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PM Abhisit Announces Next Election Will Be Held On Nov 14


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The Government are playing a fantastic strategy here. First the offer new ID cards and a free ride home to the ones that want to leave the protest. Then they announce a very reasonable compromise in the road map. The majority of red shirts will accept this as a victory. The hard liners will not. The numbers drastically reduce and the women and children leave.

The door is wide open to use force to arrest the hard liners. Good plan by the Government in my opinion. The reds and Thaksin have once again been out flanked by the Government. Abhisit will come out of this, smelling of roses and the red leaders will be seen by the world for what they are. Thaksin's mercenaries.

Cheers, Rick

Good one, Rick. I'm with you!

That's how I see it as well


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The big problem in my mind is what is going to happen when the PPP is overwhelmingly voted back into power by the people, as it surely will be?

That's not the biggest problem in your mind, it's the biggest fantasy. Are you not aware of the last election results?

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THE NATION: PM: I have heard you fully. I just can't accept the 15-day House dissolution demand.

Is this guy serious? The red shirts have been offering 90 days (3 months) for over 2 weeks now. But Abhisit is still twisting it down to 15 days?

Abhisit is obviously a little more serious about solving problems than you snoopy.

Geez give a dog a bone and he tries and takes your hand!

Why can't you just sit down, be quiet and wait till the Elections?

How is it possible for this guy to sayehe has "heard you fully" and the a sentence later make a false statement. Nobody can terust this guy!

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I agree, and your point is well taken. Perhaps they have learned from the great mistake that Dr Weng made when he out of hand, rejected an offer at the negotiation table. There was not only no democracy in that, there was not even consultation with the other red shirt leaders.

But a reasonable person would expect to see the proposals in writing, go through them, develop questions and rebuttals, and then go through back-channels to express their concerns. Most negotiations are not done under the spectre of the tv camera. All of this takes time, and no doubt the government, by NOT setting a required date of response, is giving the red shirts time to discuss and either agree or disagree. I feel Mr Abhisit did not do himself a service by not giving a drop-dead date (affirm or the offer drops dead at a certain date). A reasonable date might have been one or two weeks hence.

The carrot and the stick: the carrot is compromise, reconciliation, and candid addressing of the valid points that the red shirts brought up.

The stick is the IF - if they don't go along, meaning either continue negotiation or accept, then the big stick will come out.

I think Mr Abhisit has done a fine job of weathering the storms of criticism due to his **perceived** inaction. It will be interesting, again, to see how this all plays out.

The drop-dead date was announced earlier today. You have until Thursday or possibly Friday of this week, after the Coronation Day celebrations. We will disperse you at the end of the week.

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I get the funny feeling, Abhisit cut the deal with the reds BEFORE he went on air... maybe they will accept it.... and then Abhisit will look like a hero. But in my eyes he is an incompetent leader who doesn't have a clue how to handle a crisis. I'm stunned by the incredible waste of time this whole thing is.... I mean we, the people have suffered.... people have died, just to have the Prime Minister cut a deal from 9 months to 6 months that he could have done at the start of all this?! What the hel_l is going on??????

Abhisit offered 9 months to start with!! It was negotiations remember?? But the REDS turned it down flat and did not want to give anything at all. Had the Reds continued in real negotiations it probably would have been 6 months and the casualties and mayhem would have been avoided. Really the reds who are to blame, not Abhisit.

Do we need to go back to, of what date do you want to start with? I'll pick February 27, 2010. The day the Supreme Court of Thailand ruled to seize some of Thaksin's domestic assets. There were flames fanned from the ex- PM by video links as he had gone to the China Olympic Games, but didn't return as he faced a two year jail term from the Court. Ah, we could go back to the prior year around Songkron and we had another little Red uprising. We could go back to Thakin's drug wars. It's not the point any longer, there needs to be negotiations and compromise. But I'm a bit of a cynic; corruption and greed is the root of all politics. Who is truly for the people?

And the new award for the most posts in less than a month; drum roll.... Redsunset! Congratulations! More than 10 posts a day! :) Sorry, it slipped out... :D

Edit: my math was off by a bit. LOL

Edited by Jimi007
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My take. Brilliant move by Abhisit. Many reds want to say yes. Thaksin will say no for obvious reasons. Thus, the reds will say no and we will see a crackdown. Not my hope, but my prediction. We'll see.

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This sounds very nice and finally unlock the situation. Also it makes really govt look like the good guys willing to compromise while the other side... Reds would be crazy to refuse after the bad days they had. However, with terrorists charges threatening and no mention of amnesty in his 5 points program, they might ask to have amnesty added as a number 6 prior to give in.

