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Thaksin's Latest Interview: It Is Possible To Come Back This Year

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could be the reason the US intelligence can't find him??

Are you serious? Why would US intelligence be looking for Thaksin?

it's a by-product from routine screening. Warnings about sabotage came from the USA and Australia intel.

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could be the reason the US intelligence can't find him??

Are you serious? Why would US intelligence be looking for Thaksin?

it's a by-product from routine screening. Warnings about sabotage came from the USA and Australia intel.

The biggest sabotagers themselves :) !! 5555

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If the international community (and therefor also the US) wanted to arrest Thaksin, they would have done so a long time ago. Meanwhile he's been in the UK, Russia, Germany, UAE, Saudi Arabia, among other countries. All of them have extradition treaties with Thailand but none of them have any interest of joining Thailand's politically-motivated "Banana Circus".

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Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???

How did you come up with the theory that most Thais will vote Red

over 60 million people i Thailand

Reds could not get 1 million to turn up at the demonstration like they wanted

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hmm, wonder how he comes back. Served on a silver tray with a red tomato in his mouth?

Black and white stripes .. complete with handcuffs and legcuffs?

Its fair to say your statements are nonsense. If and when Thaksin comes back, there will be so many red shirts at the airport to welcome him that there won't be anyone with a handcuff anywhere near Suvarnabhumi. That's just realistic thinking.

Supporting a felon on the run

Class act

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Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???

who said "most" Thais will vote Red....That is pure speculation and should read "most Isaan people" will vote red because they will be paid to...

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I think there is a real chance that this may actually happen as I have said all along. If the Government does not act very soon and decisively and not just by dispersing the reds, but by also arresting the leaders.

Right now, all that happens is words but nothing else like yesterday despite a statement that action would take place if ...... etc... the reds did quickly comply to 30% but that was all that was needed to stop any government action.

Announcement of action if the opposition does not comply fully - opposition does not comply fully - no action = showing your enemy weakness

Thaksin is now making noises of returning which will assure his supporters / the reds that they are succeeding - real action by the government is required urgently -

Edited by Herm
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Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???

who said "most" Thais will vote Red....That is pure speculation and should read "most Isaan people" will vote red because they will be paid to...

They want a quick dissolution of parliament and a caretaker government controlled by the reds during which Thaksin will be pardoned and return to be the Leader -

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Didn't realize Thaksin was Muslim.

I didn't realise that you could say something so antagonistic.

Sorry but I agree with Jingthing

I think that picture is from Thaksin last return where he kissed the soil after he stepped out of the airplane.

And no Thaksin isn't the pope.


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The latest latest :) - hence the last sentence - no happy endings


-- The Nation

With red shirts on back foot, Thaksin re-emerges

By The Nation

Published on May 3, 2010

Former premier claims he's not behind the turmoil in Bangkok and maintains he is very loyal to His Majesty in an exclusive telephone interview with Nation Group reporter Naya Jaikawang

Thaksin claimed he was not behind the recent bloody turmoil, but he said he was monitoring developments in Thailand closely. He distanced himself from "men in black" blamed for the murder of troops on April 10, saying "If they want to accuse me about this, it will never end."

For one thing, the hospital incident seemed to give him discomfort. When Naya asked him about it, he said he did not know details and suddenly hung up.


Excerpt from the WashingtonPost:

In the current round of protests, Thaksin has secretly seeded the Red Shirts in Bangkok with former military personnel, said Viengrat Nethipo, a supporter of the Red Shirts who is an assistant professor of political science at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. A number of government officials and independent observers share her view.

Thai police and army forces have seized caches of rocket-launched grenades from the Red Shirts. During the army's failed attempt on April 10 to move the protesters out, several fighters in black uniforms sprang into action on the Red Shirt side, according to videotape evidence.

Even his own red supports acknowledge he is responsible for the men in black, who were responsible for the deaths. Who continues to have blood on his hands? I don't think it's Abhisit.

(17.42) Seh Daeng: Thaksin phoned me and told me to allow access to #Chula hospital (Rajdamri). - via NNA # fb

It does seem rather obvious who is pulling the strings for the Chula incident. Even his right hand man pretty much acknowledges that as well.

Even after a few years to reflect upon on past misdeeds, Thaksin still cannot come to grips with himself. Still a liar with blood stained hands.

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If and when Thaksin comes back, there will be so many red shirts at the airport to welcome him that there won't be anyone with a handcuff anywhere near Suvarnabhumi. That's just realistic thinking.

Actually not very realistic. The plane would more likely be shifted to an undisclosed airport, and even if he did come back, how long d'you reckon it'd be before he's taken out?

