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Thailand's Yellow-Shirts Call For PM Abhisit To Stand Down


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What? You mean we're actually going to have an election? You could see why the Alliance for Democracy would be against that! The PAD realizes, they will lose... again. They realize that their only chance of being in power was to get Abhisit in power without a real election, and now he wants to give up power? This is an outrage! My guess is a couple weeks after the elections the yellows will be camping out in the city, and we can rinse and repeat.

I feel bad for Abhisit. He's in a tough position. The old power figures refuse to give it up, or to compromise in any way. This deal was a compromise, both sides had to give something. He's turned away the people who put him in power though by doing so. Still, kudos for trying. I get the feeling the yellows would have much rather he just plow over the Reds with tanks, ala Tiananmen Square, to put those "poor uneducated peasants" in their place. The first step for change in Thailand, will be teaching both sides the rules of compromise.

EXCELLENT ! I hope MAJORITY of Thai could read the same idea ! pass it on !

quoted from another forum : Thai is still very much challenging each other on either winning or lossing within the same piece of pie. they should learn from this bad incident the concept of compromise, the idea of win-win and get the pie bigger for themselves !

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If you go back to the start of this thread you will see that the yellows main gripe is the election date being brought forward and this dosent seem unreasonable considering that the PM- Govt along with the coalition partners represent the majority of Thai people.

Why should that majority be short changed by the intimidation of a small group of reds?

At least the PM will be able to talk to the yellow leaders and explain his point of view, something he cant do with the red leaders who have threatned his life.

The point is, Robby, that Abhisit is giving in to threats by the red shirts in bringing up the elections! That is what the yellow shirts are concerned about. Just because the "majority" then followed along does not make it right. The right thing to do is the right thing to do, not what a group of terrorists want because they threaten a whole country.

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What? You mean we're actually going to have an election? You could see why the Alliance for Democracy would be against that! The PAD realizes, they will lose... again. They realize that their only chance of being in power was to get Abhisit in power without a real election, and now he wants to give up power? This is an outrage! My guess is a couple weeks after the elections the yellows will be camping out in the city, and we can rinse and repeat.

I feel bad for Abhisit. He's in a tough position. The old power figures refuse to give it up, or to compromise in any way. This deal was a compromise, both sides had to give something. He's turned away the people who put him in power though by doing so. Still, kudos for trying. I get the feeling the yellows would have much rather he just plow over the Reds with tanks, ala Tiananmen Square, to put those "poor uneducated peasants" in their place. The first step for change in Thailand, will be teaching both sides the rules of compromise.

EXCELLENT ! I hope MAJORITY of Thai could read the same idea ! pass it on !

quoted from another forum : Thai is still very much challenging each other on either winning or lossing within the same piece of pie. they should learn from this bad incident the concept of compromise, the idea of win-win and get the pie bigger for themselves !

Compromise is good if you have a chance to debate the issues in a professional, objective atmosphere... BUT when one side is holding Bangkok hostage, threatening, forcing violence to get there way, that is NOT what I call compromise... that is what I call acquiesence to terrorism. That is UNACCEPTABLE...

So for me, I agree with Chamlong's frustrations and the Yellow shirts position.... and I do not agree with him often!

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You know, I've read here and elsewhere everyone likes the compromise....

Compromise after healthy debate is good... because everyone is "so-called" happy and a decision, while not necessarily the best" can be made to proceed.

But in the case of the red shirts, they are not negotiating for a compromise. They are threatening. It is as if you are negotiating to buy a car, and the dealer has a gun to your head and is saying "I will sell it for a million baht, no less, what do you say?"

I've never heard of effective compromise when one party is threatening another party... only acquiesence... giving in... giving up.....

I think this whole thing is a sham. Abhisit appears "weak" to me and it is a bad decision long term... short term it gets you out of the fire.... but long term we are even more screwed than we are today.

No, I do not want to roll the tanks in... but you would think after two months that someone in the army or police who is loyal would have a brain enough to survey and be able to pick out and arrest the red leaders... yes, it will not be pretty, but you don't have to kill everyone in the process....

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If you go back to the start of this thread you will see that the yellows main gripe is the election date being brought forward and this dosent seem unreasonable considering that the PM- Govt along with the coalition partners represent the majority of Thai people.

Why should that majority be short changed by the intimidation of a small group of reds?

At least the PM will be able to talk to the yellow leaders and explain his point of view, something he cant do with the red leaders who have threatned his life.