Where's the compromise?

This sounds just government BS "we're here to help you"

Abhisit is going to have to get real and act like a real leader!

The rednecks were asking for 90 days, the Abhisit wanted 9 months... 6 months seems a fair compromise

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Agree with most posts here. This is an excellent opportuntiy for both sides; the UDD can pack up and go home waiting to win the next election and the currect government can take the next few months and repair the damage to Thailand. However, as hopeful as I am, I know that the subborn leaders of UDD will turn down this offer because they will want to achieve their previous demands on dissolving government now. The only way I truly believe this issue will be resolved is if the government dissolves tomorrow or the army plows in killing multiple protesters. Stubborn people are stubborn for a reason. I sincerely hope UDD take this offer and return back to a normal life.....

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Abhisit just tries to safe his $ss, because he know's wen he resigns, his life is over.

How so?

You don't actually expect an answer, or any discussion do you?

He's a red supporter. All most of them can do is make single line statement (usually incorrect), never backed up with any reasoning.

That's all they can do, because they've got nothing constructive to say.

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This has been such a God dam_n waste of time... now why in the world couldn't Abhisit have said "six months" six weeks ago??!!! What has changed that he can cut the deal now, but could not cut the deal before??????

I am stunned by the IDIOCY of this entire episode.

That's my point too - and saved lives!!!

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Abhisit just tries to safe his $ss, because he know's wen he resigns, his life is over.

So why and when should he resign. He is firmly in the driving seat now and in my opinion will be in Government for years to come. This guy wants to instigate change for the good of Thailand, not for the good of Thaksin. Give him a chance and forget the past.

Cheers, Rick

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I agree, and your point is well taken. Perhaps they have learned from the great mistake that Dr Weng made when he out of hand, rejected an offer at the negotiation table. There was not only no democracy in that, there was not even consultation with the other red shirt leaders.

But a reasonable person would expect to see the proposals in writing, go through them, develop questions and rebuttals, and then go through back-channels to express their concerns. Most negotiations are not done under the spectre of the tv camera. All of this takes time, and no doubt the government, by NOT setting a required date of response, is giving the red shirts time to discuss and either agree or disagree. I feel Mr Abhisit did not do himself a service by not giving a drop-dead date (affirm or the offer drops dead at a certain date). A reasonable date might have been one or two weeks hence.

The carrot and the stick: the carrot is compromise, reconciliation, and candid addressing of the valid points that the red shirts brought up.

The stick is the IF - if they don't go along, meaning either continue negotiation or accept, then the big stick will come out.

I think Mr Abhisit has done a fine job of weathering the storms of criticism due to his **perceived** inaction. It will be interesting, again, to see how this all plays out.

The drop-dead date was announced earlier today. You have until Thursday or possibly Friday of this week, after the Coronation Day celebrations. We will disperse you at the end of the week.

Ah, sorry, I missed that...been away during the day, no news, no info, started having withdrawal symptoms :)

Have you got a link? Because it seems that a drop-dead date is normally given during or after the reading of the proposal, not before. Thanks :D

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I agree, and your point is well taken. Perhaps they have learned from the great mistake that Dr Weng made when he out of hand, rejected an offer at the negotiation table. There was not only no democracy in that, there was not even consultation with the other red shirt leaders.

But a reasonable person would expect to see the proposals in writing, go through them, develop questions and rebuttals, and then go through back-channels to express their concerns. Most negotiations are not done under the spectre of the tv camera. All of this takes time, and no doubt the government, by NOT setting a required date of response, is giving the red shirts time to discuss and either agree or disagree. I feel Mr Abhisit did not do himself a service by not giving a drop-dead date (affirm or the offer drops dead at a certain date). A reasonable date might have been one or two weeks hence.

The carrot and the stick: the carrot is compromise, reconciliation, and candid addressing of the valid points that the red shirts brought up.

The stick is the IF - if they don't go along, meaning either continue negotiation or accept, then the big stick will come out.

I think Mr Abhisit has done a fine job of weathering the storms of criticism due to his **perceived** inaction. It will be interesting, again, to see how this all plays out.

The drop-dead date was announced earlier today. You have until Thursday or possibly Friday of this week, after the Coronation Day celebrations. We will disperse you at the end of the week.

Some compromise! Take it or else. Abhisit doesn't have a good trak record for keeping promises or for that matter tell the truth.

Quite a cmpromising technique he has. A lesson in How NOT TO win friends and influence enemies.

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the army gov has had enough time to indict the treasonous mob leaders right from the very beginning when they were not really organized. Instead they let them out on bail.

they have had enough time to come up with this Marshall plan earlier, in fact, it takes a five year old one minute to think it through.

they have had enough time to prevent and content the mob right from the beginning. Did I hear any excuse? - We underestimated it? Maybe not, but you were to certain about your own schemes.

they have had enough time to become humanistic but chose not to.

