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Teenage Briton Arrested For Drug Trafficking

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He should have bided his time, run for political office or worked his way up the food chain in the military, and THEN got involved with smuggling drugs. Look at tony blair, bill clinton, ronald reagan, oliver north.

What a fukcing stupid thing to say.

Do you honestly believe that Tony Blair is in any way involved with the drug trade.

You pathetic fool.

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He should have bided his time, run for political office or worked his way up the food chain in the military, and THEN got involved with smuggling drugs. Look at tony blair, bill clinton, ronald reagan, oliver north.

What a fukcing stupid thing to say.

Do you honestly believe that Tony Blair is in any way involved with the drug trade.

You pathetic fool.

That's funny. I'm a fool.

Reread your own posts and then if you have a brain you'll reword that one.

No of course not. And the queen has balls too. You brits are about the biggest laugh in the world.


Mr Vietnam :o


Just a thought Vietnam, if his name is California Dave, why is he a Brit?

Get back to me when you have sussed it out.

Also get back to me when your nation has been around 2000 years....


Just a thought Vietnam, if his name is California Dave, why is he a Brit?

Get back to me when you have sussed it out.

Also get back to me when your nation has been around 2000 years....


Nice one Chon, :D

Just a thought Vietnam, if his name is California Dave, why is he a Brit?

Get back to me when you have sussed it out.

Also get back to me when your nation has been around 2000 years....


Nice one Chon, B)

Further evidence my statement was right on the money.

And look at where 2,000 years have taken you. You're a lapdog for the US, and if not for the US your national anthem would be deutchland deutchland and required reading in uk schools would be mein kampf.

You know it, we know it and the world knows it.

Just think also, that in less than 100 years smart mouth, becuase of the brilliance of the founders of America, my country became the richest, most powerful and happy people on the earth, and accomplished things in that first 100 years not done in 6,000 years of world history. Don't like those facts?

Certainly you're not going to whine your way to duplicating that as hard as you try.

Unfortunately the darn near blockade of great ( hahaha) britain by the US didn't happen 80 years ago because of two socialists swapping spit together ( roosevelt-churchill) which pushed my country more toward the failed policies of britain rather than continue with the freedom that we invented.

So in that sence, ya'll are successful. You've been able to export your failures around the world.

Ask any Brit in Florida if they would ever like to return to that fabian fantasy land. I have several British friends who are the best people I know and would love to put you in your place on that one. They're not about to try to defend the status quo in the uk, OR the us for that matter. They simply left to find freedom and found the closest thing to it......in the USA.

Is this too deep for you? Click the star sign.

Mr Vietnam :D


I really do think that we are loosing the plot here, after all California Dave is obviously anti-German. Those that are talking of repatriating criminals to their home land can't be thinking right, why should tax payers end up paying for the upkeep of people who have offended in other countries. And as for executions in America, how can a country that readily (and rightly) executes convicted murderers agree to a plea bargain for someone who admits to 48 murders? I must be really naive !



Wow, the topic seems to have grown into something different now...

Are we still talking about a teenage (alleged) drug trafficker or are we talking about which country is the superior one now??

Just so I can follow the plot! heheheheeh :D

BTW, having lived in both the US of A and England, I have to say I prefer living in England. No specific reasons, just like it here better. B):o


I like living in Thailand as well, Begs. :D

If I could, I probably would live in Thailand for 6 months, then England for another 6 or so. heheheh B)

Sorry, this is pretty irrelevant stuff. I apologise for wasting the topic's space. Please carry on. B):oB)


as a fully paid up brit national, i have to agree with mr. vietnams argument,although not with the loudmouth american way he uses to present it.

britain has been slowly sinking into a socialist induced sludge of failed policy for the past 20 or more years. freedoms are being eroded and the lazy and inefficient are lauded above the law abiding and industrious.

public services are shameful,taxation is punishing,crime is rampant and the compensation culture (an american export by the way) is crippling commerce.

along with the rest of socialist europe we will continue to decline as asia rises.

how the asians and chinese must laugh when they read of yet more labour restrictive laws that make doing competitive business well nigh impossible, of our weak judicial system that allows convicted rapists and murderers on to the streets after a couple of years in our easy going prisons, at our culture of putting the rights of illegal immigrants and terrorist preachers before the rights of the old and the weak, the very people that a true socialist system should be helping.

the working people of britain are giving over more and more of their hard earned money to support lost cause after lost cause and all the while the politicians are lining their pockets with generous pension entitlements and directorships.

britain is a society that has lost its way. justice does not exist.it's dog eat dog.its pathetic. ask most people who work for a living if they would like to get out and i think you would find that they would jump at the chance.

if it wasn't for the usa, we would have been invaded by nazi germany,although they didnt do it out of generosity or altruism. they profited handsomely from the second world war just as they have done from all their military excursions before and after.

yes, we have 2000 years of history .

of being under danish rule, roman rule, french rule etc. our history has been one war after another, blood blood and more blood.

we have always fought with our neighbours. we have always hated our neighbours and they have always hated us. sound like life today on any council estate in the country. we are europeans. we like a scrap. and we dont care with who.

how i enjoy life when i am away from that fetid dump called england.

