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Bangkok: Red-Shirts Slam Chulalongkorn Hospital For Evacuating Patients

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LPG tankers in Bangkok's residential areas.

Death threats to PM

Killing of yellows in CM

Attacking PAD in Udon

Attacking PAD in Bangkok

Electional fraud

Killing both reds as millitary on April 10th

Searching of vehicles across the country

Attacking hospitals and television stations

Disrupting the Asean Summit

On stage telling that the Privy Council is lower than a dog and frequents 'boy bars' in Bangkok

Vote buying

Bribing judges

RED DEMOCRACY at work! Scary.

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RedPhanFa2Day Leaders have just received information that there will be an attempt to demolish the Rama IV barricade 2morrow am. Casualties expected :D

It's already been reported that the security forces will attempt to retake the area in front of Chula hospital. To do that they need to smash the barricade. Let's hope the security forces have got a decent guard detail round those bulldozers tonight. No doubt Arisaman The Hero will be scaling down from a great height to sabotage or commandeer them.

Someone please tell me the 'watermelons' and 'tomatoes' round Silom Road have been replaced with real soldiers and police ... :)

This may as well read ---- "UDD Blames Hospital for UDD RAID on Hospital"

What are these idiots thinking? Oh yeah -- try and salvage some "face" after a staggering PR fiasco!

Sorry, IDIOTS is not the real word we should use. We're educated people, let' call them: "KILLYOUROWNMAMAINLONGBAAN." Go home and look for the right time to come back.

Shame on everybody who was involved to go there, to scare very sick patients to death. A doctor must swear to save peoples' life. Some people in this forum were explaining about the Director's decision.

This guy was right, lots of foreigners wrong, only because they hear some bull shit and they add some more. I'm really sorry to say that.

LPG tankers in Bangkok's residential areas.

Death threats to PM

Killing of yellows in CM

Attacking PAD in Udon

Attacking PAD in Bangkok

Electional fraud

Killing both reds as millitary on April 10th

Searching of vehicles across the country

Attacking hospitals and television stations

Disrupting the Asean Summit

On stage telling that the Privy Council is lower than a dog and frequents 'boy bars' in Bangkok

Vote buying

Bribing judges

RED DEMOCRACY at work! Scary.

Really quite similar to Nazis, you have to admit.

Anyways, somebody please PM me in the AM so I can remember how I got on some stage the other day dressed like an army dude before that mean guy told me to get lost.

Really need to go lay down now. Cheers beer is not that happy to be honest.

Firstly, you must look up the meaning of 'dude' in any dictionary.

Secondly, why would you (or anybody) be dressed like someone in an army, in such a situation?

I was drunk man, then some guy name jutanutt or pornawatt asked me some questions in front of all them people, I thought I won some red lottery or missed the football match, turns out they were looking for bubba gump, and I told them, life is like a box of shrimp, you never know why you went fishing in army clothes.

What, pray tell, led the poster to call everyone smug know nothing know it alls spewing nonsense, and then immediately start spewing nonsense based on fallacies? The fact is the administration did not refuse to treat anyone, rather they severely reprimanded a few doctors who personally objected to treating police that had attacked the demonstrators, and clearly stated that according to professional medical ethics they were bound to treat all people equally. The rest is about the same.

From this website: http://www.bangkokpost.com/pad_mass_protes...p?id=131246#top

PAD mass protest special coverage.

Chulalongkorn Hospital refuses to treat injured police.

(BangkokPost.com) - Doctors of eight hospitals released a statement condemning the police's dispersal of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) supporters, and called on the government to show responsibility of its action.

Chulalongkorn Hospital is the first medical institution that would not treat police officers injured from the incident.

"Today, medical team of Chulalongkorn Hospital will not give assistance to police officers injured from the clashes with PAD supporters. This is a social measure to show that doctors and nurses condemn the violent actions," Dr Suthep Koncharnwit, doctors of the hospital said.

