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PM Abhisit Announces Next Election Will Be Held On Nov 14

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Bizarre. Abhisit behaves like Than Shwe. The media must have a constructive role (hence only report what is positive for the government). I do not even like to mention his first point. Too many people are locked up because they were framed. His road map is something that must be only acceptable for himself. Nobody can take the aforementioned serious at all.

let's see if this enemy of the free press will allow websites and tv to reopen so people get decent an unbiased information.

You don't mean decent and unbiased. I wish there was some of that in Thailand.

What you actually mean is so the red people can get the incitement to violence, the lies and the extremely biased towards the reds, information.

If it was just biased towards the reds, it would be OK. But the incitement to violence and clear cut lies isn't "free press".

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This has been such a God dam_n waste of time... now why in the world couldn't Abhisit have said "six months" six weeks ago??!!! What has changed that he can cut the deal now, but could not cut the deal before??????

I am stunned by the IDIOCY of this entire episode.

It was a negotiation and more talks were offered to reach a reasonable compromise, but the reds wanted none of it. 15 days or else.

3) The government will ensure that the media will function as a constructive tool.

By banning the opposition TV and radio channels? How can there be fair elections under such circumstances?

Wow! I'm: Off the topic; 130 posts in less than a month, you must have a lot to say. You're right there can't be fair elections in Thailand! When was there one? I really doubt there can be one now... :)

I get the funny feeling, Abhisit cut the deal with the reds BEFORE he went on air... maybe they will accept it.... and then Abhisit will look like a hero. But in my eyes he is an incompetent leader who doesn't have a clue how to handle a crisis. I'm stunned by the incredible waste of time this whole thing is.... I mean we, the people have suffered.... people have died, just to have the Prime Minister cut a deal from 9 months to 6 months that he could have done at the start of all this?! What the hel_l is going on??????

Calm down man! "...we, the people have suffered..." ???

Who the bkk people who have had to change there daily routine to get around the Redshirt villages?

Another dramatic pointless post that does nothing but go around in circles.

Some of you guys are just not too quick on the uptake

Abhisit has just kicked the stool out under the opposition.........

The opposition must go away and start a creditable election campaign............or simply melt away

Abhisit has set himself up for a good chance of winning the 14th Nov election..........

Now is a man who has out thought most of the people on this forum going to be reasonably sure his party will not be dissolved......before he makes his call to hold an election?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see...... :D .

Abhisit has a snowball's chance in hel_l of being re-elected... I'd even vote for Chavalit before I voted for Abhisit.... both are useless....

Well if you are able to vote that'll be one against then.......

If you can't vote......your comment is a bit irrelevant..... :)

I get the funny feeling, Abhisit cut the deal with the reds BEFORE he went on air... maybe they will accept it.... and then Abhisit will look like a hero. But in my eyes he is an incompetent leader who doesn't have a clue how to handle a crisis. I'm stunned by the incredible waste of time this whole thing is.... I mean we, the people have suffered.... people have died, just to have the Prime Minister cut a deal from 9 months to 6 months that he could have done at the start of all this?! What the hel_l is going on??????


TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MAN be it the army spokesman Abhisit, dictator Thaksin, or any other moon-bats like Sonthi & Sondhi.

This is far from over. Still, the unruly crowds roam the roads. Even they may be able to calm it down for a while it will erupt again in a couple of months. To much of self serving interests on all sides. He (Abhisit) may feel as a winner today, but he will soon start whining.

They(gov), dragged on for to long which could have been a solution right from the beginning.


Load of waffle.....

"3) The government will ensure that the media will function as a constructive tool." - this looks like a licence for CENSORSHIP!!!!

I get the funny feeling, Abhisit cut the deal with the reds BEFORE he went on air... maybe they will accept it.... and then Abhisit will look like a hero. But in my eyes he is an incompetent leader who doesn't have a clue how to handle a crisis. I'm stunned by the incredible waste of time this whole thing is.... I mean we, the people have suffered.... people have died, just to have the Prime Minister cut a deal from 9 months to 6 months that he could have done at the start of all this?! What the hel_l is going on??????

Abhisit tried to negotiate. He offered a path. He offered elections.

What you don't understand, is that he is trying to fix things for the long term. He is trying to fix this for all of Thailand.