Conclusion, Abhisit is done, burned and out. I was talking with a few business men/women here in Bangkok and they stopped any support they originally had for him weeks ago.

Nothing much better to expect from other upcoming settings. It's all about of how to screw common folks.

Yes, today I witnessed that the reds are organizing a withdrawal and that is good so. I'm talking about the logistic units that supplied down trodden individuals to keep it up. They are stationed all over Bangkok and have organized themselves in key-positions. Second/third line leaders are now visiting them to call off all supply.

This doesn't mean that it is all over now. It will just begin for the real folks with real, fundamental claims, but without the treasonous leadership.

The only good thing is, Thaksin's out forever too.

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Some compromise! Take it or else. Abhisit doesn't have a good trak record for keeping promises or for that matter tell the truth.

Quite a cmpromising technique he has. A lesson in How NOT TO win friends and influence enemies.

Personally believe future events will demonstrate just how many friends he has won over during the past two months. Here's a clue - the coalition is still intact.

Edited by Insight
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The Government are playing a fantastic strategy here. First the offer new ID cards and a free ride home to the ones that want to leave the protest. Then they announce a very reasonable compromise in the road map. The majority of red shirts will accept this as a victory. The hard liners will not. The numbers drastically reduce and the women and children leave.

The door is wide open to use force to arrest the hard liners. Good plan by the Government in my opinion. The reds and Thaksin have once again been out flanked by the Government. Abhisit will come out of this, smelling of roses and the red leaders will be seen by the world for what they are. Thaksin's mercenaries.

Cheers, Rick

Good one, Rick. I'm with you!

Hear Hear !

That's how I see it as well


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This has been such a God dam_n waste of time... now why in the world couldn't Abhisit have said "six months" six weeks ago??!!! What has changed that he can cut the deal now, but could not cut the deal before??????

I am stunned by the IDIOCY of this entire episode.

there was no chance the reds would have agreed on 6 months then ,because they felt stronger . But I don't know

whether they'll accept. Remember Taksin's frozen zillion bahts ? it's been said for weeks this was mostly about this money, and there isn't a word about it in Abisit's speech of course.

The frozen assets are gone. They have been transferred to government accounts. There is no way for Thaksin to get these assets back.

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It is extremely unlikely in any circumstances that Abhisit will be included in a governing coalition after an election - the most likely winners as always will be the groupings more or less on the same side as the Redshirts.

Abhisit has no mandate to be in power and has laid the country open to the influence of demagogues and self-serving people who like to manipulate the populace.

I am sorry, Thaksin is in Dubai! (in reference to the 'self-serving people people who like to manipulate the populace.')

I hope you understand Thai and have listened to the speeches from the Red stage :)

I suggest you take a look at the raw numbers for the 2007 elections. There is a GOOD chance that the Dems (possibly under Abhisit's direction and possibly not) will form the next government. The PTP will have lost a LOT of ground over the activities of Jatuporn and other PTP MP's. PTP currently doesn't have the support of Newin and and other regional leaders that they relied upon in the past.

So basically .. with the results of the 2007 elections and any swing in response to the Reds there is a possibility the dems hit 240. If they don't, there is a good chance that they lead a coalition government.

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Some compromise! Take it or else. Abhisit doesn't have a good trak record for keeping promises or for that matter tell the truth.

Quite a cmpromising technique he has. A lesson in How NOT TO win friends and influence enemies.

You need to do a little research on what compromise means.

The reds have declined to negotiate, so it has come down to a 'take it or else'. But that isn't the compromise part. The compromise is going from 21 months, to 9 months, to 6 months.

And how did the reds compromise? From 4 days, to 15 days, to 30 days (for 3 seconds), back to 15 days, and then there was 15 days, and after that there was 15 days. Finally they doubled it to 30 days. Wow. Great compromise.

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My take. Brilliant move by Abhisit. Many reds want to say yes. Thaksin will say no for obvious reasons. Thus, the reds will say no and we will see a crackdown. Not my hope, but my prediction. We'll see.

Brilliant move? this is soooo embarrassing - all you yellows were saying 'no way' recently now it's a brilliant move? he is playing with people's live's and he will reap a bitter harvest - credit to the reds for forcing this - Abhisit was saying 'no way' and all that rubbish now he caves in.

What you're trying to do is turn a victory for the reds into a victory for the yellow 'no mandate' government - good try - but it doesn't stand up to scutiny.