Doctors from seven other hospitals that jointly released the statement are doctors from Thammasat University, Khon Kaen University, Chiang Mai University, Ramathibodi Hospital, Siriraj Hospital, Srinakharinwirot University and Songkhla Nakharin University.

According to Dr Suthep, the measure will be adopted only at Chulalongkorn Hospital for now.

I do believe that all hospitals were eventually forced to treat anyone.

Good call. I had researched this yesterday and the article(s) I read seemed to be later summaries. They discussed Chula's administration who made it clear that the action was on part of individual doctors and was against the hospital's practice. They also discussed reprimands or action against their doctors. It's very possible the hospital administration and doctor's were on opposite sides of the fence.

To hot now but I will look for the references I mentioned.

LPG tankers in Bangkok's residential areas.

Death threats to PM

Killing of yellows in CM

Attacking PAD in Udon

Attacking PAD in Bangkok

Electional fraud

Killing both reds as millitary on April 10th

Searching of vehicles across the country

Attacking hospitals and television stations

Disrupting the Asean Summit

On stage telling that the Privy Council is lower than a dog and frequents 'boy bars' in Bangkok

Vote buying

Bribing judges

RED DEMOCRACY at work! Scary.

Conducting the unlawful* stopping and searching of cards in Khon Khen searching for the leader of an opposition movement.

(what a joke that word is right now)

RedPhanFa2Day Leaders have just received information that there will be an attempt to demolish the Rama IV barricade 2morrow am. Casualties expected :D:)

Is that they are going to inflict casualties. None are necessary if they move their petrol soaked bamboo and tyres back to Sarasin as the hospital requests. If the authorites do try to remove the blockade of the hospital to enable the hospital to function again purely because the reds wont voluntarily free access to a hospital they wont get much blame from reasonable people

The world understands a government trying to disperse a mob of insurgents. The world does not understand an attack on a hospital, except as pure evil.

so let me get this right,,your calling all those thousands of ppl (some died and hundreds got injured) who "defended" their rally site on april 10th as insurgents????

LPG tankers in Bangkok's residential areas.

Death threats to PM

Killing of yellows in CM

Attacking PAD in Udon

Attacking PAD in Bangkok

Electional fraud

Killing both reds as millitary on April 10th

Searching of vehicles across the country

Attacking hospitals and television stations

Disrupting the Asean Summit

On stage telling that the Privy Council is lower than a dog and frequents 'boy bars' in Bangkok

Vote buying

Bribing judges

RED DEMOCRACY at work! Scary.

Really quite similar to Nazis, you have to admit.

Brake into parlament

Brake into EC

Brake Thaicom

RedPhanFa2Day Leaders have just received information that there will be an attempt to demolish the Rama IV barricade 2morrow am. Casualties expected :D

It's already been reported that the security forces will attempt to retake the area in front of Chula hospital. To do that they need to smash the barricade. Let's hope the security forces have got a decent guard detail round those bulldozers tonight. No doubt Arisaman The Hero will be scaling down from a great height to sabotage or commandeer them.

Someone please tell me the 'watermelons' and 'tomatoes' round Silom Road have been replaced with real soldiers and police ... :)

TR @satien_nna - Arisman told #redshirts: "We'll again have a chance to flex our muscles."

This guy, clearly also a member of the McFan club, talking about muscles?

That just makes them look worse.

Unable to understand the electoral system in Thailand.

Incitement to violence.

Publication of magazines that preach hate, killing, homophobia, armed revolution and attack the monarchy.

Attack on a gay pride event.

Illegal roadblocks and harassment of travellers.

Forming an armed militia.

Training a secret army.

Encouraging protestors to go to Bangkok with bottles that will be filled with petrol for Molatov cocktails.

Killing security personel.

Taking of soldiers as hostages.

Beating injured soldiers in hospital/ambulances.

Kidnapping CEO of CAT.

Kidnapping 2 policemen.

Defending hate media as freedom of speech.

Grenade attack on opposing protestors.

