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High Security Rish For Each One Of Us

Gonzo the Face

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This may be filed under the ' who would have ever thunk it " category,,,,, but its extremely important to each and every one of us.

Yes it does affect all of us in Thailand and around the world.....;

Please take a minute and watch this clip..... its possible it may save you some grief later .

I was personally the victim of Identityy Theft, and I can tell you its a real headache ,, especially for those who are expats and far away from our countries.

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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I doubt that they store all documents ever copied but most likely have a maximum storage limit and when that memory capacity is reached it would be set to delete the oldest data and overwrite with the newer data but that could be 20 to 30 thousand pages of documents.

Its also possible that the memory threshold is configurable by a service engineer or the owner of the machine. But I can see the need to store images as this is how the manufacturer adds all the fancy features to enable the end user to do all the manipulating of the documents. But I would think there is or should be a delete function to clear any unwanted data by the user.

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I didn't know that modern copiers had this function. Why do they store a copy of every document copied, that seems a little strange to me.

I think one reason is that's how they can queue up jobs for printing. So you can scan a 100 page document for copying and accept a print order from several PC's and not be limited by the on board memory. Plus it lets companies check what's being copied to monitor if secrets are walking out the door.

The disturbing part is it seems like the leasing companies cleared the drives, but just did some simple deletion. The manufacturers should at minimum supply some wiping software and build in encryption for the storage in the first place.

Kinda dumb of CBS to say that consumers are unaware. None of the copies they were dealing with were some consumer using the copier at work to copy their tax return, they were businesses doing routine copies. It sounds like businesses have to be made aware so that the IT departments take care of it before the copiers go back.

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Thanks Gonzo for bringing this to our attention.

So what about us in Thailand, when we have our bank books, passports and other personal documents photo copied for Immigration and visa purposes?

None of us can know where and who will end up with the data.

Something else to worry about I suppose.

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So what about us in Thailand, when we have our bank books, passports and other personal documents photo copied for Immigration and visa purposes?

Since TV people need a computer to read and input to TV, they probably have a printer. If it does not have the capability, invest in a printer/scanner/copier.

Keep all your forms on the computer, filling them out as required (computer typed is easier for immigration to read; looks more professional). Copy all your passports, etc., at home. Show up at immigration, for example, with filled in forms and all the needed copies. Makes like so much easier.

Edited by noise
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Call me stupid, but if someone does steal your ID, what can they do with it?

And how liable are you for any misdeeds undertaken using your name if proven your id was stolen?

Just curious.

Edited by tuky
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Call me stupid, but if someone does steal your ID, what can they do with it?

And how liable are you for any misdeeds undertaken using your name if proven your id was stolen?

Just curious.

It's not easy to get a criminal history or ruined credit rating expunged.

Your life could go to shit while you are trying to convince various institutions it was nothing to do with you.

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