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Taken Fox News Off Here In Khon Kaen

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Fox News is clearly the best and most balanced TV news source available, and the loony left just can’t stand it since it does not conform to their preconceived ideas of what they would like, no – demand - what other people should think.

It’s really sad to read some of the comments that come bursting out just as soon as a non far-left idea is expressed on TV news or here on Thaivisa.

Fox News is clearly the best and most balanced TV news source available, and the loony left just can’t stand it since it does not conform to their preconceived ideas of what they would like, no – demand - what other people should think.

It’s really sad to read some of the comments that come bursting out just as soon as a non far-left idea is expressed on TV news or here on Thaivisa.

With al respect,,,,Wake up Man... There Far from being Balanced..... One sided new....

It's really sad to read some of the comments that come bursting out just as soon as a non far-left idea is expressed on TV news or here on Thaivisa.

Actually, my dude, it is really sad to realize that people are actually fooled by the format of FOX to think that it is a real news station. They have news anchors and talking heads wearing suits, that's journalism, I guess! Never mind that they ignore clear facts, take people's statements out of context, cherry-pick content for ideological purity, hire commentators who play big-time on people's fears, and play up hysterical claims as if they were facts or real issues to be debated, I suppose that's all fair and balanced, right?

Regarding mainstream media, anyone who thinks it's "far-left" must either have changed the definition of "left" or not know what communism, bolshevism, the SDS in '60s America and the like is. Such people must not be able to define socialism, or even know about that most mild of American far-lefties, Noam Chomsky, who is dismissed as fringe by most of the "mainstream" (including by me on most of his published opinions).

Apologize for the long sentences. Stream of consciousness, it just flows out, you know. FOX News is a pet peeve, please bear with my rant just a bit, I don't do many.

When I came to live here it was amazing to me that the Thai cable companies don't seem to know the difference between CNN and FOX, as if they were anywhere near co-equal. I'm no big fan of CNN, going with the trend these days it seems out to entertain more than edify, but FOX is so clearly on a political/political entertainment mission that it's hard to see how anyone could miss it. But clearly, some people do miss it. I can only think they understand neither journalistic standards nor what "far-left" ideas really are. I'm sure I haven't burst your bubble, walt et al., but I wish something would.

Fox News is clearly the best and most balanced TV news source available, and the loony left just can’t stand it since it does not conform to their preconceived ideas of what they would like, no – demand - what other people should think.

It’s really sad to read some of the comments that come bursting out just as soon as a non far-left idea is expressed on TV news or here on Thaivisa.



I stayed in a new hotel in Payttaya on Saturday Night and was surprised that Fox News wasn't on the cable either, although a evangalistic Christian channel was , one that i had never seen before but i learnt alot about the Muslims (said tongue in cheek). The thing i like about Fox is that far from being fair and balanced it does ,however, give an insight to how a lot of Westerners (not only folks from the USA ) are thinking and it gives them a chance to vent what they feel as injustices. Fox is actually becoming more moderate when compared with Tea Party and Dominionist politics and it is important to understand all points of view and perspectives even if u do not agree to them .To me, watching Fox News falls under the rule from the "Art of War" and that is to Know your enemy.


why don,t most of you get your head out and look at something worth looking at sometimes.if you would stop and look you would now what i am talking about.


Fox News-- give me a break. Surely, even intelligent conservatives and right-wingers see how biased and shallow they (Fox News) they are.

Fox News is clearly the best and most balanced TV news source available, and the loony left just can't stand it since it does not conform to their preconceived ideas of what they would like, no – demand - what other people should think.



in the short term come november we will see.then in 2012 we will surly now which way the country will be going.until later this is all i have to say for now.wish everyone a nice day.buffaloe bill



Fox News changed the satellite channel that they broadcast on to Asia as of May 1

Possibly your cable company didn't get the memo or simply forgot to make the change ( TiT )

Contact them and tell them to change their receiving frequency -- if they need technical details, they can get them from Sophon Cable in Pattaya.



There is always fair and balanced MSNBC with Keith Olberman, Chris (shiver down my leg) Matthews, Rachel Maddow, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

You could be lucky enough to get Katie Couric of CBS, Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer of CNN fame, Charles Gibson and Dianne Sawyer of ABC.

All of these networks and anchors are in the tank for Obama.

Fox must be doing something right. They just reported record earnings.




"Fox must be doing something right. They just reported record earnings"

Not only that - here are additional recent stats that the detractors don't want to hear about.

Fox News Channel marks 100 months as most-watched cable news channel.

Fox News Channel has reached another milestone: 100 months in a row as the most-watched cable News channel in the U.S.

Fox News started its ratings run in January 2002. The channel trumpeted its strong performance in April prime time, with nearly 50 percent of the market share with MSNBC at 20 percent -- CNN had 14 percent and HLN had 13 percent. FOX also had nine of the 10 most-watched programs in April.

From Wikipedia

"Fox News rates as the United States' most watched cable news network, ahead of CNN and MSNBC."




"Fox must be doing something right. They just reported record earnings"

Not only that - here are additional recent stats that the detractors don't want to hear about.

Fox News Channel marks 100 months as most-watched cable news channel.

Fox News Channel has reached another milestone: 100 months in a row as the most-watched cable News channel in the U.S.

