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Thai Protesters Accept Pm Abhisit Election Roadmap, but refuse to go home

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Ah, the sweet smell of hypocrisy ........

Tell me, how would an international observer that doesn't speak Thai, has no access to the village headmen, has no long-term presence in Thailand etc .... be able to judge vote buying? They can't and it really isn't their job to do so.

Election monitors watch how ballots are handled. They look at the layout of voting booths. They talk to locals and gather anecdotal information (gossip) regarding votebuying but rarely ever would see money changing hands.

Vote buying in Thailand sometimes consists of people paying in cash (or in-kind things like phone cards) in advance. That can be visible if you are trying to spy on the right people. Vote buying can also be payment in things to a village like a new water supply etc provided AFTER the village voting record is entered.

The way that PPP was nabbed was video evidence of a PPP exec paying off village headmen.

International observers will be able to see direct intimidation or issues with ballots and voting booths but little else.

You really are an expert on everything aren't you?

I doubt that election monitors anywhere in the world haven't come up against any or all of these issues...are you telling me that Thailand is the only country in the world that has undetectable corruption that even you know about? If it's so difficult to detect, how do you know about it?

In my town at the last elections "voter buying" was done pretty much out in the open...by both parties...no need for mysterious headmen and backdoor deals...voters could walk up and get 500 baht from the incumbent or 1000 baht from the rather attractive lady challenger...all the local girls went to get their 1000 baht from the challenger, but she (unfortuantely, in my opinion) lost the election to the incumbent....the locals just took her money but went into the booth and didn't vote for her...she lost an awful lot of money....

As for the supposed evil in voting for a candidate that promises you a water supply what on earth is wrong with that? Don't you vote for candidates that promise you things, like tax cuts?

People in my town loved Thaksin...he put an electricity supply in the outer sois...and made a huge positive difference to the lives of about 3000 voters...are you suggesting that he should have left them in the dark?

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The reds from this part of the country DID indeed have to hand over their ID's and check in daily to have their attendance recorded in order to get paid.

Please provide a credible source or stop spreading lies.

How can you say you are right and the others are wrong? What is your proof of that?

If you make accusations in the severity of that and you're half decent, at least provide a link to a credible source.

i do know what i see without wearing red tinted glasses:

i see handing over of ID Cards by reds to reds, i see money being given out by reds to reds

a picture speaks a thousand words and only a dyed in the wool red head could deny whats happening here

i provided a credible source for you and you say its lies

in the video, taken on March 10th 2010 and shown on TV many times, they must have been fake reds handing over fake ID's to other fake reds and collecting fake money from even more fake reds

it does not matter what the money is to be used for, gas, food or whores (probably all three)

its still money being given by reds to reds to gather and protest in Bangkok

that makes the recipents bought and paid for in my book

as to being paid for driving and gas money, i think its pretty unlikely, some of the recipients of the money could have been taught to drive by Henry Ford.......

As reported in Thai news, it was truck drivers handing over their ID cards to have their details written down (note the big book where they're writing stuff into?). Why did they write down their ID card details? Obviously so they wouldn't collect the gas money more than once. Make sense now?

If you say other people are liars, then you have to back up your stand with something. You can´t just say they must back up what they say. If you in your first post had done that, it would been an other question, but you start to say they talk trash

Sorry, let me correct you. If someone says that someone else is being paid money to protest, I'm not the one that needs to prove them wrong. They need to back up that big statement with credible evidence and then I'll accept it. But a video that was already explained in Thai news as truck drivers getting money for the gas to drive protesters to Bangkok is not evidence of the protesters receiving money, I'm sorry. Anyone that understands Thai knows that, and those who don't probably don't understand Thai politics anyways.

Let´s face it! You don´t know if the id-cards are being taking away from them and you don´t know if they get paid. Until you have proof you will not believe it, but you DON´T KNOW! You give the expression to KNOW the facts.

If you could read and watch Thai news, not just TheNation and the like, you would know that they are indeed "truck drivers", not "bus drivers".

Prove it then. Show me a credible source that says that the video shows 'bus drivers' being paid and not supporters.

If you say other people are liars, then you have to back up your stand with something. You can´t just say they must back up what they say. If you in your first post had done that, it would been an other question, but you start to say they talk trash

Sorry, let me correct you. If someone says that someone else is being paid money to protest, I'm not the one that needs to prove them wrong. They need to back up that big statement with credible evidence and then I'll accept it. But a video that was already explained in Thai news as truck drivers getting money for the gas to drive protesters to Bangkok is not evidence of the protesters receiving money, I'm sorry. Anyone that understands Thai knows that, and those who don't probably don't understand Thai politics anyways.

NBT and TNN which also broadcasts Thai news in Thai language said after showing the video, that it was protesters getting money to protest in Bangkok

must have been a fake government propaganda broadcast on a fake Thai TV channel huh?

If you could read and watch Thai news, not just TheNation and the like, you would know that they are indeed "truck drivers", not "bus drivers".