Further evidence my statement was right on the money.

And look at where 2,000 years have taken you. You're a lapdog for the US, and if not for the US your national anthem would be deutchland deutchland and required reading in uk schools would be mein kampf.

You know it, we know it and the world knows it.


You Americans really think you won WWII single handed don't you ?

BTW We laughable Brits never supported you in one war on the battlefield in a hundred years AND it was the only one you lost, coincidence????


Further evidence my statement was right on the money.

And look at where 2,000 years have taken you. You're a lapdog for the US, and if not for the US your national anthem would be deutchland deutchland and required reading in uk schools would be mein kampf.

You know it, we know it and the world knows it.


You Americans really think you won WWII single handed don't you ?

BTW We laughable Brits never supported you in one war on the battlefield in a hundred years AND it was the only one you lost, coincidence????

Again, further illustration that my points are right on the money.

Keep digging yourself even deeper. Maybe you'll even convice yourself you're right after a few more brews.


Mr Vietnam :o


Vietnam some of your posts amuse me , most bore me.

One thing I have noticed is how aggressive you can be , name calling etc.

I have only ever met one person from a forum that was similar in his lack of respect for other members , insulting their countries , calling them insulting names , you get the picture.

Guess what? When we met, he retracted all of it , couldn't have been meeker.

Methinks you two are like two peas in a pod.

People from different cultures can get along , you don't seem to be able to do that on here , what chance have you got in real life.

Your response , as I have heard a dozen times will insult me , my intellect , my lack of success ( apparently) and you will tell me how successful you are etc.

Perhaps this will save you the time you would have taken to reply.

Go on ,just try to reply without any insults , type something eloquent , even, I daresay, self-effacing pretty please?




I guarantee that most of the Brits in Florida just prefer the weather, it certainly has nothing to do with the "culture" B) (in any sense of the world) or the blessed "american dream".

...becuase of the brilliance of the founders of America, my country became the richest, most powerful and happy people on the earth, and accomplished things in that first 100 years not done in 6,000 years of world history. Don't like those facts? ...

LOL - a classic :D

What have you accomplished? What facts? Moron

:o The sad thing is that you seem to believe what you write.

But, the thing that baffles me most, is how you can have such patriotism for a basterdised nation, the populous of which is almost entirely descended from immigrants.

It's now clear that one of our most succesful exports of "failures" was a few hundred years ago on the mayflower. B)

Life must be bliss down there in the shallow end of the intellect pool

U.. S.. A.., U.. S.. A..


I guarantee that most of the Brits in Florida just prefer the weather, it certainly has nothing to do with the "culture" B) (in any sense of the world) or the blessed "american dream".

...becuase of the brilliance of the founders of America, my country became the richest, most powerful and happy people on the earth, and accomplished things in that first 100 years not done in 6,000 years of world history. Don't like those facts? ...

LOL - a classic :D

What have you accomplished? What facts? Moron

:o The sad thing is that you seem to believe what you write.

But, the thing that baffles me most, is how you can have such patriotism for a basterdised nation, the populous of which is almost entirely descended from immigrants.

It's now clear that one of our most succesful exports of "failures" was a few hundred years ago on the mayflower. B)

Life must be bliss down there in the shallow end of the intellect pool

U.. S.. A.., U.. S.. A..

You'll never know. As you are so consumed by your own ignorance and feeble weak kneed lack of depth, it would be a waste of time to even try to get thru to that little brain inside your head.

Perhaps you can rent a listening ear wherever you are.

The mayflower you simpleton came later just as an fyi.

But thanks BTW in any event. As you weak peons willingly gave up your own manhood to your beloved "queen" no matter what the actual sex of that human was/is, we Americans not only fought for but attained the status of being the worlds most free nation of "immigrants" in world history. And thankfully, sissified weasels like yourself will never qualify to muddy the environment here.

Remember to tip your hat you weak pussy whenever an American walks by. We not only demand that from our subservient british slaves, but as evidenced by your miserable queen and her weasel like protege, ( oh my little tony), we get it too.

My vote would have been to let you deal with the Germans. At least they were warriors of the highest order and can be trusted to exibit real heart.

You're a fairy. Nothing more.

Mr Vietnam B)


You confirmed my theory anyhow.

Oh well , is that your "weasel like " self on your website news clippings?

You could pass for one of the Royal Family.

Cheers Lebowski , or whatever you call yourself this week.

ps where are your ancestors from , pre-USA , Poland I guess? NOw that would be ironic , what with your Pro-Nazi mutterings . back to the history book Lebowski..

pps I'll be in Florida this Xmas to visit Sis , Sarasota , lets have a beer.



