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Laotian Girls Left Stranded By Unscrupulous Thai Employer


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Laotian Girls Left Stranded by Unscrupulous Thai Employer

PATTAYA:-- the 10th of May 2010 [PDN]: At approximately 4:00am, Banglamung police investigators were notified that a pair of young Laotian women had been seen sitting on the footpath along Sukhumvit Road in a distressed state. Suspecting that the women had been staying illegally in the Kingdom a police team was despatched to the scene immediately.

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Pattaya Daily News



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I have posted a comment on PDN site, but it was not published.

So I will repeat it here.

I have only two (2) questions.

1. If the two girls were so distressed and asked to be returned to Laos, why are they behind the bars?

2. Where is the Thai man? I'm sure Thai Police knows NUSSING about him.

TIT. Love it... and Hate it... :)

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I guess it wont be difficult to find the Thai man who employed those 2 girls , hoping they could find their way back to his home. This is how to treat human being ? That Thai guy has no shame at all ? This is disgusting. :)

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:) Completely agree, such a sad situation. Let's hope the Thai guy who used these teen girls for his own purposes has the guts to turn himself in. Too bad they were driven to the drop off point and cannot lead police back to this scumbags house.
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I have posted a comment on PDN site, but it was not published.

So I will repeat it here.

I have only two (2) questions.

1. If the two girls were so distressed and asked to be returned to Laos, why are they behind the bars?

2. Where is the Thai man? I'm sure Thai Police knows NUSSING about him.

TIT. Love it... and Hate it... :)

To 1. Because they did illegally immigrate, working without workpermit. Even when distressed, they did still break the law.

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The one girl is only 14, I hope they get the exploiting B----d.

Given the age of the girls it would have been more appropriate to move them to a place of care until they can can be repatriated.

Their must a few people who had seen the girls working for him, maybe if they published the story in some Thai newspapers with pictures hopefully someone will finger this guy.

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Now here is the most likely scenario:

The two girls wanted (or were sent by their parents) to come to Thailand to work.

They contracted the services of an agent, usually Thai, however sometimes Lao, to find employment.

The agent will find a position for them, organise the illegal border crossing, organise the transport to the place of of employment.

For the above, the agent will ask for a "head" price, which also will include the first two months salary, which is used as a guarantee that the prospective employees don't flee after being successfully employed (many flee as soon as they gain entry into Thailand; cheap way to visit relatives without having to get passport, & paying for own transportation etc.).

The two girls in question have most likely done a runner on their employer, and because they have no money, are not near relatives, no bank account, and they haven't been made legal (can only make migrant workers legal once per year), their only option is to get caught and repatriated, at the Thai governments expense, back to Lao.

That is why they are in the lock-up.


The girls have done a runner on their employer (for whatever reason, we can only speculate).

The employer is probably out of pocket for the "head" price (guarantee rarely comes back as cash, usually as more migrant workers to replace the ones that have done a runner) for the duration of time he has no staff. He is most likely not the bad guy in this actual situation.

The author of the PDN article has no clue about the migrant worker trade within Thailand.

And before people start up on the people trafficking angle - I would estimate that 95% or more of the total number of migrant workers (Lao, Khmer, Myanmar) in Thailand at any given time, actually want to be there for the far greater salary they receive from the Thai's in comparison to what they could earn in their home countries.

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Now here is the most likely scenario:

The two girls wanted (or were sent by their parents) to come to Thailand to work.

They contracted the services of an agent, usually Thai, however sometimes Lao, to find employment.

The agent will find a position for them, organise the illegal border crossing, organise the transport to the place of of employment.

For the above, the agent will ask for a "head" price, which also will include the first two months salary, which is used as a guarantee that the prospective employees don't flee after being successfully employed (many flee as soon as they gain entry into Thailand; cheap way to visit relatives without having to get passport, & paying for own transportation etc.).

The two girls in question have most likely done a runner on their employer, and because they have no money, are not near relatives, no bank account, and they haven't been made legal (can only make migrant workers legal once per year), their only option is to get caught and repatriated, at the Thai governments expense, back to Lao.

That is why they are in the lock-up.


The girls have done a runner on their employer (for whatever reason, we can only speculate).

The employer is probably out of pocket for the "head" price (guarantee rarely comes back as cash, usually as more migrant workers to replace the ones that have done a runner) for the duration of time he has no staff. He is most likely not the bad guy in this actual situation.

The author of the PDN article has no clue about the migrant worker trade within Thailand.

And before people start up on the people trafficking angle - I would estimate that 95% or more of the total number of migrant workers (Lao, Khmer, Myanmar) in Thailand at any given time, actually want to be there for the far greater salary they receive from the Thai's in comparison to what they could earn in their home countries.

A very elegant speculation.

Now what would be done in your country?

I would rather see these girls counselled by a child protection specialist, the kind of

maid duties they performed verified, the police investigate and find their 'employer', and depending on the outcome, the law should be applied. Law? :)

And skip telling me Police can not find him. There is always the 'agent' who arranged this sordid affair. At least by your version.

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A very elegant speculation.

Now what would be done in your country?

I would rather see these girls counselled by a child protection specialist, the kind of

maid duties they performed verified, the police investigate and find their 'employer', and depending on the outcome, the law should be applied. Law? :D

And skip telling me Police can not find him. There is always the 'agent' who arranged this sordid affair. At least by your version.

My version? Huh! That's a good one. Lets hear your version..... :)

You are volunteering to counsel, train & investigate 2mil+ migrant (mainly illegal - although they want be here) workers in Thailand? Oh yeah, the police could find them if they wanted to, they can do anything if they put their minds to it, however the police are not willing to waste their time unless the situation falls right in their laps.

Anyway - back to the topic at hand.

IMO the author of the news article does not have the facts to the case and is sensationalizing to sell a story.

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I was just glad to hear there was no mention of "abuse," beyond the obvious financial, sociological, etc...

... no mention is just that...

does not prove absense of abuse.

No facts from PDN. No follow-up. In 1 hr the reported news are forgotten. Bandar-log. :)

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A very elegant speculation.

Now what would be done in your country?

I would rather see these girls counselled by a child protection specialist, the kind of

maid duties they performed verified, the police investigate and find their 'employer', and depending on the outcome, the law should be applied. Law? :D

And skip telling me Police can not find him. There is always the 'agent' who arranged this sordid affair. At least by your version.

My version? Huh! That's a good one. Lets hear your version..... :)

You are volunteering to counsel, train & investigate 2mil+ migrant (mainly illegal - although they want be here) workers in Thailand? Oh yeah, the police could find them if they wanted to, they can do anything if they put their minds to it, however the police are not willing to waste their time unless the situation falls right in their laps.

Anyway - back to the topic at hand.

IMO the author of the news article does not have the facts to the case and is sensationalizing to sell a story.

Chill out, Rogue. The facts are: - there are no facts, no follow-up, no news!

You offered a version, a speculation. It even could be a right one. I was dismayed by Police inaction and indifference. By the way, this case 'DID FALL IN THEIR LAP'.

As to the girls being guilty of illegally coming in, the man who you suggested 'paid per head' and is now out of pocket (poor fellow!) is guilty of as much. Or, maybe, much more?... The point is,- nobody cares...

So, no need to plunge into an argument. I have none with you. Keep the ice-pack around your head. And the balls in your pants. At least in this case. Cheers. :D

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