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Men With Shaved Heads

maccaroni man

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Okay, we get it fellas, there are plenty of confident bald people out there. But let's keep it real. All else being equal (which is a phrase oft omitted from these threads), most women (and men for that matter) probably prefer a full head of hair. That's not to say that bald folks must be lonely. Plenty are not, but just like a anyone missing any kind of body part, it is a very slight handicap. Heck, I'm fine with bald folks parking in handicapped spaces so they have more time to get back to working hard to pay for that beach house and Ferrari.


We'd all rather not lose our looks, get fat, get ill, go grey, get yellowed teeth, etc. I figure all else being equal most of us will get at least one or 2 out of the ageing list and actually, the hair loss card is not a bad one to get IMHO. Clearly we must make exceptions for Peter Pans like Heng who would appear to be perfect in every way.

I find this topic interesting because of the whole clash of reality (hair follicles dying... almost like a precursor to death itself) and ego/psychology (but I'm still attractive and everyone else thinks so too... please, will others agree with me now?) going on.

As for most of those aging issues, the hair thing is the one that is most irreversible, and balding is probably one of the few things that humans cannot do 'gracefully,' as much as they would like to convince themselves otherwise. Men need only to envision women with 'male' pattern baldness (and their desirability) to see the light shining off their own heads. (queue cries of how women are so much more fair than men and know what's REALLY important!)


Edited by Heng
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Of course they love shaved heads. That's why all the young heart throbs they go crazy over all shave it.

But surely all those guys are gay or at least pansies and they gals are secretly yearning for my aerodynamic manliness.


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Never fancied a baldie but one question I've always pondered is "Why are naturally bald men usually really hairy over the rest of their body?"

My sister always had a thing for baldies. Her ex husband waS totally bald at 24 but had pube like hairs covEring the rest of him (yuk.ick.nast.) she used to clip his back & shoulders, like a dog. :) he was seriously hairy everywhere except his head, when they divorced she was with another baldy, this time 16 years older than her with no money (hows that huh?) but he was less hairy but did have a hairy back but he waxed it.

She has now moved on to a 15 year young guy with a full head of hair & not a hairy back in sight & says she has less issues over hairs left in the shower :D

At the age of 15 they are rarely bald as far as I know. :D

By the way does this one have money? :D

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:) But then your sister's pretty hot, too :D

Anyway, if a guy has a nice shaped head, and baldness suits, sure why not? Some guys just look awful with no hair and others look pretty darn good.

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I would have to agree with the last comments.

When I shave my head (normally 0.5 or 1 grade) iI tend to get people shying away from me because they think I look like a thug.

When I let my hair grow I look a lot more approachable.

This does not stop me from shaving it because I like the look sometimes but it does make me more aware of how I approach people.

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and it reminds me I haven't played pool in awhile...........

Yah, me to, every time I look in the mirror. :) I really miss all my pretty pool playing companions, and they keep e-mailing me asking when I'm coming back. I gotta wait another 6 months for that. :D

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Okay, we get it fellas, there are plenty of confident bald people out there. But let's keep it real. All else being equal (which is a phrase oft omitted from these threads), most women (and men for that matter) probably prefer a full head of hair. That's not to say that bald folks must be lonely. Plenty are not, but just like a anyone missing any kind of body part, it is a very slight handicap. Heck, I'm fine with bald folks parking in handicapped spaces so they have more time to get back to working hard to pay for that beach house and Ferrari.


We'd all rather not lose our looks, get fat, get ill, go grey, get yellowed teeth, etc. I figure all else being equal most of us will get at least one or 2 out of the ageing list and actually, the hair loss card is not a bad one to get IMHO. Clearly we must make exceptions for Peter Pans like Heng who would appear to be perfect in every way.

I find this topic interesting because of the whole clash of reality (hair follicles dying... almost like a precursor to death itself) and ego/psychology (but I'm still attractive and everyone else thinks so too... please, will others agree with me now?) going on.

As for most of those aging issues, the hair thing is the one that is most irreversible, and balding is probably one of the few things that humans cannot do 'gracefully,' as much as they would like to convince themselves otherwise. Men need only to envision women with 'male' pattern baldness (and their desirability) to see the light shining off their own heads. (queue cries of how women are so much more fair than men and know what's REALLY important!)


