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Why Are People So Obsessed With Thai Chinese Girls?


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Farang who know very little about Thailand come to Thai Visa, read a few topics and then start talking about how they have or want to have a Thai Chinese wife. Its a way that they feel they can differentiate themselves from the other farang in Thailand.

One thing farang miss is that many Thai Chinese have dark skin, not all white as a ghost, just look through the government roll call. :)

One reason why white skinned Thai Chinese appear attractive is because they are more likely to be educated, well dressed, healthy, etc because Chinese immigrants who came to Bangkok were given merchant positions in the caste social system and were able to do very well for themselves.

If you go to mainland China, the white skinned gals don't have the same shine to them. they look tired, not as nicely dress, not as good hygiene. they basically look and act like country girls, just with white skin.

Edited by Chunky1
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All girls having the Thai nationality are Thais.

And they sure all have the Thai culture and Thai way of thinking.

And not much difference in between the so-called Chinese Thais and Isaan Thais or South Thais or whatever.

So, what's the catch? :)

A perfect example of G.I.G.O -----

There are HUGE differences in the cultures of people in Thailand that are ethnically Thai, ethnically Chinese, Ethnically Indian, ethnically Yawi, and yes even ethnically Lao.

Expectations vary in significant ways. Family life is different. Cultural emphasis is different. In my Thai family my Sister-in-law (1/8th Chinese and culturally Thai) married a man that is 100% ethnically Chinese. Thai families expect the husband to move to the Thai family's house/compound. Chinese families expect the wife to move to the husband's family's house/compound. They compromised and built a house in both and live in a separate place :D The Chinese grandmother isn't happy about it. The Thai grandmother is thrilled.

So yes, I 'married' into an upper middle-class "Thai" family that is 1/8th Chinese and sees itself as 100% Thai. I have never understood the idea of marrying someone that is 'poor' but given another 20 years in the West before moving here who knows what I would have thought! Moving here before I turned 40 made my experience slightly different from the experiences of many other people. Being gay certainly made meeting people and dating different than that of straight people.

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Of course, it helps if you are hung like a horse when visiting the village or the city. :)

Is there a word for horse-meat? Anyway, its a good point that horse should be hung, same as venison, for a few days, to improve the flavour. Not sure its something I would aspire to; not in this life-time, anyway...


Horse meat... in Belgium, I was used to eat it raw... same as a carpaccio. :D

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Is it snobbery ? yes it is Perhaps the same people who are attracted to the Thai Chinese ladies are more attracted to their level of education, presentation and the the fact that they can see beyond their next som-tam. light skin doesn't always mean educated, educated definitely doesn't always mean intelligent, brown skinned people are equally capable of presenting themselves nicely and whilst som tam would be very near the top of their list, that also applies to light skinned women

In exactly the same manner in which the same people would not find a shell-suited, chain smoking uneducated woman back home attractive. I realise it's different here but there are shell suited chain smoking uneducated people of all colours, equally, there are well dressed educated selfish idiots who can't see past their next diamond bracelet

Speaking for my friends and those I know - their choice is not specifically Thai Chinese, its specifically someone who they can be with on a level of equality and mutual respect...yes, very important I agree for many people I guess this criteria varies, but for the most part I'd assume that social economic equality helps and it just so happens that most of the socio-economic equals that my friends living over here have ended up meeting, dating and marrying are from a Thai Chinese background. I hope they're very happy

Also, I guess people don't see Thai Chinese ladies in gogo bars, so many are avoiding that stereotype too. all the go go bars I've been in (not many i admit) have had light-skinned chinese-looking women in them

I think to see someone and, because of their skin colour or dress sense, make assumptions as to their way of thinking,their ambitions, their up-bringing and their potential as a partner etc. is definitely snobbery. We all make assumptions to a degree, based on first impressions, but hopefully we are also prepared for those assumptions to be wrong. It is also quite dangerous. A well dressed light skinned woman may well be your socio-economic equal, she may also be the woman who breaks your heart and your bank!

How people look is no meter of who they are.

And, if your a snob, fair play. I know people who fully admit to it. They're from wealthy backgrounds, went to expensive schools, earn a lot of money, and will not date/marry outside of their socio-economic group. I call them snobs, they agree.

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All girls having the Thai nationality are Thais.

And they sure all have the Thai culture and Thai way of thinking.

And not much difference in between the so-called Chinese Thais and Isaan Thais or South Thais or whatever.

So, what's the catch? :)

A perfect example of G.I.G.O -----

There are HUGE differences in the cultures of people in Thailand that are ethnically Thai, ethnically Chinese, Ethnically Indian, ethnically Yawi, and yes even ethnically Lao.