Edited by jackr
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I'm sure the majority of Thais would welcome Mr Thaksin's return to Thailand............in a pine box.

I know I would!

I don't think they use pine boxes here.

An urn would be much more appropriate.

There won't be throngs of red shirt supporters at the airport to greet him, because there would also be throngs of anti Thaksin demonstrators there to counter them. The confrontation would quickly turn violent, and the authorities would be forced to disband both sides and bring the fugitive into an undisclosed location for his own safety.

The red apologists here often forget that while some may support him, millions also loathe the fact that he is allowed to breathe the same air as them.

If he does return to Thailand, he won't be long for this world.

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This statement should please the Thai government. They've been asking for him to come back for quite some time now.

Maybe they'll get their wish granted just in time for Christmas :)

dressed as santa claus, with a sack full of money, for he poor thai volk.

Coming back,maybe in a coffin,eh?

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This statement should please the Thai government. They've been asking for him to come back for quite some time now.

Maybe they'll get their wish granted just in time for Christmas :)

dressed as santa claus, with a sack full of money, for he poor thai volk.

Coming back,maybe in a coffin,eh?

I think this vehicle would make a suitable limousine for The Great Leader's return to Thailand.

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If and when Thaksin comes back, there will be so many red shirts at the airport to welcome him that there won't be anyone with a handcuff anywhere near Suvarnabhumi. That's just realistic thinking.

Actually not very realistic. The plane would more likely be shifted to an undisclosed airport, and even if he did come back, how long d'you reckon it'd be before he's taken out?


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Here he goes again, it's a wonder foreign media still take this man seriously...

The Emerging Markets reporter forgot to ask this Montenegran if he would be coming back to face his jail term, because I can't see how a fallen government can suddenly render an exiled fugitive free of guilt.

Oh, hang on, I forgot, this is Thailand where you can just pay 1 million poor people to stage an insurrection, so that the army loses discipline among its ranks the police melt away, then you can fly your private jet into Chiang Mai airport, get waltzed off to your private house with a police escort for safety (free visa on arrival for visitors at present including Montenegrans), surround yourself with your 1 million red shirts, lest an unfaithful police officer tries to serve the arrest warrant, and you thumb two fingers at the established justice system (which is a joke by the way).

We've yet to see the final audacious red shirt act...

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If the international community (and therefor also the US) wanted to arrest Thaksin, they would have done so a long time ago. Meanwhile he's been in the UK, Russia, Germany, UAE, Saudi Arabia, among other countries. All of them have extradition treaties with Thailand but none of them have any interest of joining Thailand's politically-motivated "Banana Circus".

Sure they do. He has been banned from major countries, I believe he will be arrested in Germany, and other countries have banned him from pursuing political activities from within their borders.

Extradition is a complex legal process and hard to pursue as long as T is jet hopping between "less honorable" states looking for passports, which is probably why he is doing that???

If the Thai government revokes his Thai passport, and he returns, he will have to do border runs like the rest of the farang and pay the exorbitant visa fees he himself implemented.

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Good reporting:

Thaksin Shinawatra broke a six-month silence this weekend
In an earlier interview with Emerging Markets, conducted face to face at his Dubai home last month

Six month silence with an interview last month (ignoring all the call in's over the last 6 weeks).

Broke his silence this weekend, then quoting an interview from a month ago. Just a reason to drag up previous statements.

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hmm, wonder how he comes back. Served on a silver tray with a red tomato in his mouth?

Black and white stripes .. complete with handcuffs and legcuffs?

Its fair to say your statements are nonsense. If and when Thaksin comes back, there will be so many red shirts at the airport to welcome him that there won't be anyone with a handcuff anywhere near Suvarnabhumi. That's just realistic thinking.

by the time taksin is coming back ,there are no more Reds around,and you are home as well

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Here he goes again, it's a wonder foreign media still take this man seriously...

The Emerging Markets reporter forgot to ask this Montenegran if he would be coming back to face his jail term, because I can't see how a fallen government can suddenly render an exiled fugitive free of guilt.

Oh, hang on, I forgot, this is Thailand where you can just pay 1 million poor people to stage an insurrection, so that the army loses discipline among its ranks the police melt away, then you can fly your private jet into Chiang Mai airport, get waltzed off to your private house with a police escort for safety (free visa on arrival for visitors at present including Montenegrans), surround yourself with your 1 million red shirts, lest an unfaithful police officer tries to serve the arrest warrant, and you thumb two fingers at the established justice system (which is a joke by the way).

We've yet to see the final audacious red shirt act...

beware red shirts,there is already a witch-hunt going on.

I ,as a (RED)motorcycle taxi driver would not dare to hang around soi entrances ,a ping pong ball might find his way

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