. If she was still went to Chula the raid would of occurred right during the visiting hours when we were there.

Nobody suffered, my arse.

I hope Jatupon takes on Seh Daeng single handed, reds fighting reds at Lumpini Park, that would be fun.

Well, maybe that's what the goverment has in mind. Let them self-destruct by themselves. Dogs eat dogs. They will run out of supplies and money eventually, and they must be so frustrated already that "nothing is being done for their cause" or that they are "not heard" as they wished.

When my kids scream and cry to get my attention because they want a candy or ice cream, I let them cry and scream until they run out of tears. Soon they discover that it's not the correct way of asking something they want and eventually they can talk with me and ask/negotiate what they want, then we can agree on something. Crying babies get nothing.

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

Where you live dude?

Let me and my ten other friends look for soldiers inside your house too.

You wouldn't mind... right?

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

Thanks for the joke! You have a great sense of humor! :-)

Too bad he isn't joking and has such a pathetic understanding of the whole situation. He won't answer the question - what on earth were they going to do if they did find soldiers there? Since when does a protest, no matter how legit it is or isn't, give anyone the right to just do whatever they want regardless of the law? set up road blocks or storm a hospital it's just idiotic and they all deserve to spend a long time in prison to think about how selfish and sorry no other word - RETARDED they are. throw away the key on Jatuporn eh he just runs his stupid moputh way too much and nothing but crap coming out.

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

So, their spears that they had in the photos were photoshopped in?

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

Propaganda to you just might be truth to others.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

Look at the photos on ThaiVisa.com - they did have weapons.

They hurt nobody.

I'm sure that neither of the construction workers they kidnapped and brought to the back of the stage were not hurt (ref: ThaiVisa.com).

They beat nobody.

Where is your proof that they beat nobody? (Not as much fun when someone else does it to you, is it.)

They killed nobody.

That remains to be seen. Entering a germ-free post-op room can have the most deadly effect on recent post-op patients; the death would not necessarily occur for days. And it has been reported on ThaiVisa.com that the A1HN1 (sp?) virus had infected some red shirts.

Nobody died.

Same as above: That remains to be seen. Entering a germ-free post-op room can have the most deadly effect on recent post-op patients; the death would not necessarily occur for days. And it has been reported on ThaiVisa.com that the A1HN1 (sp?) virus had infected some red shirts.

Nobody suffered.

Indeed, many people suffered. From the families of the patients who were called upon to move their own family members in the evacuation because there weren't enough ambulances, to the aged ill and pre- and post-op patients who suddenly were uprooted away from the staff and caregivers they had learned to trust, to the nurses who had to treat patients lying on mattresses on the floor, to those whose surgery was postponed for many more than a few days, to the members of the public who felt devastated and betrayed....yes, many people suffered. Not to mention the staff and administrators who knew that the last time a group of red shirts went into a hospital, they illegally stole two bodies and then paraded them around. Oh yes, many people suffered indeed. You must have not read the many, many articles in the local and international press, or read any of the posts on ThaiVisa.com to make such an outlandish statement.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

So, being one of the two kidnap victims is a minor inconvenience? I hope that neither you nor anyone you might love should ever become a victim of such a minor inconvenience. It was certainly not a minor inconvenience to the patients, their families, the staff...even the red shirts who dismantled a barricade, put it back up again, and took it down again.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

No. What is disgusting is people like you who tell lies, and hope that by telling big enough lies for long enough, that people will believe you. Perhaps you already believe your lies yourself. You are great for giving "suggestions" - perhaps you will see that many if not all of your "suggestions" are all too reminiscent of very bad fiction writers.

And now, because you distress me, you will become a victim of yet another ignore button. But don't worry, there are plenty more posters who will show you up for what you really are.

I hope Jatupon takes on Seh Daeng single handed, reds fighting reds at Lumpini Park, that would be fun.

Could be a strong possibility of that happening .There certainly seems to be a divide amongst the Red Shirt Brigade leadership one can see the mad Major General on stage countermanding the orders of brothers number 1 - 4.

The bonus is that it is very likely to develop into a divide and rule scenario thus leading to the dispersal of the sheeple who have been led like lambs to the slaughter by a bunch of illiterate unprincipled self serving thugs who are the biggest enemy to democracy contrary to their skewed comments.

No loss of life would indeed be a wonderful outcome, however I feel that the hard core remnants would indeed try to do as much damage as possible prior to fleeing from the scene.Arson attacks indiscriminate slaughter of innocents looting etc.

Such actions although reprehensible would certainly enlighten people as to the true colours of the people and the political party involved and cause a hardening of attitudes against the aforementioned people and party thus ensuring a crushing defeat for them.