Expectations vary in significant ways. Family life is different. Cultural emphasis is different. In my Thai family my Sister-in-law (1/8th Chinese and culturally Thai) married a man that is 100% ethnically Chinese. Thai families expect the husband to move to the Thai family's house/compound. Chinese families expect the wife to move to the husband's family's house/compound. They compromised and built a house in both and live in a separate place :D The Chinese grandmother isn't happy about it. The Thai grandmother is thrilled.

So yes, I 'married' into an upper middle-class "Thai" family that is 1/8th Chinese and sees itself as 100% Thai. I have never understood the idea of marrying someone that is 'poor' but given another 20 years in the West before moving here who knows what I would have thought! Moving here before I turned 40 made my experience slightly different from the experiences of many other people. Being gay certainly made meeting people and dating different than that of straight people.

Did you seriously just say 1/8th Chinese?

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Did you seriously just say 1/8th Chinese?

I'm guessing he's American; many Americans (citizens of the USA, to avoid ambiguity) take their "melting pot" analogy too seriously, and treat race and nationality like paint-blending,


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Farang who know very little about Thailand come to Thai Visa, read a few topics and then start talking about how they have or want to have a Thai Chinese wife. Its a way that they feel they can differentiate themselves from the other farang in Thailand.

One thing farang miss is that many Thai Chinese have dark skin, not all white as a ghost, just look through the government roll call. :)

One reason why white skinned Thai Chinese appear attractive is because they are more likely to be educated, well dressed, healthy, etc because Chinese immigrants who came to Bangkok were given merchant positions in the caste social system and were able to do very well for themselves.

If you go to mainland China, the white skinned gals don't have the same shine to them. they look tired, not as nicely dress, not as good hygiene. they basically look and act like country girls, just with white skin.

The most recent wave of Chinese immigration to Thailand was the KMT. It was an army left in the north of Thailand after WWII. Not educated at all. There was large scale persecution of Chinese during WWII in Bangkok.

If you ask a Thai they will tell you the most beautiful women come from the North. They are the daughters of the army that ran the drug trade for years to finance the army existence because no money came from China.

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Someone I know married a half Thai half Chinese and has regretted it ever since. So there not all perfect.

Was she the woman who went back to Peking, and the guy was the one who went back to Wan-king. :D

I'll bet a few have regretted marrying Thai/chinese, but I wonder how many farang regrett maryying a Thai... :)

Edited by MB1
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If you ask a Thai they will tell you the most beautiful women come from the North. They are the daughters of the army that ran the drug trade for years to finance the army existence because no money came from China.

If they don't what do I get?

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Here we go again...


This VDO does not express -opposite- my own opinion!

The Chinese of South East Asia are of similar calibre to the Jews of Europe.

They are intelligent, intellectual, have their own unique culture and above all, successful.

This causes resentment amongst the true native populations and causes difficulties for co-existence.

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The Chinese of South East Asia are of similar calibre to the Jews of Europe.

They are intelligent, intellectual, have their own unique culture and above all, successful.

This causes resentment amongst the true native populations and causes difficulties for co-existence.

I suggest the 'and' would read better as 'which' or 'that'

Being intelligent, intellectual, successful and unique does not cause difficulties for co-existence, it is the resentments which cause difficulties for co-existence.

It is not unusual for the idle and the ignorant to be resentful of immigrants who, through hard work, thrift and co-operation, succeed in business; their ties to an offshore diaspora may provide them with an advantage in trade that is not available to the indigenous people, but at the end of the day it is generally idleness, ignorance, jealousy and fear which lead to difficulties.

Unfortunately, people rarely appreciate the benefits that the immigrants bring - the skills, the willingness to work, the variety of products and produce available. Stirring the melting pot through immigration benefits us all, in my opinion, but the quantitative paint-blending approach to nationality doesn't really make sense; your 25% Italian, 25% Irish, 25% Gernam, 12.5% English, 6.25% Chinese 3.125% Ivorian 3.125% ferret 5th generation Bostonian will be 100% American, same as the Vietnamese that arrived in 1973.

Speaking personally, I think the OP missed out an "and" - perhaps he could use BigWheelMan's spare one - and I'm not going to say why I'm obsessed with Thai and Chinese girls; I think of it more as a hobby than an obsession...


Edited by StreetCowboy
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Here we go again...


This VDO does not express -opposite- my own opinion!

I think that's an interesting video, but it confuses nationality with ethnicity and heritage, as do most of the posts on this thread. Heck, I'm probably going to fall into the same trap.