Fox News started its ratings run in January 2002. The channel trumpeted its strong performance in April prime time, with nearly 50 percent of the market share with MSNBC at 20 percent -- CNN had 14 percent and HLN had 13 percent. FOX also had nine of the 10 most-watched programs in April.

From Wikipedia

"Fox News rates as the United States' most watched cable news network, ahead of CNN and MSNBC."



That could also be an indicator as to the intelligence of the audience, IF its that bad!

Just a thought? I've never seen the channel, to be honest!

Fox News changed the satellite channel that they broadcast on to Asia as of May 1

Possibly your cable company didn't get the memo or simply forgot to make the change ( TiT )

Contact them and tell them to change their receiving frequency -- if they need technical details, they can get them from Sophon Cable in Pattaya.

See there's your answer.

It's not a loony liberal left conspiracy to deprive of your daily pressure vent. You can still get your daily dose of righteous but misplaced anger, meaningless right wing drivel, and well-calculated hatred to raise your blood prssure, keep you poor, and a pawn of the monied oligarghy in the United Slave States of Amerika.

Your job in society will still be to keep paying your taxes, still be the loyal lackeys of the big-money capitalists, and still be the people the high-rollers will use as their cannon fodder. You can happily give your sons (daughters now eligable also!) to oil the wheels of industry with their bodies.

Good luck to you and you Faux News.


That could also be an indicator as to the intelligence of the audience, IF its that bad!

Just a thought? I've never seen the channel, to be honest!

I rest my case(its getting heavy)


"Fox must be doing something right. They just reported record earnings"

Not only that - here are additional recent stats that the detractors don't want to hear about.

Fox News Channel marks 100 months as most-watched cable news channel.

Fox News Channel has reached another milestone: 100 months in a row as the most-watched cable News channel in the U.S.

Fox News started its ratings run in January 2002. The channel trumpeted its strong performance in April prime time, with nearly 50 percent of the market share with MSNBC at 20 percent -- CNN had 14 percent and HLN had 13 percent. FOX also had nine of the 10 most-watched programs in April.

From Wikipedia

"Fox News rates as the United States' most watched cable news network, ahead of CNN and MSNBC."



Fox is unquestionably the most-watched cable news channel going right now. On the other hand, so what?

Its numbers, like all cable news, are but a tiny fraction of regular, non-news programming. On its biggest nights, Fox can get maybe a million viewers; American Idol regularly tops 30 million.


Its demographics skew much older (average Fox viewer is 65!) and more rural - in other words, not the types of folks that advertisers want to reach (other than sellers of overpriced gold, rip-off debt relief programs and boner pills, that is). And during times when the public is most engaged in its forte, politics, it does no better than equal MSNBC, CNN, & HNN. Witness the ratings during the last Presidential election. When you combine the average audience of CNN, MSNBC & HLN, it regularly equals or tops Fox. And while Fox, like CNN, is basic cable on nearly every system in the country, MSNBC is a premium channel on a lot of systems (like mine).

In other words, the good news for Fox is that ALL of the old, angry, political obsessives who don't read or use the internet get their news from them. But the bad news is that all their viewers are old angry people who don't read, use the internet, or have a lot of money to spend (which may explain why they're so angry - they spend too much time watching Fox).


Fox News is no more biased than the BBC or CNN, but it is a lot more entertaining. Anyone who thinks they are getting impartial news from any of these sources is hallucinating. They all have their own agenda and mostly twist the facts to say exactly what they want to say.

Fox is no better and no worse as far as honest reporting, but the babes are hotter and it does not put you to sleep like watching the bores on the Beeb. :)

Fox is unquestionably the most-watched cable news channel going right now. On the other hand, so what?

Its numbers, like all cable news, are but a tiny fraction of regular, non-news programming. On its biggest nights, Fox can get maybe a million viewers; American Idol regularly tops 30 million.


Its demographics skew much older (average Fox viewer is 65!) and more rural - in other words, not the types of folks that advertisers want to reach (other than sellers of overpriced gold, rip-off debt relief programs and boner pills, that is). And during times when the public is most engaged in its forte, politics, it does no better than equal MSNBC, CNN, & HNN. Witness the ratings during the last Presidential election. When you combine the average audience of CNN, MSNBC & HLN, it regularly equals or tops Fox. And while Fox, like CNN, is basic cable on nearly every system in the country, MSNBC is a premium channel on a lot of systems (like mine).

In other words, the good news for Fox is that ALL of the old, angry, political obsessives who don't read or use the internet get their news from them. But the bad news is that all their viewers are old angry people who don't read, use the internet, or have a lot of money to spend (which may explain why they're so angry - they spend too much time watching Fox).

Do you use stereotyping because it is faster or easier?



The Fox haters are always amusing. They're intolerant of anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them. Intolerant of anyone who wants to know both sides of the news and not be spoon-fed only the left-biased news promoted by the U.S. lame-stream media.

"On its biggest nights, Fox can get maybe a million viewers"

Here's the actual ratings from Neilsen for May 3 -- You'll see that O'Reilly alone had 4.3 Million total viewers and that's a slow night for him -- He occasionally beats Katie Couric on CBS. Fox's average for that night was 2.2 million during prime-time. They beat CNN, MSNBC,and HLN combined.

A comparison with American Idol, the most popular program in the history of TV, is a bit of a stretch. . . :)




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