Intimidation of opposing protestors' leader and defending that intimidation.

Intimidation of the judiciary in red publications.

Grenade attack on politician's house.

Grenade attack on banks.

Grenade attack on aviation fuel silo.

Attempted sabotage of electricty pylon.

Creation of illegal state in Bangkok.

Ruining the economy.

Beating of Czech translator who objected to illegal search.

Threatening civil war.

Rampaging through hospital.

Kidnapping of builders.

Defending the rampaging through hospital.

How could anything make them look worse? I guess they could hold a public signing of a contract with Lucifer, but I suspect that he wouldn't want his reputation damaged by being associated with the redshirts.

For those who haven't worked it out yet, the red leadership consists of evil people who would seize power, restrict freedom of speech, suppress any oposition, conduct inquisition style purges of those who had opposed them in the past, repress minorities, enrich themselves at everyone else's expense and generally act like filth. In fact they have already done almost all those things in the past.


I totally agree with the above comment.

If I was an educated Thai, thinking of the next "election" would frighten me. To think that the majority would vote for another "RED thug" is like a bad dream not going away.

That just makes them look worse.

Unable to understand the electoral system in Thailand.

Incitement to violence.

Publication of magazines that preach hate, killing, homophobia, armed revolution and attack the monarchy.

Attack on a gay pride event.

Illegal roadblocks and harassment of travellers.

Forming an armed militia.

Training a secret army.

Encouraging protestors to go to Bangkok with bottles that will be filled with petrol for Molatov cocktails.

Killing security personel.

Taking of soldiers as hostages.

Beating injured soldiers in hospital/ambulances.

Kidnapping CEO of CAT.

Kidnapping 2 policemen.

Defending hate media as freedom of speech.

Grenade attack on opposing protestors.

Intimidation of opposing protestors' leader and defending that intimidation.

Intimidation of the judiciary in red publications.

Grenade attack on politician's house.

Grenade attack on banks.

Grenade attack on aviation fuel silo.

Attempted sabotage of electricty pylon.

Creation of illegal state in Bangkok.

Ruining the economy.

Beating of Czech translator who objected to illegal search.

Threatening civil war.

Rampaging through hospital.

Kidnapping of builders.

Defending the rampaging through hospital.

How could anything make them look worse? I guess they could hold a public signing of a contract with Lucifer, but I suspect that he wouldn't want his reputation damaged by being associated with the redshirts.

For those who haven't worked it out yet, the red leadership consists of evil people who would seize power, restrict freedom of speech, suppress any oposition, conduct inquisition style purges of those who had opposed them in the past, repress minorities, enrich themselves at everyone else's expense and generally act like filth. In fact they have already done almost all those things in the past.

You think they are above signing a contract with Lucifer, several times during these protests they have performed various black magic rituals, for example on March 12 this report was published about the activities of protesters leaving Nonthaburi to join the protests.

"The pro-Thaksin protest began with a black magic ritual, including burning chili and salt, and prayers for success at the provincial city's shrine."

or when the donated blood to curse the government:

"A purported Brahmin priest in ceremonial robes performed an unorthodox black magic ritual on behalf of the red shirts."

They do a fine job of making themselves look pretty bad if people are paying attention. Their quest for "democracy" is infused with a lot of superstition, hocus pocus and religious symbols including a statue of King Taksin that the red leaders keep close at hand.

The world understands a government trying to disperse a mob of insurgents. The world does not understand an attack on a hospital, except as pure evil.

so let me get this right,,your calling all those thousands of ppl (some died and hundreds got injured) who "defended" their rally site on april 10th as insurgents????

In answer to your question; yes, I would.

And please explain your word 'defended'. Are you announcing that the Reds injured or killed people in their 'defense'? Or was it someone else who did this?

RedPhanFa2Day Leaders have just received information that there will be an attempt to demolish the Rama IV barricade 2morrow am. Casualties expected :D

It's already been reported that the security forces will attempt to retake the area in front of Chula hospital. To do that they need to smash the barricade. Let's hope the security forces have got a decent guard detail round those bulldozers tonight. No doubt Arisaman The Hero will be scaling down from a great height to sabotage or commandeer them.

