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Predict Who Will Win American Idol 2010


40 members have voted

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Look at the picture of the finalist.

2 White Guys, 1 Girl and 1 Black Dude.....

...do i need to tell the rest???

Who cares, this season blows. I was disenchanted when the stupid voters (tweens, gays and old ladies) blew off Lilly Scott so early and then stopped watching when Siobhan Magnus was voted off. This season has been a real disappointment. No wonder the ratings are going down so steadily.

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Not much of a TV watcher but even at my rip old age I enjoy the show.

Ellen DeGeneres adds a lot, she is funny and really cares about the feelings

of the kids she must judge.

Due have to say this is one of my least favorite series. No Adman

or Carrie Underwoods to watch or listen too. Just not the best line up.

My friends back home used to say "Sendbaht American Idol is so not you"

but it is me, I look forward to the show even if this year the singers

are a little "pitchy" :)

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I think the (current) poll results have it about right: Crystal and Lee are tied. Crystal was running away from it for a while, but she has stumbled in the past two weeks and the list of the songs Idols can perform next week has no obvious strong tunes for her. I think it will be another challenging week.

BTW, on Twitter, I correctly predicted the Top 5 back when it was Top 12. (Top 4, actually).

My original Top 3 prediction was Crystal, Lee & Casey. Can't believe Casey survived this week.

Usually I feel a bit either of a loss or smug satisfaction when one goes home. But with Aaron this week, neither. I never expected him to win but he's hugely likable and think he did the best he could. No shame in going home at #5. I think he has a better shot at a record deal than Michael or Casey, one of whom will get the boot next week.



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My amateurish observations.

Casey James. I don't get him. He isn't going to win. He isn't going to have a big career. Something about his look and personality won't click.

Crystal Bowersox. She will win. She will have a big career.

Lee Dewyze. Runner up. He will end up having the biggest career and will transform himself dramatically in the next few years.

Michael Lynche. Broadway musical career, that's it. Wrong look for pop star and also really too "straight" to be a credible pop star.

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You really must have an exciting life to come up with this one.

I agree, American Idol!!!! I guess Davy Crockett!

Isn't he the star of the Redneck Roadkill Cooking show on TNN (Teabaggers National Network)?


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Surprised about so many votes for Lee. I like him too but I still think he won't win. I think the Crystal lady is saving up some blow out numbers for the finale.

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I'd put real money on it being Crystal. Although last year I was certain Adam Lambert would walk it, so what do I know. Casey is only still in because of his looks, Lee has managed to slip by in a vaguely inoffensive way (although he did well in the swing week), and while I don't think Crystal is massively interesting either, she's got a spark of charisma and talent about her.

Alright, I'll stick my money where my mouth is. If anybody but Crystal wins it I'll done 1000 baht to the charity of your choice. :)

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Now it's down to 2, I voted for Lee. I didn't see this thread before.

Lee still doesn't show a lot of confidence, but his performing continues to get stronger.

Crystal is good, but not progressing. What was the point of the mouth organ this week? She only used it for a few bars at the beginning and the end and looked uncomfortable trying to sing round it.

Can someone tell me why Starworld makes such a big thing about American Idol being beamed by satellite from USA? It must be to give the impression that we are watching it live, but what is it, about 10 hours after it is aired in the US?

I don't know if the show will be the same next year without Simon. Everybody supposedly hates him, but he always gets the most applause when the judges are introduced.

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Just watched the final show before the final results show. My prediction stands -- Crystal Bowersox. She definitely was the stronger performer in the finale, when it counts. I would be very surprised if she doesn't win it.

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I have to wait until 5PM when it comes on Starworld. And that's only if the family can let me watch in peace :) Often I only get to watch it later.

No matter how they have performed, there is a hardcore of voters and I really can't imagine that those who voted for Casey will switch to Crystal. They are much more likely to vote for Lee in my opinion.

So even without watching the final yet, I am sure that Lee will win.

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I have to wait until 5PM when it comes on Starworld. And that's only if the family can let me watch in peace :) Often I only get to watch it later.

No matter how they have performed, there is a hardcore of voters and I really can't imagine that those who voted for Casey will switch to Crystal. They are much more likely to vote for Lee in my opinion.

So even without watching the final yet, I am sure that Lee will win.

Well, I just read this article that there are actually scientific polling methods of predicting the winner, which says Lee is going to win big. So I guess I was being naive that performance is the key factor. He is cute. I will stick with the Crystal prediction just because that was what I thought before reading the analysis, but realize now I am probably wrong. Anyway ...

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I watched the final Jing and I have to agree with you that Crystal's performance was by far the best on the night.

I couldn't believe that Lee started with The Boxer. I'm not keen on songs that have "La la la" as half of the lyrics.

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And the winner of 'American Idol' is...

SPOILER ALERT!!! Tonight's blog entry will reveal the winner of "American Idol." Don't read any further if you don't want to know the results.

Pop a cork Lee-vites!

Your man did it, and he is sooooo happy!

It is indeed a "Beautiful Day" for Lee, who can barely pull it together to sing his first single. The confetti is flying, and MamaSox looks like she is going to be just fine.


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