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Free 0800 Numbers To The Uk


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Just had a friend bring a Lloyds replacement credit card back for me from the UK.

it has a 0800 number that i have to call to activate it .

but tried to call from thailand but cannot get through is there a block on

calling them from abroad ?.

tried 00944800++++++ but just get a busy tone ,have tried for 2 days !

tried +44800++++++ but just get a thai recorded message

tried 00144800++++++ same thai message

is there something i'm doing wrong ?

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I called a Citibank UK 0800 number yesterday, using SKYPE.

Must admit, I was surprised it worked as I thought 0800 numbers were not allowed.

Surprisingly it showed as 0 per minute, a free call...

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Yup, I used Skype to call Barclaycard to activate my new card. Worked like a charm (to my surprise).

tried +44800++++++ but just get a thai recorded message
Did you get someone to translate the message, it may just be telling you the call isn't free :)
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I called a Citibank UK 0800 number yesterday, using SKYPE.

Must admit, I was surprised it worked as I thought 0800 numbers were not allowed.

Surprisingly it showed as 0 per minute, a free call...

I guess VOIP calls are different from standard calls in that respect, since VOIP calls get connected to the traditional phone network at the recipients national phone network. Meaning there is a VOIP gateway in the destination country that connects the VOIP call into the traditional phone network. To the recipient the international call looks like a domestic call.

The company running toll-free numbers have to pay for your call (maybe not directly but via volume discounts), and that's why only domestic calls are allowed (not sure if it would be technically possible at all with international calls). When calling via VOIP, for instance Skype Out, the call appears to be a domestic call and the system will accept the call (toll-free).

Out of curiosity - did you require a Skype account with money charged to the account to make it work or does Skype offer this service to any registered user?

Disclaimer: this post is most likely technically not accurate, and maybe my explanation is way off or even completely wrong. Evetrybody should feel free to chime in and correct me!


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tried 00944800++++++ but just get a busy tone ,have tried for 2 days !

tried +44800++++++ but just get a thai recorded message

tried 00144800++++++ same thai message

is there something i'm doing wrong ?

To update my earlier post about phoning the Citibank 0800 number from Thailand using SKYPE.

I have checked, and the number I called was +440800....

So you should leave the zero in, dial +440800 not +44800.

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For US 800 numbers the normal 001 access code will work but you have a Thai and then English recording that it is not free and connection is only made after the announcement ends.

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I know nothing but the web site on above but would be very cautious of using a system only designed for 800 number use as you have a 3rd party able to record anything said between you and the party you are calling. For normal telephone service this would be an impossible (or at least improbable) task to target without huge computer power but for calls that are normally used to provide financial information expect the motivation could be there.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I know nothing but the web site on above but would be very cautious of using a system only designed for 800 number use as you have a 3rd party able to record anything said between you and the party you are calling. For normal telephone service this would be an impossible (or at least improbable) task to target without huge computer power but for calls that are normally used to provide financial information expect the motivation could be there.

Just returned to this topic--I needed to call a UK 0800 number and remembered the info was here but, since the number IS my banking no. and I fully understand what Lopburi3 is saying, I have decided that, just maybe, this is not such a good idea.

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