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Bangkok's Drawn-Out Saga Is Starting To Get On Our Nerves

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Bangkok's drawn-out saga is starting to get on our nerves

By Achara Deboonme

Would you be in a state of shock if someone you know showed up unexpectedly at your office and yelled heatedly "Haven't those buffs gone home? Why haven't they? Buffs have called them home".

BANGKOK: -- I was stunned by the bluntness. At newspaper offices, it's not unusual to have visitors. But most of them know that that kind of conversation should not lead up to the genuine purpose of the visit - which was to introduce a consumer product to the press. Even if we have been acquainted for a long time, it does not change the fact that I was in the office, working, and the person was here also to work.

It is a clear example of some Bangkok residents feeling the red-shirt demonstration getting unbearable. With violence here and there forcing the Skytrain to suspend service or some roads to close, it is getting more difficult to commute in the city. This person in particular was under stress, being unable to enter the office for a week due to the protest.

The bitterness was understandable, but it seems more and more are getting so emotional that they cross the professional line. If all Thais get emotional enough to do and get what they want, regardless of the means, what will happen to the Kingdom?

While people at home are being boiled in the hot pot, outsiders look on with curiosity. While observing the opening of the Shell Eastern Petrochemicals Complex in Singapore last week, I was bombarded with questions about the situation in Thailand.

It started with the limousine driver who had worked in Bangkok for five years. He was worried - he loves Thailand and owns a condominium for rent on Silom Road.

Then, more followed. Luckily, most of the questions came from those who work in Singapore and know Thailand through personal and professional visits. All were curious as to where the situation would lead.

As of May 4, the situation looked less tense when Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva proposed his five-point roadmap for reconciliation. I was then encouraged to tell them that I was hopeful that upon my return, there would be a solution. The protesters should go home soon.

But then, having been home for five days, none of that has happened. A guru said it was because Abhisit refuses to revoke the emergency decree, and if any red leaders are arrested now they may not be granted bail and may not receive a fair trial.

Then, Abhisit himself came under fire, as people with different colours have different proposals. Even though he's the prime minister, it seems his proposal does not carry more weight than others.

Now, in Singapore, the big brother of Asean, according to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the economic team is charting a new course for the country. Aside from Royal Dutch Shell, which poured US$4 billion into the island during the past four years for the complex, it promises more measures to increase the island's prosperity. That means more investment and more jobs.

Thailand was once the regional leader. Due to the political unrest, its status has been deteriorating. It is clear that as long as some Thais label others as dumb animals, peace will be out of reach. Is this what we need?


-- The Nation 2010-05-10


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"Thailand was once the regional leader. Due to the political unrest, its status has been deteriorating. It is clear that as long as some Thais label others as dumb animals, peace will be out of reach. Is this what we need?"

Thailand was never a regional leader.

"Thailand was once the regional leader. Due to the political unrest, its status has been deteriorating. It is clear that as long as some Thais label others as dumb animals, peace will be out of reach. Is this what we need?"

Thailand was never a regional leader.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black :):D:D:D


I wish it was as simple as that... I wish that we could have peace if people did NOT label others as dumb animals. But it is not that simple. In fact, it is the smart SELFISH, GREEDY trouble-makers who are causing a lot of these problems...

And we have a right to protest and ask them to disperse. They have BROKEN THE LAW....

I'll bet if you break the law in Singapore the same way you have done in Thailand, each red shirt leader would be caned 50 times... and the protest would be over.


Not quite sure I agree with calling the red shirt protesters "BUFFS" or any other deragatory term "crossing the professional line."

Heck we call our friends and others worse names than that for jamming the copy machine!

Give it a rest.... :)


This what is showing right now is proof that "Thailand"

is more inclined to be complete entangeld in serving the

unquestioned "needs" of anyone as long as he/she got "face"

one way or the other, NOTHING else seems to matter, none!

Don't wonder keep on referring to spirits, magic and keep

dreaming about the good times, while a mob makes the entire

leadership of this country the laughingstock of the region, if not the world

and others take advantage of the situation - who cares?

After all it's all about face and "mai pen rai" sabai, sabai and sanook!