The point is, Robby, that Abhisit is giving in to threats by the red shirts in bringing up the elections! That is what the yellow shirts are concerned about. Just because the "majority" then followed along does not make it right. The right thing to do is the right thing to do, not what a group of terrorists want because they threaten a whole country.

Thats about what I said in different words (Why should that majority be short changed by the intimidation of a small group of reds)

I have read a lot of your posts Redsunset and in most you are a strong critic of the PM but I dont recall seeing any suggestions from you as to how he may have done better, I havent read all of course so I may have missed your suggestions.

You have said he should have arrested the red leaders and I agree with that but how to do it without blood?

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You know, I've read here and elsewhere everyone likes the compromise....

Compromise after healthy debate is good... because everyone is "so-called" happy and a decision, while not necessarily the best" can be made to proceed.

But in the case of the red shirts, they are not negotiating for a compromise. They are threatening. It is as if you are negotiating to buy a car, and the dealer has a gun to your head and is saying "I will sell it for a million baht, no less, what do you say?"

I've never heard of effective compromise when one party is threatening another party... only acquiesence... giving in... giving up.....

I think this whole thing is a sham. Abhisit appears "weak" to me and it is a bad decision long term... short term it gets you out of the fire.... but long term we are even more screwed than we are today.

No, I do not want to roll the tanks in... but you would think after two months that someone in the army or police who is loyal would have a brain enough to survey and be able to pick out and arrest the red leaders... yes, it will not be pretty, but you don't have to kill everyone in the process....

absolutely, weeks ago it was a threatening, hold the Bangkokian as hostage ! launching terrorist acts and criminal acts on top of the laws. that is not acceptable in any case !

agree this roadmap has a very short term objective - stop the violence, stop the bloodshred !

the longterm resolution to this 'class conflict' is not from PM Abhisit, is from everyone in Thailand. they should think and act positively, rather they colouring themselves in different opinions !

the worst and the most sensitive one, what army and police would do from now to the new election ? this set the tone and concluse this bad incident !

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The Yellow Shirts did their thing (Govt. House and Airport). The Red Shirts learned from watching the Yellow Shirts in action. I wonder what color shirt will be next?

No need to guess. The Multi-coloured of Dr. Tul.

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He was a puppet for the PAD but some of his strings have broken and now its time for the PAD to replace him for a new puppet..... somebody who they think will take a harder line than Abhisit.

I remember so many claiming that Abhisit was the PAD's puppet. Those claims seem to have disappeared.

It would appear to be that way.

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How dare! If the leaders of yellow shirt were prosecuted earlier due to their illegal activities at the airports, they would not talk like this today.

No they would be crying like the RED-skirts for AMNESTY, but they didn't did they????

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The Yellow Shirts did their thing (Govt. House and Airport). The Red Shirts learned from watching the Yellow Shirts in action. I wonder what color shirt will be next?

No need to guess. The Multi-coloured of Dr. Tul.

But the "yellow" and now the multi-vitamines did/do it in a very peaceful way, ain't that right, but what not is can still come!?

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Chamlong Srimuang, a core Yellow Shirts leader, said Thailand's problems would only worsen after the dissolution of the lower house, and subsequent elections.

"The prime minister has reconciled with terrorists by planning to dissolve the house, it's extremely bad for the country and the monarchy," he said.

Seems terrorizing tourists want to leave the violence/country by airport doesn't count as "terrorizing" ... hmmm, political hypocrisy is obiously not owned outright by USA politcal idiots ...

I only wish best for Thai people as a whole, I'm not sure what makes people more crazy [same-same- USA] living in abject poverty not able to feed and house family or rich/drunk with power wanting more for control of other people and keep them down where the real :):D:D think the "others" belong ... sad situation anywhere.

Elections with UN oversight may be thee avenue to free and fair elections...?



There has been no asult towards foreigners on the airport by the yellow shirts, unlike the reds did/do to tourist

Not sure if I understand you correctly?

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Without a date of dissolution there is no election.

You do realize that was one of the poorest excuses the red shirts could have came up with, right? Elections are (hopefully) on the 14th, which means dissolution is mid to end of September. Any 6th grade student could tell you that.