If he had dissolved parliament in 15 or 30 days, that wouldn't have solved anything. That probably would have brought another bunch of people out to protest.

It's not just about the reds.

I get the funny feeling, Abhisit cut the deal with the reds BEFORE he went on air... maybe they will accept it.... and then Abhisit will look like a hero. But in my eyes he is an incompetent leader who doesn't have a clue how to handle a crisis. I'm stunned by the incredible waste of time this whole thing is.... I mean we, the people have suffered.... people have died, just to have the Prime Minister cut a deal from 9 months to 6 months that he could have done at the start of all this?! What the hel_l is going on??????

Abhisit offered 9 months to start with!! It was negotiations remember?? But the REDS turned it down flat and did not want to give anything at all. Had the Reds continued in real negotiations it probably would have been 6 months and the casualties and mayhem would have been avoided. Really the reds who are to blame, not Abhisit.


From Terryfrd tweets:

Abhisit says he is proposing a way to reconciliation and asks everyone to take a role. There are five parts (for reconciliation to be successful).

1. Preservation of monarchy: keeping monarchy out of politics, create a proper understanding or role of monarchy.

2. In actuality, problems do not come from politics directly, but from inequities in society. Many protesters feel left out. A big problem. These problems need to be addressed through social security programs, education, debt, income enhancement, etc.

3. This is an era of communication. Freedom of information important, but with technology has also come misuse of media. Media must have freedom, but it must be responsible, must not deliberately distort or incite. Need to provide fair oversight.

4. There have been many violent incidents, causing greater divisions in society. Apr 10, Silom, Vipawadhi, Chulal Hospital, etc. All have caused psychological distress. All of these incidents must be investigated by independent agencies.

5. Directly related to politics and elections: The past 4 - 5 years have led to feelings of dissatisfaction in fairness of system. We need to work together to solve these problems, in terms of the constitution, right to assembly, basic problems leading to disunity.

This will not be successful without cooperation of all elements of society: parties, parliament, local organizations. If we can stabilize situation starting today, we can schedule an election for November 14

As for UDD, I have heard you. I have heard your demands, but I cannot accept a dissolution in 15 or 30 days. I believe this proposal is consistent with society based on law and principles of our democracy. Reconciliation must be based on compromise. This proposal is for all Thais. If UDD can't accept it, we'll keep moving forward, but I can specify a particular election date. PM ends by hoping that this Wednesday, Coronation Day, can be a day of genuine celebration.

I must say I am satisfied. When you compare the quote above along with The Nation tweets you get the full picture of what this speech was about. It is a humble and sincere effort to begin the peace process. He has hit all points and offered a worthy plan for reconciliation. Finally he has stepped up to the plate and become a PM. I was beginning to worry. Now it is up to the UDD and their followers. They will either accept the compromise or they won't.

The red shirt leaders haven't outright rejected the offer. This is a good sign. They seem to want a little time to ponder. Perhaps they need ask T.? Alternately there are quite a few hardcore protesters. They to need to be mollified if the reds do not accept this offer. Basically it sounds like Abhisit is saying the following:

(1) Let the budget pass parliament.

(2) Democrats get to choose the next military command structure after Anupong.

(3) Amnesty for terrorist charges is possible for some leaders, but maybe not for perpetrators. Someone needs to be prosecuted in order to satisfy PAD, royalists, and other anti-reds in society. There is always the black hole of the Thai judicial system for the cases pf certain leaders. Their cases can be extended indefinitely (same as for PAD).

(4) The anti-monarchy charges can die on the vine.

(5) The constitution needs to be amended before elections. Everyone can and should participate and have their say.

(6) Red shirt leaders need to play ball or we will be forced to disperse you, no matter the cost. This has gone on long enough. You know you are wrong. We know we were wrong. But the madness needs to stop.

Note: these are not the points of the reconciliation plan, but this is what I heard from the speech.

a little more than 3 months, as proposed by the protesters

What solutions were the protestors offering for all Thais, or any Thais for that matter?

None, other than the ubiquitous "democracy" babble.

One more point for Abhisit. A massive minus in "red" votes is already pre-programmed after they managed to upset many people with their brainless screw-ups. If the roadmap comes to pass and ample measures (education, social justice etc.) are on the plan, he'll be a winner.