Well of course it would look unattractive and seem strange to the average guy, so would a hairy chest on a woman, and boobs on a man- male pattern baldness is male you see!. You really are coming across as a bit of a twit on this one Heng. Best ditching the amateur psychology book in favour of the tale of the Narcissus, in partiular his relationship to Echo. :)

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Okay, we get it fellas, there are plenty of confident bald people out there. But let's keep it real. All else being equal (which is a phrase oft omitted from these threads), most women (and men for that matter) probably prefer a full head of hair. That's not to say that bald folks must be lonely. Plenty are not, but just like a anyone missing any kind of body part, it is a very slight handicap. Heck, I'm fine with bald folks parking in handicapped spaces so they have more time to get back to working hard to pay for that beach house and Ferrari.


We'd all rather not lose our looks, get fat, get ill, go grey, get yellowed teeth, etc. I figure all else being equal most of us will get at least one or 2 out of the ageing list and actually, the hair loss card is not a bad one to get IMHO. Clearly we must make exceptions for Peter Pans like Heng who would appear to be perfect in every way.

I find this topic interesting because of the whole clash of reality (hair follicles dying... almost like a precursor to death itself) and ego/psychology (but I'm still attractive and everyone else thinks so too... please, will others agree with me now?) going on.

As for most of those aging issues, the hair thing is the one that is most irreversible, and balding is probably one of the few things that humans cannot do 'gracefully,' as much as they would like to convince themselves otherwise. Men need only to envision women with 'male' pattern baldness (and their desirability) to see the light shining off their own heads. (queue cries of how women are so much more fair than men and know what's REALLY important!)


Well of course it would look unattractive and seem strange to the average guy, so would a hairy chest on a woman, and boobs on a man- male pattern baldness is male you see!. You really are coming across as a bit of a twit on this one Heng. Best ditching the amateur psychology book in favour of the tale of the Narcissus, in partiular his relationship to Echo. :)

Call it female pattern baldness then, it's certainly out there, just not as prevalent (lucky for the gals). Touched a nerve (or bald spot) I see. The original comparison stands, although I doubt there are many women going on about how great their personalities "still" have guys knockin' down their doors.


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If my Hair starts receeding seriously I'll go for a number 1. Not sure I'd shave it. too busy. A few years ago I'd be desperate to keep my Hair at all cost.

I think its down to maturity and Vanity. I know quite a few Bald Guys who are confident and I'd say after the first few seconds recognition that there bald, it never crosses my mind again. I'm a raving Heterosexual for sure, but I can recognise a Hansome man (no pun ) . Some bald Guys I know are stunningly handsome and would look pretty weird if I saw them with Hair, these guys never have problems pulling.

Do the majority of women see it any different, I don't know :)

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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

I'm sure they can spot all of that from across the room. I know when I am at a club I focus on all the girls who would make good mothers! :)

In a relationship I would agree, and it would depend on the woman if it was her preference or not, but I believe the OP is talking about how now Thai women shy away from him or are unwilling to talk to his friend after he shaved his head.

As human beings we go by looks first.

As human beings we go by looks first. Quite agree with you.

However, a relation will not last more than a night if other more important things are taken into considerations.

True. Who gives a hoot if a woman likes or dislikes a certain physical aspect of a man. Thai women don't like beards either or big fat beer bellies. Neither do many western women. But, once they get to know a person the looks become secondary. I'm both bald and have a beard, and it's never made any difference to my relationships with women in any country. If your smile is easy and genuine, and you walk and talk with confidence, then physical attributes are over looked. It is the same with women. I've seen many physically beautiful women, but who have a sour look, and seldom smile. It takes away from their beauty.

It still comes down to what the person is like inside, and how they treat others. I've seen a lot of physically homely men with beautiful women, and it ain't because the guy was rich. I have two friends in Canada who were real lady's men, and neither is good looking by any aspect.

You mention you are bald and have a beard, do you have a beer belly? have you ever tried walking on your hands? maybe then it would look like you were clean shaven with a full head of hair....not sure what would happen with the beer belly though!

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Never fancied a baldie but one question I've always pondered is "Why are naturally bald men usually really hairy over the rest of their body?"

My sister always had a thing for baldies. Her ex husband waS totally bald at 24 but had pube like hairs covEring the rest of him (yuk.ick.nast.) she used to clip his back & shoulders, like a dog. :) he was seriously hairy everywhere except his head, when they divorced she was with another baldy, this time 16 years older than her with no money (hows that huh?) but he was less hairy but did have a hairy back but he waxed it.

She has now moved on to a 15 year young guy with a full head of hair & not a hairy back in sight & says she has less issues over hairs left in the shower :D

Good question Boo!