If a 6th grade student can tell it, why can't Abhisit? What's the reason why he can't get himself to say the date the House will be dissolved? He keeps coming up with ..you're right ...6th grade answers like "anyone can calculate it" but that's not what a serious Prime Minister should answer. Say the day you will dissolve the House and the red shirts will go home. What's so bad about saying the date? Unless there's a hidden reason behind not telling the date, obviously.

I agree - announce it OR you are hiding something - anyway now the yellows AND reds want him to go both sides actually agree on something! :)

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The Yellow Shirts did their thing (Govt. House and Airport). The Red Shirts learned from watching the Yellow Shirts in action. I wonder what color shirt will be next?

No need to guess. The Multi-coloured of Dr. Tul.

But the "yellow" and now the multi-vitamines did/do it in a very peaceful way, ain't that right, but what not is can still come!?

I fully agree with you, 100%. The clips below are fake YELLOW (ie. real RED).

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... Did anyone see the "debate" between the reds and the government about a month ago? The reds looked and sounded like clowns out of their depth.

I think the Thai people should give him a chance. He could well be the best PM they've ever had. He doesn't have much competition though :)

Not dissimilar to the PTP debates in Parliament, were PTP has shown a distinct inability to win points.

Chalarem puts on a big show, but what have they actually succeded in doing via parliamentary control

either as PPP or PTP... a big ZED, zip, rien, nada....

Debates negociations, reasoned discussions.... all seem to be beyond their ken.

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... Did anyone see the "debate" between the reds and the government about a month ago? The reds looked and sounded like clowns out of their depth.

I think the Thai people should give him a chance. He could well be the best PM they've ever had. He doesn't have much competition though :)

Not dissimilar to the PTP debates in Parliament, were PTP has shown a distinct inability to win points.

Chalarem puts on a big show, but what have they actually succeded in doing via parliamentary control

either as PPP or PTP... a big ZED, zip, rien, nada....

Debates negociations, reasoned discussions.... all seem to be beyond their ken.

I don't quite like Chalarem's children. However Chalarem did put the case of Democrats-TPIPL case forward, which could lead to Mark et al loosing their job for 5 years. It show that there are corruption in every parties, and Democrats are not exempted.

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How dare! If the leaders of yellow shirt were prosecuted earlier due to their illegal activities at the airports, they would not talk like this today.

No they would be crying like the RED-skirts for AMNESTY, but they didn't did they????

They have started the prosecution process for the PAD.

It just takes a bloody long time in Thailand.

And Yellows have NOT asked for Amnesty, have they? Nope never have.

As opposed to:

Jatupron who hides behind his MP immunity.

Arisman & Issaan Rambo who just refuse to show up, like Thaksin.

The others who say they will turn themselves in May 15th... clock ticking boys

Ronin's who remain shadow warriors.

Thaksin, setting the style, who has stalled several prosecutions by refusing to come acknowledge the charges.

Which is one major reason why they have hit him so hard for those he HAS shown for.

PAD has 'man'd up' more than Thaksin for sure. All PAD leaders have showed up for round one,

and await further. But make no amnesty demands at all.

Pure double standard whining about PAD not being through the full process yet,

but not a WORD from reds about Thaksin ignoring the courts, in a more duplicitous way.

Law is OK if he benefits, but substandard if he doesn't. Same same for this pratt.

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The Yellow shirts should really shut the hel_l up because they started all that mess in the first place. They have no right to argue about anything right now. They are no better than the Red shirts.

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... Did anyone see the "debate" between the reds and the government about a month ago? The reds looked and sounded like clowns out of their depth.

I think the Thai people should give him a chance. He could well be the best PM they've ever had. He doesn't have much competition though :)

Not dissimilar to the PTP debates in Parliament, were PTP has shown a distinct inability to win points.

Chalarem puts on a big show, but what have they actually succeded in doing via parliamentary control

either as PPP or PTP... a big ZED, zip, rien, nada....

Debates negociations, reasoned discussions.... all seem to be beyond their ken.

I don't quite like Chalarem's children. However Chalarem did put the case of Democrats-TPIPL case forward, which could lead to Mark et al loosing their job for 5 years. It show that there are corruption in every parties, and Democrats are not exempted.

Cher Chantorn, you make my point for me.

Chalerm couldn't make it work in Parliament for censure or even a hand slap, so he finally threw it to the EC.

The EC obviously didn't find it as clear cut a case either until Arisman invaded the EC offices with threat to come back

if they didn't act NOW. So next day they did. Clearly a decision under duress.