In popular media, Thai Chinese, either ethnically Chinese or assimilated Thais with a Chinese heritage are demonstrably over-represented and, objectively, can be considered more attractive in line with Thai principles and received notions of appearance. This explains 'obsessions' if any, with Thai Chinese girls, but is underpinned by high concentrations of Thai Chinese in Bangkok, and prominent Thai Chinese representation thoughout Thai society, especially in politics, business and the military.

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Did you seriously just say 1/8th Chinese?

I'm guessing he's American; many Americans (citizens of the USA, to avoid ambiguity) take their "melting pot" analogy too seriously, and treat race and nationality like paint-blending,


NAtionality based bigotry and stereotypes raises it's ugly head in another way in the thread :)

yes ... 1/8th --- 12.5% .. One great-grandparent was Chinese. He apparently wasn'ta nice guy but was a very very smart man when it came to work and finances. The family has major land holdings :D

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The Chinese of South East Asia are of similar calibre to the Jews of Europe.

They are intelligent, intellectual, have their own unique culture and above all, successful.

This causes resentment amongst the true native populations and causes difficulties for co-existence.

I suggest the 'and' would read better as 'which' or 'that'

Being intelligent, intellectual, successful and unique does not cause difficulties for co-existence, it is the resentments which cause difficulties for co-existence.

It is not unusual for the idle and the ignorant to be resentful of immigrants who, through hard work, thrift and co-operation, succeed in business; their ties to an offshore diaspora may provide them with an advantage in trade that is not available to the indigenous people, but at the end of the day it is generally idleness, ignorance, jealousy and fear which lead to difficulties.

Unfortunately, people rarely appreciate the benefits that the immigrants bring - the skills, the willingness to work, the variety of products and produce available. Stirring the melting pot through immigration benefits us all, in my opinion, but the quantitative paint-blending approach to nationality doesn't really make sense; your 25% Italian, 25% Irish, 25% Gernam, 12.5% English, 6.25% Chinese 3.125% Ivorian 3.125% ferret 5th generation Bostonian will be 100% American, same as the Vietnamese that arrived in 1973.

Speaking personally, I think the OP missed out an "and" - perhaps he could use BigWheelMan's spare one - and I'm not going to say why I'm obsessed with Thai and Chinese girls; I think of it more as a hobby than an obsession...


I can't document it right now but I think early Chinese immigrants of the Bangkok era were limited in vocations ... and mostly limited to the mercantile class. (Yeah -- restricting the work of immigrants goes WAY back!)

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Did you seriously just say 1/8th Chinese?

I'm guessing he's American; many Americans (citizens of the USA, to avoid ambiguity) take their "melting pot" analogy too seriously, and treat race and nationality like paint-blending,


NAtionality based bigotry and stereotypes raises it's ugly head in another way in the thread :D

yes ... 1/8th --- 12.5% .. One great-grandparent was Chinese. He apparently wasn'ta nice guy but was a very very smart man when it came to work and finances. The family has major land holdings :D

you don't realize how completely trivial and meaningless 12% is?

if they did dna testing on thais a very large percentage would be part Chinese. when people talk about "Thai Chinese" in 2010, they are talking about the elite group that only marries other Chinese Thais and controls the countries politics and business.

i can tell you straight up that nobody cares an iota that your wife is 1/8th Chinese and you even brining it into discussion is completely ridiculous :)

Edited by Chunky1
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The reason I started it... :)

Bit of a Thai Supremacist, are we? White hoods and burning som tam?

Most places I've been have been inhabited by the most racist, nationalist, prejudiced people on earth. I reckon humnan beings must be amongst the most bigoted races around


You mean as apposed to insects, reptiles, fish etc ?

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As soon as any Thai (yes that's what they all are unless they can produce a Chinese passport) man or woman mentions they are Chinese (expecting me to be impressed and awed) they lose me. I immediately lose interest in them. I want to be beamed -up. I want to puke all over their pomposity.

However, providing they never mention it I must say that I am more interested in lighter skinned women than tanned (darker) ones. That's just a personal preference.

The fact is more Chineseish women tend to be better educated, have far better jobs, wider travelled, better mannered, more sophisticated than their darker skinned cousins. And, as a bonus they are more often than not financially better off.(To me that's also important) Also, chances are, even though they may have had a b/f or two and they may not be virgins, they are very unlikely to have beded half the tourists/expats and of course the Thai mass market. As another bonus their circle of friends are of a similar socio-economic class.

