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The Evolution Of The 'boing' Noise.


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I didn't think the ever present 'boing' noise over every Thai TV program could get any more annoying. I had hoped that it might die off eventually. But no, not only is it still going strong but it is now starting to be accompanied by 'Batman and Robin' style graphics! :) I've only seen it on a few shows but for sure it will soon be on them all. The one I remember was a serious scene in which two guys were beating a homeless looking chap. The kicks and punches had the 'boing' noise plus graphical 'kapaw' type things. I couldn't believe it! I wonder what will be next. :D

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I've never been to a Thai TV station but I reckon there'll be a statue of Benny Hill in the foyer

benny hill would go down a storm here i reckon.

A few year's ago that's all you could see (Benny Hill) in any bar that had a TV.
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People actually watch Thai TV? The parts that don't go 'boing' or show domestic violence are brain-wash type news programs. That leaves VERY little. Some football, mostly.

Maybe TRUE can start adding a boing when somebody misses an open goal.

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Rich, you've already done this before.

Why a repeat?


Ps I hope your avatar is not a photo of you :)

Well, yes, sort of. When I mentioned it last time there was only the boing. Now we have the graphics. A connoisseur of Thai Tv would know this is altogether different :D . Anyway at least it is not political in any way. I didn't expect folk to start posting on the old thread too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The next evolution of the BOING could be mobile phone 'sound smilies'

The teenagers could have pre-recorded effect sounds that they could insert in their phone conversations as they find fitting.

I can see it coming around the corner...

.. on the other hand, those will only be heard by the parts of the call, not everybody around.

Maybe someone could make a filter by sampling the sounds and mixing them in in anti-phase on your TV audio output

as soon as they are detected ?


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It looks like Thai TV will go the way of Korean TV. Sometimes it is so hard to actually see what is on the screen for all the graphics in front of the picture. Most annoying, plus all the canned Ooohs and Aaahhhs.

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A lot of it is simple ripping-off of Western sitcoms. And not just sound effects. A girl was watching a Thai TV show in my room and suddenly I started hearing the Andy Griffith Show whistling theme music. She didn't believe me when I told her that music was stolen from a 50 year old American TV show until I played her a

of the original. Edited by Lodestone
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Look at any Thai website and you will see the internet version of 'boing'.

I second this. I just want a website where the info is clear and the site is user-friendly but no every single Thai website has to be a mish-mash of vivid and clashing colours, flashing lights usually saying "new", confusing graphics that make it difficult to work out how to navigate the site and infuriating tinny soppy or fluffy pop songs embedded at extreme volume with no apparent means of turning them off except turning off the volume on your computer. Clarity is a not a strong point in Thai I.T.

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Clarity is a not a strong point in Thai I.T.

You are so very right! But that is what happens when you hire just about anyone who says "I can make your website" for 1000 baht or so..

I think there are very few Thai businesses who would pay for a real designer.

What is worse ( or at least equally bad ) is that cross-platform compatibility seems to be totally unheard of, even by the expectedly

serious international websites - like The Nation's for example.

The Nation's website works well ONLY if you use Internet Explorer on windows. Mozilla Firefox - NO, MAC Safari - NO, Google Chrome -NO.

I actually do my surfing on my MAC and then I have a special installation of IE on my XP laptop ONLY to read The Nation.

On all other browsers the multi-layer design gets messed up and the blogs are mostly unreadable as the text continues in under the

right margin of the main column. This is because IE uses a different size syntax/implementation than other browsers. And any serious

designer should have a script that switches CSS documents depending on if you use IE or not..

And this have been pointed out to them by loads of people - yet no response at all. Which makes me think that they are simply f*cked by

their possibly quite expensive web-design consultant who probably is using a pirated XP or Win7 on his developer machine and knows

nothing else..

Now I got a chance to rant about that, too. Thanks Briggsy :)

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