I gotta put my two cents in this debate. Heck why not.

First of all, it is the AMERICANS who saved EUROPE from oppression of a DICTATOR, and it was AMERICA who saved Britains tail. Comprended. They were knocking on your door you sweet peas. If it wasn't for us BAD BOY, BAD BOY, would have had you.

We the Americans have freed many countries of being oppressed by your very own leaders. We the Americans stuck ourselves out to give you what you have today. We gave our lives to preserve the freedom of the world. Did we have to do this? Heck no. Want to know why we got involved? Lets see, Japan had most of the Pacific under their belts, and they made one biggie of a mistake. They attacked our harbor known as Pearl Harbor, and that got us plenty mad, so out we come cracking you. How we get involved in Europe? It was Churchill who begged us to save England from that Bad Boy. We got involved when one of our supply ships got sunk and it was involved in the armada, and we also discovered Bad Boy had snoops at our shores. No way jose!!!

There you have it. Mr Vietnam please do spot on for these sweet peas of a brain. They forgot who saved their butts. Shall we give them the moooonie to show them our gratitude????????

I'm with you man. Right on brother.

Daveyo :o

He should have bided his time, run for political office or worked his way up the food chain in the military, and THEN got involved with smuggling drugs. Look at tony blair, bill clinton, ronald reagan, oliver north. Let's not forget ol fidel and company, danny ortega, either. Yu think thaksin doesn't chip off a piece?

I mean if you're going to be a "successful" smuggler, that's the way to go.

Mr Vietnam :o

Mr. Vietnam. Finally something you say that I can agree with completley. tax, please take note.

And California Dave, good point regarding ecstacy use in the UK. Ecstacy is very different from heroine...

And tax, punsihment that fits the crime, yes. Punsihment that is grossly excessive, no. Jail for life or execution for ecstacy smuggling is beyond excessive.

Just think also, that in less than 100 years smart mouth, becuase of the brilliance of the founders of America, my country became the richest, most powerful and happy people on the earth, and accomplished things in that first 100 years not done in 6,000 years of world history. Don't like those facts?

Mr. Vietnam... Just when i was starting to find some common ground... Richest and most powerful. Quite possibly. Happiest? Are we talking about the same America? And always remember that you personally had nothing to do with the various achievments of past Americans. Don't rely on them too heavily for your personal sense of superiority.

They attacked our harbor known as Pearl Harbor

DaveYo , you show a stunning sense of prose combined with the Geographical expertise of a .... Geographical expert.

See chaps it's possible to use wit in a riposte , without slandering ones country.

Sweetpea eh? No , sorry not quite on the same level ....

First of all, it is the AMERICANS  who saved EUROPE from oppression of a DICTATOR, and it was AMERICA who saved Britains tail.  Comprended. 

I guess we could theorise till the cows come home what would of happenned if The USA had'nt decided to join the war in Europe.

My own view is that Germany wouldn't of bothered trying to invade Britain after it lost The Battle of Britain and concentrated all of it's recources in its fight against The USSR, in the meantime Britain would of produced it's own Atom Bomb and flattenned Berlin.

Also for the record I am very pro American and think that Britain should maintain our strong Anglo/American ties rather than cosy up to the undemorcratic EU which is a ******* joke!


I also have no axe to grind with our cousins accross the pond.

The couple of anti-British posters on this board , I fear, have deeper problems that they are using this tirade to hide behind.

We can only pray that their parents don't let them use the computer quite as long tomorrow. I believe they play for opposing sides in the girls netball team...etc etc


You confirmed my theory anyhow.

Oh well , is that your "weasel like " self on your website news clippings?

You could pass for one of the Royal Family.

Cheers Lebowski , or whatever you call yourself this week.

ps where are your ancestors from , pre-USA , Poland I guess? NOw that would be ironic , what with your Pro-Nazi mutterings . back to the history book Lebowski..

pps I'll be in Florida this Xmas to visit Sis , Sarasota , lets have a beer.


That's about all you have is a theory Chonobot.

Oh no I couldn't pass for any weasels in the "royal dirtbag" family. I don't steal for a living.

Newsclippings? Yup, there are news stories in several countries about me., ain't that something? Read any of them?

I'm "pro nazi"? Hahaha that's a real good one chonobot. How so ? Please enlighten me. YU equate only Germans with being facist? Are you that shallow?

Sarasota's right up the road. I don't drink alcohol . But if you're real nice we could split a milkshake at my home and you can see the evil Mr Vietnam first up. Yu missed the Moody Blues. They just left. Was terrific as expected.

Just leave your socialism and other brands of self indulgent fabianism outside and you'd be a guest.

Mr Vietnam :D

self indulgent fabianism

Hat's off Mr Vietnam , that is the best phrase I've heard for days!

Nice one.

In reality I'm as far as you could get from a socialist.

Maggie Thatcher would beat the sh1t out of Tony for sure.


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