Hopefully the ringleaders will be brought to justice . The mad Major General is probably facing a firing squad as did a previous coup leader with the rank of General did some years ago, you play for major (general) stakes you lose major (general) stakes.

The rest of the social misfits, possibly a death penalty however I am of the opinion that long prison terms will be the order of the day if they are captured.

In years gone by of course people fell out of helicopters rough justice took over or they fled to places like Denmark.

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

You are so red already, so it is no idea to give you a red card!

Sis-in-law ended up giving birth in the car early Thusday morning owing to a last minute change of hospitals from Chula to Mahidol - the barriers complicated access apparently. If she was still went to Chula the raid would of occurred right during the visiting hours when we were there.

Nobody suffered, my arse.

I have never given birth so I can only imagine a woman expecting a ceasarian,

because she's so small, doing it natural without meds in a car,

stuck in 90 degree Bangkok heat defines suffering.

Hope all is well.

Gen Khattiya, now temporarily suspended from duty following his attacks on the army chief,

Temporarily suspended? What a complete and utter joke. Is he still pulling a salary i wonder? What is it that makes sacking a person from the army or the police such an impossibility?

He is a high-ranking member of the military, he couldn't just be sacked on a suspicion. (The attack on Anupong's residence). He COULD be sacked for his public statements and participation with the Reds. Anupong has suggested that Sae Daeng is the Army's problem to deal with.

I am suspecting a court-martial and summary execution at some point.

Wouldn't surprise that there is a wall and a last cigarette waiting for him.

His back is against a different wall now ,and that makes him even more of

the loose cannon he has been.

Don't think the goverment are in the business of making martyrs of anyone, Abhisit isn't stupid, But perhaps he'll get caught in the crossfire somehow one day soon?.

I hope Jatupon takes on Seh Daeng single handed, reds fighting reds at Lumpini Park, that would be fun.

Could be a strong possibility of that happening .There certainly seems to be a divide amongst the Red Shirt Brigade leadership one can see the mad Major General on stage countermanding the orders of brothers number 1 - 4.

The bonus is that it is very likely to develop into a divide and rule scenario for the government, thus leading to the dispersal of the sheeple who have been led like lambs to the slaughter by a bunch of illiterate unprincipled thugs.

No loss of life would indeed be a wonderful outcome, however I feel that the hard core remnants would indeed try to do as much damage as possible prior to fleeing from the scene.

Such an action although reprehensible would enlighten people as to the true colours of the people and the political party involved and cause a hardening of attitudes against the aforementioned people and party thus ensuring a crushing defeat for them.

Hopefully the ringleaders will be brought to justice . The mad Major General is probably facing a firing squad as did a previous coup leader with the rank of General did some years ago, you play for major (general) stakes you lose major (general) stakes.

The rest of the social misfits, possibly a death penalty however I am of the opinion that long prison terms will be the order of the day if they are captured.

In years gone by of course people fell out of helicopters rough justice took over or they fled to places like Denmark. ohan:

"Brothers number 1 to 4"............you reckon their heading down Pol Pot's route eh?


Sis-in-law ended up giving birth in the car early Thusday morning owing to a last minute change of hospitals from Chula to Mahidol - the barriers complicated access apparently. If she was still went to Chula the raid would of occurred right during the visiting hours when we were there.

Nobody suffered, my arse.

I have never given birth so I can only imagine a woman expecting a ceasarian,

because she's so small, doing it natural without meds in a car,

stuck in 90 degree Bangkok heat defines suffering.

Hope all is well.

A bit more bruising than normal so they're keeping the baby under observation a few more days, but other than that all appears to be okay for now. I understand they got to the hospital while she was in labour so the nurses thought it would be best to finish the delivery there.

I hope Jatupon takes on Seh Daeng single handed, reds fighting reds at Lumpini Park, that would be fun.

As enjoyable as that would be to watch, it's all a façade; an attempt at misdirection to move blame away from the leaders. I absolutely do not buy any of it.

My wife, who is usually right, though it is hard to imagine in this case, maintains Seh Daeng is actually working for Prem in some capacity. He likes to give the impression of being crazed (which is working BTW) but she says he's smarter than all the Reds put together and would not turn on his King and country. She says something just doesn't fit right. Part of me wishes she is right but another part wishes I could win just one argument. :)


One thing is for sure, I would not want any of my family members, to be patients, in that hospital right now. I would be very scared for them, with all the demonstrations and violence, that has occured outside. Add to that, Reds coming in before, to grab bodies (so they could display them for their propaganda purposes) and then, a few days later, invading the hospital again, with more than 100 people, to look for soldiers???? What if they found soldiers????

Evacuating the hospital, was the only sensible thing to do, at this point.

It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

can't believe this kind of posts. Really!

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