This has been such a God dam_n waste of time... now why in the world couldn't Abhisit have said "six months" six weeks ago??!!! What has changed that he can cut the deal now, but could not cut the deal before??????

I am stunned by the IDIOCY of this entire episode.

there was no chance the reds would have agreed on 6 months then ,because they felt stronger . But I don't know

whether they'll accept. Remember Taksin's frozen zillion bahts ? it's been said for weeks this was mostly about this money, and there isn't a word about it in Abisit's speech of course.

The Government are playing a fantastic strategy here. First the offer new ID cards and a free ride home to the ones that want to leave the protest. Then they announce a very reasonable compromise in the road map. The majority of red shirts will accept this as a victory. The hard liners will not. The numbers drastically reduce and the women and children leave.

The door is wide open to use force to arrest the hard liners. Good plan by the Government in my opinion. The reds and Thaksin have once again been out flanked by the Government. Abhisit will come out of this, smelling of roses and the red leaders will be seen by the world for what they are. Thaksin's mercenaries.

Cheers, Rick

Good one, Rick. I'm with you!

I get the funny feeling, Abhisit cut the deal with the reds BEFORE he went on air... maybe they will accept it.... and then Abhisit will look like a hero. But in my eyes he is an incompetent leader who doesn't have a clue how to handle a crisis. I'm stunned by the incredible waste of time this whole thing is.... I mean we, the people have suffered.... people have died, just to have the Prime Minister cut a deal from 9 months to 6 months that he could have done at the start of all this?! What the hel_l is going on??????

What may be going on is that the PM took 6 weeks and suffered the loss of dozens of lives.

If he had listened to the more aggressive folks here, it might have been over in one week with the loss of thousands of lives.

I prefer the first option, meself.

Load of waffle.....

"3) The government will ensure that the media will function as a constructive tool." - this looks like a licence for CENSORSHIP!!!!

That did raise an eyebrow here, but compared to what it was like a few years ago Not The Nation said it best.

I get the funny feeling, Abhisit cut the deal with the reds BEFORE he went on air... maybe they will accept it.... and then Abhisit will look like a hero. But in my eyes he is an incompetent leader who doesn't have a clue how to handle a crisis. I'm stunned by the incredible waste of time this whole thing is.... I mean we, the people have suffered.... people have died, just to have the Prime Minister cut a deal from 9 months to 6 months that he could have done at the start of all this?! What the hel_l is going on??????

Calm down man! "...we, the people have suffered..." ???

Who the bkk people who have had to change there daily routine to get around the Redshirt villages?

Another dramatic pointless post that does nothing but go around in circles.

Mr. Beetle, you have no idea what you are talking about.... now run along and go play in your sandbox.

Can't see the red leaders getting Amnesty the PM has been firm on this he wants people charged and investigations to continue.

I think Abhisit is the one that will be looking for amnesty. Remember the Democrats face dissolution and by the time the next election comes in November, Abhisit will likely be banned from politics for 5 years for election fraud.

"Election fraud"? source please... last I heard the democrat party was being scrutinised for the heinous crime of accepting an oversize donation... hardly the same thing...


It is extremely unlikely in any circumstances that Abhisit will be included in a governing coalition after an election - the most likely winners as always will be the groupings more or less on the same side as the Redshirts.

Abhisit has no mandate to be in power and has laid the country open to the influence of demagogues and self-serving people who like to manipulate the populace.

This has been such a God dam_n waste of time... now why in the world couldn't Abhisit have said "six months" six weeks ago??!!! What has changed that he can cut the deal now, but could not cut the deal before??????

I am stunned by the IDIOCY of this entire episode.

It wasn't that he couldn't cut this deal six weeks ago, it's that he didn't want to - and why would he? - he had already compromised massively and was hopeful that the reds would show some interest in meeting him halfway, or at least continuing negotiations. They have not and it has now reached the point where it's clear they never will - hence Abhisit's final declaration of compromise today. Take it or leave time.

3) The government will ensure that the media will function as a constructive tool.

By banning the opposition TV and radio channels? How can there be fair elections under such circumstances?

that's the point. they want 6 months free to do what they want. free to change the law. free to ban reds. free ....

then there are too many "IF". what happen "IF" they can't solve one of the five points in 6 months?


