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Text Messages To Thailand From My Computer In Uk

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FreeCall.com wich is a client you download to your computer is also great. They charge 0,03 €uro pr. sms, and you can top up using all kinds of various payment methods. Its cheap, reliable and you got a full SMS history logged in the program. Also supports long SMS's. Calling from this is also cheap and from the UK to Thailand Mobile they charge 0,01 €uro pr. minute. So with 10 €uro you are able to call more than 16 hours. On days like sunday however the line can sometimes be problematic, but just call a few times until you get a good line. Also you get plenty of Free-minutes when buying, this means its completely free to use to certaing destinations. Skype and many others are very expensive compared to this.

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  • 3 months later...

Telemessage offers reliable and robust service with connectivity to AIS/One-2-Call and DTAC. They have multiple front-end plug-ins (i use the Outlook plug-in so generate emails which get sent as SMSes. The price per SMS to Thailand is $0.13 (13 U.S. cents).

One-2-Call does have an interesting feature, e-Service where you can send SMSes from the Web. You enter your phone number (top, right corner of linked web site), receive a PIN, enter on the web site then can send SMSes, for 1 baht each, I think. I am not sure the PIN is delivered (as an SMS) outside of Thailand; I've never tried.

Edited by lomatopo
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you recieve email, open them, click the link, you get free credits to send sms.

works fine, all likes a fine, i have been using it for years.

SMSPUP is within AU, net2mobile allows OS SMS (from AU, not sure about other countries)

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Telemessage offers reliable and robust service with connectivity to AIS/One-2-Call and DTAC. They have multiple front-end plug-ins (i use the Outlook plug-in so generate emails which get sent as SMSes. The price per SMS to Thailand is $0.13 (13 U.S. cents).

One-2-Call does have an interesting feature, e-Service where you can send SMSes from the Web. You enter your phone number (top, right corner of linked web site), receive a PIN, enter on the web site then can send SMSes, for 1 baht each, I think. I am not sure the PIN is delivered (as an SMS) outside of Thailand; I've never tried.

Of course it will if you have Roaming enabled.

DTAC has a similar service, but they allow 50 per month free to other DTAC numbers.

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