The trouble is of course many of these women tend to be stuck-up, snooty and more childish than the average Thai. Another turn-off is that they tend to be more obsessed by money than the average Thai. And, of course, a prospective western partner has the unenviable task of getting past their family. More often than not, most westeners don't get past first base with the family as the family tend to be just far too racist and xenophobic to ever accept a whitey into the clan. Although I know from first hand exceptions do occur.

At the end of the day, finding a suitable life partner here can be a veritable mine field no matter what her skin colour or ethnic background. One needs to be extremely selective and patient and under no circumstance sell themselves short by settleing on a woman who doesn't meet your specifications (or even exeeds your expectations).

Personally, I set extremly high criteria and there was no way in hel_l I was ever going to marry anyone that didn't measure up, or even possibly exceed my specifications. I'd sooner remain single. As God would have it, I found one.

Edited by barky
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I have to admit that I am guilty of being absolutely obsessed with a Thai-Chinese girl because if I wasn't, she would probably divorce me. :) Actually my wife is very proud of being a Thai and never refers to herself as part Chinese. My wife's ancestry never attracted or influenced me one way or another because IMHO it really has no bearing of any great importance, but what did attract me was that she came from a wonderful family and was smart, beautiful, terrific personality and very highly educated.

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The trouble is of course many of these women tend to be stuck-up, snooty and more childish than the average Thai...............................

Personally, I set extremly high criteria and there was no way in hel_l I was ever going to marry anyone that didn't measure up, or even possibly exceed my specifications. I'd sooner remain single. As God would have it, I found one.

For a person commenting negatively on "stuck-up, snooty (Chinese)", you seem like one hel_l of a snob yourself....and then God was good enough to fix your up with one worthy of you.

Next to you these stuck-up, snooty and childish Chinese-Thais are nothing more than peasants.

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All you guys are way too funny.

It goes in sideways, doesn't it?

(With apologies to: cheguevara, MB1 and dinasia)

I once met a girl who claimed she was Chinese

In every which way she was too happy to please,

I’ve never regretted marrying a Thai-Chinese,

I’ve been ever so delighted since I’ve arrived overseas.

But bigotry and stereotypes raised its ugly head,

She read what I wrote on the Thai Forum thread

Now she is the woman who went back to Peking,

And I am the guy who went back to Wan-king.


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I like ivory skinned Asian girls, I don't like the darker Island girl skin tone. Would I refuse to date a girl who I clicked with but had darker skin? No. For me it is nothing more than I like Red Heads better than blonds.

So guess what? my wife is 25% Chinese, the vast majority of girls I went after had some Chinese blood in them.

TV posters love to get all pissy about this shit. The ones who marry dark girls love to tear down the guys who marry girls with Chinese blood as much as some guys like to use that statement in lieu of "My wife was never a bar girl".

The truth is there are many well educated girls from well to do families with dark skin, and if you see high end karaoke bars catering to Thai men, they are full of pale skinned Thai girls...

Date what you like, who you like and tell others to shove it.

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Who's obsessed with whom? Thai guys are the ones obsessed with Tha-Chinese girls. Foreigners are obsessed with the dark ones. I'm even shocked when I see a foreigner with a girl deemed even slightly attractive, classy or educated by local standards. Which is a shame actually, cos it proves we're an easy bunch and they all know it :-)

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Who's obsessed with whom? Thai guys are the ones obsessed with Tha-Chinese girls. Foreigners are obsessed with the dark ones. I'm even shocked when I see a foreigner with a girl deemed even slightly attractive, classy or educated by local standards. Which is a shame actually, cos it proves we're an easy bunch and they all know it :-)

I get GRILLED by every Thai about why am I with a light skinned girl, because Farang ONLY like dark skin. It is so hard for many to comprehend. But I have noticed one thing about my Thai guy friends, and this is the idea of "spec" Thai's even use the English word "spec". The vast majority of guys I know have a type of girl who they find attractive and won't go after a girl even if she's a hair outside their "spec". Hair too short? A little bit curly? *buzzer noise* next!

I have female Thai friends asking about what my specs are since I "went against the grain". Even for them it's hard to understand that I would date a dark skin or light skin Thai girl, That while I really dislike blond hair, I wouldn't say no to A Farang girl with blond hair. I don't want to generalize but in my experience Thai's like a nice well formed checklist to determine if a person is a match, while many Farang have the open door policy.

Neither is right or wrong, just two different cultures.

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I would date a dark skin or light skin Thai girl, That while I really dislike blond hair, I wouldn't say no to A Farang girl with blond hair.

So, what you are saying is that you will take on almost anyone is willing. In other words, you are just a normal guy. :)

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