Someone please tell me the 'watermelons' and 'tomatoes' round Silom Road have been replaced with real soldiers and police ... :)

TR @satien_nna - Arisman told #redshirts: "We'll again have a chance to flex our muscles."

This guy, clearly also a member of the McFan club, talking about muscles?

If push comes to shove, he probably could add the required kilos in fat - got to be worth the weight of three or four of the skinny soldiers they got down there.


It is disgusting and disgraceful that this hospital incident has been used as propaganda by Team Yellow, and patients have been moved for no reason other than for photo's by the craving Yellow media channels.

The Reds did not take weapons in.

They hurt nobody.

They beat nobody.

They killed nobody.

Nobody died.

Nobody suffered.

It was just a minor inconvenience for a short period of time.

What is disgusting is the Yellow media making all this patient moving happen just so they can take photo's for the propaganda.

You are so red already, so it is no idea to give you a red card!

He claims that the center of the earth is red jam. It is his right, we have to accept it, but it is our right to ignore him.

I think its a great reply, I only wish this sort of stuff could have a wider audience, you would think red shirts would have enough sense to keep their mouths shut, after doing what they did, just stick with an apology, but no they are waaayyy to stupid for that. Thank you Jatuporn, thank you levelhead. :)

The world understands a government trying to disperse a mob of insurgents. The world does not understand an attack on a hospital, except as pure evil.

so let me get this right,,your calling all those thousands of ppl (some died and hundreds got injured) who "defended" their rally site on april 10th as insurgents????

In answer to your question; yes, I would.

And please explain your word 'defended'. Are you announcing that the Reds injured or killed people in their 'defense'? Or was it someone else who did this?

i think you understood the question well enuf!!!


You think they are above signing a contract with Lucifer, several times during these protests they have performed various black magic rituals, for example on March 12 this report was published about the activities of protesters leaving Nonthaburi to join the protests.

"The pro-Thaksin protest began with a black magic ritual, including burning chili and salt, and prayers for success at the provincial city's shrine."

or when the donated blood to curse the government:

"A purported Brahmin priest in ceremonial robes performed an unorthodox black magic ritual on behalf of the red shirts."

They do a fine job of making themselves look pretty bad if people were paying attention.

Not like those sophisticated Bangkok progressives who, only two or three years ago, burnt sanitary napkins at Victory Monument to attest to their affirmation of the scientific method.

But WAIT...

WHOA- did I just read you right- a 'contract with Lucifer'- ????

The world understands a government trying to disperse a mob of insurgents. The world does not understand an attack on a hospital, except as pure evil.

so let me get this right,,your calling all those thousands of ppl (some died and hundreds got injured) who "defended" their rally site on april 10th as insurgents????

In answer to your question; yes, I would.

And please explain your word 'defended'. Are you announcing that the Reds injured or killed people in their 'defense'? Or was it someone else who did this?

i think you understood the question well enuf!!!

In that case, I understand that the 'Reds' are responsible for ALL of this madness...murders & injuries included.

Late Edit: As far as the hospital is concerned, they were very, very, very insensitive to the needs of their 'fellow man'.


You think they are above signing a contract with Lucifer, several times during these protests they have performed various black magic rituals, for example on March 12 this report was published about the activities of protesters leaving Nonthaburi to join the protests.

"The pro-Thaksin protest began with a black magic ritual, including burning chili and salt, and prayers for success at the provincial city's shrine."

or when the donated blood to curse the government:

"A purported Brahmin priest in ceremonial robes performed an unorthodox black magic ritual on behalf of the red shirts."

They do a fine job of making themselves look pretty bad if people were paying attention.

Not like those sophisticated Bangkok progressives who, only two or three years ago, burnt sanitary napkins at Victory Monument to attest to their affirmation of the scientific method.

