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Why Marry A Thai Girl? Why Hurry To Do This Thing?


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I have obvserved that most of the topics here are TROLLS for obvious questions.

I think we should cut to the chase the ASK the obvious. Why are thai girls in such a hurry to marry a farang. I'll give my insight, and maybe others can add.

Certainly if the FARANG didn't MARRY so quick, there wouldn't be so much regret and bitching as we see on TV. Men come to Thailand for easy-sex, bar-girl can give that thing, but she only 1% of normal thai girl. Farang jump into marriage after knowing woman 2-3 weeks, thai-man would NEVER do this thing.

So the question is WHY HURRY? My mind is that most of these JAI-NHGAI girls ( easy sex ) of course come from dysfunctinal homes, they don't want you to know the GOOD/BAD. A thai-man wants to know the good & bad about his wife, that's why he learns her for a year before marriage. When a farang meets a girl, he has a good time and ONLY see's the GOOD the girl as not become BORED.

There is nothing worse than a BORED thai girl, once she is bored she will MO-HO and JAI-LORN which means her personality will suck, and you will NOT want to hang with her.

All the talk about 'bad thai girls' and scam and cheat, all the talk about sin-sot, ... all the talk about pre-nuptial agreements, ... all the bashing of women, it can all be elminated if the FARANG just understand about this thing. To know his girl a year before he marry her.

When you meet the girl, yes you'll pay, its thai culture to give your girlfriend money for kotex, make-up, clothes, ... so she can make her self beaultiful for you. If she already has a kid, which is 99% of the time why she wants a FARANG, because NO thai-man wants her, then you need to give her a little money for pampers and formula, ok 3,000 baht a month. So figure once you have a thai-girl friend, its going to cost you 5,000 to 10,000 a month. That's only $300 USD month.

Spend a year, get to know her.

A real knotty question, and I would really like to argue this on the FORUM is HOW LONG TO WAIT TO meet her parents. I'll say this, DO NOT MEET HER PARENTS UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO MARRY HER. From the DAY you meet her mother the sin-sot clock will start. From the day you meet her father he will ask you when you are going to marry his daughter. In thai culture I think it is assumed if a girl brings you home, that you are having sex. In normal thai culture, this means marriage.

It's been my observation that ALL thai girl WANT MARRIAGE? WHY?? I really not know. I certainly didn't want MARRIAGE when I moved to THAILAND. I had sad NEVER AGAIN. When I met my wife we both agreed we didn't want to be married. But once I met mother and father I was told I didn't have a choice, .... either to marry their daughter or quit seeing her.

I have found that virtually everywhere I go that every girl wants only marriage, even the bar-girl that you pay-4-play, if you see her more than 3 consective days, marriage is on her mind. There is this tremendous hurry to get tung-mun ( gold like engagement ring ) and sin-sot ( money for mother ). For the farang this is cheat. For thai-girl this is PROOF that your love is real.

For the FARANG we think money is OUR's. For the thai girl your money is her money. Spending your money on her is PROOF you love her. To me and I think MOST farang, spending time and loving her is PROOF of love. But sadly in Thailand, even with mothers of chidlren, buying them gifts is proof of love, This drives me crazy about thai. I think that MONEY has NOTHING to do with LOVE. But get over it, if your going to PLAY with thai girls it will cost you money.

Bar-Girls are cheap. Let's say up north far from BKK, a guy can play everyday forever for 500 baht.

What's a normal girl going to cost?? I paid 200k tung-mung (10bahtgold), 1M baht sin-sot, ... ok, not much reall 22,000 EURO. But I'm done, other than 10,000 baht a month for her girl-stuff I don't spend a dime, as the family provides everything else for us. We have many homes and currently I'm building a home on land my thai family gave me, its sort of a joke in my mind as YOU can't own land anyway, but they call it give, but so what, ... I didn't have to spend 500,000 baht for the land, I just pay 1,000,000 baht for the house that I want, that I design, and that I build. I'm not going to spend anymore than anyone in my HOOD spends on their home, and I don't know any farang anywhere in my area, there are no BAHN-FARANG ( white-fool-house ), and I don't want one I want a thai-home. I eat thai food, I hate farang food.

Ok, so I paid I'm up to about 42,000 EURO for the house, girl, & family. But now everyone trusts me, because I PAID. This is Thailand you have to pay. Now what about 42,000 EURO, well that's 20 years or more with a different women every night, effectively the rest of my life, the choice is yours.

Of course for me, to be with a women who loves me, a woman is probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I think the money is a good investment.

Why do farang let the thai-girl RUSH them to marriage?

Take your money? Well even the POOR girl wants 100,000 tung-mun, and 200,000 sin-sot, .. but where the poor girl really gets you is the endless request for money that will never end, for EVERYONE in the village and everyone in her family. So they'll spend your money until its GONE, and then they'll show you the door.

My thai-family has NEVER once asked me for money. EVER. In fact my problem is I fix things, and everytime I fix something at my familys many apartments and homes, they deman that I take 1,000 baht notes and I refuse their money. I don't want money. SO I have the opposite problem, I have these people throwing me money I don't want.