Isn't it?


What's with the name dropping? :) "Shell Eastern Petrochemical Complex" :D

Weak journalism from a reporter who is unable to eliminate their snob values from their articles.


I think calling Thai people dumb animals is unfair - I know some smart animals. seriously though it is not the fault of Thais that they lack some brain power its just the way it is - they are still nice people and deserve some respect from the media also they need to stop this protesting as it is getting them nowhere, It might be better if they just went home and let the tourists back into Bangkok as nana plaza and cowboy will be suffering


"All Thais get emotional enough to do and get what they want, regardless of the means, what will happen to the Kingdom"

Status Quo

That has been going on for the last 27 years I know of. Maybe not so public as the current but on every level this is the norm.


Poor didum's, getting on your nerves.

Would you like it quickly resolved? From the TV Rally News...

"Abhisit named suspended Army specialist Major Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol as the mastermind and chief terrorist trying to undermine his plan for political reconciliation.

Abhisit said Khattiya also listened only to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

"I can say that Thaksin is not happy with the reconciliation plan because the process will not benefit him at all," the prime minister said.

He said the process would not allow Thaksin to get impounded assets back and would not grant him an amnesty.

Khattiya said he was not involved in attacks but Abhisit tried blaming him, as the PM was desperate and could not command the military and police to handle the situation.

"I am not afraid of you, as three of you - Abhisit, Suthep and Army chief Anupong (Paochinda) - must respond to the death of people," he told reporters.

Last line got on my nerves. Perhaps you won't have to tolerate it much longer, with kids needing to go back to school, although if it was to be the wrong way of a Thaksinette leader dictatorship with the nut case Sae Duaeng in Army control, something says this right now would have been more tolerable.

what's a "buff"?

a red shirt and their supporters :) but also Buffoon - where one may consider this an insult for all buffoons (a kind of monkey - not the brightest one on the block but very aggressive)


I'm surprised that this piece didn't include that the author was drunk at the time of writing. "starting to get on the nerves", is that for real? Not sure about the rest of you but this has been getting on my nerves since it started.

I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

what's a "buff"?

a red shirt and their supporters :) but also Buffoon - where one may consider this an insult for all buffoons (a kind of monkey - not the brightest one on the block but very aggressive)

Buffalo - but then buffalos are useful and smell better! hahahaha.......

what's a "buff"?

a red shirt and their supporters :) but also Buffoon - where one may consider this an insult for all buffoons (a kind of monkey - not the brightest one on the block but very aggressive)

Probably refers to water buffalo.


During the same 4 year period that Shell invested 4 billion USD into Singapore as mentioned in the article; PTT has invested about the same amount into Thailand in various projects, including onshore and offshore pipelines, gas separation plants, ethane cracker, and several PE plants.


I'm surprised that this piece didn't include that the author was drunk at the time of writing. "starting to get on the nerves", is that for real? Not sure about the rest of you but this has been getting on my nerves since it started.

I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

This <deleted> has put one of my business ventures in real danger (tourist related) and in another has cost me a hel_l of a lot already - YES this <deleted> is going on my nerves and has been doing so since it started and I don't give a flying fart if any protesters get hurt as long as the government clears this mob from Bangkok's roads before the economical damage it is causing becomes permanent - I have worked my but off and spend a lot of money on those businesses and yes, I'm pissed off and so are millions of Thai's who see their business they worked so hard for being put in jeopardy by those terrorists

what's a "buff"?

a red shirt and their supporters :D but also Buffoon - where one may consider this an insult for all buffoons (a kind of monkey - not the brightest one on the block but very aggressive)

Buffalo - but then buffalos are useful and smell better! hahahaha.......


Poor didum's, getting on your nerves.

Would you like it quickly resolved? From the TV Rally News...

"Abhisit named suspended Army specialist Major Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol as the mastermind and chief terrorist trying to undermine his plan for political reconciliation.

Abhisit said Khattiya also listened only to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

"I can say that Thaksin is not happy with the reconciliation plan because the process will not benefit him at all," the prime minister said.

He said the process would not allow Thaksin to get impounded assets back and would not grant him an amnesty.