As we men get older all our hair starts to migrate south!

We loose it on top and gain it below.

Beats me! :D

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Just asked the wife if she is happy that I shave my head her reply was yeah better than have hair just on back of head. :)

And nothing more comfortable than having no hair flap around in the wind, combs brushes shampoo havnt used them for years :D

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Definitely a stigma. It means that you are going bald and trying to hide it. Most women, probably 95% find a bald head on a man to be hideous looking.

Rubbish, please substantiate that claim with some reputable statistics.

If you're an ugly so-and-so already, then chances are a shaved head is not going to enhance your appearance any; however, if you are even moderately good looking it doesn't detract from those good looks in any way.

And yeah, I shave my head and my TW ain't with me for the money, 'cause I haven't got any!

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A generation ago going bald was generally very embarassing for a lot of men and many would look towards Hair transplants or rugs to put off the inevitable. These solutions often brought more problems than answers though and probably added to these guys stress levels. Basically most men desperately preferred to have hair rather than be bald.

Then a step change in peoples perception towards baldness occurred. Baldness now could be seen by some to be rather cool as opposed to embarrassing. Reasons being (as mentioned by others) were various role models such as Sportsmen, Hardmen/Gangster wannabees and Filmstars adopting the shaved head look.

What a great leveller if not an actual benefit for those with male pattern baldness. Rather than feel ostracised from society, they could now with confidence pretend to be a macho tough guy, like the Mitchell brothers off Eastenders (UK TV show) or even think they look younger because the bald look is popular with young guys and after all it's only MPB or grey hair that makes you look old right (never mind the skin like leather!)?

Salvation, from loser to bruiser with one haircut QED.

Or err, some might just prefer it :) .

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Seems very popular with the Europeans.

I see a group of them bald Euros, and it reminds me I haven't played pool in awhile...........

Yea every time I see a full head of hair it reminds me of, My hair :) But i would sooner have my dashing good looks and all my teeth than hair , in fact I look like Bruce Willis. Ting ting.

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And yeah, I shave my head and my TW ain't with me for the money, 'cause I haven't got any!

This is a common misconception. As far as I know, even the most modestly paid English teacher/pensioner makes 20,000 baht a month which is substantially more than the monthly Thai minimum wage. While your prospects might look very bleak from your own perspective, there will always be a line up of desperate Thai women who see baht reflecting off of your shiny bald head.

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And yeah, I shave my head and my TW ain't with me for the money, 'cause I haven't got any!

This is a common misconception. As far as I know, even the most modestly paid English teacher/pensioner makes 20,000 baht a month which is substantially more than the monthly Thai minimum wage. While your prospects might look very bleak from your own perspective, there will always be a line up of desperate Thai women who see baht reflecting off of your shiny bald head.

Ohh that one's going to hurt :)

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Once my hair - or what is left of it - gets to a little over a number 3 the clippers come out and I am back to a number 1 or 2. She loves playing with my stubble!! Better than a comb-over any day. And the bald "bit" on top does not shine. It is tanned a golden brown. So so sexy!!!

Slightly off topic

I am being pressured into a shave now and not a shave on my head either :)

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I have been shaving my head for about 6 years now. Not everyone has a head that looks good bald. My TW will look at my head if I havent shaved in a few days and ask me when I am getting a hair cut. My wife likes the bald head and most of her family like it. I started going bald a long time ago and look so much better now. Age catches up with everyone. All of these young guys will be in the same boat one day.

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^My thoughts entirely PhilB.

In addition, you can shave off the grey hairs.

Plus look at the money saved on haircuts, shampoo and other 'product.'

We're gonna say it proud, we're bald and we're proud.

If others have a problem with this it is their problem.

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I have been shaving my head for about 6 years now. Not everyone has a head that looks good bald. My TW will look at my head if I havent shaved in a few days and ask me when I am getting a hair cut. My wife likes the bald head and most of her family like it. I started going bald a long time ago and look so much better now. Age catches up with everyone. All of these young guys will be in the same boat one day.

Not everyone..... it runs in families.

My father died at 65 with a full head of thick, curly hair - albeit grey. My mother at 81 has an incredible head of thick, long, wavy hair that she pins back.

I'm one of 4 children, and none of us has lost any hair, we've inherited the thick, wavy hair - its genetics. Yes, we're lucky in that respect.

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I don't mind men who are balding who shave their heads, I know many men who have the very short hair even though they aren't thinning or balding at all and it looks quite good.

Combovers, however, are a spawn of the devil and should be eliminated.

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