Having said this I hope the reds take this offer - I don't like al of it - because some of the wording just re-enforces the 'elite' but we are 'where we are' and better to take this victory now and go home and prepare 'for government' - I do worry that they may not do this - which would be very foolish.

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This has been such a God dam_n waste of time... now why in the world couldn't Abhisit have said "six months" six weeks ago??!!! What has changed that he can cut the deal now, but could not cut the deal before??????

I am stunned by the IDIOCY of this entire episode.

er... it was the reds who refused further negotiations....

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THE NATION: PM: I have heard you fully. I just can't accept the 15-day House dissolution demand.

Is this guy serious? The red shirts have been offering 90 days (3 months) for over 2 weeks now. But Abhisit is still twisting it down to 15 days?

Abhisit is obviously a little more serious about solving problems than you snoopy.

Geez give a dog a bone and he tries and takes your hand!

Why can't you just sit down, be quiet and wait till the Elections?

How is it possible for this guy to sayehe has "heard you fully" and the a sentence later make a false statement. Nobody can terust this guy!

I'll show you:

I take it you're referring to Abhisit's statement: "PM: I have heard you fully. I just can't accept the 15-day House dissolution demand."

OK, then when you say: "How is it possible for this guy to sayehe has "heard you fully" and the a sentence later make a false statement."

I just say: "I have heard you fully, but I cannot agree with what you say."

I heard you, but I don't agree with you. Nothing false in that.

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This sounds very nice and finally unlock the situation. Also it makes really govt look like the good guys willing to compromise while the other side... Reds would be crazy to refuse after the bad days they had. However, with terrorists charges threatening and no mention of amnesty in his 5 points program, they might ask to have amnesty added as a number 6 prior to give in.

Makes him look like an Idiot, this all could have been avoided months ago by calling an election.

I asked again. What is he so afraid of?

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My take. Brilliant move by Abhisit. Many reds want to say yes. Thaksin will say no for obvious reasons. Thus, the reds will say no and we will see a crackdown. Not my hope, but my prediction. We'll see.

Brilliant move? this is soooo embarrassing - all you yellows were saying 'no way' recently now it's a brilliant move? he is playing with people's live's and he will reap a bitter harvest - credit to the reds for forcing this - Abhisit was saying 'no way' and all that rubbish now he caves in.

What you're trying to do is turn a victory for the reds into a victory for the yellow 'no mandate' government - good try - but it doesn't stand up to scutiny.

Having said this I hope the reds take this offer - I don't like al of it - because some of the wording just re-enforces the 'elite' but we are 'where we are' and better to take this victory now and go home and prepare 'for government' - I do worry that they may not do this - which would be very foolish.

If they refuse the offer, might you finally question your firmly held belief that this movement is about the conditions of the poor and social justice?

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I agree, and your point is well taken. Perhaps they have learned from the great mistake that Dr Weng made when he out of hand, rejected an offer at the negotiation table. There was not only no democracy in that, there was not even consultation with the other red shirt leaders.

But a reasonable person would expect to see the proposals in writing, go through them, develop questions and rebuttals, and then go through back-channels to express their concerns. Most negotiations are not done under the spectre of the tv camera. All of this takes time, and no doubt the government, by NOT setting a required date of response, is giving the red shirts time to discuss and either agree or disagree. I feel Mr Abhisit did not do himself a service by not giving a drop-dead date (affirm or the offer drops dead at a certain date). A reasonable date might have been one or two weeks hence.

The carrot and the stick: the carrot is compromise, reconciliation, and candid addressing of the valid points that the red shirts brought up.

The stick is the IF - if they don't go along, meaning either continue negotiation or accept, then the big stick will come out.

I think Mr Abhisit has done a fine job of weathering the storms of criticism due to his **perceived** inaction. It will be interesting, again, to see how this all plays out.

The drop-dead date was announced earlier today. You have until Thursday or possibly Friday of this week, after the Coronation Day celebrations. We will disperse you at the end of the week.

Some compromise! Take it or else. Abhisit doesn't have a good trak record for keeping promises or for that matter tell the truth.

Quite a cmpromising technique he has. A lesson in How NOT TO win friends and influence enemies.

He has no choice. The red shirts are harboring terrorists. They have taken central Bangkok. They have forced the near closure of Chulalongkorn Hospital. The red shirts or their allies bombed the BTS. Tourism has been destroyed. School is about to begin. He cannot hold back the hard line royalists much longer. There is no more time he can give them.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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a little more than 3 months, as proposed by the protesters

What solutions were the protestors offering for all Thais, or any Thais for that matter?

very good point... as far as I can tell, the protestors never gave any solutions.. just a bunch of rhetoric..

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