Khattiya said he was not involved in attacks but Abhisit tried blaming him, as the PM was desperate and could not command the military and police to handle the situation.

"I am not afraid of you, as three of you - Abhisit, Suthep and Army chief Anupong (Paochinda) - must respond to the death of people," he told reporters.

Last line got on my nerves. Perhaps you won't have to tolerate it much longer, with kids needing to go back to school, although if it was to be the wrong way of a Thaksinette leader dictatorship with the nut case Sae Duaeng in Army control, something says this right now would have been more tolerable.

Most likely the PM has not a shred of real evidence to accuse Sae Deng for the Silom grenade attack or the recent drive-by attack on the police . But he is a politician , not a judge , and his statement is purely political . Politicians are always great deceiver at best , and liars at worse . If the PM admits that he dont know who did the attacks , people will accuse him of beeing incompetent or cynic , and his game now is to divide the red shirts between moderate elements (the vast majority of rank and file + some core leaders ) and the extremists (Sae Daeng , Arisman) , Weng and Jatuporn beeing in the middle . I say cynic as we must also factor in the fact that arresting Arisman and Sae Daeng , when the red shirts were strong would had been counter productive for the PM . Better let them roam around free and damage the red shirt movement from within . I bet with you that once the red shirts protest has ended , by magic , both those thugs will be arrested in a couple of hours . This comico-tragedy of going after Arisman in his hotel was just ... well ... for show , nothing to do with police incompetence .

Off the record the fact remains that both the reds , by allowing extremists to join their movement , and the PM by getting himself elected by a parliament without a clear popular mandate are both at fault for the current unrest . They created a hel_l of a mess

For the record the PM has done some overture lately with his roadmap , in large part forced too by Anupong moderation , and by doing so he has acted in the best interest of Thailand and the thai people , i believe . I hope that the reds will take his offer after discussion , and terminate swiftly their protest .

The good part when those protests are over is that the cretins , most them yellows , here and else where , who ask for thai versus thai bloodshed will be wiped out for good .

That deserves a beer or two (or a glass of wine)


Most likely the PM has not a shred of real evidence to accuse Sae Deng for the Silom grenade attack or the recent drive-by attack on the police . But he is a politician , not a judge , and his statement is purely political . Politicians are always great deceiver at best , and liars at worse . If the PM admits that he dont know who did the attacks , people will accuse him of beeing incompetent or cynic , and his game now is to divide the red shirts between moderate elements (the vast majority of rank and file + some core leaders ) and the extremists (Sae Daeng , Arisman) , Weng and Jatuporn beeing in the middle . I say cynic as we must also factor in the fact that arresting Arisman and Sae Daeng , when the red shirts were strong would had been counter productive for the PM . Better let them roam around free and damage the red shirt movement from within . I bet with you that once the red shirts protest has ended , by magic , both those thugs will be arrested in a couple of hours . This comico-tragedy of going after Arisman in his hotel was just ... well ... for show , nothing to do with police incompetence .

Off the record the fact remains that both the reds , by allowing extremists to join their movement , and the PM by getting himself elected by a parliament without a clear popular mandate are both at fault for the current unrest . They created a hel_l of a mess

For the record the PM has done some overture lately with his roadmap , in large part forced too by Anupong moderation , and by doing so he has acted in the best interest of Thailand and the thai people , i believe . I hope that the reds will take his offer after discussion , and terminate swiftly their protest .

The good part when those protests are over is that the cretins , most them yellows , here and else where , who ask for thai versus thai bloodshed will be wiped out for good .

That deserves a beer or two (or a glass of wine)


Actually, everytime I see the red shirt leaders giving a press conference, I feel like casting a net over them all and hauling them in like a Japanese tuna fishing boat.

It is so obvious that the police and army don't give a rat's *ss about capturing the leaders and ending the protests... so, I think we must wait for Prayuth - Anupong's junior - to do what rebellious soldiers often do in Thailand, and that is to enforce the Emergency Degree. No, I don't want tanks mowing down people, but you'd think the military and police would have a decent strategy to capture these clowns, if they wanted to do it.