I have lots of old friends special-forces, soldiers, ... and they all say the same thing about SE-ASIA "NEVER MARRY A POOR GIRL".

Let's be honest 99% of farang marry what they meet, they don't speak thai, they meet a bar-girl, and she is poor, this is why she do this thing SELL HER BODY. She good girl, but when meet bar girl, it mean she poor. A normal girl her family NOT do this thing send daughter to BKK to sell her body. PERIOD.

So you marry a poor girl, and she take you to village, and you MUST giver EVERYONE MONEY FOREVER. The day you say NO they call you KEE-NIAW ( sticky shit ), then its over, for she has lost face, she has married a sticky-shit.

My friends are rich-thai, I have had this conversation, they feel it is common for the POOR to waste all their money there is this pressure to spend. The RICH call these people KON-GLIAT ( fool ). I would rather be called kee-niaw, than kon-gliat. If any thai EVER calls me kee-niaw, I simply remind them that this is the road to being a beggar in the long term of your life, and I would prefer to DIE a rich man, than a poor man. They have thier choice in life, and I have my choice.

I only have ONE OBLIGATION in this game. When I met my thai-father he asked "will you love my daughter, and will you take care of her". This is my ONLY obligation to anyone.

Ok in summary, now FARANG tell me why you let these thai girls make you marry them so quick, before you know them, before you can run from the problems they will bring to your life?

I say do what THAI-MAN do, learn the girl one-year before you marry. In many cases that may mean differing sex a long time, as many thai women will not give you sex until their mother approves. It may mean waiting to meet mother so she don't know about you. But god forbid if you marry a thai girl that you have known for less than a year, don't come crawling to TV because thai girl robbed you.

You are a FOOL a KON-GLIAT, if you let the thai girl rush you to marriage.

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in summary, now FARANG tell me why you let these thai girls make you marry them so quick

But didn't you just tell us mere humble farang why in your opening post - and in excruciating detail?

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Bilbo says

1) A thai-man wants to know the good & bad about his wife, that's why he learns her for a year before marriage.

2) What's a normal girl going to cost?? I paid 200k tung-mung (10bahtgold), 1M baht sin-sot, ... ok, not much reall 22,000 EURO. But I'm done, other than 10,000 baht a month for her girl-stuff I don't spend a dime

3) There is nothing worse than a BORED thai girl, once she is bored she will MO-HO and JAI-LORN which means her personality will suck, and you will NOT want to hang with her.

4) Spending your money on her is PROOF you love her

5) You are a FOOL a KON-GLIAT, if you let the thai girl rush you to marriage.

SB says

1) Most Thai men I have met will use any excuse not to get married, so many girls, so little time is their usual policy.

2) You already appear to have already given more than a bar-girls wildest dreams, I'm not letting my wife read this post, you make me look like a 'cheap charly'

3) Baby solves this problem (DNA tested of course)

4) Last weeks gift, 900bht makeup, week before 200bht earrings, week before that 300bht dress, how easy is that, proof of love at minimum expense.

5) You are a hateful person if you marry fast?? ... or do you mean 'KON NGO' (stupid person)

I will have to disagree with you on this post, marriage and divorce are very cheap out here, but 1 millon Baht sin-sot!!!!!!!

(I can get married and divorced in a hurry 10 times on that)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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My thai-family has NEVER once asked me for money. EVER.

They're still working their way through the million dowry. :)

(Mods can we pretend the OP isn't trolling and keep this running a while)?

Edited by mca
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I petty much agree with the OP. I have been married almost 15 years to my Thai Issan wife...Dirt poor family to be sure, but she had a spirit of an elephant. Left home at 15, worked as a maid, finally borrowed a bunch of money and started a sewing factory. She was 29 when we married, and I knew her for 2 years before, more as a friend, as there were lots of women available. I finally recognized what she a gem really was.

We had the big wedding, with 50 drummers, truck loads of bear, music for 3 days, and set a record for sin-sod in her village.

Since then we work on what is important to our life. She is not soft about her family and relatives. He words..."buffalo brain stupid people". "You want to work" she tell them, "I give you work, and pay you well, you want to stick your hand out, I'll fill it with kee. You want to drink drunk, go away, you not welcome in my home".

Most importantly we are best friends.

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TROLL, secondly, your first stated reason of why 'all' men come to Thailand, wrong. :)

Yeah, I came over on a study abroad program... Furthermore after semesters of Sexual health classes I have so many nasty nasty images and statistics stuck in my head, walking past a girly bar makes my skin crawl, thinking of what might be crawling in them :D

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"I have been married almost 15 years to my Thai Issan wife...but she had a spirit of an elephant."

"HAD the spirit"...did she die, or did her spirit? I'm not sure if any woman would be complimented if I told her that she "has the spirit of an elephant". Regardless, years ago when my father was 65, he was dating a 21-year old woman. She showed me her picture, and I gagged - a less physically attractive woman does not exist, and I told my father that. "But", my father added, "she can play the banjo." Ignoring any sexual reference, I told dad that "playing the banjo" wasn't on my top 1000 list for a woman's attributes, and an elephantine spirit might be 999 on the list. I'm just saying.

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