Prove it then. Show me a credible source that says that the video shows 'bus drivers' being paid and not supporters.

The proof is in your video, which is why your proof is so ridiculous. Open your ears and listen (if you understand Thai).


Strange that our newest returnee doesn't know about this .... oh wait ... :D

The man said 18 of 25 men from Phichit had their ID cards seized by some rally organisers.

It is common knowledge up here, you surrender your ID and check in daily to document that you are at the protest site.

And where is your proof that the story is fabricated? You're just spouting the redneck line over and over (boring). You've taken the redneck lies, hook, line and sinker and you accuse others of being gullible? :)

You asked for a source and you were given one, BACK IN YOUR BOX DEADSNOTTY!

This is the first time he has actually given a DATE instead of jibbering on about 'this year' IF things are ok etc.

EDIT: PS I hate this damned quote thing - I have tried everything and still can't get it to do it correctly - it says I am quoting to many blocks - so i delete 'pairs' but it doesn't work

Here's what you do. You only need to remove one pair to make a post. Look for the oldest post. That will be the post where the quote will be followed by a quote/ with someone's post in between. The top half will be full of quotes and the bottom half will be full of quote/, got to the center and remove the central quote or oldest one, which is the same thing.


Strange that our newest returnee doesn't know about this .... oh wait ... :D

The man said 18 of 25 men from Phichit had their ID cards seized by some rally organisers.

It is common knowledge up here, you surrender your ID and check in daily to document that you are at the protest site.

And where is your proof that the story is fabricated? You're just spouting the redneck line over and over (boring). You've taken the redneck lies, hook, line and sinker and you accuse others of being gullible? :)

You asked for a source and you were given one, BACK IN YOUR BOX DEADSNOTTY!

You're mis-quoting. You're attributing the above post to me when it was in fact posted by jdinasia.

The proof is in your video, which is why your proof is so ridiculous. Open your ears and listen (if you understand Thai).

Money changing hand. Red shirt 'supporters'. It's a pay off. Deny it all you want. Bus, oops I mean truck drivers indeed!

i provided a credible source for you and you say its lies

in the video, taken on March 10th 2010 and shown on TV many times, they must have been fake reds handing over fake ID's to other fake reds and collecting fake money from even more fake reds

it does not matter what the money is to be used for, gas, food or whores (probably all three)

its still money being given by reds to reds to gather and protest in Bangkok

that makes the recipents bought and paid for in my book

as to being paid for driving and gas money, i think its pretty unlikely, some of the recipients of the money could have been taught to drive by Henry Ford.......

As reported in Thai news, it was truck drivers handing over their ID cards to have their details written down (note the big book where they're writing stuff into?). Why did they write down their ID card details? Obviously so they wouldn't collect the gas money more than once. Make sense now?

Ok Snoops just give me a second to put my red head into place

(it won't take long there's not much in it...)

ahh! that's it, now i see how it could be interpreted like that

ok, normal, rational head back on, (took a lot longer to install)

now what about those old grannies collecting money, they must have got their licenses when Buddha was a boy

truck drivers too?

Not sure why you guys keep sparing with Snoopy. Can't you see that is what he wants...

i have explained that before, he is figure of fun, an easy target and i am making him work for his money

Not sure why you guys keep sparing with Snoopy. Can't you see that is what he wants...

Agreed. It's an endless loop.

I went back on-topic several posts ago. You guys keep coming up with the paid-to-protest lies. So let's stop and go back on-topic please.

This is the first time he has actually given a DATE instead of jibbering on about 'this year' IF things are ok etc.

EDIT: PS I hate this damned quote thing - I have tried everything and still can't get it to do it correctly - it says I am quoting to many blocks - so i delete 'pairs' but it doesn't work

Here's what you do. You only need to remove one pair to make a post. Look for the oldest post. That will be the post where the quote will be followed by a quote/ with someone's post in between. The top half will be full of quotes and the bottom half will be full of quote/, got to the center and remove the central quote or oldest one, which is the same thing.

Thanks - not sure why I'm find it so challenging - many posters have the same problem I notice - I do wonder why they don't design it more simply - for instance why it doesn't automatically delete the oldest etc. - cheers anyway

Not sure why you guys keep sparing with Snoopy. Can't you see that is what he wants...

Agreed. It's an endless loop.

I went back on-topic several posts ago. You guys keep coming up with the paid-to-protest lies. So let's stop and go back on-topic please.

ok then, where were we?

thats it, the reds refuse to go home


answer, they have not been paid........

Not sure why you guys keep sparing with Snoopy. Can't you see that is what he wants...

Agreed. It's an endless loop.

I went back on-topic several posts ago. You guys keep coming up with the paid-to-protest lies. So let's stop and go back on-topic please.

ok then, where were we?

thats it, the reds refuse to go home


answer, they have not been paid........

Because they do not trust Abhisit to 'deliver' what he says he will - I am in agreement they should accept this 'deal' but the Dissolution DATE should be published along with the amnesty details.