Abhisit sounds like a very sober and sane leader. He has remained cool headed in the midst of tremendous pressure; he has not acted out of passion or for some special interest. I have been frustrated that the RED SHIRTS are making havoc in the capitol, but I respect that the PM has remained cool, not panicked, not allowed any wanton slaughter to take place and has done his best to protect the country.


Don't forget, the army at the instigation of the PAD and the yellow shirts, forced a legally elected government of the people out of power. Then, despite the PPP being voted back in after the army stepped down, the yellow shirts occupied the airport until the judiciary forced the PPP government out. Only then did the yellow shirts give up their occupation of the airport. If the red shirts accept the November 14 election, with amnesties for both sides, I think that Abhasit has got a damned good result.

The big problem in my mind is what is going to happen when the PPP is overwhelmingly voted back into power by the people, as it surely will be? I can't see the PAD/yellow shirts taking it graciously. My bet would be that the whole business will kick off again.

There'll be no peace in this country until the army and the people learn to accept the wishes of the majority and let a fairly elected (as fair as is possible in Thailand) serve it's full term of office.

It is extremely unlikely in any circumstances that Abhisit will be included in a governing coalition after an election - the most likely winners as always will be the groupings more or less on the same side as the Redshirts.

Abhisit has no mandate to be in power and has laid the country open to the influence of demagogues and self-serving people who like to manipulate the populace.

That depends where the minority parties swing, doesn't it.

The PPP didn't have a mandate either. They needed to use the smaller parties.

Initially they swung the PPP direction putting them in government, but they changed their mind after the PPP incompetence, and decided to put the Democrats in power instead.

If the minor parties support the Democrats again, Abhisit will be back again ... given that he isn't banned ofcourse.

a little more than 3 months, as proposed by the protesters

What solutions were the protestors offering for all Thais, or any Thais for that matter?

The protesters are not campaigning they only want ELECTIONS.

Thank you Monkfish.

Don't forget, the army at the instigation of the PAD and the yellow shirts, forced a legally elected government of the people out of power. Then, despite the PPP being voted back in after the army stepped down, the yellow shirts occupied the airport until the judiciary forced the PPP government out. Only then did the yellow shirts give up their occupation of the airport. If the red shirts accept the November 14 election, with amnesties for both sides, I think that Abhasit has got a damned good result.

The big problem in my mind is what is going to happen when the PPP is overwhelmingly voted back into power by the people, as it surely will be? I can't see the PAD/yellow shirts taking it graciously. My bet would be that the whole business will kick off again.

There'll be no peace in this country until the army and the people learn to accept the wishes of the majority and let a fairly elected (as fair as is possible in Thailand) serve it's full term of office.

When will you reds get it. Thaksin was NOT the elected government when the coup occurred.

And the only thing that put the PTP (ex-PPP) out of government was the minor parties not supporting them.

Remember, the PPP did NOT win the last election. They needed a coalition to get into government.


A good compromise...but it will never happen.

Why? Because the Red Shirts do not want a compromise solution. They certainly do not want the government to do anything that will actually help the poor Issan farmer because that is where their core membership is drawn from. The Red Shirts do not want a solution to the political crises because if there is a real solution the Red Shirts lose all the support they get from the dissatisfied Issan farmers. If the Red shirts lose that support, they have no real political program to offer...they in fact have nothing to offer but more protests. The power of the Red Shirts comes from anger toward the governemnt. If that anger drops, they lose their support. The real reason for the Red Shirts movement is to bring back Thaksin. Anything else, such as "helping the poor" is just a lie they use to disquise their real purpose...to restore Thaksin to power.

If you don't believe me now...go right ahead. But you will see that the Red Shirts will find some good reason not to accept this or any compromise. Disruption is their bread and butter, it legitimises their protests. Without disruption, the Red Shirts have no reason for protest. Without the protests they have no way to mobilize their followers. Without mobilizing the poor farmers to protest the Red Shirs lose theri reason for existance. Therefore any compromise is not in the real interests of the Red Shirts.

My prediction: the Red Shirts will find some "reason" to reject this or any compromise offered to them. Why? Because without protests the Red Shirts have no reason to exist as they do now. You will see.


You might be right - let's see

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