I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

This <deleted> has put one of my business ventures in real danger (tourist related) and in another has cost me a hel_l of a lot already - YES this <deleted> is going on my nerves and has been doing so since it started and I don't give a flying fart if any protesters get hurt as long as the government clears this mob from Bangkok's roads before the economical damage it is causing becomes permanent - I have worked my but off and spend a lot of money on those businesses and yes, I'm pissed off and so are millions of Thai's who see their business they worked so hard for being put in jeopardy by those terrorists


Great post.... I feel for you.... it is funny how some people [i.e., red shirt leaders, yellow shirt leaders] can be so dam_n selfish and clueless about how their actions affect other people... thus proving, once again, Thailand is truly a BANANA REPUBLIC!!!!


Actually, everytime I see the red shirt leaders giving a press conference, I feel like casting a net over them all and hauling them in like a Japanese tuna fishing boat.

It is so obvious that the police and army don't give a rat's *ss about capturing the leaders and ending the protests... so, I think we must wait for Prayuth - Anupong's junior - to do what rebellious soldiers often do in Thailand, and that is to enforce the Emergency Degree. No, I don't want tanks mowing down people, but you'd think the military and police would have a decent strategy to capture these clowns, if they wanted to do it.

Not all leaders , some are moderates , but the like of Arisman and Sae Deng deserve to be arrested i totally agree , they are inherently violent ppl , and a danger for a civil society . I am really not sure if its the police/army is at fault or if alternatively they have orders to try a little to arrest them but not too much . With Prayuth is charge we saw what happened on the 10th April ... and could had degenerated in civil war , I believe Gen Anupong seems more responsible

what's a "buff"?

a red shirt and their supporters :D but also Buffoon - where one may consider this an insult for all buffoons (a kind of monkey - not the brightest one on the block but very aggressive)

Buffalo - but then buffalos are useful and smell better! hahahaha.......


So.. I take it that the intention of the article was lost on you guys then. :D Some on this forum are now more radical than The Nation.. quite an achievement.

I'm surprised that this piece didn't include that the author was drunk at the time of writing. "starting to get on the nerves", is that for real? Not sure about the rest of you but this has been getting on my nerves since it started.

I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

This <deleted> has put one of my business ventures in real danger (tourist related) and in another has cost me a hel_l of a lot already - YES this <deleted> is going on my nerves and has been doing so since it started and I don't give a flying fart if any protesters get hurt as long as the government clears this mob from Bangkok's roads before the economical damage it is causing becomes permanent - I have worked my but off and spend a lot of money on those businesses and yes, I'm pissed off and so are millions of Thai's who see their business they worked so hard for being put in jeopardy by those terrorists

Well said Herm, agreed totally. Let's hope this is sorted quickly to ease the financial stress on all of us who have invested a lot of time and money in a Country we believed in enough to up roots and attempt to make a future in. Well done

I'm surprised that this piece didn't include that the author was drunk at the time of writing. "starting to get on the nerves", is that for real? Not sure about the rest of you but this has been getting on my nerves since it started.

I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

This <deleted> has put one of my business ventures in real danger (tourist related) and in another has cost me a hel_l of a lot already - YES this <deleted> is going on my nerves and has been doing so since it started and I don't give a flying fart if any protesters get hurt as long as the government clears this mob from Bangkok's roads before the economical damage it is causing becomes permanent - I have worked my but off and spend a lot of money on those businesses and yes, I'm pissed off and so are millions of Thai's who see their business they worked so hard for being put in jeopardy by those terrorists

Herm, i really do know EXACTLY how you feel. I too work in the travel industry here in Thailand. In fact, my work brings volunteers from around the globe to work in very poor and rural areas of Isaan! This is affecting my business, my personal life, my relationship and therefore my livelihood.

I do feel for the supporters of the Red's, I really do. Little, poor or no education is the biggest problem. Show some of the guys a 500B note and they will do pretty much whatever asked. Because of this it is easy to brainwash. I am not going to get in to the comments i have received from a lot of the Isaan farmers i meet with on a regular basis but needless to say it isn't good. You can't help but feel sorry for these communities. We try to do what we can to help but we obviously cannot educate on the importance of democracy and how, in developed countries, it works (most of the time).