My guess is; Chuan is playing along with that giving reds hope this will nail the Dems and their nemesis disappears

and thus also the street rally raison d'etre= Reason for being.

While reds whole Central Square nothing said will not be based on that fact on the ground.

There is more political theater to this case than substance, I suspect.

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The Yellow shirts should really shut the hel_l up because they started all that mess in the first place. They have no right to argue about anything right now. They are no better than the Red shirts.

Bit of a Pantomine really - Abhisit is marginalised and must be really p***ed off - even I feel a bit for him.

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The Yellow shirts should really shut the hel_l up because they started all that mess in the first place. They have no right to argue about anything right now. They are no better than the Red shirts.

Thaksin started this mess by suborning the checks and balances and stealing from the Thai people

in A SIGNIFICANTLY GREATER WAY than all who went before him. P

AD was/is the evil step child of Thaksins' hubris caused over the top acts.

Without Thaksin's malfeasances PAD would not have existed.

Without Red street violence towards PAD, they would have rallied on the street

and at Government h House or the Airport.

Thaksin's violent crew made serial mistakes of logic playing PAD,

each one making the situation worse, and hardening the PAD positions.

If you beat a dog with a stick often enough,

eventually it will see it's chance and go for your throat.

Who came first the chicken or the egg?

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I wonder if Abhisit is still claiming that he's got the majority of Thais behind him now. The red shirts want him out, the yellow (aka. multi-colored) shirts want him out. What a circus. And the best he can come up with today is calling a student to explain the political situation. What a joke. How about taking the time for 3-party (PM, UDD, PAD) discussions instead of this?
BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva personally called a political science student at a university in Songkhla to explain his roadmap and the circumstances that forced him to set the November 14 elections. The call was in response to the student's text message.

Part of a politician's repertoire is to handle the media, provide information and disinformation with the same tone and body language, and to deflect the negative by trying to create a positive.

It's neither unheard of nor unusual that the head of a country will, upon advice, visit, phone, or email a person to ostensibly explain a part of their program. But advice and research is the key. As President, Regan tried this several times, and seemed to always get caught out a few days later. For example, he trotted out a woman who had this, that, and the other problems, and how he and the government were going to help her. Turned out she owned a super-lux car, 100s of thousands in the bank, etc etc. Not so good for Regan's face. I hope that Mr Abhisit had more research done than that!

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Maybe form a new party of Reds and Yellows, call it the People Alliance for International Democracy... or P.A.I.D.... :D

How about: "People's Alliance To Help Endorse The Invidious Constitution" :D:D

That's a tough acronym... best to start with an individual word... then sort your politics around it :)


People's Alliance for Demands?

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The Yellow shirts should really shut the hel_l up because they started all that mess in the first place. They have no right to argue about anything right now. They are no better than the Red shirts.

They have as much right to argue as the reds do. And right now under the law neither side has the right to do what they have been. Bring back law and order for the people who's wardrobe isn't politically motivated.

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Without a date of dissolution there is no election.

You do realize that was one of the poorest excuses the red shirts could have came up with, right? Elections are (hopefully) on the 14th, which means dissolution is mid to end of September. Any 6th grade student could tell you that.

Exactly. Start with the date for the elections; then according to the constitution of this fair land, count backwards till you hit the range of dates. And the PM said he will declare it within that range.

IF, of course, the red shirts sign on to the roadblock/////roadmap, sorry, my Freudian slip is showing. They haven't. And if one believes them, they will not for a long time. If they don't fulfill the IF, all bets are off, and the PM can determine when toward the end of 2011 he can hold elections.

Simple, elegant solution. Points to the red shirts for doing the laser sight thing on their toe.

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. Bring back law and order for the people who's wardrobe isn't politically motivated.

I've got a mental picture of pieces of furniture stamping round the house shouting " Coffee Table Out! Coffee Table Out!"

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Now the Yellow's turn to say "But the reds ...".

Get back in your box.

edit: I think this is an area where many anti-reds and the red supporters can join forces.

Take the "Yellow Pill" and everything remains the same. Take the "Red Pill" and we'll see how deep the rabbit hole goes !!!

Well summarized.

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This is SO FUNNY - Yellows asking for Abhisit to go? what a bizzare manifestation... Amazing Thailand!

Not really if you had read even one post to you with an open mind. You just assumed things must be as you created them in your own mind. The real question is, how much is posturing and how much is real?

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