People in my town loved Thaksin...he put an electricity supply in the outer sois...and made a huge positive difference to the lives of about 3000 voters...are you suggesting that he should have left them in the dark?

Can we actually get one point straight Retarius ?

According to the way your post reads Thaksin (aka Superman) it would seem installed all those wonderful improvements himself.

Let's clarify the matter for our less erudite readers shall we. (Read brain (?) washed Red Shirt apologists)


The TAXPAYERS, (not that Thaksin would understand the word TAXPAYER) paid for the installation of said electricity supply and the rank and file members of Thai society laboured to finish the job not Thaksin.

My dear old mum in law in Surin says ''Thaksin gave us 100 baht of our tax money but he took back 500 baht of our tax money for himself an interesting piece of truthful understanding of Thaksins real motives.

The total control of Thailand to accomplish the rampant looting he started out on and the imposition of a draconian regime.

That is why brothers 1-4 of the Red Shirt Brigade leadership are not willing to step down as they want to continue to wallow in the pork barrel. as promised to them by their Dear Leader.


Strange that our newest returnee doesn't know about this .... oh wait ... :D

The man said 18 of 25 men from Phichit had their ID cards seized by some rally organisers.

It is common knowledge up here, you surrender your ID and check in daily to document that you are at the protest site.

And where is your proof that the story is fabricated? You're just spouting the redneck line over and over (boring). You've taken the redneck lies, hook, line and sinker and you accuse others of being gullible? :)

You asked for a source and you were given one, BACK IN YOUR BOX DEADSNOTTY!

You're mis-quoting. You're attributing the above post to me when it was in fact posted by jdinasia.

My apologies, I got the "Quoting too many blocks" error, and I guess I deleted the wrong blocks.

I shall be banging my head upon the floor until forgiven...

If you could read and watch Thai news, not just TheNation and the like, you would know that they are indeed "truck drivers", not "bus drivers".

Prove it then. Show me a credible source that says that the video shows 'bus drivers' being paid and not supporters.

The proof is in your video, which is why your proof is so ridiculous. Open your ears and listen (if you understand Thai).

With your excellent Thai skills can you please tell me at what point in the video the announcer is talking about bus drivers?

Lots of youthful female bus drivers there snoop, but why did they give up their ID cards? Can't drive a bus without one.

Quotes are not difficult...

Can you post an example? with the blocks to be deleted coloured or something? I've tried several times and get it wrong - frustrating for me and others... and to quote John Lennon 'I'm not the only one'

Quotes are not difficult...

Annoying but not difficult. If people who do it wrong knew what a PITA it causes for the person responding to them, they might take the trouble to figure it out. :)

Not sure why you guys keep sparing with Snoopy. Can't you see that is what he wants...

Agreed. It's an endless loop.

I went back on-topic several posts ago. You guys keep coming up with the paid-to-protest lies. So let's stop and go back on-topic please.

ok then, where were we?

thats it, the reds refuse to go home


answer, they have not been paid........

Wrong. Because Abhisit has yet to confirm the date of the House dissolution. It's in the news of both TV and BP.

Not sure why you guys keep sparing with Snoopy. Can't you see that is what he wants...

Agreed. It's an endless loop.

I went back on-topic several posts ago. You guys keep coming up with the paid-to-protest lies. So let's stop and go back on-topic please.

ok then, where were we?

thats it, the reds refuse to go home


answer, they have not been paid........

:) A couple of posts back you said they had been paid, make your mind up.

Wrong. Because Abhisit has yet to confirm the date of the House dissolution. It's in the news of both TV and BP.

And also the poor red shirts haven't been paid.

Not sure why you guys keep sparing with Snoopy. Can't you see that is what he wants...

Agreed. It's an endless loop.

try using TV's ignore user feature, works great!


deadsnotty says:

Wrong. Because Abhisit has yet to confirm the date of the House dissolution. It's in the news of both TV and BP.

Timekeepers rebuttle says:

and therein lies the answer

the deal with the reds, at least those from my wife's village is this:

you will all get paid in full and the village will get its cash bonus once Abhisit has agreed to dissolve the house and not until.

so until he does exactly that, its uncertain that they will get paid from the slippery Thaksin and his cronies, so they do not want to go anywhere.

to qualify for payment he needs to say it

he knows it too, that why he is not saying it and has already had a subordinate to say it for him:

MCOT: Bangkok: Democrat Party spokesman Buranat: PM expected to dissolve House during Sept 14-30

also there is the biggest worry of all for the reds,

how to maintain their ''peaceful protestor'' image when there are tons of munitions buried around Lumpini Park

how are they going to get them out without anyone seeing or how can they make sure they are not found by the authorities

throwing them in the lake is clearly not an option

a few hundred AK47's and thousands of grenades may later pose a bit of a PR problem for the peaceful reds

so a few delaying tactics until that problem is sorted is to be expected ......

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