I guess we can onlyhope that the road-map is the way forward. I honestly believe it will take the government and a few of the red leaders to sit down and talk about it like real men. They need to come up with a compromise and agree with it. Perhaps with a mediator to oversee the talks to ensure the talks proceed properly. It will require give and take from both parties, i'm afraid, how willing each party is to 'give in' a little remains to be seen.

But, above all, i think for the good of the country, the economy and the safety of the general public, it is time for the protesters to go home.

On a side note, do you think the red's would be ok with me helping myself to 4 new tyres for my ladies Vios? Just a thought.


Actually, everytime I see the red shirt leaders giving a press conference, I feel like casting a net over them all and hauling them in like a Japanese tuna fishing boat.

It is so obvious that the police and army don't give a rat's *ss about capturing the leaders and ending the protests... so, I think we must wait for Prayuth - Anupong's junior - to do what rebellious soldiers often do in Thailand, and that is to enforce the Emergency Degree. No, I don't want tanks mowing down people, but you'd think the military and police would have a decent strategy to capture these clowns, if they wanted to do it.

Not all leaders , some are moderates , but the like of Arisman and Sae Deng deserve to be arrested i totally agree , they are inherently violent ppl , and a danger for a civil society . I am really not sure if its the police/army is at fault or if alternatively they have orders to try a little to arrest them but not too much . With Prayuth is charge we saw what happened on the 10th April ... and could had degenerated in civil war , I believe Gen Anupong seems more responsible

Actually ALL 15 or so leaders should be arrested, I do not care what their personalities or tendencies are. They have motivated others to break the law. They are ALL guilty.

As far as Anupong is concerned, he is useless. He is a lame duck leader who is waiting for retirement. I'm not surprised if he doesn't even know what is going on. The way the guy has looked on TV with Abhisit tells me he is bored, disengaged and just wants to sit under an olive tea drinking wine with his mia noi.


MCOT: Police: 3 China-made bombs found at Bangkok home of EC chairman Apichart Sukhagghanond; two fail to explode.

Glad to see the quality of Chinese products extends to weapons as well :)

I'm surprised that this piece didn't include that the author was drunk at the time of writing. "starting to get on the nerves", is that for real? Not sure about the rest of you but this has been getting on my nerves since it started.

I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

This <deleted> has put one of my business ventures in real danger (tourist related) and in another has cost me a hel_l of a lot already - YES this <deleted> is going on my nerves and has been doing so since it started and I don't give a flying fart if any protesters get hurt as long as the government clears this mob from Bangkok's roads before the economical damage it is causing becomes permanent - I have worked my but off and spend a lot of money on those businesses and yes, I'm pissed off and so are millions of Thai's who see their business they worked so hard for being put in jeopardy by those terrorists

Herm, i really do know EXACTLY how you feel. I too work in the travel industry here in Thailand. In fact, my work brings volunteers from around the globe to work in very poor and rural areas of Isaan! This is affecting my business, my personal life, my relationship and therefore my livelihood.

I do feel for the supporters of the Red's, I really do. Little, poor or no education is the biggest problem. Show some of the guys a 500B note and they will do pretty much whatever asked. Because of this it is easy to brainwash. I am not going to get in to the comments i have received from a lot of the Isaan farmers i meet with on a regular basis but needless to say it isn't good. You can't help but feel sorry for these communities. We try to do what we can to help but we obviously cannot educate on the importance of democracy and how, in developed countries, it works (most of the time).

I guess we can onlyhope that the road-map is the way forward. I honestly believe it will take the government and a few of the red leaders to sit down and talk about it like real men. They need to come up with a compromise and agree with it. Perhaps with a mediator to oversee the talks to ensure the talks proceed properly. It will require give and take from both parties, i'm afraid, how willing each party is to 'give in' a little remains to be seen.

But, above all, i think for the good of the country, the economy and the safety of the general public, it is time for the protesters to go home.

On a side note, do you think the red's would be ok with me helping myself to 4 new tyres for my ladies Vios? Just a thought.

How many ladies have you got?

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