But WAIT...

WHOA- did I just read you right- a 'contract with Lucifer'- ????

Yes in response to a previous post that used that phrase, which you did not include in your post. Another person said "How could anything make them look worse? I guess they could hold a public signing of a contract with Lucifer". I'm simply stating that they have been reported to have used black magic. So if they If a group is invoking Black Magic, what exactly are their intentions, and with whom? In western culture black magic is usually linked with lucifer, but I'd be happy to hear an explanation from a Thai perspective on which deity or force they hope to exploit.

The world understands a government trying to disperse a mob of insurgents. The world does not understand an attack on a hospital, except as pure evil.

so let me get this right,,your calling all those thousands of ppl (some died and hundreds got injured) who "defended" their rally site on april 10th as insurgents????

In answer to your question; yes, I would.

And please explain your word 'defended'. Are you announcing that the Reds injured or killed people in their 'defense'? Or was it someone else who did this?

i think you understood the question well enuf!!!

Hmmm their leaders call for a New Thai State and call for violence openly, they had armed terrorists amongst them, they attacked 1st Reg and Thaicom using weapons, they denied a lawful order and were armed, ----

Some are insurgents --- Some are terrorists ---- Some are traitors

Clear enough?

edit ---

BTW -- THIS thread is about those same terrorists, insurgents and traitors raiding a public hospital!


so let me get this right,,your calling all those thousands of ppl (some died and hundreds got injured) who "defended" their rally site on april 10th as insurgents????

In answer to your question; yes, I would.

And please explain your word 'defended'. Are you announcing that the Reds injured or killed people in their 'defense'? Or was it someone else who did this?

i think you understood the question well enuf!!!

Hmmm their leaders call for a New Thai State and call for violence openly, they had armed terrorists amongst them, they attacked 1st Reg and Thaicom using weapons, they denied a lawful order and were armed, ----

Some are insurgents --- Some are terrorists ---- Some are traitors

Clear enough?

edit ---

BTW -- THIS thread is about those same terrorists, insurgents and traitors raiding a public hospital!

yeh whatever,,what ever they feed you!,,,shout it out enough,,more ppl might hear you,,and maybe start to agree with you!!


yawn.. dont burst a blood vessel, they will in all likelihood be the next elected government. Its that or permanent junta rule.

however if snipers picking off the tops of their heads will help... who knows... seems daft though.

compromise, and get them to say.. we the yellows promise not to have a junta coup for at least x years, so help us...

These things will happen when criminals and thugs are a large part of the reds.

Sorry, but I guess that you're wrong. Must be almost the same percentage. Red, Yellow, Black, Pink, Blue, Violet, Sun Flower..... Some will never know what it was all about. Chock Dee, na khrap................

yeh whatever,,what ever they feed you!,,,shout it out enough,,more ppl might hear you,,and maybe start to agree with you!!

Dear Gymboy33,

I hope that you one day master the 'quote' button when replying to posts.

In the meantime, you have just admitted defeat in your argument by attemting to use 'community tactics'.

There are some of us who enjoy a good debate here on TV but one should at least be able to uphold a weak debate before one shoots off their mouth.


Nurses don't.

Nurses don't what?

Have "the option to completely ignore any comments they didn't agree with.", particularity ones regarding the raiding of their hospital.

I don't envy your task right now.


Nurses don't.

Nurses don't what?

Have "the option to completely ignore any comments they didn't agree with.", particularity ones regarding the raiding of their hospital.

I don't envy your task right now.

What task would that be sir?

I'm asking because I am tired of all those The Italiann, LevelHeaded and RusselHantz types who obviously had other usernames before all this started.

Please explain how it is obvious those users had other usernames before "all this started".

Maybe not all of them, but look at the overly aggressive/propagandist/trollish posts about the political situation and you will see that most of these.. - ahem - posters... have signed up just a few weeks ago and look where their postcount is now... ?

I guess many of them also got bans from mods, but just decided to carry on with another account.

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